Interesting ways you've noticed you're losing weight...



  • Actually standing up straighter because I dont have big lumps of fat to try and balance out and weighing me down!
    Not having VBL - Visible Bra Line - on my back any more - always was used to seeing a roll of fat above my bra line, yuck
    Trying on clothes in shops and laughing that they are too large - still used to buying larger sizes...
    Realising that I am actually rather a small frame... Not large at all once the layers of fat have disappeared...
    Definitely washing face feels different!
    I have collar bones and not so much padding around my decollete area!
    doing weights, squats and lunges means I now have a proper shaped bottom! My husband refers to it as "peachy" :-)
  • nbates9254
    nbates9254 Posts: 17 Member
    The first thing I noticed the first time I lost weight was my shoe size. I went from a size 10 to a 9. Unfortunately, I've gained 25 of the 40 pounds back! It's OK, because I know I can do it!! Looking forward to walking out of my shoes again!
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    I've noticed several things -

    I started having terribly uncomfortable shaves (I shave my face and my head), and not just razor burn, but actual nicks and cuts.
    NEVER have I had that problem. Turns out, I have entirely new contours on my face, including an actual JAWLINE, and I hadn't changed the pattern and routine I have had for 15 years to compensate for having a differently shaped head and face.

    I don't gasp for air any more when bending over to tie my shoes while sitting.

    And I no longer have severe sleep apnea. As a result of THAT, I no longer have narcolepsy.

  • Here's one that I noticed at about 20 pounds lost: My *kitten* no longer unbuckles my seatbelt when I turn right! Woo-hoo!
  • Here's one that I noticed at about 20 pounds lost: My *kitten* no longer unbuckles my seatbelt when I turn right! Woo-hoo!

    This one made me laugh out loud!!!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    being able to wrap a regular towel around me,

    Oh yeah! I use bath sheets at home, but hotel towels never fit right. I could squeeze them around the boobs enough but it would gap open at the bottom because of my fat stomach. Well, in July, we stayed at a hotel and when I realized that the towel actually fit, I ran out to tell my family. I said, "Look! It fits now! It used to do this..." At this point, I demonstrated how the towel used to gap at the bottom. And flashed my husband and teenage daughter. She was horrified.
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    That is so awesome! Great job! OK I did this wrong... That was for the person that bought the swim suit-and everyone else.
    As I am sitting here typing with my foot up on a box, when I put my hand on my leg I feel actual hard muscle... My family all have thunder thighes-I really don't think I have ever felt thigh muscle before. I think the iggest thing is my reflection and photos and even my shaddow. I think I spent the last 20 years avoiding looking because it was just too painful. I can look now. Its not what I see in the magazines but I am ok with myself again. Thats a really good feeling. To the person that said they are getting hit on more-That one I am still waiting for (LOL). I am glad that when we go to the amusement park the next time I won't have any fear of being too big for the seats and being told I can't ride. That never happened but the constant fear was there. I love that my rings are not only turning themselves around on my fingers but there is no fat sicking out on the sides of the rings at all. I am comfortably in size 10 jeans. I have not been in a size this small since I was a teenager (and I am 53). I stopped wearing french hook earings because I kept loosing them. The fat was pushing them out of the hole. I can comfortably wear them again without fear of loss (and they look really cute!) The cold thing is big. I have never been cold before. I have a very physical job (PC tech) so with running around a big building often carrying computers, monitors, etc heat is never a problem. I am wearing a jacket now. I can put my foot on my knee to tie my shoes. When I stomp on cans to crush them I cant smash them as flat. I have a belt that now wrapps all the way to my back. People look me in the eyes.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    OH gosh it was so weird when I pulled out all of my fall clothes the other week. I went through all of the pants that were too tight on me last year and guess what?? They fall off of me now so I can't wear them still! LOL. I have noticed that my face actually looks different it is so weird (but in a good way). My ring is too loose now and I notice that I have actual muscles now in my arms... It's like one day I woke up and noticed all of this stuff that had been in the works for quite a while!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    My shirts don't poof up in the middle anymore! I used to wear flowy loose shirts to try and hide that my belly was bulging out, but was still embarrassed that my stomach would still push them up, I could see it sticking out even though they were all supposed to be loose around the middle. Now those same shirts hang right off me, they go straight down with no bump! Also, now that neither my poofy tummy or thick thighs are in the way, I can see my feet looking down, not just my toes when I'm leaning forward a bit :ohwell:
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    shirts are fitting looser in the arms and across the belly
    Pants are starting to sag in the waist and thighs
    Face looks and feels noticeably thinner
    Hands feel thinner (unless I drink too much sodium
    My "spare tire" is shrinking.
    My bras are starting to fit funny.
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    This just happened to me tonight. I had a zumba class and while I was working out my rings were sliding all around. I almost stopped to take them off.
  • I don't lose my breath when I go upstairs. I can sit with my legs crossed now. My every day bad mood is going away, don't know where! Isn't that great?!! and I have lost only 8. Imagine when I lose the other 32!
  • sebrat
    sebrat Posts: 31 Member
    I can wrap my thumb and middle finger of my left hand around my right wrist and they touch. I can wrap my thumb and middle finger of my right hand around my left wrist and they are less that a quarter inch from touching. Also, my favorite slip on shoes slip off a bit too easily
  • sebrat
    sebrat Posts: 31 Member
    Oh that and I can reach more of my upper back thighs when I shave my legs. Hey, its the little things that make me happy.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    Oh, just remembered another one while I was in the shower. I noticed that shaving my armpits is considerably easier without having to maneuver around all the fat folds.

    Totally!! Same with shaving my legs, my knee boobs don't get in the way :bigsmile:
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I can wrap my thumb and middle finger of my left hand around my right wrist and they touch. I can wrap my thumb and middle finger of my right hand around my left wrist and they are less that a quarter inch from touching. Also, my favorite slip on shoes slip off a bit too easily soon as I read this I had to try too and my left hand fits around my right too!! I'm gonna start using this as another way to measure my success!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I also experienced that butt thing. I don't have as much padding back there as I used to and now I gotta find new ways to sit down on flat surfaces or else I get my tailbone.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Sitting on hard surfaces is considerably less comfortable without all the *kitten* padding.
    THIS!!!! My butt hurts alot more now during football games than it ever has before!
    TOXUTHAT Posts: 38 Member
    I just started loosing weight. 12 pounds so far. My pants are not as tight as they usual are. I can't wait for someone to say,
    " Tom, have you lost weight?" When people notice, then I know I have made progress.

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  • Amandajean1105
    Amandajean1105 Posts: 53 Member
    I've always thought (well, for the last 8 years or so) that I need to have 'fake' Acrylic nail on to make my fingers look long and slim (which, I think is an attrative trait). Anyways, I just looked down at my hands today and realized that they are thinner all around! The hands themselves along with those long fingers! WOOT WOOT!