Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Hybrid Week 4 Day 2 Complete - Hour 1 - Yoga and then AbAttack classes - Hour 2 - P90x Core Synergistics. - Anyone who knows Yoga can appreciate this: I held Crane and a full wheel for like 7 seconds each! The Yoga instructor had me try wheel last week and all I had was this broken down wheel on my big noggin. This week I took it up! (I'm stoked)

    And Also.....GO CARDS!!!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    4 days away from another 5k. I have not run in months until a few weeks ago when my daughter's XC team entered a public 5k so I signed up to run with them. I now haven't ran since and they did it again so I signed up again. I also have a full day of football officiating scheduled to start 2 hours after the race is scheduled to start and I will be about 40 minutes away. So I run, finish, jump in car and drive to football then almost immediately hit the field for about 5 hours. Should be an interesting Saturday :)
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    This is a good thread. I restarted the Couch to 5K program last week. During W4 I had to stop running because of an injury. This morning I completed W2D1, and it went well, much better than the first time. This is a part of an effort to lose weight, which I have lost 20 lbs and have another 20 to go.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    drhendricks11: Keep it up. It works!

    I did my first 5k off the completion of C25k, My pastor and his wife (Who were truly "couch") ran their first 5ks a few weeks ago with me off completion of that program. If you stick with it, it works.
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    Running my first 5k race this weekend. I've been running at least a 5k every day for the past few weeks, but I'm interested to see how my time will be in a race setting. I'm debating about whether to take it easy to make sure that I finish, and to try and go all out and get a good time, and also whether I should take walk breaks or not.

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  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Hey all, just saw this thread here.

    I'm in Sao Paulo on business for the next three months. Being away from my fiance is tough, having to behave with so many beautiful women around is tougher I'm trying to get more serious about my workouts. Got a wedding to get in shape for after all.

    Problem is the gym in my apartment is extremely basic, one universal machine and a few treadmills, there is an olympic size pool though. I'm giving myself a few challenges to try to reach by the time I go back home to New York:

    1) 250 Burpees (no pull-up) in one sitting (at 290 currently, this will be brutal but all I have for lifting is calisthenics)
    2) 10k jogging in 75 minutes (I can do a 5k in between 40 to 45 minutes right now for reference)
    3) 20k walking no time limit
    4) 5k swim no time limit (I'm a pretty good swimmer, this one I can probably do right now will just take forever)
    5) 10k swim no time limit (No idea if I can do this one or not, it'll be a reach)

    Assuming I don't get back to the apartment too late I'm going to make my first go at the burpees tonight and shoot for a sub-40 minute 5k (I did 5.11k in 50 minutes this morning). Wish me luck!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Running my first 5k race this weekend. I've been running at least a 5k every day for the past few weeks, but I'm interested to see how my time will be in a race setting. I'm debating about whether to take it easy to make sure that I finish, and to try and go all out and get a good time, and also whether I should take walk breaks or not.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    When I do a 5k race, it's all about jogging the whole thing for me. Even if I end up with a time slower than if I had just walked some of it, I feel like it's a mental victory if I can keep my feet moving the whole time. That being said when I'm just exercising on the treadmill, I'll walk from time to time and do intervals and all sorts of stuff, I find that adding walks in improves my time by a good few minutes or so. I'm extremely slow (my last 5k race was in central park and I finished it in like 51 minutes), so no idea if you're in the same boat as me. Good luck either way! Just finishing you're doing better than most folks.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    He is right, Find a pace that will allow you to "run" the whole way.

    Note: I take "run" as "not walk", not meaning "sprint".
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    So I completed my first 5K race! My time was 30:49, which I thought was pretty good and was about where I was training. I ended up running the whole way, and solved my pacing problems early by finding other people to pace myself off of (which ended up being a 7 year old girl and her dad who both crushed me at the end). The most interesting part was having conversations with other people while the race was going on - I've never talked while running before. At the end I felt like Apollo Creed at the end of Rocky ("Ain't gonna be no rematch"), but after letting it sink in, I would like to try another one in a few months. All in all, it was a pretty cool experience.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I ran a 5k on my bad knee the weekend before last. I did suprisingly well for being hurt. 22:26. Last year I ran it in 22:07. I think I could have broken 20:00 if I hadn't been dragging around a bad leg. If you stick with them, you will see big improvements. Just don't fall down a hill on a training run and screw up your knees!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I had one scheduled but got sent off for work at the last minute. I am still in the 26s since I have not been training.

    24:30 was my best
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    So I have another one lined up for Thanksgiving morning - looks like it is a really nice event (it benefits poor and needy families). It's $5 extra to get a timing chip - does anyone think it's worth the cost? (I do own a stopwatch). And it will great to burn so many calories on a day designed for the gluttonous. I'm going to try and alternate speed and endurance workouts between now and then to prepare. Most importantly, I will try not to fall down while training. :) Thanks for the support, guys.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I had one scheduled but got sent off for work at the last minute. I am still in the 26s since I have not been training.

    24:30 was my best

    I ran a 21:27 last spring. I won't run again for a while. I am giving this knee the break that it needs. Luckily, there is no pain on a bike or elliptical.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Got to love those Turkey Trots :)
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Falling down sucks. I'd rather go slower than fall, particularly off the bike. I dont buy Rocky's 'no pain' bs.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Can I be one of the guys? You can call me "dude" ;)
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    We used to have a resident girl in this thread but I don't know what happened to Red.

    Notice how I rhymed there :)

    I'm a poet and don't know it!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Dinos - Pain can be good or bad, you just need to be able to tell the difference.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Umpire !!!. A poet AND a philosopher :noway:
    You're becoming Greek :laugh:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    In that case I need to come visit one day. I really would love to, you guys have a beautiful land (At least what I have seen in pictures)