


  • PBJunkie
    PBJunkie Posts: 652
    Woman are soooooo demanding lol
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    You talking bout me? My kids doctors have never seen my wife, just heard her on phone. Kids are 14 and 16 now! My teacher schedule is just better than her hospital schedule.
  • Yes. These and many more...are you looking for me? :tongue:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    mine cleans, i cook, and we dont have kids...
  • ButterflyJourney
    ButterflyJourney Posts: 46 Member
    Yes! My husband is great. He does the cooking, takes care of the house (inside and out), does the grocery shopping, pays the bills and makes my dinner every night (for over 30 years now). I am blessed to have him in my life. And yes, he has 3 brothers. They are all the same way (and all married).
  • Boo67
    Boo67 Posts: 43 Member
    My partner is fully trained in all aspects of housework, is a very good cook and so much better at ironing than me. I am eternally grateful for his skills.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    What I do
    ~work about 50 hours per week as a Chef
    ~I do the cooking (because I absolutely love to cook even after a long day)
    ~Fold my own laundry - because its mainly only pj's and chef uniforms and garments
    ~I clean the laundry for both of us - he works third shift so by the time he gets home, its shower, change and hit the sack

    What WE do together
    ~clean and put away the dishes
    ~pick up the house together
    ~Sometimes he will come with me to go grocery shopping, its nice to be together with conflicting schedules
    ~he will always ask if I need help cooking our meals.. and that I appreciate very much
    ~when Im sick, he will pitch in more so I can rest up...

    We have an empty nest now for almost three months (my 18 yr old daughter)

    When he helps me knowing Im working a very long shift, coming home seeing things taken care of AND a fresh pot of coffee made, that is just so wonderful... I do the same, Ill have his clothes in the bathroom with a towel ready for him to just jump in. A meal has already been made and an individual plate is done up for when he wakes up later, and the coffee pot is set to perk about .30 minutes before he gets up... its nice and hot when he gets up.

    We both take good care of each other....
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I don't drive the kid around cause I'm at work from 5 to 5, but other than that . . . yes :-)
  • ericjr7210
    ericjr7210 Posts: 40 Member
    I cook dinner every night, drive the kids to practice and coach as well... I could do a little better in the cleaning the house department, but I do my share.
  • Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    Why would I do that when I've got a wife to do that for me? :drinker: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    This literally made me laugh! My husband shares your mindset most of the time!

    To the OP: I struggled a long time with my husband not really contributing to the household stuff- but we're slowly making progress. I still do 85-90% of everything related to kids, house, yard, and bills- but that's a big improvement over me doing everything. And, the more he sees my, um... appreciation for his help, the more inclined he is to pitch in! :wink:
  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    I vacuumed / swept the whole house last Thursday, scrubbed the crapper, and showers.

    My wife made it up to me ;);)

    I might have to do some more cleaning ;)

    I also grill things and cooked 3 days last week.

    PS: No kids here!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    Sorry we've been sworn to secrecy by our wives lest we should be stolen. But now you know too much....


  • ThinspiredButterfly
    ThinspiredButterfly Posts: 176 Member
    my fiance literally does all the house work. which is goooood, that way i can rest until this baby finally comes :]]
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Yesterday I cleaned my apartment, did the dishes and later this week I'll do laundry. I clean when I am bored.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Yes. Yes there are...

  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    My partner doesnt do any houseowrk, but i dont excpect him to, i work 37 hours a week, sitting on my *kitten*, he, however does 70 hour weeks and i mean he works his *kitten* of! he is on call every weekend and gets a good wage. I would never expect him to come home and start doing the chores! no way, i get home at 6 do all the housework and then we work out together! wouldnt have it any other way :)
  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    <---- One's right here!
  • when i think i get some from wifey i am!
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Are there any men in this world that clean a house, make dinner and drive kids around?

    I cook, clean, do yardwork, take care of our daughter with no help, I take our daughter to the Dr. and other appointments and gymnastics.

    In fact, i probably do more cooking than my wife does and at least as much house work as she does. I do the shopping a lot too.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    When I'm off work I clean the house, cook dinner, do laundry, get the kids up, take the kids to and from school and sports. When I'm working my wife does this. We both work, we both take care of things.