Hufflepuff Common Room



  • msrobinson77
    We are big Detriot Tigers fans over here and we've been staying up way too late watching these nail bitters! What an exciting series!!
  • msrobinson77
    Hang in there Queeda-they'll be over soon!!! Most people don't realize how hard teachers work and how little they are appreciated. It's definitely a labor of love!

    Ladies I am so stressed out right now! AHHHHHHHHHHH. I need a vacation or something because I am ready to drive my car off the nearest bridge! I hate and I mean HATE parent-teacher conferences!
  • msrobinson77
    For yesterday:

    0 Owls and Newts
    60 House Points

    Even though I didn't stay under carbs, I did stay under calories. I'm going for margaritas with the girls tonight-hoping that doesn't show on the scale tomorrow when I weigh in.

  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Ugh, yesterday was a terrible day. Stressful at work, had an exam right afterward. Think I did well on the exam, just extra stress. Wanted to run, but didn't want to go in the rain and my gym closed early for some event in the evening so I sat and watched videos and snacked :(

    In short, I went over on calories, carbs, didn't drink enough water and didn't excercise at all :ohwell:

    Queeda, hang in there and just know, we all greatly appreciate and love you here in Hufflepuff house!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hello everyone!

    I hope you all have a good weekend, I'm working all day tomorrow and I've had the past two weekends off of work, so going back to work tomorrow will be hard! I work with one of my best friends though, so I am looking forward to seeing her again :)

    Stats for 14/10

    OWLs - 40
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 45
    Weight - 164

    A few days ago I made a confession about not knowing my real dad and pretending it doesn't bother me when it really does. Well, I have to say, that I completely RETRACT that confession. After recently finding out his name, I decided to search for him on Facebook this evening and I came across his profile. He had a public profile so I could view it without being friends with him, so naturally I took a look at his status's and such like. I am so so glad he is not in my life which is something I never thought I'd say. His most recent update involves references to some things, can't say what because of forum rules etc, but you may be able to guess, and that was enough for me to know that I am so much better off without him in my life. Now I'm wondering why I've spent all of my life wondering about this man when he really is not worth wondering about!
  • msrobinson77
    Molly, I hope that has brought you some closure!

    Yesterday, I went straight from work to happy hour so... no exercise. I decided to have a light beer instead of margarita to save calories but, then ate almost a whole basket of chips and salsa. Geez! I was actually under carbs yesterday but, over calories. It's been the opposite all week. Funny the day I eat total crap is the day I actually achieve our food goal. Well sorta. The good news is I did LOSE A POUND this week-woohoo! It's coming off-just very slowly. Today's weigh in: 144lbs.

    I plan on going to the gym today after class. Teachers in VA have to take a 3 credit course every 5 years. Between school and my 2 jobs, I am pretty much going on no sleep lately. I can't wait until December when this class is over. I don't know how you ladies that have small children at home do it! I find it so hard to make time for me and it's just me and my hubby.

    You'll see me tonight to log some house points. Have a great day ladies!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Omg I am such a slacker this week. I feel so horrible like I let myself down. Ugh!!! I can't seem to get out of this funk. I really need to scrape myself off and get back into my routine. I wish I had someone to kick my butt into gear.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    We are big Detriot Tigers fans over here and we've been staying up way too late watching these nail bitters! What an exciting series!!

    We are big Rangers fans!!!!
  • Molly_Louise
    Evening all!

    Stats for 15/10

    OWLs - 20
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 210
    Weight - 164

    I'm really not sure if I'm supposed to be posting this week's exercise challenge, but if I am, this week's exercise challenge is jumping jacks! Or, star jumps if you're from England like me ;)

    I know we did this challenge when the house first started, but it's fairly simple but effective, which is why I'm setting it again.

    10 jumping jacks in a set and 1 set equals 1 NEWT. So 10 jumping jacks = 1 NEWT. Simple!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Evening all!

    Stats for 15/10

    OWLs - 20
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 210
    Weight - 164

    I'm really not sure if I'm supposed to be posting this week's exercise challenge, but if I am, this week's exercise challenge is jumping jacks! Or, star jumps if you're from England like me ;)

    I know we did this challenge when the house first started, but it's fairly simple but effective, which is why I'm setting it again.

    10 jumping jacks in a set and 1 set equals 1 NEWT. So 10 jumping jacks = 1 NEWT. Simple!

    Sorry I didn't get back to you on this ... I had a very hectic weekend. Anyway thanks for taking the initiative and choosing a exercise challenge. I love it! The only thing is OWLs are for exercise so instead of 10 jumping jacks for 1 NEWT we will have 10 jumping jacks for 1 OWL. Thanks again Molly!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Omg I am such a slacker this week. I feel so horrible like I let myself down. Ugh!!! I can't seem to get out of this funk. I really need to scrape myself off and get back into my routine. I wish I had someone to kick my butt into gear.

    Hope you heel better soon! Please post this weeks food challenge as soon as you can! Thanks
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I know we did this before but I would like to do the water and sodium challenge this week. I have decided to get back on track tomorrow. It is a new day and the start of a new week. I have been so stressed. My husband just started a new job this week so he is currently working 2 jobs we are pretty broke right now with the economy the way it is a 2 kids. So I am having to be mommy and daddy while he works 70 hours and I work full time too. I am just feeling quite stressed. I am just going to take my frustration out on working out and incorporating my kids into working out with me taking them for a walk and stuff.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Sorry for my absence yesterday. Went from one thing to the next to the next.

    Yesterday's stats:
    Owls 0 (sorry, arm excercises didn't get worked into the schedule)
    Newts 3 (1 cup short of water goal :cry: )
    HP 90 ( it but sprained my thumb and it's really stiff today)

    Still no weight loss. This morning 142.4 I'm floating between 141 and 143...still :mad:

    Huge NSV today...for the first time I RAN a 5K and I finished well under what I even hoped I could be capable of. I had just thought it would be nice to finish in 32 minutes. I knew it was a stretch, but since the course was relatively flat and I would have race day adrenaline, I thought I may just be able to pull it off. I finished in 30 minutes 40 seconds!! I can't believe I was more than a minute below the time I figured would be my best possible (though to be honest I doubted I could do even that). I am so excited and proud of myself!

    Water and sodium is fine with me. I'm not usually bad on sodium but for some reason I've struggled with getting my water the last few days.
    Jumping jacks, good...gotta say though, I hope we do another week of abs soon. I need to be working them in probably every day, but that would be a nice extra motivation.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    OWLS: 0
    NEWTS: 5
    HousePoints: 0


    OWLS: 15
    NEWTS: 5
  • Molly_Louise

    Sorry I didn't get back to you on this ... I had a very hectic weekend. Anyway thanks for taking the initiative and choosing a exercise challenge. I love it! The only thing is OWLs are for exercise so instead of 10 jumping jacks for 1 NEWT we will have 10 jumping jacks for 1 OWL. Thanks again Molly!

    No problem! I thought it'd be better if I posted a challenge because the worst that could happen is that we'd end up with two challenges and that's definitely better than none. Oops, I forgot to change it to OWLs ;) Sorry about that!

    It's only 3pm but I've planned out my meals today so I know I am under on sodium, had 8 glasses of water and done some jumping jacks! I did 20 minutes worth and managed to do 180 sets but I can't for the life of me work out how many OWLs that is! My brain is telling me that's 180 OWLs but surely that can't be right? I set this weeks challenge yet can't work out my own results from it, :laugh:

    OWLs - Unsure, so if a maths genius could work it out I'd be very happy ;) According to my (probably very incorrect brain), it's 180 OWLs.
    NEWTs - Under on my sodium allowance and I've had 8 glasses of water so far, so __ NEWTs for today.
    House Points - 20
    Weight - 163

    Have a good Sunday everyone!
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    weekly totals:
    45 minutes of exercise--cardio only, so I didn't get any arm exercises in this week.
    I was under my carbs goals4 days this week and met water goals 3 days. I've been awful about logging water lately.
    weigh in: 115.0 -- .2 pounds lost.

    I'm pretty close to my goal (I set it at 113, but I'm actually happy here for now, I just want to start working on toning) and I'm so stinkin' busy lately with school and work and have a hard time keeping track with the weekly challenges (not just keeping up--but actually finding them pages back in here) so I think I should probably quit the group and stop bringing everyone's totals down :/ cause I certainly will be with the weigh-ins soon, anyway. if you guys want to add me, that'd be fab? but I think this is my last check in.

    it's been awesome, huffles! thank you for giving me challenges to keep me motivated and a place to talk with other people who are trying to improve their lives as well. it's really helped encourage me and I feel bad being a detriment to the group since it really helped me, especially when getting started. if I find myself better managing my time and schedule or adjust my goal, or if we work in maintenance into the challenges in the future, I may be back?

    oh! and I'm batholly42 on pottermore :) though I haven't been on there in a while with everything but hey!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    OWLS - 0
    NEWTS - 5


    OWLS - 0
    NEWTS - 2

    Weigh In - 166.2 (Up 0.2... Very upset about this... So, I overate yesterday.... Thanks, helpful. Stupid Self-Sabotage!) Now to burn that off and try to have a negative number for next week...
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Stats for 10/15
    Owls 0
    Newts 5? Are the points the same as last time we did this challenge? I didn't see them spelled out.
    HP 31

    I did a crazy thing and went out for a run today. Yesterday's 5K was a pretty average distance for me but I'd worn myself out pretty good by running it fast. Still, I felt good today so I decided to challenge myself. I have two routes I like to run and they meet at one corner, so I crossed the road and combined them. I ran 7.2 miles, a full 3 miles farther than I've ever run before! Okay, yes I had to slow to a walk a couple of time on the steep hills at the end, but I still made it to the end. I'm absolutely beat! Told you....CRAZY.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I know we did this before but I would like to do the water and sodium challenge this week. I have decided to get back on track tomorrow. It is a new day and the start of a new week. I have been so stressed. My husband just started a new job this week so he is currently working 2 jobs we are pretty broke right now with the economy the way it is a 2 kids. So I am having to be mommy and daddy while he works 70 hours and I work full time too. I am just feeling quite stressed. I am just going to take my frustration out on working out and incorporating my kids into working out with me taking them for a walk and stuff.
    For this challenge you will earn 5 NEWTs for staying under sodium and 1 NEWT for each glass of water you drink. No limit on the how many NEWTs you can earn.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Confession- I ate like crap today! :ohwell:

    OWLs- 0 Jumping Jacks. I just watched football and ate wings
    NEWTs-8 I drank 8 glasses of water but I was over sodium :mad: