

  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    I wish I could start seeing some results. The only results I have seen so far (and today will be day7, will update when I complete the work out) is my endurance... I haven't seen any results in inches... and haven't been to the gym to weigh myself.

    Any suggestions?
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    I saw this dress online today... And it's totally an inspiration! I want to be able to wear clothes like these and look and feel good wearing them!
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    L1D3 done and dusted. I already feel like it's getting easier. It's the best. And such an awesome 'feel-good' workout. I have to amp myself up to do it in the mornings and convince myself i don't need to smaoke a hubbly. But I'm going to make it all the way to day 30. Its AMAZING
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    Just finished Day7, Level 1!!

    Still sweaty. Shins still hurt, going to try some new stretches that some people suggested (thanks by the way!!). Other muscles are NOT sore at all.

    I did 5 whole grown up push ups today!! They're still super hard for me! I hope I can do 6 tomorrow!!

    Still sweaty... Not noticing any inches lost, or anything else. But, I am noticing my endurance getting better.

    I didn't put down the weights at all today (I have 5lb weights), and only rested once during the squat and press, and then put down one weight during the side lunge and shoulder raises, and used one weight for both arms. Still hard though!!

    I only had to take a quick break during the second set of push ups, another quick break with the jump ropes (on the second round). :) I think it's getting better!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well, it looks like I'm going to have to drop out already. I didn't have any problems with day 1 and was looking forward to completing the entire 30 days, but I have a knee injury that put me down for about 3 weeks back in September and it started hurting a bit yesterday afternoon. I could feel the strain on it during the actual workout and just pushed through it, but now that it's hurting afterwards I don't want to keep going and continue to strain it. I think it is just too much with all the jumping and lunges, etc. I'll continue with the C25K and do some other form of exercise to get my strength training in. I have an exercise ball workout that focuses on core training and uses weights. I think with that workout combined with the cardio I get from running I'll be ok.

    I really was looking forward to getting those results from the shred! Maybe I'll be able to revisit it in the future when I get further into my running goal and my leg muscles are strong enough to support my knees better.

    Good luck to the rest of you!


    Lots of us get knee injuries from the shred, the lunges and squats are usually what do it, try doing the lunges and squats very low, only barely going into them, the key is to make sure your knee stays way behind your toes and you stick you butt out rather than slidding lower with legs, butts out and knee behind toes!!!

    This is what did my knee injury but I can do the shred if I make sure I concentrat on sticking my *kitten* out and keep knees behind toes, I also make a point to do less deep if they start feeling 'watery', you can feel them starting up and if you remind yourself of this you should be able to keep the injury at bay

    Hope this helps :bigsmile:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Do we have to to each level for 10 days? Today will be day 4 on Level 1 for me and I was wondering when I could or should move up to Level 2.

    Move up only when you feel ready, even if you do level 1 for 30 days it will be worth doing it.
    Get the most you can from each level, maybe use bigger weights if your not feeling challenged by level 1?
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Not sure if I can still get in on this or not...let me know! I did start yesterday with the 30 Day Shred but just found this group this morning. Let me know!! :smile:

    You can indeed :flowerforyou:

    Get shredding!!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Today I felt great when I woke up, thought to myself "Hey, maybe I'm fitter than I thought I was!" Turns out, nope, I'm not! I don't know if it was that I had to power walk to get to the train on time TWICE today, or the hour long dog walk, but my thighs were HURTING by the time I got round to turning the DVD on!! However, I powered through the DVD and got it done. Only thing is, I am using 2.5kg weights (5.5lbs) and on a few of the moves I can't keep it up right to the end and have to put them down. Also, years and years ago I broke my wrist pretty badly and it gets pretty achy if I have to carry heavy stuff and right now I'm getting some pain in it, even just typing. Any advice on what I should do re weights?! I don't have any other actual weights, but maybe I could use 1litre bottles of squash or something??? Help!!

    Also, those last bicylce crunches?? I am making the most inhuman noises by the time I get to the last 5 hahaha. "NRRRRGGGGHHHH" lol not attractive!

    Great job everyone for working through those muscle burns and completing day two! xxx

    I think you need lower weights, I love your spirit but you don't want to do an injury to yourself.
    Maybe use the weights till it feel like your starting to strain, then use some cans of beans of something.
    I have some leg/arm wieghts which I use in the areas where no weights are need I think they are only 2lbs, these would be better for you, maybe you could get a set, I think they are cheap in places like tesco/asda.

    Hang in there and do yourself proud :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Day 1,level 2 done!this is my 2nd attempt of starting the dvd to complete the full 30days so i thought i wud start at level 2.MY ARMS HURT!!but i really enjoyed the workout!im planning to complete day 2 tomorrow before work so an early start for me!

    because i want to start working out in the morning,wen would u guys recommend eating breakfast?wud it be before or after the workout?time restraints will prob mean i'll be working out on an empty stomach and eating breakfast afterwards,will this be ok?

    I personally LOVE running first thing on an empty stomach, I was amazed when I did it the first time but now it feels like the way to do it, then I eat afterwards.
    Means I don't have a belly full of food/drink whilst exercising and stops me getting a stitch!!

    See how you go on an empty stomach I think you might be happy to do it this way, it will save you time too as you can eat once afterwards :happy:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    level1 day2 done - ugh i am so lucky to have my fiance here while i'm doing these - i feel like quitting 100 times during it because i feel so weak. it's soooo hard for me i feel like no one else is struggling LOL!!

    i'm only using 3lb weights and i feel like it's always my legs that are about to give out. especially the fact that the majority of the strength training is done in squat or lunge position. my thighs always are shaking and i feel like i'm gonna fall over.

    is anyone else having a hard time?! my pecs/shoulders are sore but i feel like the arm strength training isn't whats hardest for me. i'm following anita too - so it's not even like i'm pushing myself super hard, i feel like a bum haha.

    i hope this gets more manageable because i'm getting frustrated.

    Hang in there, you just need to build up your strength and the only way to do this is to carry on.
    Stay with the weights your using and on level 1 and I will bet that in 10 days time you are much more able to do these moves.
    Don't worry that other people can do more than you or are doing heavier weights you need to start at your starting point and this is it.
    In time you will find this easier and will be able to progress and do more advanced moves and heavier wieghts without your legs feeling like jelly.

    The only certain thing is if you quit you will not get better!! :wink:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Level 1 - Day 2 done! Along with Turbofire! I am completely exhausted and covered in sweat and it feels awesome! :bigsmile:

    Quick question: How many pounds are you guys using for the weights? I've been using 2 lbs per hand and I just don't feel like its enough. I was thinking of upping my weights to 4 lbs per hand after a few more days of level 1.

    I'm using 5kg dumbells, they are bloody hard work but I manage with them for most the moves, the side lunges and arm raises are the hardest but I can do at least half with these so am sticking to it.
    I would recommend upping weight asap if you feel they are too low, I wish I had done this earlier!!! :bigsmile:
  • stockers78
    stockers78 Posts: 22 Member
    D3L1 done. Is already getting so much easier! I was using 1kg weights, but now started using 2kg except for lifting over my head, which is definitely my weakest move!! Went for a 30 min run last night as well, and have already lost 2lb this week = one happy girl!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Too be honest these last few days were horrible and I didn't get to do the workout- I did do some great brisk walks but between the new baby and my bigger feet (couldn't fit my prepregnancy workout sneakers!) I didn't make it. I'm planning on starting tomorrow for myself but I understand if you remove me.

    Can do shred barefoot if you like, just make sure you do jumping jacks on matt or carpet :drinker:
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    Too be honest these last few days were horrible and I didn't get to do the workout- I did do some great brisk walks but between the new baby and my bigger feet (couldn't fit my prepregnancy workout sneakers!) I didn't make it. I'm planning on starting tomorrow for myself but I understand if you remove me.

    Can do shred barefoot if you like, just make sure you do jumping jacks on matt or carpet :drinker:

    I am definitely doing 30DS without shoes from yesterday on, because in my shoes my feet would always get crampy... I think my feet were trying to grip in the shoe... And it was just plain uncomfortable!
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I saw this dress online today... And it's totally an inspiration! I want to be able to wear clothes like these and look and feel good wearing them!

    That's a lovely dress! I've got a wedding to go to in march and I want to feel like i look amazing in a dress (i dont do dresses!) not like a hippo!
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    Too be honest these last few days were horrible and I didn't get to do the workout- I did do some great brisk walks but between the new baby and my bigger feet (couldn't fit my prepregnancy workout sneakers!) I didn't make it. I'm planning on starting tomorrow for myself but I understand if you remove me.

    Can do shred barefoot if you like, just make sure you do jumping jacks on matt or carpet :drinker:

    I am definitely doing 30DS without shoes from yesterday on, because in my shoes my feet would always get crampy... I think my feet were trying to grip in the shoe... And it was just plain uncomfortable!

    My husband does the shred barefoot because he lost one of his trainers (how i dunno!) but he says he finds it better than with trainers on, i get really sweaty feet so i have to wear shoes.
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    Do we have to to each level for 10 days? Today will be day 4 on Level 1 for me and I was wondering when I could or should move up to Level 2.

    Move up only when you feel ready, even if you do level 1 for 30 days it will be worth doing it.
    Get the most you can from each level, maybe use bigger weights if your not feeling challenged by level 1?

    Mel I :heart: how you try and reply to loads of people individually - its so lovely, thank you for starting this thread and helping to keep everyone motivated :happy:
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I've just completed my day 3 of the shred, and yes i hurt a lot but i didnt take any breaks today at all!

    I have found though that the anterior raises and side lunges are too much for me - its the raises so instead of raising both arms at once i'm having to raise alternates - its working at least, i feel better doing that then having to quit half way through!

    Might actually do some yoga before bed tonight we'll see what time i get in from work!

    i forgot how much i love the shred!
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    L1D2 done!

    I really didn't think I'd be sore since I had been doing P90X and it seems so much harder, but sore I am!

    Leobaby...I did post about doing L1D1 yesterday...must have gotten lost in teh shuffle (it was kindof in teh middle of a long post). How long did it take you to do that update? That is so nice of you!

    Jillian...done! Now on to Bob's Strength routine...I'd alos like to run 5 miles today, but I think it's a long shot!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    Hey guys! my shred is still not here! so I plan on doing other JM dvds until is is .. I have 6 wk 6 pk and BFBM! ... thanks for all the FR you guys are all doing soooo great !!! x