The Diamond Challenge Round 6 DITR



  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member

    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment, what other accomplishments are you proud of?

    I'm proud of alot of my accomplishments, but the one I'm most proud of is my education thus far. I had my daughter in highschool, graduated and attempted college, but could not finish. So I waited but then got married and had two more children. I went back to college when my youngest started school and I'm very proud of how I've stuck with it and now have two degrees and am working on my masters in psychology.
  • Good Morning Diamonds and Welcome to Week2!!!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, mine was full of night shifts and sleeping...but I've survived and I am ready to take on this week! How about you?!

    DITR lost a total of 34.3lbs last week! WooHoo Way to go ladies!:drinker:

    Our Biggest losing team was the Blue Team with a loss of 16.1lbs!!! Congrats on all your hard work!
    Right behind them was our Yellow Team, followed closely by our Pinkies :flowerforyou:

    Biggest Loser from the Blue Team was o0IrishEyes0o with 5.4lbs! That is a whopping 3.6% of her body weight!! o0IrishEyes0o was also DITR's overall biggest loser in Round 5!! Major competition ladies! You all best turn it up another notch, or kick her in the knee!

    Yellow Teams Biggest Loser was Kelly_Wilson1990 with a loss of 4.4lbs, and Pinkies Biggest Loser was Shawn_Marie with a loss of 2.6lbs!

    Way to go Diamonds!! I saw some very nice losses on the charts this week! Let's keep this steam and continue into Week2 :heart:

    This week I would like to continue with our walking and water but turn it up! Walk for 30minutes/day, and start drowning yourself with 88ounces of H2O ladies! I want you to be swimming to the toilets! To add to this I would like you ladies to all try something new this week ~FOOD WISE. Try a new recipe, or just a new snack. Scour the market for something you have yet to try, but that you might find interesting...Look up a new recipe to try for dinner this week~ my personal favorite website is When you have completed this mini challenge come use this forum and give us all the deets on how you did! I look forward to hearing all about it!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    start drowning yourself with 88ounces of H2O ladies! I want you to be swimming to the toilets! To add to this I would like you ladies to all try something new this week ~FOOD WISE. Try a new recipe, or just a new snack. Scour the market for something you have yet to try, but that you might find interesting...Look up a new recipe to try for dinner this week~ my personal favorite website is

    LMBO - swimming to the toilets! Love it!

    I love I've made several of her recipes and they are fabulous. I even made the skinnytaste pumpkin cupcakes this weekend, and my kids LOVED them!

  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Here's a fun question:

    If you did not know your numerical age, how old would you be based on how you feel?

    And another one just to get some chit chat going...what is the one or two things~ heck I'll take a list~ that you would like to get accomplished in the remainder of 2011?
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    start drowning yourself with 88ounces of H2O ladies! I want you to be swimming to the toilets! To add to this I would like you ladies to all try something new this week ~FOOD WISE. Try a new recipe, or just a new snack. Scour the market for something you have yet to try, but that you might find interesting...Look up a new recipe to try for dinner this week~ my personal favorite website is

    LMBO - swimming to the toilets! Love it!

    I love I've made several of her recipes and they are fabulous. I even made the skinnytaste pumpkin cupcakes this weekend, and my kids LOVED them!


    Sounds delicious Erika! I've dabbled here and there in her website, and have loved everything thus far.

    I haven't swam to the toilet just yet, although I've already drank 2L...have an ultrasound this morning..and they want my bladder extra full! :indifferent:
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Here's a fun question:

    If you did not know your numerical age, how old would you be based on how you feel?

    And another one just to get some chit chat going...what is the one or two things~ heck I'll take a list~ that you would like to get accomplished in the remainder of 2011?

    By the end of 2011 I would like to be physically fitter than I am now as I may have lost a lot but I'm still a bit squishy as I have only done walking as exercise so far so I have to take my exercise up a gear. I would also like to fit a pair of UK size 12 jeans (think that's a US 10) I already have a couple of tops in that size but I have big hips. Oh and I would like to paint the kids bedroom but I've been saying that for years as I can't find a colour that's good for a girl and boy
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    This week I would like to continue with our walking and water but turn it up! Walk for 30minutes/day, and start drowning yourself with 88ounces of H2O ladies! I want you to be swimming to the toilets! To add to this I would like you ladies to all try something new this week ~FOOD WISE. Try a new recipe, or just a new snack. Scour the market for something you have yet to try, but that you might find interesting...Look up a new recipe to try for dinner this week~ my personal favorite website is When you have completed this mini challenge come use this forum and give us all the deets on how you did! I look forward to hearing all about it!

    Working on 88 ounces now!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member

    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment, what other accomplishments are you proud of?

    Raising my children and the fine adults they have become.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Here's a fun question:

    If you did not know your numerical age, how old would you be based on how you feel?

    And another one just to get some chit chat going...what is the one or two things~ heck I'll take a list~ that you would like to get accomplished in the remainder of 2011?

    I think I would be 28, which is seven years younger than what I am. Not sure why I picked that age.

    I would like to get the spare bedrooms in my house organized. Right now they are mostly storage units that need to be cleaned out badly. I did get rid of a bunch of stuff this summer at my parents' garage sale so that was a good start. I also need to clean out my closets - get rid of everything that is now too big and make room for the new stuff that I will need to buy :smile:

    On another note, I am doing great with the water challenge but will probably not be successful with the walking challenge. I hurt my ankle jogging on Saturday. Right now it is wrapped up, and I've been taking Advil and icing it throughout the day. This is killing me as a love to walk or jog every day, but I know that if I want to prevent long-term issues, I need to take this week and rest it. My pup isn't very happy about it either as she will be missing her daily walks as well :angry:

    Great job to all of the ladies who lost last week!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Here's a fun question:

    If you did not know your numerical age, how old would you be based on how you feel?

    And another one just to get some chit chat going...what is the one or two things~ heck I'll take a list~ that you would like to get accomplished in the remainder of 2011?

    I don't know how old I feel - I just feel like what I am. My parents have always been healthy and active - they are probably more active than people half their age, so I don't have any feeling like age has anything to do with how you feel about that kind of thing.

    So for the rest of 2011 - I have 10 weeks left so I would like to lose 5 more pounds (of FAT hopefully!). Not sure if that is enough to get me into a size 8 so I'l leave that on the shelf til next year. It would also be nice to see the last of the back fat go (well some more of it anyway) and lose some loose skin but I don't have any control over that stuff.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Hello beautiful Diamonds. Congratulations on a successful week!!!

    I took my son out on his new push trike this morning and walked for 30 minutes. It's such a gorgeous afternoon, I think I'll go on a jog/walk once he wakes up from his nap. I'm hoping to complete 4 miles.

    Today I tried almond milk for the first time. It was recommended to me by Starleng1. :smile:
    I can't believe I never tried it before. I love it! Plus, it's extremely low in calories. It's a great find for sure!!

    I feel about 25 years old because I'm just a kid at heart. I sometimes still find clothes in the junior's section. lol. In reality, I'm 37. I always get mistaken for someone much younger. It used to bother me, but I think I'll come to appreciate it when I'm in my 50s and get mistaken for being in my 40s. That would be awesome.

    For the remainder of 2011, I would like to be able to complete 5k. I want to be brave enough to enter a 5k in the Spring.
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    If you did not know your numerical age, how old would you be based on how you feel?

    I would probably say about 30. Still young enough, but still old enough to be almost an adult. I am not 40! :sad:

    And another one just to get some chit chat going...what is the one or two things~ heck I'll take a list~ that you would like to get accomplished in the remainder of 2011?

    To lose 5lbs for good and cut down on eating process foods.

    :flowerforyou: dc_amaryllis - glad you like the almond milk. so yummy.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Awesome week 1 girlies!!
    Congrats to the biggest losers and an awesome job to all of us diamonds!!
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    Here's a fun question:

    If you did not know your numerical age, how old would you be based on how you feel?

    And another one just to get some chit chat going...what is the one or two things~ heck I'll take a list~ that you would like to get accomplished in the remainder of 2011?

    I feel as old as I am (29). I think I have done quite a few things in my years and I'd rather be the person I am now and in the place I am now than any other time in my life. In a good note I did keep up with a 21yo at netball tonight so I'm not doing too bad! :wink:

    Oooh, well I was going to try to run 10k before the end of 2011, but I'm not sure if I have enough time now. Outside of fitness and weightloss I would like to save some money for my wedding next year before the end of the year, got my eye on a lovely dress... :blushing:

    Well done everyone on the numbers - amazing! 3% is a fabulous loss. :flowerforyou:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member

    Losing weight is a huge accomplishment, what other accomplishments are you proud of?

    I don't really have any.. but I'm glad I'm close to my family and have amazing friends.. and Im excited and nervous to graduate college and get out there!:)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Hmmm... My age, I think I would say slightly older than my actual age. I am 31 years old but have been a mom since i was 16 and it has definately worn on me but I wouldn't say I feel any older than 35ish.

    By the end of the year I would like to :

    Enter the 130's!
    I want to take my older two children snowboarding for their first times

    Other than that I just want to have chill, unstressful holidays this year. My family is so large and so many events to go to that there is always some sort of issues and I REALLY don't want to deal with it this year.
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    Hmmm, numerical age I'm 40, but I usually hover around 11 and 28. I'm saying 11 because I teach 5th graders, and their goofiness just rubs off on you. Otherwise I'm saying 28 because I've lost 29 pounds and feel better then I've felt since I was pregnant the first time at 29!

    As for the rest of the year, I am runnig a 10K trail run in November, and then would like to start training for the 25K in the spring. I'm also hoping to stay strong through the holidays since I have a MAJOR sweet tooth, and quite frankly, love, love, love the holiday season and all that goes with it!

    Great questions ladies. I hope you all have a great day!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    My new food - cauliflower!

    You are all probably laughing at me right now, but I have never tried cauliflower until this week. For the most part, before May, I thought I hated veggies and hardly ate any. Since then I have discovered that I like zucchini, broccoli and asparagus. And now I can add cauliflower to that list! I still don't like green beans (have had them a few times this summer), but I've made a lot of progress in the veggie arena.
  • Not too sure how I feel it goes back and forth on feeling younger or older then I am (I'm 34 will be 35 in Feb!) Right now with this cold I feel older cause all I want to do is sleep lol. Going to push myself later today to go out and walk.

    As for my goal for the end of the year? I would love to be as close to 150lbs as I possibly can, my girls and I are going to NC to my sisters for Christmas so I would love to go down there being 30 lbs less then I was when they saw me last year!

    Congrats on all the Diamonds on your losses. Here's to another great week!
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Here's a fun question:

    If you did not know your numerical age, how old would you be based on how you feel?

    And another one just to get some chit chat going...what is the one or two things~ heck I'll take a list~ that you would like to get accomplished in the remainder of 2011?

    Along time ago my answer would have been really old, lol but since I began to exercise and change my eating habits I'd have to say I feel like I'd be in my 20's.

    What I'd like to accomplish in the remainder of 2011 is some more weight loss progress. I want to become even more active with my family, and truthfully I want to be able to take the steps necessary to be home rather then working. For so many years everything I have ever done has been for someone else, now I'd like to start doing more things for me and for my immediate family.