Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in for the day
    NEWTs-20 (under sodium 15 cups of water)
    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    OWLS: 6
    NEWTS: 11

    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 18
    HousePoints: I did not technically exercise this day, I had a concert so I was dancing and jumping for 3 hours... I don't know if you want to count it but it would be 240 (Let me know if it counts just to clear up confusion, I have another concert tomorrow)


    OWLS: 6

    Decent week. I'm usually not very good about sodium but so far I've only been over once this week. YAY!

    Well you definitely burned some calories there, I would count it especially if you were moving that whole time.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Stats for 20/10

    OWLs - 30
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 40
    Weight - 163

    So so disappointed in myself that I've had yet another day without a weight loss. I've been so motivated this week to do a lot of exercise, but also so so busy with sixth form that I haven't had the chance to work out as much. Very disappointed but it could have been a lot worse! I hope you are all okay.

    Remember that you won't lose weight everyday, It is highly unusual to lose everyday. Most people fluctuate on a daily basis. If you can try to weigh in once a week. This will help you to keep your mind off it. The scale is not always our friend even when we are working hard. I used to be a daily weigher ...when I stopped I was able to focus more on my choices and I was happy to see the bigger number lost all at once. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Since I have been slacking…. With EVERYTHING here is the past 5 days’ worth of information/stats/etc.
    [DATE] [OWLs] [NEWTs] [House Points]
    10/16 – 0 – 11 – 25
    10/17 – 0 – (16+5)21 – 108
    10/18 – 0 – 14 – 25
    10/19 –0 – (20+5)25 – 180
    10/20 – 31 – (13+5)18 – 51

    Totals since that is a HOT MESS!!

    OWLs - 31
    NEWTs - 89
    House Points - 389

    Not my best week... Going to have a gain. Blah! No one's fault but my own!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone, I would like to join your group. My daughter is part of the Hufflepuffs and has invited me to join you guys. I love MyFitnessPal and I love Harry Potter. I have slacked off and think this challenge may be just the thing to get me motivated again. It sounds like fun!
  • msrobinson77
    Skinnysuzie (who happens to be my super awesome mom) wants to join our fun!

    Here are my stats for today:

    Under sodium+4 glasses of water so 9 Newts
    5 OWLS (Queeda, we did some jumping jacks in my classroom today and the kids loved it!)
    60 house points (zumba class)
  • daddylion87
    Owls-0 newts-5 under sodium plus 8 glasses of water and 189 exercise points. I'm exhausted good night ladies.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all.

    I've had a really bad day today, awful in fact. I'm okay now, but just done a lot of thinking which probably hasn't done me any favours! I was previously working towards a loss of 1.5 - 2lb per week, which was working fantastically up until about 10 days ago. I feel like I've hit a brick wall since then, which is one of the reasons for my re-think. I wanted to be around 154lbs by November 23 (personal goal), and if I lose 1lb a week I'll be around 158, which is close enough! Obviously there's no reason I can't lose more than 1lb a week, I just want to make sure I'm being sensible with everything.

    I weigh myself daily and I have felt like it's taking over my life which is not good at all, so I'm going to try weekly weigh outs. Because I was posting daily, I don't know what day(s) we have to have our weight posted by. Wednesday is going to be my weigh in day, but I can delay posting the results from my weigh in until a later day in the week if necessary. I believe weigh in days are Friday - Monday, which is why I said I can delay posting my results, but this will be my personal weigh in day.

    So a bit of a confession there, the whole obsessing over my weight issue that is. I love what both MFP and the MFP community have allowed me to do, but I don't want it to control my life, which I have felt it's done for the past 10 or so days. Thank you all for your continued support though, I do appreciate all the comments; both positive and negative.

    Onwards and upwards as they say, and here's my stats for 21/10.

    OWLs - 30
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 30

    I'm working all day tomorrow so hopefully I'll burn some cals then. Bring it on!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I didn't do any jumping jacks last night. I had 7 glasses of water. Stayed under for sodium. 20 min of exercise. I am having a great friday. I am trying to figure out what to do with my kiddos tonight.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    OWLS: 6
    NEWTS: 11

    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 18
    HousePoints: I did not technically exercise this day, I had a concert so I was dancing and jumping for 3 hours... I don't know if you want to count it but it would be 240 (Let me know if it counts just to clear up confusion, I have another concert tomorrow)


    OWLS: 6

    Decent week. I'm usually not very good about sodium but so far I've only been over once this week. YAY!

    Well you definitely burned some calories there, I would count it especially if you were moving that whole time.

    I sure did, 1300 calories, infact according to my HRM! Yes, I wore it haha.

    NEWTS: 12
    HousePoints: 150
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hi everyone, I would like to join your group. My daughter is part of the Hufflepuffs and has invited me to join you guys. I love MyFitnessPal and I love Harry Potter. I have slacked off and think this challenge may be just the thing to get me motivated again. It sounds like fun!

    Yay! Welcome to the team!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    :sad: Man I have a horrible migraine tonight and my son is sick. Please pray my baby feels better soon. It makes for a crappy time when any of them are sick. :sad:
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    NEWTS: 9 (sodium was bad 9c water)
  • Molly_Louise
    ***Warning...LONG post!***

    Guys! The thread is so dead nowadays, we need to liven it up a LOT! I understand everyone has busy lives, because I know I do, but we need to get more active on here! I was thinking we could play some games, and the 'interesting fact about yourself' idea was well received so I'm going to expand on it and post 5 things about myself and you should too! I'm going to avoid the really obvious things such as name etc because you already know all of that ;)

    - I want to become a nurse when I am older. Well, in all honestly, not want, NEED. There is physically nothing else I can both concede doing with my life, nor actually do with my life than become a nurse and I will do anything possible to make this happen. I want to become a children's nurse in particular, and I've just sent off my application for University. Now I have a wait to see if any University will offer me a place to study nursing, but I cannot possibly do anything other with my life career wise so I'm praying to God I get in.
    - I'm a very personal and secretive. I find it hard to trust people and therefore I am hesitant about telling people things, especially my feelings, secrets and thoughts. I'm a lot more open on the internet, because I feel that while you can judge me, you don't know me well enough to form an opinion of me or what I have just said.
    - I spend most of my time worrying about what people think of me, and it really is not a good thing!
    - I'm an only child, but I do not know my biological father so this may not be the case. However, I am 99% sure it's just me! As a child, I always wished for a sister when blowing out the candles on my birthday cake, and then I learned that wishing is not how I'm going to get the sister!
    - London is my favourite place in the entire world. I live an hour away from it and I'd go there daily if I could. I feel free when I'm there.

    Okay, so that's me. Now your turn! Hopefully this'll get us talking a lot more and if it doesn' now know a lot about me! :laugh:

    Not sure if I am posting the food challenge for this week so I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Another simple one from me I'm afraid, purely because it's late here and I'm not a creative personal at all! We'll be monitoring our fat levels this week. Sorry that it's so simple, boring and un-inventive, but it can be very effective. 5 NEWTs for being under your fat goal or allowance, and 1 NEWT per glass of water consumed, meaning an unlimited amount of NEWTs can be gained this week.

    Stats for 22/10

    OWLs - 100
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 210

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend guys, and try to get posting more! :)
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    The exercise this week is abs! Let's do reverse crunches! A set of 10 is worth 1 OWL. I will be getting caught up on posts later on today.
  • msrobinson77
    Yesterday was not the best! I went for a quick one mile jog in the morning and then felt HUNGRY all day. We hung out with some freinds last night and they had loads of yummy snacks and I made horrible choices. I went over on calories and sodim and the scale was not forgiving this morning-blagh!

    For Yesterday:

    Weight 144lbs (same)
    3 newts
    0 Owls
    10 house points
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - (15+5) 20
    House Points - 160

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - (13+5) 18
    House Points - 401 (Sight seeing for 5 Hours + the Y -- Counts???)

    Weigh-In: 164.8 (Whoot-Hoot!! I thought I would have a gain, but have been focusing on food and low impact exercise.)

    Molly - I will play (LOL!) This board is lacking.

    - Five random things (that I love):
    -the cool side of the pillow
    -smell of fall leaves
    -Diet Mountain Dew (it is my crack - I was off it for 8 months but I came crawling back. One of the days I will try to kick the habit again. But I am not ready, yet!)
    -Pumpkins (as decor or to eat. My house, that I still own 260miles away, I would have a 'pumpkin patch' in my tiny yard EVERY year. Miss that a ton!)
    -Jane Austen Novels (Harry Potter & Austen are the books, I re-read all of them EACH YEAR. Can't wait till I have my HP books on my KINDLE!!!!)

    Have an amazing Sunday!! Kisses!! <3
    **LOL! I can't count make that 6!**
  • Molly_Louise
    Jenn, congratulations on the weight loss this week. You're so close to 100lbs off, you must feel amazing at the thought of having lost that much. Well done you!

    Diet Mountain Dew? That sounds interesting! We have MD here in England, but it's so different to the American version. It has a lot less sugar and not the same ingredients as apparently one/some of the ingredients in the American aren't allowed to be used hence the change in our version of it. I'm not a fan of MD, but it's very popular here.

    Christmas is only 9 weeks away...crazy!!
  • msrobinson77
    :huh: Ummm where did all the hufflepuffs go???

    For today:
    30 house points
    9 newts
    0 owls...just throwing this out there now, I probably won't participate in crunches-they kill my neck any way I try to do them.

    Have a great night!
  • msrobinson77
    WOW you are doing an AMAZING job!!!! Kudos to you!