<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Burned 810 cals today which puts me at a goal of 2260 cals today. NO PROBLEM!

    Had THE best breakfast ever!!

    2 Orowheat whole wheat sandwich thins, toasted, with half an avocado, mashed and spread over them. Topped with slices of fresh tomatoes and a glass of 1% milk!! YUM!!!

    I would take that over a plate of brownies any day!!

    I think I'm feeling the fat burn right now!! :):)
  • rsj206
    rsj206 Posts: 36 Member
    Biked in to work again this morning, getting me up over 2,000 net for the day. It's getting awfully cold & dark out there these days. I'm debating whether to go to the gym at lunch or take a little walk. Depends on how frustrated I get at work this morning: stress = workout.

    Happy Friday!
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    Just so I know - you guys are netting 2000, so if you exercise and burn say 500kcals, you EAT 2500kcals, OR you are eating 2000kcals regardless of what you exercise!!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Goal reached! :drinker: I wanted to hit 126 for my Halloween party tomorrow, and I'm 125.5 today. Estimated BF 18.5%. Time to go on maintenance.

    My new net is 1680 (I was looking to net 1500) but I'll be around 2000+ with exercise most days. We'll see how things go with that.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Goal reached! :drinker: I wanted to hit 126 for my Halloween party tomorrow, and I'm 125.5 today. Estimated BF 18.5%. Time to go on maintenance.

    My new net is 1680 (I was looking to net 1500) but I'll be around 2000+ with exercise most days. We'll see how things go with that.

    Congrats!!! 18-20% BF is my goal. I'm getting mine checked again this month

    Last time I checked it was 25.5%...In theory to be at 18% I have to weigh 145 lb...(-9 lbs of fat). I hope to achieve this by next spring.
  • well, ladies...I read and ellipticaled at the same time for 40 minutes. happy happy happy. now I get more FOOD! woo hoo :)
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    well, ladies...I read and ellipticaled at the same time for 40 minutes. happy happy happy. now I get more FOOD! woo hoo :)

  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    How are you guys measuring your body fat??
  • rsj206
    rsj206 Posts: 36 Member
    Just so I know - you guys are netting 2000, so if you exercise and burn say 500kcals, you EAT 2500kcals, OR you are eating 2000kcals regardless of what you exercise!!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    I dunno, lots of the ladies on here eat ~1700 calories on rest days, including me. Six days out of seven I'm above 2000, but not if I sit on my duff all day.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Right now I'm trying to NET 2000. I eat more than 2000 when I work out.

    But I think most women in this tread net lower than 2000 and just eat up to 2000 when they workout.
  • So glad this group exists! Feel free to add me if you'd like! =]
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I totally understand wanting to have this support group but do you really think eating less than 2000 = severe calorie restriction?? :)
    I mean, I suppose you can be opposed to severe calorie restriction and not eat more than 2000 calories per day. I guess it's just sort of implied in your post. ;)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I totally understand wanting to have this support group but do you really think eating less than 2000 = severe calorie restriction??

    No but 1200 calories is for most women.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I totally understand wanting to have this support group but do you really think eating less than 2000 = severe calorie restriction??

    No but 1200 calories is for most women.

    I'm opposed to not eating when I'm hungry, :laugh: but I also know with my lifestyle that I will gain if I eat more than 2000 calories.
  • not SEVERE calorie restriction just because they're not eating 2000 calories but 1200 calories is usually not enough for most women unless they are rather old or really really really tiny.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Just so I know - you guys are netting 2000, so if you exercise and burn say 500kcals, you EAT 2500kcals, OR you are eating 2000kcals regardless of what you exercise!!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    I'm maintaining, and if I NET 2000, I lose weight, so my NET is around 2300-2450, unless I'm ill. I have no idea why I need so much food, but I do.

    I used 1200 when I started mfp, and when mfp thought I should be losing 1lb a week, I normally lost more than 2. I've always lost and gained weight easily, but quantifying it has been a strange, new experience.

    I could be misestimating some foods (I weigh at home but eat out a lot, including our excellent lunch at school), but I doubt I'm 300+ kcal out every single day.

    I understand now why I kept bingeing when I tried eating as I thought I should: I was hungry! :laugh:
  • no, I don't net 2000. If I did I would surely gain weight. At only 4'11 my sedentary burn is only about 1200-1300 calories. I have to work my *kitten* off to get my burn up in order to eat 2000-2200 without gaining.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Just so I know - you guys are netting 2000, so if you exercise and burn say 500kcals, you EAT 2500kcals, OR you are eating 2000kcals regardless of what you exercise!!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    I'm maintaining, and if I NET 2000, I lose weight, so my NET is around 2300-2450, unless I'm ill. I have no idea why I need so much food, but I do.

    I used 1200 when I started mfp, and when mfp thought I should be losing 1lb a week, I normally lost more than 2. I've always lost and gained weight easily, but quantifying it has been a strange, new experience.

    I could be misestimating some foods (I weigh at home but eat out a lot, including our excellent lunch at school), but I doubt I'm 300+ kcal out every single day.

    I understand now why I kept bingeing when I tried eating as I thought I should: I was hungry! :laugh:

    This. I'm eating on average 2000+ calories a day and I'm still losing some weight, it's actually absurd. I'm trying to maintain/add muscle so I'm looking at at least 2300 calories, if not more.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Awwww 4'11" is so tiny! its like a tiny tiny person!

    I don't think even 1200 calories one day is SEVERE calorie restriction for some women - if you are sedentary (although you shouldn't be as at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3x a week is REALLY important for health) and tiny you don't burn much. But I think what bothers me about the girls eating 1200-1300 is that they're always either like 'OMG I ATE A PIECE OF CANDY AND IT WAS 60 CALORIES OOOMMMMGGGG I FEEL SO GUILTY' or they're like "I know I should eat more but I just can't eat more than 1000 calories' which is either bull or your brain is seriously messed up (eating disorder incoming) because lemme tell ya, I could have a day where I thought I was being REASONABLY healthy (not super healthy but you know, a day where you think "well I didn't overeat and I didn't gorge on spoonfuls of fat and sugar today) and hit 1800 calories every day immediately, before adding in little things like "oooh I'll have chocolate fudge on my ice cream instead of just plain ice cream!" All I do now is go 'well I'd better get that sandwich without mayo and save myself the hundred calories there or I'll be over my deficit."

    I honeslty don't know how peopel survive - I guess I'm a big girl (5'6") relatively but if I had to eat 1200 or 1300 calories a day I'd be non-functional, seriously. I got down to 1450 at one point and I was barely functional then - couldn't work out at all. I need to eat at LEAST 1600 NET or I'm kind of slow and tired even without working out. I did south beach for like 10 days in college (my roomate really wanted to do it - she made all the super special low fat low carb low calorie recipes for us to eat each day and everything) and it was THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD. Oh my god. They tell you to eat like 5 250 calorie meals per day (That's waht it works out to). One of them was like 2 egg whites and some spinach. And we were in college so unlike my sitonmybutt job now I actually had to ride my bike to and from class every day adn walk between classes. Eating like 1250 calories a day. Worst feeling in the world.

    I think that's me though - I just collapse if I'm not eating enough. I know there are people netting like 200 calories by running for 2 hours and eating 1200 calories a day and I honestly don't know how they do it, physically. Whatever they're on I could use some of that.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Tameko2, biologically, I think I'm like you. I neeeeeed to eat or I get horribly cranky.

    However, if I've wanted to lose weight I've just ridden that hunger, without trying to hide it from myself. I joined mfp hoping I could lose slower, but if I ever have baby weight to lose again, I'll start at 2000 and see how that goes first.

    Nice to be in the company of people who don't feel jealous of what I eat.