Hufflepuff Common Room



  • msrobinson77
    Today's confession: no exercise and over calories by about 100 for the second day in a row. Allowing myself to indulge for my birthday was probably not the best idea. Seemed like a nice "reward" to take a weekend off from measuring and planning but, now I am having a hard time not eating until I am full. It seems so simple right-just put the fork down. Ugh, tomorrow is another day.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I AM SO PROUD OF MY HUFFLEPUFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We won the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup. We all get to use these in our signature for all of October! Great job ladies. Let's put in the same hard work for October so we can keep these!

    House Cup:

    Paste this link into your signature, but change the IMG to img: 310323_581934089053_179201885_32311729_326691019_n.jpg

    Quidditch Cup:

    *Just realized that the codes were the same. I will post the codes to the Quidditch badge when I get them.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hmm, what can I confess?

    Sometimes it scares me how much I hate myself.

    This scares me too. I used to think like this. You are an amazing beautiful person and you should definitely NOT hate your self! Sending you virtual (((hugs))). I have been in your shoes.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    My confessions for the day... I am really beginning to not like my job I have been here 3 years in february. I want to go back to school to be an RN. I am trying to convince my hubby that we need another baby. The doctor put me on anti depressants because I was really depressed about my weight.

    You are a brave woman! You have 3 kids and you want more! Good luck! I hope you get what you want!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Confession: Today I had child support court. I went out of my way to look really good ( make-up and all) which I never do just so that I wouldn't look like crap in front of him. When he saw me his jaw dropped. I've lost 30lbs since we last met. I got the "You look good line" and He looked like crap! (In my opinion). After court he asked if I wanted to go out and I proudly said No thank you. I felt really good about this, but now I feel like a bad person for feeling superior to him in a way.

    Edited to add: I have the code for the Quidditch cup! quidditchcup.jpg (Of course you still need to change the IMG to lowercase)

    Also I would like to congratulate Molly_Louise! She is our Quidditch Captain for last month! I chose Molly_Louise because she had very consistent weight loss and she is always participating in our thread. Every day she checks in. Thank you for helping to keep the boards alive and for being a great part of our team. Here is your badge for your signature!


  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    so I realized I've been double counting my vitamins for a few days (I must've hit 'copy from yesterday' twice one day) so I was under my calories on sunday! I double logged my fish oil pills so it said I was 8 over but really I was 22 under!

    I was under on tuesday and today I'm under as well.and today i also worked out for 40 minutes!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Whoot-Hoot!! We rock!! Let's keep up the good work!!

    10/5 Stats
    OWLs... 6 (32 mins of Dance!)
    NEWTs... 5
    HOUSE POINTS...123

    Hummmm... What is a juicy confession from me?! I take a long, hot bath almost every night and while watching a show or movie... And I let my kid do whatever he wants for those 45mins... I love me time!(He doesn't seem to mind it either) :0)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Right last log in until I get back from my travels...

    Weighed in at the same.

    Owls - 27
    Newts - 10 - hoping 15 by this evening but unfortunately I won't be able to update you on this.
    House points - 359

    Well done everyone for beating the others at the quidditch cup!

    Today I decided I'd have a look at the Couch to 5k thing and gave the first workout a go...didn't do too shabbily, in fact I found it quite easy! Deffinately going to get back on this one when I get back :smile:
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Ok I am going to get back out on track tonight no more excuses not sure what happened this week. I will not let you guys down or myself. I can do this.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Any big plans for the weekend?

    Ok so next week I get to pick the exercise challenge I would like to do either arms or more crunches/ sit ups any thoughts, comments or suggestions on this?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Any big plans for the weekend?

    Ok so next week I get to pick the exercise challenge I would like to do either arms or more crunches/ sit ups any thoughts, comments or suggestions on this?

    I vote some sort of arm exercise. I am very excited for my weekend. I am going to my best friends birthday party. We are sleeping with the sharks at the Ga Aquarium with an open bar. That should be fun! Also I don't think it will be a good weigh in for me because I plan on indulging at this party especially in the alcohol!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    so I realized I've been double counting my vitamins for a few days (I must've hit 'copy from yesterday' twice one day) so I was under my calories on sunday! I double logged my fish oil pills so it said I was 8 over but really I was 22 under!

    I was under on tuesday and today I'm under as well.and today i also worked out for 40 minutes!

    Great job! Quick question what are fish pills? Why are you taking them? Just curious I am thinking of adding vitamins to my daily regimen.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Whoot-Hoot!! We rock!! Let's keep up the good work!!

    10/5 Stats
    OWLs... 6 (32 mins of Dance!)
    NEWTs... 5
    HOUSE POINTS...123

    Hummmm... What is a juicy confession from me?! I take a long, hot bath almost every night and while watching a show or movie... And I let my kid do whatever he wants for those 45mins... I love me time!(He doesn't seem to mind it either) :0)

    That bath sounds awesome! I think I need to add this to my nightly routine. I am usually luck to get a 20 min shower!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    good job us! i'm in a confessing mode too i way overate yesterday and i'm so paying for it today. the scaled showed a 5lb gain and i can't stop running to the restroom and the worse part was i didn't know if i was going to vomit or if i had to go #2. i'm drinking tons of water which i need to log but i haven't eaten anything yet today. my stomach hurts and i tried to eat some oatmeal but my stomach just turned. i know it's not healthy to eat nothing but i don't know if i can eat today. we'll see what happens when lunch rolls around.

    another confession- i haven't been keeping up on the exercises for OWLs. i keep forgetting! i need a better reminder.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    good job us! i'm in a confessing mode too i way overate yesterday and i'm so paying for it today. the scaled showed a 5lb gain and i can't stop running to the restroom and the worse part was i didn't know if i was going to vomit or if i had to go #2. i'm drinking tons of water which i need to log but i haven't eaten anything yet today. my stomach hurts and i tried to eat some oatmeal but my stomach just turned. i know it's not healthy to eat nothing but i don't know if i can eat today. we'll see what happens when lunch rolls around.

    another confession- i haven't been keeping up on the exercises for OWLs. i keep forgetting! i need a better reminder.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    so I realized I've been double counting my vitamins for a few days (I must've hit 'copy from yesterday' twice one day) so I was under my calories on sunday! I double logged my fish oil pills so it said I was 8 over but really I was 22 under!

    I was under on tuesday and today I'm under as well.and today i also worked out for 40 minutes!

    Great job! Quick question what are fish pills? Why are you taking them? Just curious I am thinking of adding vitamins to my daily regimen.
    Mainly for better skin, though omega 3s are good for heart health, too. I have been having skin issues (we're talking acne worse than it ever was in high school and going on prescription topicals for the first time in my life, and it's STILL not totally cleared up, but it's almost there) and while I don't know if the fish oil pills have helped much, I don't think they've hurt, either. Some people have hormonal breakout-related issues with flaxseed oil but not fish oil so that's why I'm taking the fish instead of flaxseed. I did stop the fish oil for a couple weeks when my skin was getting really bad and noticed no difference so I know they have nothing negative to do with it, at least.

    Lesson learned of the year: even if you (thought you) had super resilient skin all your life, only change one face product at a time, just in case something causes horrible reactions. I went on a natural kick and a lot of even acne-prone people love argan, jojoba, hemp seed or rosehip seed oils for face moisturizers. I switched up a LOT of stuff, but especially my moisturizers (switched between all those oils a lot) in March and just had my skin get progressively worse and worse, including cystic acne all over my jaw which I NEVER had before. I thought it was my sunscreen or my cleanser (which I had also changed up at that time, too) and a month ago finally went to a derm and was given a retinoid and benzaclin prescription and even with those only saw improvement after I eliminated all the oils as moisturizers. If I'd had only done one thing at a time I would've figured this out forever ago and saved myself six months of really awful acne scarring.

    Which I guess leads me to a confession--my profile picture is a little over a year old :( I did start breaking out a little more than the occasional zit here and there last winter, and that's what prompted me to do research on skincare and start switching up my products, and then everything went downhill fast. But I'm finally at the point now where I'm ok with taking a picture of my face to actually put on facebook and stuff, so I need to!

    EDIT: I totally thought you asked WHY I was taking them, not what they were. Fish oil pills are just omega 3 pills and the omega 3 is from fish oil. There are some supplements for omega 3 and 6 and 9 but from what I've read, we actually do enough 6 from our diets? And those can can cause more acne for some people, and my dad already buys fish oil pills for heart health, so I just take those and all is good.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    so I realized I've been double counting my vitamins for a few days (I must've hit 'copy from yesterday' twice one day) so I was under my calories on sunday! I double logged my fish oil pills so it said I was 8 over but really I was 22 under!

    I was under on tuesday and today I'm under as well.and today i also worked out for 40 minutes!

    Great job! Quick question what are fish pills? Why are you taking them? Just curious I am thinking of adding vitamins to my daily regimen.

    She did ask why, I was curious too.

    Ok so what kind of arm exercises and how would the owls work for it.
    Mainly for better skin, though omega 3s are good for heart health, too. I have been having skin issues (we're talking acne worse than it ever was in high school and going on prescription topicals for the first time in my life, and it's STILL not totally cleared up, but it's almost there) and while I don't know if the fish oil pills have helped much, I don't think they've hurt, either. Some people have hormonal breakout-related issues with flaxseed oil but not fish oil so that's why I'm taking the fish instead of flaxseed. I did stop the fish oil for a couple weeks when my skin was getting really bad and noticed no difference so I know they have nothing negative to do with it, at least.

    Lesson learned of the year: even if you (thought you) had super resilient skin all your life, only change one face product at a time, just in case something causes horrible reactions. I went on a natural kick and a lot of even acne-prone people love argan, jojoba, hemp seed or rosehip seed oils for face moisturizers. I switched up a LOT of stuff, but especially my moisturizers (switched between all those oils a lot) in March and just had my skin get progressively worse and worse, including cystic acne all over my jaw which I NEVER had before. I thought it was my sunscreen or my cleanser (which I had also changed up at that time, too) and a month ago finally went to a derm and was given a retinoid and benzaclin prescription and even with those only saw improvement after I eliminated all the oils as moisturizers. If I'd had only done one thing at a time I would've figured this out forever ago and saved myself six months of really awful acne scarring.

    Which I guess leads me to a confession--my profile picture is a little over a year old :( I did start breaking out a little more than the occasional zit here and there last winter, and that's what prompted me to do research on skincare and start switching up my products, and then everything went downhill fast. But I'm finally at the point now where I'm ok with taking a picture of my face to actually put on facebook and stuff, so I need to!

    EDIT: I totally thought you asked WHY I was taking them, not what they were. Fish oil pills are just omega 3 pills and the omega 3 is from fish oil. There are some supplements for omega 3 and 6 and 9 but from what I've read, we actually do enough 6 from our diets? And those can can cause more acne for some people, and my dad already buys fish oil pills for heart health, so I just take those and all is good.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    @momie i also want to be an RN but it's not in the budget right now.
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for 6/10!

    OWLs - 10
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 40
    Weight - 165

    Thanks for the replies regarding my confession. It was so hard to write, it had me in tears in fact, but it had to be said. Every day is a battle with myself, but I'm slowly getting there, very very slowly but progress is being made.

    Also, thanks for the award for Quidditch Captain, I feel honoured!

    As for my plans for the weekend, I'm off to a University open day on Saturday and then on Sunday, I plan on sleeping all day long!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I am going to go back next semester if it is in my budget to start classes for RN. I am so excited I want a degree and to better myself for my family. Fingers crossed.

    On a better note I get to go back to taking lunch tomorrow I had an appointment with my middle child on tuesday and been working through them so I plan to workout on lunch. I feel like quite the bum this week. I also plan to get back to working out tonight. I am going to get some minutes in so we can get the cup this month too.