Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Queeda, thanks for the comments regarding my pictures. You look amazing in the picture you posted!

    I'm unsure what the fitness challenge is this week, and with it being gone 10pm here, I won't be able to earn any OWLs but my stats for 9/10 (it's 9/10/11 today, woo! I know America writes the date the other way around, so it's not the same for you)

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 35
    Weight - 165
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Another confession from me.

    I don't know my real father. I pretend it doesn't bother me but really it does.

    It's funny because in reality, I never share anything, and definitely not anything like the three confessions I have made on here. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing though...

    I think it's great to share! I think you are an awesome person so it's really your father's loss!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! I just got caught up on the weekly numbers! Tomorrow is the last day to check in especially with your weight and house points! I am still missing weights from the following people


    Please send in your weight asap. Thanks!
    Also a clarification on the exercise challenge this week. Since we are working our arms let's do bicep curls. The amount of weight you use is dependent on your level of comfort. Each set of 10 will earn you 5 OWLs. If you did a different arm exercise before I posted this just count your reps the same! Thanks!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Thanks for clarifying the exercise. I didn't know if we were going to leave it broad or not like we do sometimes.

    You looked amazing in your dress!!!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member



    Will weigh-in in the morning!
    I apologize for that, I was (literally) not home all weekend!
  • msrobinson77
    Queeda, you look HOT! Congrats on your progress so far!
  • msrobinson77
    Thanks for clarifying the exercise challenge. There are four arm machines at my gym and I did all four of them yesterday (2 sets of 20 reps on each). I'm not sure that any of them specifically target biceps. Starting now, I'll focus on biceps.

    For 10/9
    Owls ???
    Newts-0 (went over carbs a bit, but stayed under calorie goal)
    House points: 30

    Have a great day ladies!

  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Hey there Huffles. Sorry I've been MIA lately, went on a camping trip this weekend and loved it. Just needed to get away. I'll admit though, I decided before going that I wasn't going to worry about my diet and enjoy those s'mores guilt free so I didn't always make wise choices. Still, the knots have melted out of my shoulders and I'm feeling great!

    I didn't keep my calories at all last week. The days I was under, I was significantly under, and the other days I always seemed to go over by a bit. I didn't excercise much either...mid-terms. Just a 40 minute run on Monday and 75 minutes of tennis on Tuesday. Neither of which I posted. On Friday my weight was still 141.2. Part of why I decided to let myself go for the weekend. Not only was I frustrated, I figured that if I could break out of a routine the weight might start coming back off again.

    Hope everyone has a great week. I'm off to read some of the old posts and try to figure out this week's challenges!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Another confession from me -

    I've totally fallen for my closest male friend. We've been great friends for a year, but gotten a lot closer over the past 8 months. Had a couple of 'dates' here and there, but decided to just stay friends. Now, I've completely fallen for him when I told myself I wouldn't! Oh dear..

    Been there, done that. As a matter of fact, I've been in love with a guy for the last year and just went camping this weekend with him and his new girlfriend :cry: The bad thing is she's awesome and I couldn't hate her no matter how hard I tried.:grumble:
  • becky_turcotte
    Sorry, been MIA!!

    Current Weight: 191.8
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Thanks for clarifying the exercise challenge. There are four arm machines at my gym and I did all four of them yesterday (2 sets of 20 reps on each). I'm not sure that any of them specifically target biceps. Starting now, I'll focus on biceps.

    For 10/9
    Owls ???
    Newts-0 (went over carbs a bit, but stayed under calorie goal)
    House points: 30

    Have a great day ladies!


    That exercise definitely counts as 20 OWLs. Also if you drank 8 cups of water you get 2 NEWts. Great job!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    OMG!! I haven't posted in days...

    Stats first...

    NEWTS- Over on carbs but drank all my water... 2?

    Total lazy bum on Sunday. I laid in bed most the day, not sure if I needed a mental day off or my depression was winning the fight. Barely walked the dogs, did no real work-out. Listened to the kid talk, and talk, and talk. LOL! I totally paid for it this AM riding my bike into work... OMG! It kicked my booty! I need to get out the Wii fit or do a workout DVD EVERY NIGHT.

    I am taking the week off from the scale. I need to see how I do without checking it every day. I think seeing that 0.6 gain kills my ego and then all those bad thoughts come rushing in. And then I sabbatoage myself.... Then Repeat crappy cycle.

    I am jealous of all that have the day off... Ugh! But I needed to get out of my bedroom...

    Have an Amazing Week all my Hufflepuff Gals!!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all! Sorry for not posting much the week, I've been so busy with sixth form and uni things but I seem to be on top of it all (for now!).

    10/10 stats

    OWLs - 20 (4 sets of arm crunches, I hope this is right
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 30
    Weight - 165
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! I may be a little abscent this week. I have parent teacher conferences (YAY :wink:) so I will be getting home much later and I may not get on MFP as much. I just wanted to give you all a heads up!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member

    Weigh-in 155
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I decided to check in and keep myself accountable to you ladies! I must apologize for the horrible number I had to record for my weight this week. I really ate and drank all I wanted to at my best friends party. I am sure it is a lot of water weight, but I will do better next week for sure! I am focused on my goal weight for my Twilight Challenge and my birthday! I need to get off the fast food again as well! Very disappointed that I have started eating that crap again. I guess this can count as my daily confession!

    10/10- No Arm exercise yet. I will get on this I promise
    OWLs- 0
    NEWTs-5 (Well under my carbs for the day great challenge Molly!)
    HP-120 ( I am proud to say I have met my goal of 2 hours a day every day since I set it)

    I will continue to do my best! I feel like I should be checking as motivation to make the right choices to keep loosing weight!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Whew! took me awhile but I finally caught up on posts. Wow, I am really behind the times here, haven't told ya'll anything about myself or any confessions, unless you count camping with the man I'm in love with and his girlfriend. I hate that she's so awesome and they're so great together!

    Stats for 10/10:
    Owls 20
    Newts 5 (carbs aren't my downfall most days...but I almost always go over on protein. I eat lean meat, but love meat!)
    House points 36

    So an interesting fact about me so you can all get to know me a little more. I'm 35, single (never married and no children to be precise), work as a scheduler for a free mental health clinic (great people watching job!), and currently in college. I went back to school when I was unemployed for nine months and then this job fell in my lap. To be honest, though I'm thankful to have work, I'd rather just go to school full-time and not have to work at all. Planning on transfering this coming fall to a larger university to get a degree in Russian studies. Oh yeah, that's the interesting fact...I worked as a missionary in Russia for 5 years. I've been back in the U.S. for 5 years now and really want to do something with the great experiences I gained there, not to mention the fact that I speak Russian pretty fluently.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Ok I know I have been slacking. But I am back as of today. I am going to put my butt back into gear. I can't guarantee big numbers since it is my TOM but I will work my butt off and try my hardest this week. My promise to you guys and to myself.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Oh also I stayed under my carbs and drank all my water yesterday. I didn't really eat a lot. But I didn't exercise yesterday. I have been feeling under the weather this past week, I think it is because my kids haven't been sleeping well and waking me up too.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    NEWTs-5 (Under on carbs and water=5 right?!)
    HOUSE POINTs-200

    Left work early today because my son has 'wiping' problems and needed new clothes. I left my stupid cell at home and wasn't at my desk all morning... So, I got scolded by the principle because I don't have a single Emergency contact (besides myself) within 260 miles of Chicago. I am just supposed to give her a name & number of someone local... Who? I have no social life, so no friends. Somebody at work she told me... Ummm, What?!? If I am at work and they are at work, what is the use?? If my son is at school, I will be at work, a small chance I might be sick at home across the street, and if I go to the doctor I will prolly make him an appt for the same time (2 birds, 1 stone). I am crabby. Didn't go back to work, using up my personal time. Grrrr. Grouch grouch grouch.