how did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?



  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I met my husband on MySpace. I was looking for people who lived locally who were my own age, since most of my coworkers are older. I wasn't particularly looking for a mate, but when I saw his profile, that he was cute, single, and an eye doctor, I just had to write to him. We found out that we had a lot more in common like music and animals. We wrote for a month, our first date was at Starbucks, and we went one from there. I just married him on June 18th.

  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    He was my math tutor. Smart, Latin and a cook. I couldn't resist.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    it's a funny story. when i saw my boyfriend for the first time, it was when i was 15, at a basketball game against our rival highschool and i was a cheerleader. i remember asking who he was because i thought he was SO handsome...but i didn't officially meet him then. this was in 2002 when msn messenger was the latest and greatest thing. i got a friend request from someone, and when i asked who it turned out to be him :smile: we started off just talking as friends, i had a boyfriend who was super duper shady at the time (you know how highschool guys can be). we eventually started talking on the phone because i was friends with his bestfriend and we all knew the same people (the north carolina shore is very small lol). well i was a military brat at the time so i was about to move at the end of that summer. me and my bf at the time broke up and he left for college. i didn't OFFICIALLY meet my current boyfriend until my going away party, where he was the first guest to arrive, and as soon as he walked in, i jumped up, ran into his arms, and kissed him. we stayed together long distance for about 3 years, broke up for 4 years, although we kept in touch on and off during this time. he had a new girlfriend for those 4 years, but me and him maintained a very very strained friendship. after he and his ex broke up, and after me and my ex broke up, we comforted each other and ended up getting back together. we've been together for almost a year and a half now, and honestly, i don't see me giving him up :bigsmile:
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Online, been together 6 years and we have a 2 year old x
  • alair1980
    alair1980 Posts: 31 Member
    Teaching English in Japan, we ended up sitting next to each other for a lesson and my student didn't show up, so I listened in on his lesson and thought "Hmmm, sounds nice!". He's from Canada and I'm from England and now it's 6 years later (married for 3.5 months).
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    okcupid... but oh em gee he is fabulous.
  • Hattie2879
    I met her on OkCupid.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    YAY! I really have enjoyed reading these stories and I now feel there is still hope!!! Still looking for my someone. :happy:
  • k_stump_13
    k_stump_13 Posts: 21 Member
    I met my boyfriend online at We are coming up on our one year anniversary at the end of this month and we are soon to be engaged :)
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    I've met all my boyfriends here!

    My husband I met through a friend :blushing:
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    At work

    and I HATED her....... and she HATED me.......... with a passion !
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    When I first moved to Portland, I was trying to get a TKD Studio going. Wasn't paying the bills, so I went to school and got my Massage Certification. Also got a Temp Job.

    I would work mornings as a Temp, Afternoons as a Massage Therapist and then taught TKD at a local college.

    Met my wife when she was referred to me for massage for an Auto Injury. She had been coming to me for about 2 years before I finally asked her out. She had other plans, but we finally went out a couple months later.

    I proposed on our second date. We will celebrate 20 years in 2012.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I met my husband at work. He was my supervisor (oops!). I resisted and resisted, but he was persistant. Thank God!

    I wouldn't recommend dating your boss, but I have been to 4 weddings in the past year from freinds and family who have met on either or
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Work. We teach together and at the first staff party of the year, he bet me 10 bucks that I'd be engaged or married within a year. (I was coming out of a ****ty divorce and swore I'd never get married again.) well, I lost that bet and 11 months later I gave him a crisp $10 bill that is framed in our living room.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    At work. I was his boss.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Online... We dated for about 2 years and then got married and have been happy since! :)
  • cat364
    cat364 Posts: 14
    In a local pub (thing of the past now!!). We have just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary!! : )) x
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    :love: I was looking for a new car. I went to a lil VW shop to buy one and the owner offered me the office position and a deal on the car. My husband was a mechanic there and a few months later we started dating and hit it off right away. That was 24 years ago, married 21. I'm so happy and grateful I didn't buy another car sooner. :flowerforyou:

    So don't worry, it's just going to happen, anywhere at any moment...

    Best wishes

    P.S These are so fun to read, thank you.:drinker:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    The traditional way, back in the early 80's - we met in a bar one night, went home together, been together as a couple since. We got hitched in 1984. We have two grown sons and a grandson now.