Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Confession: Sometimes I just want to close my bedroom door and hope my kids don't kill each other. Everyday there is something! Dance, Taekwondo, swimming, soccer why in the hell do my kids do so many sports and activities. I have no idea! Anyway I never get a break 7 days a week I am running somewhere. I need a vacation!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Confession of the day.... I am the office flirt! Oye! I love it! I love acting like a high school girl. Silly & Smiling is my everyday 'tude here. I have different flirting styles with different guys... With 'biceps' (the nickname for the office eye candy... MMmmmm!) -- we flirt like 5th graders, give each other a hard time/ I punch him in those amazing biceps just so I can touch them (grab with one hand, punch with the other)... One guy gives me heck for ALWAYS walking around so that is our game to check each other away from our cubes... Etc. I love the attention. I smile at almost everyone when I pass them in the hall.

    Weekend Plans... Well, pretty much none... I seen my credit card bill today. YIKES!! I need to stop spending so much!! So no shopping for me this weekend (minus food because I can't handle a hungry/whiny kid!). We have been going swimming at the Y on Friday nights and I work out at least an hour on Sat/Sun... I really need to start going back to church!! I am a VERY, VERY boring single 27yo, thus all the work time flirting!! :0)
  • Molly_Louise
    Can someone please clarify what RN is? I've seen it mentioned a couple of times now (I'm thinking it's a profession, based on the context of the post) but it's not a term or abbreviation we have here in England so confusion is taking over!
  • msrobinson77
    Hey ladies!
    Confession: I really did plan on going to zumba tonight but, hubby decided he wanted to go out and watch the Tigers game with some friends so...... Social activities are so hard for me. It's like I am on another planet where nachos and beer are calorie free. I'm going to try to limit myself to one adult beverage (shouldn't be too hard since it's a work night) but, that means a third day of no exercise:-( Maybe I need to go back to working out in the morning. 5:00 is just such a brutal time to wake up. Have a great night and CONGRATS to everyone on earning the cup-woohoo!!!
  • msrobinson77
    Molly, RN stands for registered nurse, a very noble profession if you ask me:-)
    Can someone please clarify what RN is? I've seen it mentioned a couple of times now (I'm thinking it's a profession, based on the context of the post) but it's not a term or abbreviation we have here in England so confusion is taking over!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Can someone please clarify what RN is? I've seen it mentioned a couple of times now (I'm thinking it's a profession, based on the context of the post) but it's not a term or abbreviation we have here in England so confusion is taking over!

    RN stands for registered nurse, looks like msrobinson beat me to it. i'm in need of my pre-nursing classes. i wish would have known i wanted to be a nurse when i first started college instead of years later...argh frustration.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I have a goal to work out a minimum of 2 hours a day because Gryffindor has an exercise fanatic who worked out over 7,000 minutes in September! I am very competitive so I need to step up my game so I don't look so pitiful next to her. So far so good! I am knocking the time out easily with classes at the gym! Keep up the great work ladies!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member


  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    10/6 Stats
    OWLS: 13 (Zumba 69 mins)
    NEWTs: 5
    HOUSE POINTS: 170 (I wanna be a Head Girl next month... LOL!!)

    I have only been at this new job for 4 months... Today one of the few females in my corner of the building stopped me in the bathroom and told me how great I look. That she can tell I have lost weight and that she loves my super short hair. I have maybe, I repeat maybe, lost 10-15#s since starting there. I don't mind hearing that! I actually love it! My hard work is paying off! I love to know other people see it when I can't always!

    Yay!! Tomorrow is Friday!! Whoot-Hoot!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Oh maye I wasn't so clear. I have to start college completely I had a baby the summer I graduated high school so no college here but I need to go back to school

    I am back folks I did my 30 day shred tonight and sweated my booty off and feel good. I haven't been feeling very well this week we have a bit of a stomach bug going around our house.

    I worked out 55 min today. Did 2 min of jumping rope and stayed at my calories.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    My poor stomach is not any better today..

    Good news here I have a medium shirt on if I stand it looks great if I sit not so much. But I am getting there.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    confession- i haven't worked out the last 2 days but i did walk around the block with my aunt. i've rallied my family together to do a 5k on 10/23, hopefully this will start a new traditional of getting active for my family. also, i'm so horrible on the excerise challenges.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all! Messages for a lot of you here!

    @msrobinson77 and @danizaga - thanks for clarifying what an RN was!

    @momie0205 and @danizaga (again!) - I also want to be a nurse, a children's nurse to be precise. I'm off to University (British version of college) in September 2012 to studying towards a degree in Paediatric Nursing, so while our experiences will be very different (curriculum wise, I'm specialising in children etc), it'd be great to be able to have others studying towards a nursing qualification at the same time I am.

    @Jenn_W - It's great to hear that someone has noticed your weight loss, you must have felt great!

    @momie0205 (again!) - That's great news about fitting into a medium shirt, keep the good work up!

    I hope everyone is doing well and has had a great week - TGIF!

    I'm posting the food challenge this weekend due to bumflapassassin's absence, so that'll be posted tomorrow. I am out for the majority of tomorrow (viewing a University actually) so I'll post it in the evening. This works out well because from what I've seen, the vast majority of Hufflepuff are in North America so timing works out quite well since it'll be up around midday for you :)

    I hope you're all well, love to everyone :)
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    @Molly_louise Ihope tomorrow goes well for you.

    Ugh I really hate dealing with the texas Attorney General it never works out for me. I never get the right amount of child support but I guess I can't complain too much I really don't deal with my ex either so sort of a good thing there.

    I plan to have a great weekend my office is closed on Monday for Columbus day. I plan to take my kids to school and their grandma like normal and have a day of mommy time. My sister also turns 21 so we will be going to lunch with her my mom and my grandma. I can't wait.

    My confession is that I wish I could have like 2 days of just me time so maybe I could sleep for those whole 2 days and not be made to feel guilty for it. I can wish can't I. I am just feeling pretty tired this week.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    My daily confession... I wore a super cute black lacy top and have made too many trips to the big printer just so I can walk by my crush today... Printed things that I didn't have too. Oi! He is very busy today, Sad Face! So am I... :0) Back to work.... 2.5 hours to go!!
  • Molly_Louise
    Another confession from me -

    I've totally fallen for my closest male friend. We've been great friends for a year, but gotten a lot closer over the past 8 months. Had a couple of 'dates' here and there, but decided to just stay friends. Now, I've completely fallen for him when I told myself I wouldn't! Oh dear..
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for 7/10 :)

    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 45
    Weight - 165

    I'm hoping for another pound off tomorrow, but I know that while I am exercising to lose weight, I'm gaining muscle in the process.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    10/7 Stats

    OWLs... 0
    HOUSE POINTS...162

    Worn out today...Thinking I should take the Zumba class tomorrow, but my tush, hamstrings, and quads are sore.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I am 168.4 I lost 1.6 pounds this week.

    I have a nsv my kids uncle told me yesterday that I looked good and lost some weight. And typically he is a pretty harsh critic he is a senior in high school and has no filter. Made me feel really good.

    I am happy the scale is in the 160's it has been forever since it was there. I weighed myself 3 times and it said the same thing every time. I should be sleeping right now but I have a lot on my mind so I have slept 4 and a half hours right now and my husband is snoring.
  • msrobinson77
    LOVE IT!! You go sassy girl!
    My daily confession... I wore a super cute black lacy top and have made too many trips to the big printer just so I can walk by my crush today... Printed things that I didn't have too. Oi! He is very busy today, Sad Face! So am I... :0) Back to work.... 2.5 hours to go!!