Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    Heather..Beautiful nursery!!

    Ashley...Yeah, I watched X factor last night too...ready for them to get to the live shows!

    Everyone else...Hello!! Hope you are well!!

    AFM: Did my yoga workout last night, which felt good. I'm going to try my strength/cardio workout tonight. I NEED to get back to it! And I'm feeling much better today, so it shouldn't be a problem. I wanted to go for a walk last night, but it is SO cold here right now!! I'm hoping it warms back up a little before my 5K on Saturday (I'm planning to walk it this year).

    ANYways...hope you all have a good day!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heather!!! Your nursery is so beautiful! It looks like it's straight out of a magazine! You have such a nice big room for Charlee that is great! :o) Love the colors and the chandelier is so pretty!

    So I'm back at work today after taking 1.5 days off to try to feel better. I do feel a bit better but just feeling mostly REALLY weak/tired and unable to focus - my sinuses are killing me and I got sick before I left for work this ;) hopefully this all subsides soon. Needless to say I haven't worked out at ALL this week and I'm thinking I will have to miss yoga tomorrow for the 2nd week in a row :( BOO

    I'm just itching to start working on my nursery - I really can't wait. We're going to start cleaning out the spare room tonight and start to get things organized - I just need to pick a paint color for the wall - we want to go green but it's really hard actually selecting a color! lol

    Baby's moving a lot lately and I'm starting to get used to it and actually really look forward to it. I almost get worried when I don't feel him moving lol

    Managed to get a bunch of fresh garden carrots and celery in for snacks yesterday...I must admit I ate mostly celery because Jay brought me home cheese whiz...I know not the best thing...but at least I got my veggies in! I haven't had cheese whiz in SO long...and it's dangerous because I LOVE IT ;)

    Anyway, hope everyone is having a great week. :flowerforyou:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I haven't posted in here in a while....but I've been stalking ;)

    Heather ~ Love the chandelier.....the whole room looks great of course, but the chandelier is my favorite!!! I was going to go that route if it's a girl as well.

    I've been doing zumba twice a week lately. Last night I think I pushed it a's so hard to not do what I always used to!! My belly is starting to get large & in charge for sure. The baby has been kicking loads every day. And for my big news - tomorrow is the big day!!! We find out if it's a boy or girl! So excited that I can hardly contain myself!!! Hope this day flies by! :)

    I'm a little late in the week posting my goals, but this is more of an overall one - I need to start eating better. I was so good for so long & lately it's been too much crap. Time to get back on track! And I want to exercise nearly everyday & not just the 2x's/week of zumba.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    I am noticing I am irritated by things a lot lately, mostly irritating people I work with. I feel like kind of a *****. Not that I'm acting on anything, just typically annoyed. And I was oh so annoyed at the cheese factor on The X Factor last night. I wanted to punch the *****cat Doll in the face for her over the top emotion. That's all.

    I got edited. That's funny. Especially funny that a band name was edited. :laugh:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member

    Heather-Love the nursery, it is amazing too. Thanks for sharing. You are there and your beautiful baby will be with you soon.

    Rayna- I worry alot too when i don't feel my baby, but I only feel flutters still. Glad you are feeling better. I also want to get started on our nursery but i think the HB (hubbY) is waiting until we get confirmation that is a Girl.

    H82- Awesome you get to find out tomorrow, keep us posted.

    babeed- I got a good laugh thanks for offering your DH. lol

    I did get lots of sleep last night, my body feels recouped so I can probably through in some S/T tonight.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Oh also, I just wanted to let everyone know that we FINALLY picked a name for our baby boy!! One that we both love. It's been on our list for awhile and we just keep coming back to it. It really feels right and I'm just so excited to finally be able to call him something other than baby! lol

    His name is: Mason John William Graham :bigsmile: :heart:

    We love it and we're very excited! So happy to finally have a name picked out that we both feel good about. Whew!:bigsmile:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Rayna, what a beautiful name you picked! Lots of middle name though. :-) I'm so agree with you about getting very anxious when not feeling the baby kicking. Mine does the same, likes to boxing/kicking a lot. Started was more at night, now she's be doing that more in the day time too. I'm glad that I sit while I work, so I have more chance to feel her doing her karate movement. :love:

    We have our name picked out (along with our first kid). At that time, we picked a boy and a girl's name. 4 years later, we still love the girl name that we picked (including middle name is a Chinese name).
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Rayna I love the name Mason! I had wanted to do two middle names as well but hubby vetoed it... She would have been Charlotte Kendall Haven Crist...but Al thought it was "too many names". I think kids are smart and can learn almost anything you throw at them! lol

    Ashley that cracked me up too that you got edited...dirty mouth ;) I have my moments of irritation as well. Gotta love those hormones.

    Heather thank you! My favorite is the chandelier too. Before we ever found out if the baby was a boy or girl I knew if she was a girl I wanted a chandelier. Al wasn't so keen on the idea but he warmed up to. I think it just makes the room. That is so exciting for your u/s! Let us know asap! :)

    So I am in some serious pain right ribs feel like they are on the verge of breaking and there isn't much I can do about it. I've read several places online that it is very common, and I've heard of babies breaking ribs but this seriously stinks. I have a very high pain threshold as well, but I'm not sure how much more of this continuous pressure/pain I can take! So frustrating! I hope none of you have to endure this that's for sure!
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    Heather - GORGEOUS nursery! And I'm so happy to hear your check up went well. Hopefully the pain will subside soon - but it'll be worth it!

    Rayna - Great name! The whole thing has a nice flow to it!

    Ashley - I'm with you on the moodiness, mine's just starting to kick in a little bit (I think it's mainly because of the nausea I've been feeling), and it's amazing what kind of thoughts go through your mind!

    So I've failed so far this week at getting any exericse in -- work's been too crazy -- but I've really reigned in my eating - made it healther and more appropriate serving sizes - so I'm definitely feeling better about that. Tonight I plan on hitting up Zumba and shaking my booty for a bit =)

    Quick question for all of you -- what maternity exercise DVDs are you using? I'm interested in yoga, pilates and one that has some good strengthening exercises in it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heather - I'm so sorry to hear you're in so much pain that totally sucks...I have a feeling I will be in the same boat. Right now the most uncomfortable thing for me is my hips/pelvis always hurts (shooting pains) on my left side when I walk. I also get a stabbing pain under my left boob and under my left shoulder blade in my rib areas constantly - I went to my doctor about it and asked my massage therapist both said they were knots and I have yet to get them out. Not fun, it flares up if I sit too long and guess what...I have a desk job lol.
    Hang in there, I hope you find relief soon! You're almost to the finish line!:flowerforyou:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    I'm so glad you mentioned your pains!! Since I got pregnant I have been carrying this baby right on my pelvic hurts to walk and to sit for long periods of time....I've been wearing a support band which actually does help. But the other night I noticed a pain on my left shoulder blade and it hasn't gone away. I was wondering what was causing it. Thank for info on the knots!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Ahhhh going crazy, and I could still have 2 weeks to go :( I have random pain in my abs and back that come and go, but I'm not sure if that is what contractions feel like or just my cervix getting ready. I hope this is not what they feel like cause they friggen hurt!! I hope its not that bad b/c I plan on going natural and def dont want to feel like this for 12 hours lol.... Not sure what else I can do to hurry this up I'm doing it all!
  • batgirlrox
    Heather- I hope Charlee lets up on those poor ribs of yours soon!

    Rayna- I have always loved the name Mason, so cute!

    atynk- Oh dear that doesn't sounds fun. I hope baby comes soon. Did you know only 20% of women will deliver before or in their 38th week? I hope you're one of those lucky ones and that labour goes smoothly for you!

    I'm not looking forward to all these pelvic and rib pains everyone seems to be having these days. As for me I'm just looking forward to the days of regained energy. My energy seems to be few and far between these last few days. I did get all my Halloween decorations up in the yard today and went for a short little walk but at least it was something. Hubby and I were supposed to go to a friends birthday party tonight but neither one of us really feel up to it so we are just having a nice quiet night together.

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Just wanted to doctor was quite pleased with my incision and healing so I got the green light to ease back into working out again. :-) I got in a great walk with my bambina and fur-babies today, but I also got to run!!! Whoo hoo!!! 2.5 miles at a nice slow pace, it felt awesome. I truly forgot how easy it is to run without being pregnant. Hope I didn't do too much. Ellie did an itsy, bitsy yoga class today too - she loved it.

    Will catch up soon.

    Yeah to Belgiumlady and Claire and Vincent, praying for a short NICU stay!

  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Ugh! Just when I thought the throwing up was over I threw up today after lunch....

    I feel like I'm losing patience with my students. I get so irritable so fast. Tattle telling is my biggest pet prevent.
    At the end of the day I feel so bad. Lord pls help me...I need the wknd already.
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    I have been SO busy that I haven't been able to log on...but today is a new the breakfast logged and am ready take the day on!!!

    Heather...your nursery is fabulous!!! I am in LOVE with the colors...its so bright and open!! What a great space!

    Rayna...Mason is such a wonderful name!!!!

    For has just been super busy! My birthday is next Wednesday and I seriously have not even thought about it (which is wild because I love birthdays! - especially mine!!) Work has been nuts and this past week I have just been having wicked bad back pain. The chair I sit in at work is I think I am going to talk to someone about getting some sort of support before it becomes an issue.
    On a happier note...yesterday we hit 22 weeks!!! The time is just flying by! I had yoga last night which was great and then Kory and I went to register!!!!!!!!! We were literally like two kids in a candy much fun!!! I just want to start working on the nursery and get the ball really rolling!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    jchecca thanks! It is actually a pretty small room but with the cathedral ceiling and the colors I think I managed to make it feel more open. That was the idea anyways. Congrats on 22wks! I think I felt the best around that time. I wish I wouldn't have obsessed about my weight/how my bump (or lack there of) looked at that time and enjoyed the feeling great.... Lesson learned lol. Registering was definitely fun!

    svgarcia sorry you are still getting sick.... I hope it passes soon!

    Holly awww....itsy bitsy yoga?! How sweet! I wish they had stuff like that around here! I'm so happy for you that you got the okay to run! I know it made your day.

    Amanda you are in the trenches of the lack of energy stage right now...It will pass I promise! The second trimester was great. So you definitely have something to look forward to! The pains really do suck...but with hot baths, warm compresses, and stretching it makes it bearable. I am hoping she drops again so the pain goes away though. I'd rather her in my pelvis than in my ribs that's for sure! Glad you got your decorations up. I managed to put out 2 pumpkins and 2 mums and called it a day on the Fall decor outside :)

    Andrea I feel your pain....literally! We are soooo close now and our babies are getting bigger and bigger and we are not! I am planning for next weekend to start all the "home remedies" I can to get things moving. Oh and I forgot to mention using the breast pump for nipple stimulation, especially if you are having contractions. And the contractions start at the top of your uterus and move down and you can feel them in your lower back/butt if your belly is getting tight then that is what you are feeling. And you say you could have 2 weeks left...are you getting induced at 40 weeks? I'm going natural too and I will refuse induction until 42 that essentially means I could have another possible almost 5 weeks left of this!!! Oy...

    ktgator hope you had a great zumba workout and got to shake it! :) My entire pregnancy I've been doing Tracy Anderson method dvd's (not maternity but I just don't do the laying on the stomach stuff or the laying on my back stuff). And I plan on continuing it after baby.

    As for me I don't wanna scare anyone...but last night I had horrible horrible pains as I was going to bed. The baby gets really active at that time, and it used to be really cute. But last night was violent and I kept getting lightening bolt pains through my cervix. Al had to coax me to breath through it and everything. She was wriggling around and pushing and it was very uncomfortable and painful at moments. She did it 3 times before she finally quit at 11 and I could go to sleep. Waking up this morning I feel less pressure on my ribs so I think she might have moved down a bit. All I can say is that I am so ready for her to come.

    I'm going to hang out with my new 80 year old bff's today in water aerobics lol :) Then I'll do some toning. It is pretty amazing how much ab/core work you do while doing water aerobics. You have to have a lot of balance and your core is what balances you. So after baby I'd recommend it for anyone trying to get their core back into shape as a low impact/easier workout.

    I hope you ladies have an awesome is ALMOST the weekend!!! YAY! Stay fit and healthy my friends!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Heather and antyk, hope those babies come soon! Sounds fun....just can't wait for excrutiating pain. :wink: But really, I hope the pain subsides. Rayna, cute name! I think we have picked ours too, but we're keeping it to ourselves until she comes.

    As for me, my goals have been going really great this week until yesterday. I had donuts for breakfast and Chinese for dinner which wasn't terrible except for all the sodium. It was raining and cold and nasty and the last thing I wanted to do was go to yoga so we skipped that too and watched an allegedly scary movie. Tonight I have dinner plans with a friend so hope to get some strength and cardio in before, probably in the form of treadmill b/c that weather has turned nasty.

    This weekend I have a couple girlfriends from out of town comign in so that will be fun. I'm taking a half day tomorrow to have lunch with them and do some shopping. The weather is supposed to get nicer; I already miss the sun. Sunday Eric said we could dedicate to the baby and go start registering and finish painting the nursery and get it cleaned out. I'm getting to a point where I want to get things in order. I know we still have time, but I hate having things hanging over my head. I also have a professional exam to study for and take so I want to get all my "chores" done before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the holidays and wrap up last minute baby stuff during that time. I need to start incorporating those goals into my weekly fitness and nutrition goals!

    Question for you all: Do you think it is appropriate to have toddlers at baby showers? I am having an adults only couples shower and then another brunch shower with about 8 of my girlfriends. 2 of the 8 of my friends have kids (around the age of 2) and I can't decide if I want to specify no kids or not. Involving kids just totally changes dynamics, but then again, it is a baby shower. I can;t decide.

    I was goign to keep this short; that never happens. Hope you all have great days and feel good!

  • millionsofpeaches
    Nkster781 – Good luck with meeting the midwife!

    Kristinbee – Great idea with the baby book… What a sweet way to connect with your little one.

    Babeed854 – awesome tip for Amazon! I am going to check that out for sure.

    Better_balance – Awesome idea on tracing onto the wall… I may do something similar. I am not thinking about the room until we know the sex.

    Ash – I am at 9 weeks and have gained 5lbs… I do not know what a normal gain is but I am sure that I am right on the same path as you. I think everyone is different… I have (shame) been giving into cravings (luckily they are somewhat healthy). I am just constantly hungry! I don’t know if that is normal or not.

    Heathercrist1 – I absolutely love the nursery! It is super girly without being overly pink. The color on the walls is soothing and calm. Is that a rocking chair or a regular chair?

    Rayna – Tip for selecting paint (I have an interior design degree) Go to the big box store and pick every sample that you think you like. Green, yellow, white, etc… Take them home with you and spread them all out in front of you. Quickly go through the pile and “eliminate” any ones that you don’t like. Do those processes again till you have 3-4 final colors. Tape them up and decide! I do it for every room in my home. If you are still unsure go and have a little batch of the paint mixed up and put it on the wall. Go with your gut feeling on the color, not with someone else’s opinion. You are the one that has to live with it, not someone else. Also, for the ceiling if you pick a whisper light shade of the wall color, it will look nice. GOOD LUCK! --- P.S. I love the name for your little guy. So sweet.

    Heather – I hope your pain has subsided…. You are in the home stretch. Good luck.

    As for me, I have been feeling better this week. Craving lots of fresh fruit. Pineapple and strawberries are my favorite. I have tried to run a few times but feel light headed when I run and completely out of breath. I have tried to make sure that I am properly hydrated before and fueled. I am not sure what I am doing wrong and am frustrated because I really want to continue running but I do not want to do anything to hurt the baby. I have started more walks which I enjoy because I get to soak up the beautiful fall colors. I think that I am going to go to yoga today!

    I am excited for this weekend because it is me and my hubbies 5th anniversary tomorrow... I love him so very much. We are going to re create our first date which was almost 10 years ago. We are going to our favorite restaurant, to the mall to walk around like dorks holding hands, and to see a movie. I am sure we will talk more than we did on our first date. We were both so nervous. He thought I didn't like him because we didn't talk much... Haha, I was just enamored by his handsomeness.

    Have a good weekend ladies!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you are all feeling okay this morning!

    Well...last night did NOT go as planned. Ate dinner and then was feeling SO nauseous that the remainder of the evening was spent on the couch. And when I was feeling better again I scarfed down a big bowl of Count Chocula cereal! I consider that a failed evening!! Bummer. Hoping that tonight goes better and I get in my strength/cardio workout, or at least my yoga!

    Question: What does a typical day look like for you gals foodwise? I'm just curious. It's hard for me because I put in to gain 1/2 pound a week and it says I should be eating 2100 calories per day. Seems like a lot for me. IDK... So, if you gals would share with me your food diary for a day, that would be great. I'm just curious. Here's an example of one of my days...

    Milk - Skim, 0.5 cup 40 cal
    Kellogg's - Crunchy Nut Cereal, 1 cup dry 160 cal
    Sunsweet Plumsmart Light - Plum Juice, 8 Oz. 60 cal

    AM snacks
    Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) 105 cal
    Duncan Hines - Whole Grain Blueberry Muffin, 1 muffin 180 cal

    Progresso - Light Vegetable and Noodle Soup, 1 container (496 gs ea.) 120 cal
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 cal
    Snacks - Popcorn, oil-popped, 2 cup 110 cal

    Afternoon snacks
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 cal
    Nature Valley - Sweet and Salty Nut Granola Bar - Peanut, 1 bar 170 cal

    Kristin's Homemade - Turkey Spaghetti, 1/8 of total 321 cal
    Rhodes Bake-N-Serv® - Garlic Butter Rolls, 2 roll 200 cal

    PM snacks
    Kemp's Fat Free Frozen Yogurt - Strawberry, 1 cup 160 cal
    Cool Whip - Whipped Topping - Free, 4 tbsp 30 cal

    Totals 1,808 cal
    Your Daily Goal 2,100 cal
    Remaining 292 cal

    Have a good morning!