"Ripped" in October



  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    I love this video! I feel great when it's done and really hungry - so that must mean I am burning something!

    My hamstrings are still tight but better than earlier in the week. Love the leg workout. Is it sad that the running man is really hard for me? I feel like I want to do it for 10 seconds and quit.

    Happy Friday!

    Running man is quite a discomfort for me given my weak bladder. Instead I do the butt kicks that time and repeat them in the next circuit also. I told myself the idea of cardio is to elevate heart beat and get the body warmed up, so I substituted this for the one I can do
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Hey Carrotz5! I'm originally a Michigan girl, born and raised in Kalamazoo, went to Grand Valley and Western. I now live in the Twin Cities.

    It's suppose to be beautiful here AGAIN!!! I'm trying to get my family moving so we can go take some fall family pics to use on our Christmas cards. (good luck with THAT one!)

    I'm actually taking a complete day of rest (DOR). The most I might do is go to the amusement park and take my dog for a walk.

    I went out to dinner for my anniversary yesterday. I didn't do too bad food wise, but I wasn't perfect. I DID have wine :drinker: and dessert! Loved them both and enjoyed them fully.

    ROCK ON!! :tongue:
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    I'm loving my rest day! I did 30 minutes on the elliptical to keep me moving, but slept in and enjoyed the extra rest! Looking forward to week 2 starting tomorrow!
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    Ok ladies! My first couple workouts this week will be around 9-10pm after my 12 hour shift. Sooo, I decided to start week 2 today so I know what to expect! Omg! I thought I felt uncoordinated doing some of the moves in week 1, and week 2 is even worse! Sometimes I had a hard time even keeping up with the modified version! Hopefully it will get better after doing the moves more, but today felt like I wasn't even getting a good workout because I spent so much time trying to figure out what the he'll I was doing!
    Also, sooo many plank moves! I HATE planks!

    Anyways, hope I didn't ruin your excitement of starting level 2, but I'm curious to see what you all have to say after your start of week 2 tomorrow!

    Anyways. I'll try my best to get the best out of it! Keep up the ripping!
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    What a small world cmDaffy! I grew up in Grand Rapids and went to Grand Valley for my bachelors. I have several friends that live in Kalamazoo or went to Western :). I even lived in Minnesota for a little over a year after I graduated from Grand Valley. I worked at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I used to think winters here in West Michigan got cold, but after a winter in Rochester, MN I realized how wrong I was (especially after I was told that was a mild winter)! I admire you for surviving those winters in the Cities!

    jhollyrn... now I'm a bit nervous about Level 2! I heard rumors it got tougher. I'm interested in the new routine though! I'm hoping I'll be able to do it. I seemed to have come down with a bit of a cold. It seems to really only be effecting my voice right now. On that note, I'm going to pack my lunch and get some rest so I'll be able to tackle Jillian Michaels and her Level 2 workout!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    D1 L2 done and it is evil! It was definitely planktastic, its a good thing we're not doing 10 days of this! I'm a bit scared of whats in store in L3 and 4 now. Saying that, I'm staying positive and putting this down to it being day 1 and I'm sure it'll be easier tomorrow!

    Good luck everyone :)
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    Oh gosh. I am having trouble getting moving this morning and thought that I would check in to get some motivation. That may have been a mistake. :laugh:

    Anyway I'm off to get "ripped" now, I'll be back later to check in. If I survive. :laugh:
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm back. I survived. :smile:

    That was a lot of coordination and balance. Two areas I seriously lack in. I kinda felt like each piece wasn't hard, but the way that she combined them made me go :noway: I will say I'm already looking forward to doing it again tomorrow now that I kinda know what I'm in for.

    And what is up with how she talks to and treats Shelly in this one? I don't know, but it just really rubbed me the wrong way. :mad:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I like Level 2! :smile:

    So much better than 1. I really didn't care for the first level so even though 2 is tougher I like doing it.
    I did it yesterday even though I only did 5 days of Level 1 last week, I like 2 rest days per week.

    Be back in a bit with more comments....
  • Hi,

    I recently finished 30 day shred and lost 22 pounds and 50 cm's. I am now up to level 2 on Ripped and really enjoying it, well I haven't actually done level 2 yet..... I did an extra 2 days of level 1 as I have a chest cold and wasn't ready for it. Nice to see so many others benefit from JIllians work outs.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Carrotz5, My GVSU degree is in Pysch/Poli Sci, and my MA from Western is in Psych. Lived in Kistler for a year and then 3 years in the Ravines. (and what is up with my beloved Laker football team this year? SHEESH!!:grumble: ) Funny, I've never really noticed the winters being bad here. I kind of like snow and living where they have snow in the winter has always been a priority.

    Back to "Ripped"..

    Did Level 2 and I'm about as graceful as a cow in a tu-tu! Balance on one leg like a stork, not possible. And I don't think my arms are long enough to do the ab raises to then get off the ground to do a table. Lunges with a leg raise? I won't even tell you how funny I look doing THOSE!!

    I realized about half way through that my blood sugar was crashing (despite NOT wearing my pump when I "Rip") so, I don't know if I'd do better with a normal blood sugar, we'll find out tomorrow!

    Kristyalla, nice job on your "Shred" loss!! :bigsmile:

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Ok ladies! My first couple workouts this week will be around 9-10pm after my 12 hour shift. Sooo, I decided to start week 2 today so I know what to expect! Omg! I thought I felt uncoordinated doing some of the moves in week 1, and week 2 is even worse! Sometimes I had a hard time even keeping up with the modified version! Hopefully it will get better after doing the moves more, but today felt like I wasn't even getting a good workout because I spent so much time trying to figure out what the he'll I was doing!
    Also, sooo many plank moves! I HATE planks!

    Anyways, hope I didn't ruin your excitement of starting level 2, but I'm curious to see what you all have to say after your start of week 2 tomorrow!

    Anyways. I'll try my best to get the best out of it! Keep up the ripping!

    I feel ya on the planks. I had to stop a few times. ha. Level is 2 is a little harder.
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    Wow! Week 2 is intense! So, what's in store for next week????

    I had a great sweat and really enjoyed it! I'm sure I looked like a fool, but oh well. I'm with you Daffy, I think my arms are too short for the ab raises...that was interesting!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Rippers!!

    Week 2, Day 1 is now history!! Yay! I had a rough start this morning, I attempted the first circuit after drinking a cup of coffee :noway: :noway: ...bad idea~ So, I had to take a 20 minute break and start all over again:sad: ...Oh well, I have to agree with you- level 2 is something else! And I already have picked out my Jillian quotes that I find annoying :laugh: .

    Those table/ab planks -SUCK:devil: :laugh: However, I'm noticing bits of improvements as I'm able to follow Shelly on a few of the ab moves, but for the most part ...it was a Natalie show!:glasses:

    And can I just say.... I HATE plank jacks followed by mountain climbers- geesh!:grumble::grumble: :bigsmile: ...

    In any event, 5 more days to go!! See you all tomorrow! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Greetings Rippers!!

    Week 2, Day 1 is now history!! Yay! I had a rough start this morning, I attempted the first circuit after drinking a cup of coffee :noway: :noway: ...bad idea~ So, I had to take a 20 minute break and start all over again:sad: ...Oh well, I have to agree with you- level 2 is something else! And I already have picked out my Jillian quotes that I find annoying :laugh: .

    Those table/ab planks -SUCK:devil: :laugh: However, I'm noticing bits of improvements as I'm able to follow Shelly on a few of the ab moves, but for the most part ...it was a Natalie show!:glasses:

    And can I just say.... I HATE plank jacks followed by mountain climbers- geesh!:grumble::grumble: :bigsmile: ...

    In any event, 5 more days to go!! See you all tomorrow! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The plank jack and mountain climbers are tough. Did you have to stop any
  • Kim1118
    Kim1118 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey, Rippers!

    I need to check in more. Last week is history...woohoo! I felt pretty good by day 6. I had increased my weight on several of the exercises and I wasn't sore even though I was picking up on the intensity. I struggled a little with the butt kicks (my right leg flies out to the side for some reason) and I must admit that I abandoned the side plank lifts early in the week (I substituted crunches instead).

    I was feeling fairly good about myself... until this morning. I'm not sure if it's because the difficulty changed or because I was hurting from doing P90X Plyometrics last night (I ate to much on Sunday, so I did them at 8:00 to get my calories back under my goal). I also burned less calories than I did last week. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

    I think Jillian is a little less annoying this week, but I could've just missed it because I was hurting...I'll be listening more closely tomorrow :smile:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Haven't done day 2 yet, I might do it later today depending on how I feel. I've been running around picking up fallen branches and tipped over potted plants in my yard most of the day. Rain storms and wind yesterday. :ohwell:

    Those stork stands? are TOUGH after all the plank jacks and such....I had to do them without any weight. I don't see how anyone that's not used to them can balance AND do the barbbell rows at the same time. Crazy. I'm not quite sure on that crawl up the leg ab crunch move either. I don't think I was doing it correctly, it seemed so awkward.
    I had to pause the DVD a few times to figure out what I was supposed to be doing but overall I felt like it was a much better workout than last week.

    I am happy she left out the running man this week. :noway:
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh my word! Can we talk about coordination!?!?! I didn't realize I was THAT uncoordinated until doing the Level 2 workout! I think I spent more time with a confused look on my face trying to figure out what my arms and legs were supposed to be doing. On the bright side, I made it through with an appropriate amount of sweat. :) Now that I've been through the workout once I'm sure tomorrow will be much easier and I'll be able to focus more on my form.

    I agree with most of you ladies and HATE plank jacks followed by mountain climbers. Can't wait to see how I improve over the course of this week!

    So excited that Level 2 Day 1 is over! Now off to the shower and Monday night football tonight. :) Keep up the good work ladies and happy Ripping!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    I so was not liking week 2 today!! maybe it will be better tomorrow!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Good Day Rippers!! :wink:

    Got an early start today :bigsmile: Well, Week 2, Day 2 is done!:drinker:

    Well, I got through it, here's the usual moan and groan....those "crow push ups" ( i think i'm saying it right...the ones where she has you go down and bring your thighs up to your arm) are the devil: :devil: I swear I make more ungodly grunts on this exercise alone:grumble: - that exercise and the mountain climbers and plank jacks- I'm always stopping to catch my breath.:sad: :sad: :yawn:

    Now let's change it up a bit shall we??:laugh: :laugh:


    You know surprisingly enough, I don't have much trouble with the stork raises, or the tricep extenstions.....I am bringing it!!:laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Now what say you? What are you all bringing it on? Let's celebrate our small victories:smokin: