"Ripped" in October



  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    Day 1 Level 3
    My muscles hate Jillian by this time.
    Feels refreshed after completion, but it feels like hell and stupid for not getting the moves right :-(
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Rippers!!

    Let me tell you, I soo appreciated the day of REST yesterday, so much so, I did absolutely NOTHING! And let me just say, after today's workout (Week 3, Day 1) I absolutely UNDERSTAND why Jillian requires the day of rest- Good Claude!! That was something else:grumble: :angry: :mad: :laugh:

    From the pogo jumps, the bear crawls- all I can say is thighs, thighs, thighs, my poor thighs. I agree with CmDaffy, the downward dog push ups are tough- however, I was able to do those....sweated throughout this day's exercise-although I have to confess:embarassed: :embarassed: I was a little sleepy this morning:yawn: :yawn: and only half way did it, so tomorrow I will have to kick it up a knotch and do something else this evening.

    Week 3, Day 1- was tough =expect nothing less:laugh: will have to report back tomorrow when I'm a little more into it! Welcome back to Jillian hell Rippers!

    Happy Ripping :smokin: ...until tomorrow!:flowerforyou:
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    Started on Week 2 yesterday. I've been taking two days off every week, and that seems to be working for me! Ripped is definitely harder than 30 Day Shred!! But I like it so far! JM definitely pushes you to try new things and work harder!

    Those side lunges with the leg lift KILL my hips. Ouch! Definitely have some weak muscles in that area! I thought that my hip was going to pop out of socket yesterday! :noway: Oh well, I guess as long as it's strengthening then I guess it's good for me. :happy:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Spent most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday outdoors, in Florida the weather's finally becoming a bit cooler. No Ripped workouts for 3 days but I finished level/week 2 with a 5th day this morning. Tomorrow I'll start the 3rd week and try to get a few days in by Thursday? because I might be going on a mini vacation for a few days. Don't know where yet, but I'll most likely be spending a lot of time outdoors. Jillian's not invited. :laugh:
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    doesn't have to be perfect...just keep it moving!! 110% effort!! bring all you got!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Ohhh man I think my quads will be sore tomorrow. But I like Level 3 MUCH better than Level 2, so hopefully it won't be as hard to get out of bed every morning!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I've totally messed up this challenge....so instead of trying to catch up I'm going back to basics.....no more challenges for me until I get my workout routine back in gear...I wish all you ladies all the best and I'll keep checking in on you guys
  • Kim1118
    Kim1118 Posts: 57 Member
    Week 3, Day 1...all I can say is "Ugh!" On top of that, I didn't burn as many calories as normal even thought I felt like I worked pretty hard. Maybe I paused (or passed out) more than I think I did! LOL! It seems that way also when I eat something (i.e. anything) before my workout...does that make sense? Maybe tomorrow will be better...
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    OH MY WORD!! I did not even make through this workout! I had to collapse on the floor several times out of sheer pain. I thought Levels 1 and 2 were bad... those were easy! My quads were killing me. If I can still walk after this week I will be utterly amazed. My only goal this week is to get through the workout without collapsing on the floor yelling at Jillian. Or maybe I should just make my goal not to yell at Jillian. That might be more attainable!

    And yes she did skip a rep in the 2nd circuit I think??? I'll probably just pause and repeat an equal number of reps the opposite way just to make sure I'm even (Can't have lopsided shoulders and legs if I can help it lol).

    Well everyone... happy Ripping this week! (Counting down the days until Week 3 is over, although I'm not sure I want to see what Week 4 has in store)
  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    The one where push downs with head touching the floor, cant even remember the name now - I rolled over my head today.
    I might have a bit of stiff neck later I suppose. Take care while doing that ;-)

    Day 2 Level 3 complete.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Down with D2L3 ooph! It was a little easier today and managed to do a lot more than yesterday where I was just cursing through most of it. I'm still struggling with the stork legs though.

    Happy Ripping!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    It's done!! For the day, anyways! :laugh: :laugh:

    I felt it went much better today... I'm not sure I have quads anymore, I think they're more like little strands of overcooked spaghetti. Those side push up things, I can NOT do them. I don't care if Ms. Jillian herself came, yelled at me and then held a hot poker in my face, there's no way I could do those puppies! :grumble:

    I kind of like this level, I'll admit :blushing: It's SUPER intense, but for the most part I feel like I can do most of the stuff without dying, and maybe I don't look like "Beshira ", my "Shelly" isn't too bad...

    ROCK ON!!!! :tongue:
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    Yesterday I did not do Ripped. :embarassed: I had every intention of doing it after I picked up my older daughter from school and put the younger one down for a nap. But when I picked my 3 year old up she had received a haircut from one of her classmates. Her first ever, she had long wavy blond hair and scissors had never touched it. :sad: And of course this was the day before school picture day as well. :cry: :cry: So I spent my entire afternoon/evening trying to find someone to fix her hair for me. So now my little girl has a very cute, very short, bob.

    Today didn't start off looking much better for ripped, but I refuse to skip two days in a row. So after I finally got both girls asleep I popped in the dvd and got Ripped. Only interrupted twice by crying/puking children. So I'm not sure it was the best workout, but it was something. Day 2 of level 3 is done.

    And the workout is still rough. I like this level, it's a good challenge. But man it kicks my *kitten*. And now because tomorrow is a crazy day as well I will need to get up early to work out, so I'm less than 6 hours away from day 3. :indifferent:
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    First day of Level 3 done. :smile:
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    Taralee, now that I have read your post, I see how you share my pain. I am always amazed by the moms on here who find the time to work out 5 times a week, eat well, ;lose weight and still manage to maintain some sanity. :)

    I have conquered L3D2! I had very little motivation when I got home from work today. I desparately wanted to just lay down and take a nap. I even sat down on the couch. Some of you may be familiar with the curse of the couch. Once you sit down, you never get up. Not this girl! I told myself I have come too far to skip a workout out now (and I may be running into an ex-bf here soon so...). I changed my clothes, put my shoes on, and pushed play on that DVD player. I found the workout much easier this time around. Still thinking that I may be in the same boat as most of you with no legs by the end of the week. I hoping all this stability and lower body work will help once I start running next month.

    Bring it on L3D3!!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    OMG!! All I can say is Jillian why do you hate me so much!!

    Day 1 Level 3 - KILLER!!
  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    Day 3 lee\vel 3 done..

    Quite tired this morning, though muscles werent sore as expected. But could not do them to the fullest energy, managed to make it to the end

    half the well crossed, 3 more days to go
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Day 3 is done! I'm hating, "This is so disco" Excuse me? Where the heck did THAT phrase come from Ms. J?

    This day was hard. I had a vaccination that I don't think went where it was suppose to, low medial tricep. Every time my arm would brush my body it was painful. It seriously got to the point where it just began to feel numb. and there's definite weakness there, currently (Man, I sound like a wimp!)

    ROCK ON!!!!! :tongue:
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Well done ladies!!! We made it halfway through level 3! Only 9 more workouts! Doesn't that taste good!

    I was able to complete all the jumping lunges with B today! I feel amazing! Trying to break out of 160.0 today and I'm determined to be at least on 159.8 tomorrow morning so getting my ipod and heading outside for a good run.

    Happy Wednesday!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member

    Week 3, Day 3 is DOWN!! Hot damn!!:bigsmile: :drinker: We are half way through the dang thing!!!

    Okay, I apologize for not getting my posts in the past couple of days, but the long and short of it, is ...it TOM, and I was rather onery:grumble: :tongue:

    But I'm back in it, ...I'm liking Week 3, a little bit better now.... that I'm getting a bit familiar with the circuits. But can I just say...I ABSOLUTELY HATE those Rock and Roll squat jumps things.....detest them-with a vengence:grumble: :angry: I can't get through them fast enough they hurt my back and neck, its gotten to the point where I'll attempt a couple and then jog it out.....forget what youre talking about Jillian:noway: :bigsmile: :glasses:

    AnYHOW....That leads me to the QUESTION OF THE DAY: What EXERCISE ARE YOU BRINGING IT ON? For me, I like the stregnth portion of circuit 3, MOCHABLUES is bringing it!! ...I like the challenge of the downward dog -plank push ups, and the one arm side push ups and even the table leg dips......:wink: ...funny thing is , if someone would've said that I would like those things a month ago, they'd be given the crazy look:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Okay Rippers- What say you??? What are you brining it on in Circuit 3??:bigsmile: :bigsmile: