Stay-At-Home Moms 3/23-3/29



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i woke to all the major rooms of my house being just about spotless. i fell asleep with one of the boys last night early. then one of the other boys woke at 12 and wouldnt sleep. made me crazy! but i digress...tyler my oldest son just newly 14, cleaned my bathroom,kitchen, livingroom, dining room,sitting room, made lunches for him and his brother and washed the dishes last night. :bigsmile:
    he wants a later bed time and a cell phone...:noway:
    how awesome! a cell phone?? that's a toughie mom--all the other kids have them. :laugh:
    enjoy your clean castle!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    morning all! :flowerforyou: just following up on the childr's museum. the outing was fine. but i was pleasantly surprised to find they had revamped the place! they have a little village center--so instead of just the bank and grocery store like before, they added a car shop and airport baggage center and more. #3--the boy, couldn't get enuf of the tires for the car. it was just so cute--i wish i had brougt the camcorder! :tongue: they also had a special Clifford exhibit--it's one that travels to diff museums. that was also very clever and well done and great for diff age kids. sooo i'm glad we went. it turned out to be new and exciting. :smile:

    so whatchyall got on tap for today? and what's for dinner tonight?

    we are going to a park this am to meet some friends. hopefully i will bake some challah this afternoon and cook the chicken breasts. how am i cooking them?? no idea yet :grumble: and just maybe after school, i can take the kids to the y--workout for me and *maybe* a swim for them after. maybe maybe
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Seriously, can you teach a class or something. I feel like I have issues somedays controlling my life with ONE child and I'm not working!!! You da man Wicked Witch!

    ditto, but i felt stupid saying so. you'd think with 3 and one being 8 1/2 i'd have figured out the basics by now. nope. :frown:
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    i woke to all the major rooms of my house being just about spotless. i fell asleep with one of the boys last night early. then one of the other boys woke at 12 and wouldnt sleep. made me crazy! but i digress...tyler my oldest son just newly 14, cleaned my bathroom,kitchen, livingroom, dining room,sitting room, made lunches for him and his brother and washed the dishes last night. :bigsmile:
    he wants a later bed time and a cell phone...:noway:
    how awesome! a cell phone?? that's a toughie mom--all the other kids have them. :laugh:
    enjoy your clean castle!

    thats his argument too:laugh:
    we may allow it when he goes into high school since his is almost 1 hr away. he got accepted to the aggie school
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318

    so whatchyall got on tap for today? and what's for dinner tonight?

    book shelves need to be gone through. therapy for sam's week needs to be finished. i have to go to the fish store. the boys love it since they have whole fish there to check out. i have to vaccuum. 4 loads of laundry. prepare the ingredients for the rosary party dishes tomorrow. grocery shopping. taxes. baseball for AJ and tyler is going to a friends house.
    I'm making portuguese fish stew. sea bass,onions,potatoes,tomato sauce, water and assafua(safflower)cinnamon,allspice,pepper,salt and a little garlic.
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Seriously, can you teach a class or something. I feel like I have issues somedays controlling my life with ONE child and I'm not working!!! You da man Wicked Witch!

    ditto, but i felt stupid saying so. you'd think with 3 and one being 8 1/2 i'd have figured out the basics by now. nope. :frown:

    i think we all have those kinds of days though. well maybe except miss hannigan over there. hehe
    dont get me wrong my kids are good kids but it's crazy here sometimes. Im sure marla's hosue gets the best of her sometimes too... i think.
    the one thing that has been helpful for me is posting the rules and consequences.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member

    so whatchyall got on tap for today? and what's for dinner tonight?

    book shelves need to be gone through. therapy for sam's week needs to be finished. i have to go to the fish store. the boys love it since they have whole fish there to check out. i have to vaccuum. 4 loads of laundry. prepare the ingredients for the rosary party dishes tomorrow. grocery shopping. taxes. baseball for AJ and tyler is going to a friends house.
    I'm making portuguese fish stew. sea bass,onions,potatoes,tomato sauce, water and assafua(safflower)cinnamon,allspice,pepper,salt and a little garlic.

    mmmmm portuguese food...and fresh seafood...don't mention hoo mee chow mein or i might hop in my car for a 3 hour drive :tongue:
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318

    so whatchyall got on tap for today? and what's for dinner tonight?

    book shelves need to be gone through. therapy for sam's week needs to be finished. i have to go to the fish store. the boys love it since they have whole fish there to check out. i have to vaccuum. 4 loads of laundry. prepare the ingredients for the rosary party dishes tomorrow. grocery shopping. taxes. baseball for AJ and tyler is going to a friends house.
    I'm making portuguese fish stew. sea bass,onions,potatoes,tomato sauce, water and assafua(safflower)cinnamon,allspice,pepper,salt and a little garlic.

    mmmmm portuguese food...and fresh seafood...don't mention hoo mee chow mein or i might hop in my car for a 3 hour drive :tongue:

    your always welcome to come down!
  • mossmommy
    mossmommy Posts: 63
    hey ladies! i hope ya'll all had good days (or atleast bearable ones!). Abby has started waking up every morning at 2 am and screaming til I feed her and put her back down. This is nuts for me because since month 1 she's slept all through the night...i think its her teeth coming in? she got her bottom ones and now her top and sides and everywhere are following...argh!

    then today i had to drive to our new house and make sure the electricity and water were on and that everything was clean for us to move in tomorrow, which should be interesting considering all of our friends are busy so it will be just me and shaun moving our heavy, heavy, heavy furniture. ugh. but good exercise right? i wonder if mfp has moving a 500 lb entertainment center in the exercise log... :laugh:

    this has been the first day i have controlled my hunger and been right on my cals (not wayyy over or wayyy under). i got sushi and sonic and still kept it healthy, yay me!

    i hope ya'll are doing well. i'm bored at home because shaun is working until 12 midnight tonight so chat with me!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hi Julia! I'm not bored, just avoiding my to-do's---namely make dinner!
    I very much dislike making dinner for my family night after night. If i were a RICH woman, i'd have a personal chef--hands down, the best use of my oooooodles of money!
    Instead, i have to come up with meat and pot meals practically every night. i know it's what we all do and what people all over do and have done for centuries. just sayin' it's not my cup of tea.:grumble:

    of course, tho, i managed to bake the bread. now THAT was important! :laugh:

    sooooo, julia--what should i do with my two boneless skinless chicken breasts? i don't like thai or indian and can't have nuts (b/c baby can't have them yet). fast and easy and hubby complains if i just grill them with bbq sauce. he is picky eater #1 in this house! :laugh:

    btw--how TOTALLY exciting that tomorrow is moving day for you!! :drinker:
    as for abby, could be teeth, could be ears, could be growth spurt and she's extra hungry. watch the trend and then you'll have a better sense of the problem and whether to see dr or not. hth

    ttfn :laugh: and please post dinner idea--quick :tongue:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    well, i'm making chicken chili--i've combined (not necessarily in a good way) 2 recipes. we'll see how it turns out!
    so we have salad, corn, chili and challah and grape juice. looks like we're set! :happy:

    have a good night yall
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    i ended up not being able to get the sea bass since the season for it is done. I made grilled salmon with chives over wattercress and spinach on a pool of chick pea puree with garlic and basil. topped it off with some sweet balsamic and YUMMY!
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Having a bad week this week doesnt happen often for me but still feeling run down runny nose and sore throat been back again the last 2 days doesnt help when my youngest is the same and I have all this party stuff to make got the birthday cake finished last night. Got to ice the cutting cake later today to chop and put in party bags then got to make 40 cupcakes made 30 yesterday but 20 of them were sold to someone else for a crappy £10 I am going to put the price up this weekend to 75p a cake instead of 50p I need to make it more worth my while she did give me another order for Jul and she wants her wedding cake made next year with 150 cupcakes also so kinda gotta keep her sweet as this in the big picture is a good earner for me. Just hopes if we are blessed with another baby I can still keep up with all this it would be a shame not too I have business cards and a website now why should a baby get in the way of this I can allways work at night to get the orders done.

    Only worked out mon tues and never got round to doing shred didnt swim yesterday not a good idea with a cold however I do feel a little better today havent lost any weight havent gained either now pleased and fed upwill work hard this week (after today and tomorrow that is be enough work with all the kids tomorrow who needs to workout on top of that) so monday will really kick *kitten* again and will have good weight loss next week and mental note water water water I have been bad with this all week so gotta kick it up a gear could be why I havent lost as I do feel bloated.

    Have a good weekend all speak on monday my world is juts a bout to go crazy aaarrrrggghhhh.:heart::smile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    whew tazzy! deep breath in...
    hope the party goes well--enjoy it! :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    It's been so crazy here I just wanted to pop in for a minute & say hello. I haven't read all the way through the posts b/c my eyes are burning from lack of quality/quantity sleep. Thunderstorms on top of nightmares (me, not the kids) led for a very bad night last night. :yawn:

    I'll try to read through later & catch up. I hope everyone is having a fantastic week! :flowerforyou:
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    I guess I'll pop in and say hello too.

    Ashfall finally came to Anchorage lastnight. So I am officially house bound today. I will have to wash the car in the garage to get the ash off of it too. Fun day ahead.

    Last night I got together with several ladies who's Hubbies are deployed. There were some killer desserts and since I am usually good I decided to let loose last night...I logged everything just to get some idea of the damage. Geez! I will definitely be more cautious next time. I doubled my daily intake in one evening. That's crazy. Next time I'll bring a smaller serving spoon with me.:grumble: :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I guess I'll pop in and say hello too.

    Ashfall finally came to Anchorage lastnight. So I am officially house bound today. I will have to wash the car in the garage to get the ash off of it too. Fun day ahead.

    Last night I got together with several ladies who's Hubbies are deployed. There were some killer desserts and since I am usually good I decided to let loose last night...I logged everything just to get some idea of the damage. Geez! I will definitely be more cautious next time. I doubled my daily intake in one evening. That's crazy. Next time I'll bring a smaller serving spoon with me.:grumble: :laugh:
    i know how you feel! last night we went to a buffet at local casino. i already knew i would be having LOTS of dessert, that's the main reason i picked it. i didn't even bother to log it tho. i knew i had 900 cals to work with and i'm sure i ate more than that! fortunately they make most of the desserts bite size and they had no sugar added ones (not calorie or fat free!). and each bite was so delicious and worth it!! i also was better able to control my portions on everything else. it was so nice to have an 8 hr date with hubby--capped off by the sweet desserts!

    oh--i should add--i worked out for 100min today and burned about 700-750 cals! wtg me! :wink:

    sorry that you're homebound and have to clean up ash. :frown: at least you had fun with friends last night. :happy:

    hear baby whining in crib....must go :grumble:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    It's been so crazy here I just wanted to pop in for a minute & say hello. I haven't read all the way through the posts b/c my eyes are burning from lack of quality/quantity sleep. Thunderstorms on top of nightmares (me, not the kids) led for a very bad night last night. :yawn:

    I'll try to read through later & catch up. I hope everyone is having a fantastic week! :flowerforyou:

    Bless your beans-- you get some sleep, young lady-- hope everything's okay-- :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Before I start the thread for this week, did anyone else? I don't see it anywheres...
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Before I start the thread for this week, did anyone else? I don't see it anywheres...

    Nuh-uh-- not me.