Hufflepuff Common Room



  • msrobinson77
    Boy I have been a BUM this week! I was surprised to see that I actually lost a pound since my last weigh in. I literally got on and off the scale 10 times to make sure it was correct. I've been slightly over calories every day but, not too much over I guess. Time to get myself back into the swing of things. I can't let one lazy week get me down! On my way to zumba this morning which always makes me sweat like a pig and feel incredible! You ladies are all doing so great-thanks for the motivation!

    ~ Mandy

    Since my last check in:
    Weight: 145
    Owls: 0
    Newts: 0
    House Points:80
  • msrobinson77
    Almost forgot today's confession-about 2 weeks ago I reduced my calorie goal by 75 calories in the hopes of losing a little faster. Doesn't seem to have made a difference-in fact it seems slower if anything. I'm wondering if I should change it back to MFP original goal so I don't have the emotional face-punch of being "in the red"?

    Any thoughts?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Sorry to be absent ladies! I am at my best friends birthday party, but I will be responding later! I promise :love:
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Almost forgot today's confession-about 2 weeks ago I reduced my calorie goal by 75 calories in the hopes of losing a little faster. Doesn't seem to have made a difference-in fact it seems slower if anything. I'm wondering if I should change it back to MFP original goal so I don't have the emotional face-punch of being "in the red"?

    Any thoughts?

    I am turning into one of those crazy people... For me eating eating more tends to help, but you know your body better. MFP has some knowledge so following its guidelines isn't a terrible idea. I hope you are eating at least 1200 per day. 75 cals is like an average piece of fruit... Do you think if you did add back those cals in the form of fruit or veggie that it would really hurt your long term plans? I don't think it would, all those extra vitamins and extra nutrition.... That is my opinion. Doesn't mean it is right, just some more to think about...
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    My weekly weigh in......

    **Drum roll please**

    166.0 (Was 169.8 last Saturday) Been kicking butt and taking names this week! -3.8#

    I am so flipping close to that 100#s lost mile stone.... 4 more pounds!! (Maybe next weekend) Really though 2 week goal to be under 162.... Plus I need to do my year later before/after pics.... I have some mid-October pics from last year when I lost my first 30#s... Ramble ramble ramble... Zumba at noon with my Favorite teacher at the Y! Whoot-Hoot! (I am totally napping afterwards didn't sleep well last night, that means movie time for the kid in my bed while I snooze! I might be a terrible mom....)
  • Molly_Louise
    **This week's food challenge!!**

    As I said yesterday, I am responsible for this weeks food challenge and here it is!

    This week, we are monitoring our carbohydrate in take! While carbs are a vital part of our diet, as with everything, an excessive amount can be bad for you. So, we're going to monitor ours for the week!

    I was thinking 3 NEWTs if you manage to stay under your carbohydrate 'goal', whatever your set goal may be.

    I was also thinking an additional 2 NEWTs if you drank your 8 (or more) glasses of water a day. So, this means that there's a possible 5 NEWTs available a day. I've been slacking on my water intake recently, and since it's getting colder and winter is drawing closer, I figured people may be more likely to opt for a hot drink (which is still fine!), rather than a glass of water, but it is still important we drink our recommended amount of water a day as hydration is very important!

    Ihurtubise, if you're not happy with this, or if anyone else isn't happy for that matter, then don't be shy about it and please do let me know! :)
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I like the food challenege.

    I want to do arms for the exercise challenge just not sure how to tally the points up I don't want to make it horribley hard but something along the lines of so many reps you get so many owls.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Also I stayed under for my cals yesterday and I danced around for 5 min but I didn't really exercise.
  • Molly_Louise
    Just wanted to share these - they were taken this morning :)

  • Molly_Louise
    8/10 stats

    OWLs - 0 - Sorry
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 210
    Weight - 165

    Great effort this week, well done all!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I like the food challenege.

    I want to do arms for the exercise challenge just not sure how to tally the points up I don't want to make it horribley hard but something along the lines of so many reps you get so many owls.

    What type of arm exercise will we be doing exactly. I can help you with the points if you tell me exactly what kind of exercise we will be doing ...
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I would like to do something with weights. For people that don't have weights you can use cans. Is it to broad just to say do something with weights and your arms. Like reps of ten of whatever you choose. I just would like to work on my arms for sure.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    Totals for this week:
    Exercise: 40 minutes
    Stayed under my calorie limits everday!! Woo.
    Weigh-in: 115.2 (lost 1.4 pounds!)
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Just wanted to share these - they were taken this morning :)


    Looking good!!!!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Totals for this week:
    Exercise: 40 minutes
    Stayed under my calorie limits everday!! Woo.
    Weigh-in: 115.2 (lost 1.4 pounds!)

    Way to go. I hope to be really close to your weight one day.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I stayed under my calories today. that is about it for the day. We were really busy with birthdays and I was with my kids by myself while my husband started his second job tonight so I had bed time getting ready duty and everything all by myself. Which can be a bit of a pain when all 3 need something at once.
  • msrobinson77
    :grumble: On my way to work out and do some arm weights. I'll check back later to see how to count them. Hope everyone is having a good morning:-) I made the most delicious smoothie for breakfast: frozen berries, low cal yogurt, carrots, spinach and splenda-YUM!

    Aunt Flo is in town which would explain my total lack of motivation to exercise the last few days-I just hate her and the evil chocolate cravings she brings!!
  • Molly_Louise
    Another confession from me.

    I don't know my real father. I pretend it doesn't bother me but really it does.

    It's funny because in reality, I never share anything, and definitely not anything like the three confessions I have made on here. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing though...
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    **This week's food challenge!!**

    As I said yesterday, I am responsible for this weeks food challenge and here it is!

    This week, we are monitoring our carbohydrate in take! While carbs are a vital part of our diet, as with everything, an excessive amount can be bad for you. So, we're going to monitor ours for the week!

    I was thinking 3 NEWTs if you manage to stay under your carbohydrate 'goal', whatever your set goal may be.

    I was also thinking an additional 2 NEWTs if you drank your 8 (or more) glasses of water a day. So, this means that there's a possible 5 NEWTs available a day. I've been slacking on my water intake recently, and since it's getting colder and winter is drawing closer, I figured people may be more likely to opt for a hot drink (which is still fine!), rather than a glass of water, but it is still important we drink our recommended amount of water a day as hydration is very important!

    Ihurtubise, if you're not happy with this, or if anyone else isn't happy for that matter, then don't be shy about it and please do let me know! :)

    .Great challenge! I like it! I think I will take it a step farther and try to reduce my carb intake by 10%. I feel that MFP allows me way too many carbs! Also LOVE your pictures. You look awesome!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am hungover sooooooooooo bad AHHH! I feel like I got hit by a bus ugh! On a happy note I was so sexy this weekend! I really have severely low self esteem so I don't usually think I look good, but I was very confident this weekend. It was my best friends birthday so I drank WAY more than I normally do and I am paying for it now!
