Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Tomorrow is the last day to check in for the week. It is the last week for the September challenge. Our new inter-house challenge starts tomorrow and all of the Heads of Houses have decided to keep with the exercise minutes challenge and the weight loss percentage challenge so please keep reporting house points as usual. You ladies rock my socks off! :flowerforyou: Thanks!

    Just a reminder I need weights from

  • Molly_Louise
    Final stats for 2/10 including the change for how we earn OWLs. I can't edit my previous posts, hence the new one :)

    OWLs - 16
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 16
    Weight - 166
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Final stats for 2/10 including the change for how we earn OWLs. I can't edit my previous posts, hence the new one :)

    OWLs - 16
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 16
    Weight - 166

    Thank you. I am sorry I wasn't faster with editing that, but it was my best friends birthday so I was away from the computer.
  • Molly_Louise
    Final stats for 2/10 including the change for how we earn OWLs. I can't edit my previous posts, hence the new one :)

    OWLs - 16
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 16
    Weight - 166

    Thank you. I am sorry I wasn't faster with editing that, but it was my best friends birthday so I was away from the computer.

    Don't be sorry, no need to apologise what so ever! I just wanted to re-post them so you definitely saw them, because I'd hate for incorrect results to be recorded as it's not fair on everyone taking part . Can I just say, you've done a wonderful job taking over as head of house, so thank you for all that you're doing :)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    No problem with changing the scoring system - I wasn't sure on how to approach that.

    Owls - 0
    Newts - 5
    House points - 170
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    totals for last week!
    minutes of workout: 100 (so three days of half an hour plus ten minutes)
    water: got 8 glasses every day
    weigh in: 116.6, so only .2 pounds lost :(
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    House Points=0
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I had 20 min of exercise yesterday and drank my water. Today I had 55 min of exercise and 30 seconds of jump roping and stayed under my calories. I had a good day my sister came over and visited with me and so did my mom. We should do one interesting fact about all of us to get to know each other a bit better.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    I've been horrible at keeping this up the last few days. So sorry.

    Thursday's stats, met my water and excercised 110 minutes
    Friday's stats, met my water and excercised 130 minutes.
    Weight, back down to 141. Think I'm on a plateau right now, I've been going up and down between 141 and 143 for 3 weeks now :(

    The last two days I've had a strange schedule and haven't felt terribly well so I haven't excercised at all and really haven't kept track of food. Boo!

    Gotta get back on track, but kinda feel like I'm in a funk.
  • msrobinson77
    Hey ladies, I'm back in town and just checking in to see the new challenges. I ate a ton over the weekend but, also walked everywhere- so hopefully it evened out. I like this week's challenges. I've been thinking of buying a jump rope for some time so now's my chance.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    OWLs... 1 (skipped, not jumped rope, down the street with my son... LOL!)
    NEWTs... 5
    House Points...129

    *** Good Idea momie0205.... I am an oversharer so most on my 'friends' list prolly know more than they want! LOL! But I don't know a lot about everyone else!! I think some 'bonding' time will help us feel more accountable, or something like that!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    We should do one interesting fact about all of us to get to know each other a bit better.

    I like this idea. It might be interesting that I work with young offenders, like a probation officer for kids. I also trained in music when I was younger and can play violin, piano and classical guitar. I have a dog called Sheba, 2 gerbils, called sammy davis junior junior and chewy. I really like eating crisps and I love my house, which I purchased just over 2 years ago :smile:
  • Molly_Louise
    3/10 Stats for me!

    OWLs - 20 (20 minutes of dancing)
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 45
    Weight - 166

    As for interesting facts about me..I'm actually a really dull person! Umm, interesting? I've lived in the same town my whole life, and hated said town for as long as I can remember. I'm going to University next year and hoping to study children's nursing. My step dad is Italian. Not very exciting but just a few somethings!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Sorry i didn't weight myself this morning because i was running late but here are my stats for the rest of the week:
    Newts 5
    Owls 0
    HP 0

    Newts 5
    Owls 10
    HP 76

    Newts 5
    Owls 0
    HP 0

    interesting fact- i went to the doctor's today and surprise surprise she told me i needed to lose weight! argh, i was so mad because they didn't even tell me how much i weight. i know it was under 300!because embarassing the assistance used the 300lbs weight and it was too much!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Points so far for the week...Went WAY over my food goal today, grrr.

    Owls - 15
    Newts - 5
    House points - 214
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    ok I am glad everyone likes this idea... I am a mom of 3 6 almost 5 and almost 2 the youngest have birthdays this month and next woo. I really love to craft.. I buy craft things all the time. I like to make projects, cards and scrapbook. I am addicted to shopping for everything but I love good deals. I could probably go on and on. I want to go back to school to be an RN!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Fun! Interesting facts let's see. I have a son and a daughter (as you already know). My son is 4 and my daughter is 9 months old.I also have a 6 year old step-daughter. She will be 7 in December and my 9 month old will be 1 in December plus Christmas so I will be very broke this December LOL. I am a teacher and I LOVE kids. I have a B.S. in Early Childhood Education and I have been teaching kindergarten for 2 years. I absolutely love my kids and I love the age group I teach. My husband is french so I have a multiracial family. My kids speak French, English, and some German because my mother in law is German. I speak English and Spanish. I love to travel and I taught abroad in Quito, Ecuador in 2009. I absolutely loved teaching abroad and I hope to do this again some time in the distant future. I decided to loose weight when I looked in the mirror last April and realized I had gained 50lbs since I got married. That's 10lbs a year! AHHH! Granted I did have a baby recently all that weight had to go. I made a goal to get down to a healthy BMI and I wanted to join the U.S. Navy. I am a military brat and I love the travel so I think being in the military would be the ultimate experience. ( Don't worry I am not naive about the military. My dad was in the Air Force and my husband was in the Navy). Wow I am sharing a lot. Sorry to blather on I could talk about myself and my family forever!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Great finish to September Hufflepuff's! Keep up the great work in October. Here is the chart for this week....


    Now for this weeks awards!

    First and foremost this is a team competition. All of the work and numbers that everyone puts in gets averaged with our number of participants so your participation or lack there of can either really help the team or hurt us a bit. I KNOW I have the best group of Hufflepuff's a girl could ask for, but one Hufflepuff in particular really came through for us during the last week of September's competition. Thank you to Jenn_W for putting in a ton of work and earning us 948 House Points. You're amazing dedication really helped our averages. Your team really appreciates you! Congratulations to Jenn_W for being the Most Valuable Player! Here is your award ...



    We are all on MFP to loose or maintain our weight. Sometime life gets in the way of these goals especially when you have kids! I myself know that kids require A LOT of work that is why I am especially proud of Momie0205 for sticking to her master plan and loosing an amazing 3.6lbs this week! In addition to loosing the most pounds this week she has also lost the highest percentage this week! This effort also helps our averages for % of weight loss greatly. The battle at Hogwarts to win house cup is very difficult so every ounce counts so much! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Here is your award!


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    NEWTS: 5
    Housepoints: 6

    Interesting fact... Uum, I am from Pennsylvania and met my fiance in Oklahoma 4 1/2 years ago. We have a 7 month old daughter who is just starting to crawl (EEK!). I have been a Stay at home mom, not completely by choice but because the low-down boss that I worked for before laid off everyone that was having hard times in their life (one guys wife died after a 9year battle with cancer, I had just had my daughter, one lady was just in remission from liver and colon cancer, another had just had breast cancer, etc) the economy sucks and no one seems to be hiring in my field (medical billing). So if I'm not exercising, taking care of my daughter, spending time with my fiance, I'm job searching. What? sleep? what's that? ;)
  • msrobinson77
    Here's my stats for today:

    Jumprope=0 (Hoping to pick one up tomorrow)
    60 minutes of Zumba (dancing)
    5 Newts for staying under my calorie goal.

    LOVE the bonding idea:happy:

    I am a second grade teacher and I do a lot of the extra curricular activities at work. I love my job but, I am always tuckered out by the time I get home so it's a battle to exercise on work days. I am a vegetarian and have been for about 20 years. It seems like I have fought my weight forever. I think I eat a reasonably healthy diet but, tend to really overdo it on portion sizes. I've lost and gained 30 pounds over the last 15 years and hope to get it off this time for good!