What was the worst thing someone said to you regarding your



  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    yes i remember when the first time my brother and his friend put a sign on the bridge when i was walking back to the house...and the sigh said " one fat lady at a time" boy brothers.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    About ten years ago when I wasn't even that big we had a banquet at church and there were people there that I had not seen in a year or so. One lady came up to me and I was soooo glad to see this old friend. She was justlaughing and laughing and had that kind of "slapping her knee" kind of attitude and the first thing she said to me was, "Do you know what I said when I saw you? I said, Man, if you don't stop gaining weight, you're going to have to be hospitalized!" And, then, she hee hawed and laughed and laughed and laughed and I burst into tears and it never did sink in that what she said was so hurtful. Now, I could understand if someone had taken me aside and tried to help me and give me advice about my health but to say that in a crowded banquet room with people all around listening, etc. I cried for hours.......

    That's just one of the few....
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    well, I'm kind of a lazy person (didn't get to this weight with motivation!) and whenever I don't feel like working out, my boyfriend tells me that I'm not going to lose weight if I just sit at home. While I know this is true, I don't want to hear it, damn, there needs to be a workout for lazy people...
  • NaomiPhoto
    NaomiPhoto Posts: 17 Member
    About 10-12 years ago, my Grandmother and Aunt's "excuse" for not getting me clothing for Christmas (like they got everyone else) was that, "We didn't think we would find your size." That same Aunt's kids, my cousins, would always tell me I was fat and ugly any time they saw me. They even told me I wasn't allowed to jump on their trampoline because I would "break it." It's always disappointing to have a family that doesn't support you, even when you're down and out. Just remember that you're making a lifestyle change that will make you beautiful inside and out. :-) You can't exercise mean and nasty away!
  • ChangingTami
    ChangingTami Posts: 109 Member
    This past Christmas my Great Aunt said to me "I got your Christmas card, you really gained some weight.....you should really try to lose some it and allow that pretty girl I know you are come out".

    The truth about it is she was right, now I am doing something about it!!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    *****cat626, I like your ticker. I am a huge Tae Bo fan.
  • My stepfather was insanely cruel and used to abuse me over everything, his favourite subject being weight. When I was 105lbs he'd say things like:
    "You're fat and pathetic, no man will ever want you."
    "You deserve a man who'll hurt you and abuse you, maybe then you'll learn."
    He would make jokes about my weight in front of people. He once stood over me for an hour screaming at me while I cried, forcing me to do crunches.
    Then when I actually got chubby, at about 140lbs, he would simply sneer at me and say "You're a f*****g embarrassment, I don't want to be seen with you or have anyone know we're related."
    Any time my weight came up my mother would act weary, disappointed, and angry, saying I was chubby to spite her and she had no time for me until I would 'do the right thing and lose weight".
    Then they used to get mad at me for not having any self esteem. Wtf?
    Needless to say, I cut them out of my life about a year and a half ago and have never been happier.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    oh, and one from my mother in law
    me: "yeah, [some name] can pick me up!"
    her: "wow. then he must be able to pick up anyone!!"
    and dress shopping
    her: "I can take you dress shopping, I know it's hard to find your size. You know, they don't sell that big of sizes everywhere..."
    I was a 14. I don't know any store that doesn't sell a 14, thank you very much.
  • the fat cow comment was 3 weeks ago :(
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Make up your mind people either you want me healthy or you want me fat.

    A lot of times people don't like to see you changing, even if it's for the better. That can be true even of people who care for you. Change makes people uncomfortable. That's no excuse for saying hurtful things to you - but it's an explanation of why they do it.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    One thing that stands out was when I was in 5th grade- we all had to weighed and our weights posted (no names) for something with math. My weight was the highest and lots of kids said lots of nasty things. They knew who was that weight! I was nicknamed "LA"... I hated it- Large *kitten*- and I was only in 5th grade! I slimmed down once I got in 7th but it was a struggle to keep up with all the skinny girls- I played volleyball and did cheer leading and probably had a slight eating disorder thru high school because of this.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I guess this is a reverse insult..... I was told by my VERY overweight sister in law that I had lost weight to spite her... And it caused such a huge fight in my family my brother didn't speak to me for awhile. (This was many years ago)

    So the solution now..... No one is allowed to,talk about how good I am doing....

    I'm sorry but that hurts too...

    OMG- I am so sorry!!! But hun you are doing great! Let all of us tell you how wonderful you are doing and keep it up! My heart goes out to you!

    Some of these stories make me wanna find you and just give you a BIG HUG!!!
  • mbond6
    mbond6 Posts: 27 Member
    I wish I could just punch in the mouth all those hateful people but from what I seen its not strangers its the people who are suppose to love us~
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    I was 10. My best friends little brother (8) looked at me and asked,"What's it like to be fat?" i I answered with, "I don't really know, What's it like to be skinny?"

    I was a bartender in a night club and a patron was upset with me. He said, "You're fat and stupid aren't you?" I said, "No, I'm fat and YOU'RE stupid."

    My mother said, " Does he always date fat girls? He's really cute. It seems like he could do better." I didn't have an answer for this one.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    My grandfather told me that if I didn't lose some weight, no man would ever love me. I think I was 12 at the time.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    Almost all the rude comments I've gotten were from my father. He has been hypercritical about my weight since I was about 5. Some of them include:
    "You'll never find a boyfriend or husband, men don't like fat girls."
    "You'd be much prettier if you lost weight."
    ^^^^^ THIS!
    More recently though, my nephew asked, " Aunt Rose, Why are you so huge?" Also, while at the zoo this summer, said nephew was looking at a huge male gorilla, and commented that "He's so big, he's almost as big as Aunt Rose!"
    While my nephew wasn't fun to listen to, he was just being honest in his little kids way. Definately not trying to make me feel bad. He is only 7-8. My Dad on the other hand... He was ashamed and embarrased for me, and thought that he would motivate me to lose weight if he said these things. That always really hurt me, but ya know what? So far Dad has been right! Haven't had a single guy hit on me...
  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    By far the worst (that I still remember) was my uncle (who is actually my cousin, but old enough to be considered an 'uncle') when I was around 11 or 12. He said, "How does it feel to be so much fatter than all the other girls in your grade?"

    Ugh. A** hole.
  • after my ex-husband left me for another woman, I was so depressed that i had to go into the hospital for a week, that day i got out i took my mom to the store and she said ''well you have lost your looks,lost your health and you will never find another man." I looked at my mom and said I should just get a gun and shoot myself. D*mn if i did'nt go and prove her wrong my husband and i are celebrating our 7th anniversary today.:brokenheart: to a :love:
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    My boyfriend and I were driving and talking about our favorite fast food and I said I loved KFC but my roommate always brought it home on toonie tuesdays and would always make me eat some. He rubbed my stomach and said "Ahh that's where this came from!"

    Also at the bar when everyone is eating and drinking I said hmm I really want nachos! (Wasnt going to get them..) and he said no you really dont need those.
    We had a serious talk after that and he hadnt made a comment since! lol
  • My mom said to me "Honey you aren't supposed to be thin, you got the genes from your dad's side, they are all heavier women"
    This was said because I lost weight. She's just jealous I'm smaller than her. GRUMBLE