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Hubba Hubba for the Holidays! (CLOSED GRP) - Weeks 5 & 6



  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    I hope you all have a happy and healthy weekend! I did much better eating wise this week! I am hoping to rock this weigh in! :glasses:

    What are some of your fave healthy snacks and desserts? I eat alot of yogurt and v8 juice. Looking for new ideas.

    I am not a fan of v8 at all. But I do love yogurt...especially vanilla with a sprinkle of wheatgerm on top. Yummy!
    My go to snack is usually 100 cal popcorn bags. I also love salad and will eat it for a snack. I like balsamic vinaigrette dressing, so I've been using the Walden Farms balsamic (supposedly 0 calories) mixed with any other kind of balsamic dressing - most recently my daughter and I discovered Chef Tim's Sweet Balsamic Vinaigrette. Too good! We actually found it at a flea market in PA over the summer, and had to order a case online a couple of weeks ago. 2 T of Chef Tim's balsamic is 137 calories, but I only use 1 T mixed with the Walden's.
    Also, not a healthy snack, but last night I tried, for the first time, Betty Crocker's Warm Delights Minis Decadent Dark Chocolate Cake. 150 calories. I can't say it was the best chocolate cake ever, but I made a cup of tea and 1 little cake...and it was warm and chocolatey....and I enjoyed it!

    Veronica..........I saw you posted about snow starting to fall....so ofcourse I checked your homepage out to see where you live. I am not ready for snow yet! Anyway.....North Pole, Alaska? Really? That's cool.....or maybe I should say cold! Do you have a direct connection to Santa? Tell him I'm planning on needing some smaller jeans for Christmas!
    On a serious note, so sorry to hear about your youngest son. I know you miss him terribly. When children are sick or hurt it's so hard on the parents, especially the moms. Sending good thoughts your way, and hoping your son heals quickly!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Amanda, I'm having company this evening as well (but mine are just dinner/game time guests, no overnight!)

    I've been super busy this week, the snow is starting to fall and I still have a few details outside that need to get taken care of, and I'd really like to get the last of next year's wood split and stacked in the woodshed, but that may not happen and it might have to over winter under the tarp, we'll see. My youngest son in Idaho isn't doing well lately, so there have been lots of calls back and forth between his nurse and I. He has an infection on his arm (he bites himself and apparently got it pretty good) that is not healing up- the swelling/redness goes down while he's on the antibiotics, but once he completes his course, it swells up and the infection is obviously still there. I'm going crazy not being able to be there and check up on this all myself... keep thinking, I wish it was Christmas time NOW, I want to see him!! Needless to say, my diet hasn't been upper most in my mind and that's always a dangerous place for me to be. On the plus side, I just bought my first pair of size 8 jeans, and they look really good! I'm gonna keep my 10s around so I have some to wear long johns under, but will start adding to my collection of 8s!

    Hope ya'll have a great weekend, will check in Monday morning!


    veronica sorry about your son, hope he gets better soon...and congrats on the size 8 jeans .....AWESOME
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    kris1085 - Yay for the 50 lbs gone this year! Keep it going! You can easily be in the low 170s by Christmas!

    gmomlyn - I hear you about the "open 24/7 kitchen"! I'm home too and food is always readily available. It doesn't help that my son makes really delicious lunch items for himself and then eats them about 8' away from me. ;-) He does that because he attends a virtual school and that is how close his computer is to mine.

    Pam3 - Have fun in Vegas! Enjoy the sites and show! My in-laws live there. :-)

    FitJ1210 - Yay for inches lost!

    Amandajean1105 - Good luck with the food. It all looks de-lish!

    vallejos6 - Congrats on your size 8 jeans! About your son... I just read this yesterday.


    You might find it interesting. When my son was 2 (he's 16 now), he had a cough so bad and deep that it would make him throw up. During that time, his doctor put him on three different courses of antibiotics (over a 6 week period) that did NOTHING to his cough at all while he just got worse. My mother was very into herbal/homeopathic stuff. Growing up, I didn't like it at all. But I was desperate so I called my mom to ask her what I should give to my little sweetie. I did what she told me and he was well in less than 3 days.

    I haven't taken an antibiotic in... I don't remember... until this week. I've been on a three day one that has made me feel more sick than what I'm taking it for. ;-) I had already fought to get the first one changed that they gave me so I just didn't want to fight again. The first one had a lot of chance of tendon tearing, especially the achilles, up to MONTHS after it was taken. I figured that might not be so good with my elliptical workouts. ;-) I call my antibiotic the Purple Poison. I really feel poisoned once it kicks in. And it doesn't look as though it is going to clear up what I'm taking it for either. :grumble:

    Yay to all of you who are losing! For those of you who aren't, it might be a good idea to go back, in MFP, and see what exercise you were doing, how much water you were drinking, how many calories, etc. you were eating when you were consistently losing before. What has changed? I had to do this very thing when my scale didn't want to budge for awhile. It wasn't that I was on a plateau. It was that I thought to try something else that just wasn't working for me. Works for LOTS of others on MFP but not me. :-(

    Good luck with your food/water/exercise this weekend! I am always soooo happy to see your progress!

    P.S. I have not been exercising while I take the Purple Poison. It makes me have a sick/pressure head and nauseous. :sick: I'm staying in my green numbers though. :-)
  • nwohler
    nwohler Posts: 55 Member
    I'm on track to meet my next mini goal, YEAH! You ladies are so inspiring and motivating! I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'll be attending the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on Sunday, I'll be jogging (hopefully) as much as possible.

    09/05: 231.3
    09/12: 227.3
    09/19: 226.4
    09/26: 225.3
    10/03: 225.1 Mini Goal 226
    10/10: 223.5
    10/17: 222.2
    10/31: Mini Goal 221
    11/28: Mini Goal 216
    12/24: Final Goal 210

    Good Luck you Hubba Hubba's! :flowerforyou:
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Nwohler, wish I had a Race for the Cure nearby! But I'm thinking of doing a Lung Cancer 5k next month so we'll see! I'm on my 6th week of C25K and just ordered a pair of Kinvaras. Can't wait to get them and break them in!
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member

    09/10: 175
    09/17: 171.6
    09/24: 171.2
    10/01: 171.0
    10/08: 168.4
    10/15: 168.4

    No change.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Woot woot! Cheers! I had a nice loss this week! :drinker:

    09/05: 152
    10/03: <<<>>>144
    10/31: <<<>>>
    11/28: <<<t>>>
    12/24: <<<>>>
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Woot woot! Cheers! I had a nice loss this week! :drinker:

    09/05: 152
    10/03: <<<>>>144

    Yes you did!! Fantastic!!
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    09/05: 182
    09/12: 180.6----1.4 lbs lost!
    09/19: 180.0---0.6 lbs lost!
    09/26: 180.0 holding steady......
    10/03 180.6......no goal, but not bad for TOM and sick kids....<<< goal 176t>>>
    10/10: 180
    10/17: 177.8 ( 2.2 this week
    slow and steady..)
    10/31: < goal 172>>>
    11/28: <<<goal 165>>>
    12/24: <<<goal 160t>>>
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    Here's my info:

    09/05: Start 140 lbs
    09/12: 139.8 lbs
    09/19: 138.8 lbs
    09/26: 141.6 lbs
    10/03: 138.2 lbs
    10/10: 136.8 lbs
    10/17: 136.0 lbs
    11/07: mini goal down 6 pounds
    12/05: mini goal down another 3 pounds for a total of 9 pounds
    12/24: At goal weight of 129 pounds
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Will have to give my weigh in on Monday.

    Last night Club Party and turkey dinner. Last dinner for the season. :happy:

    Danced last night for 75 mins. and walked today for 60 mins.

    I hope this will do something for my weight. I feel water retention and salt
    retention today. I will have to drink large amounts of water to get through this
    today. Wish me Luck.
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    Current Weight: 181.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 167.8

    09/05: 182.8
    09/12: 181.8
    09/19: 181.8
    09/26: 181.8
    10/03: 181.4
    10/10: 179.6
    10/17: 176.8 :bigsmile:
    10/31: <<<mini goal weight>>> 175.8
    11/28: <<<mini goal weight>>> 171.8
    12/24: <<<challenge goal weight>>>167.8
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    wt 140. met most challenges this week. Just didnt log as much...really really busy
  • beefluv86
    beefluv86 Posts: 86 Member
    Hey, sorry I missed weigh in on monday. I weighed myself and everything but then didnt submit on time. On 10/10 I was 177.6. I started WW@ work on Tuesday and I have a feeling tomorrows numbers will be awesome. In order to stay on track I have to be held accountable everywhere so now with MFP, and Hubba Hubba, and WW I think I will be on my best behavior, lol. Leaving for Las Vegas on 11/18 for my 25th birthday celebration and I want to be able to wear something fancy!

    Well done to all of you that are consistent and losing. To the rest of us...now is our time!
  • There is something extremely satisfying about losing inches! I've had a really good week. I have renewed dedication and I have really found some inner motivation. I have been taking body measurements since April... I compare them week-to-week and month-to-month, but I had never compared my first measurements taken in April to my measurements now. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that, since April I have lost 30 inches across my body! THIRTY! I was shocked, proud, satisfied, motivated and thrilled. Anyway, here are my numbers for this week:

    09/05: 168
    09/12: 167.5
    09/19: 168.5
    09/26: 167
    10/03: -2 inches
    10/10: -1.25 inches
    10/17: -2.0 inches
    10/31: <<<mini goal weight>>> 160
    12/24: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 152

    I'm getting back into running now that the temperature outside isn't miserable. I live in Memphis and we're FINALLY seeing some fall weather. What are y'all doing this week to reach your goals? Have you planned how you will attack this week and apply your lifestyle changes? I love this group -- we're all so amazing!
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    kcthatsme- please leave my weight on the chart the same as last week... My mom had some complications with her surgery. She just got out of SICU.(which she just spent 9 days in) I'm hoping nothing else goes wrong and that we will be able to return home soon.
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Current Weight: 212.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 175

    09/05: 212.8
    09/12: 210.0
    09/19: 210.0
    09/26: 207.6
    10/02: <<<mini goal weight>>> 205 and I hit it - 205.0 on the nose today!!!!
    10/10: 201.4
    10/17: 200.8
    10/31: <<<mini goal weight>>> 195
    11/28: <<<mini goal weight>>> 185

    Hoping a good workout tonight and tomorrow will help move the scale a little more before Tuesday. So wanted to be in one-derland for my local weigh-in on Tuesday - Here's to getting there! :drinker:
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    kcthatsme- please leave my weight on the chart the same as last week... My mom had some complications with her surgery. She just got out of SICU.(which she just spent 9 days in) I'm hoping nothing else goes wrong and that we will be able to return home soon.

    Hope everything is Ok with your mom and that she gets home and better soon.
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    julidav- I hope your mom is ok and gets well soon!
    scarletdawn- Awesome job!

    Congrats to everyone else so far for all your hard work and weightloss this week!:drinker:
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Down again Yeah!

    Challenge Goal Weight: 186.0

    09/05: 211.0
    09/12: 209.0
    09/19: 207.2
    09/26: 207.0 Um.. annoying
    10/03: 207.0 Super annoying!
    10/10: 203.4
    10/17: 201.0
    10/24: Beer Fest Weekend.... will be a challenge!
    11/07: <<< be in Onderland dammit>>>

    <<<challenge goal Lose 25lbs >>>