Hufflepuff Common Room



  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    for the whole week 10/3 to 10/9
    HP 275
    Owls 0
    Newts 0
    and i was running to late i forgot to way myself yesterday or this morning and I’m actually scared to weigh myself and face the number on the scale.

    sorry i've been MIA but here is some massive confessing i had a horrible week since last wednesday- just pretty much ate the whole weekend because of a road trip i was on and let me tell you it was stressful! I barely exercised but got in more than 8000 steps on my pedometer and my body feels so icky if you know what i mean from not exercising.

    Also, I’ve been hooking up with this guy I know from college on and off for the last 11 years. I’ve decided I have to stop seeing him. He is no good for me and I deserve better. I finally realized this as I was reading the past couple of days of this tread.

    @lhurtubise I read your post about having low self-esteem and it was like a light bulb went off. Why would I treat myself like this?? And why would I allow a man to treat me like a piece of meat?

    @heathally- I’ve been in love with one of my friends from high school for years. One day I finally got the courage to tell him we didn’t talk for a couple of months and just picked up like I never said anything.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I did it. I worked out on lunch. I missed working out. I think I am out of my slump now. I am back to being determined.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all!

    Stats for 11/10 are as follows

    OWLs - 20
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 40
    Weight - 165

    The friend who I am verging on being in love with has invited me to stay at his in 2 weeks. He is now at University 100 miles away and while we talk daily, I haven't seen him for a few weeks. I wish I had the guts to tell him I like him!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232

    NEWTs-5 (Under on carbs and water=5 right?!)
    HOUSE POINTs-200

    Left work early today because my son has 'wiping' problems and needed new clothes. I left my stupid cell at home and wasn't at my desk all morning... So, I got scolded by the principle because I don't have a single Emergency contact (besides myself) within 260 miles of Chicago. I am just supposed to give her a name & number of someone local... Who? I have no social life, so no friends. Somebody at work she told me... Ummm, What?!? If I am at work and they are at work, what is the use?? If my son is at school, I will be at work, a small chance I might be sick at home across the street, and if I go to the doctor I will prolly make him an appt for the same time (2 birds, 1 stone). I am crabby. Didn't go back to work, using up my personal time. Grrrr. Grouch grouch grouch.

    Take your frustration out on a good workout.

    @Molly_louise you should tell him. You never know maybe he shares the same feelings.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member

    OWLs-30? (6 sets of Biceps Curls both arms at same time - 10 reps per set)

    So I took a nap after being all upset about being the worlds worst mom and having no friends. Jogged to the Y, spent 35 mins on the Elliptical, and then went and did a brunch of arm strength training. I still don't have a person for an Emergency Contact, but the leader of the before & after school said he would keep extra stuff at the Y for Nate (my kid). He knows I ride my bike to work and knew it was a Hell-o mess today. (I have a small crush on him.) We talk a lot, and only about the kid a little bit. I really need to date because I have like 3 crushes... I am to the point now that I might start doodling hearts & new last names in my Lisa Frank notebook. LOL!
  • msrobinson77
    Hope everyone is having a better week than I seem to be. I got up early today only to be intercepted by a creepy neighbor on my way to the gym (long story short-it majorly cut into my workout time,) So for today, I earned a measley 20 house points. I didn't exercise yesterday since I got stuck at work for 13 hours-Booo!!!!

    I'm not doing so well on the carb challenge either. I don't eat meat or fish so I have always found it to be tricky to limit my carbs- my fruit alone seems to blow my daily allottment. I don't have a taste for fast food and have a good handle on my sweets but, when it comes to a hunk of bread-watch out!!!

    I'd better log some serious house points in the next few days before I get expelled from this house!!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Today's stats:
    Owls 40
    Newts 5
    House points 81

    I can't believe I stayed under my carbs. I got a call while I was jogging from my Dad saying that his cousin is in town and they were going to IHOP. So I put in my excercise time after I got home, figured out how many calories I had and went for it. I'm less than 100 over which is pretty good since I was sort of estimating while a the restaurant, under carbs, but way over on sodium since I also had a canned soup for lunch. But it was rainy and dreary and soup just sounded so good!!

    My confession for today. I didn't excercise almost all of last week and ate crap all weekend and now I'm feeling it. I feel like a sloth when I'm running. I didn't expect a week of not running would make it so hard! I have no energy and I've definitely lost speed. I'm no longer hoping for around 32 minutes at the 5K this weekend. I know I can do it under 35 still, but I haven't had near the speed the last two days to hit the time I was hoping for. :frown:
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    So here is my embarassing confession for the day. I just got to work and slipped because it had been raining. Yeah management just came and talked to me about it and everything. As if it wasn't embarassing enough. I feel like everything I touch this week is turning to crap. I really hope my week turns around real quick.

    I did 60 bicep curls yesterday didn't get my water, did stay under for carbs. I got 30 min in for exercising.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Confession I am in a bit of a funk the last few days (which seems to be a recurring them for the Hufflepuffs this week) so I am not doing a chart this week. I will do awards ... just later. Sorry ladies! I am a little down right now.

    OWLs-Still 0 I suck at life right now :mad:
    NEWTs- 5
    House Points- 120
  • Molly_Louise
    Confession I am in a bit of a funk the last few days (which seems to be a recurring them for the Hufflepuffs this week) so I am not doing a chart this week. I will do awards ... just later. Sorry ladies! I am a little down right now.

    OWLs-Still 0 I suck at life right now :mad:
    NEWTs- 5
    House Points- 120

    Hope you're okay Queeda, I'm only a message away if you want to chat. Love to you.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    It must be a full moon.
  • Molly_Louise
    Stats for 12/10

    OWLs - 20
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 30
    Weight - 164

  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Ok so I decided to scrape myself together and finish the chart!


    I also have awards...
    This week presented a unique challenge because the same person had the highest % of weight loss, the most pounds lost, and the most house points. I know that this is not a coincidence because when you put in the work you see the results. So congratulations to JENN_W for making me think of a new award lol :happy: This week the SUPERSTAR award goes to Jenn_W. Great job! I am so happy you are a part of our team! :flowerforyou:


    I also have a an award for Team Spirit. Congratulations to Molly_Louise! Thank you for taking over the Prefect duties this week and for checking in everyday and for commenting on other people's posts! Great Team Spirit!

  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    House Points-83

    House Points-34
  • msrobinson77
    Alright just checking in....under calories today but, over carbs (just a little). No exercise today other than bicep curls. did 2 sets of 15 reps and some triceps too since that's the part of my body I hate the most. I've been pulling some long hours at work and tomorrow is shaping up to be another long day. Two jobs=one tired chick. I know, I'm full of excuses. Can we just say that we will not apologize for what we can't do and just celebrate what we can!?!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Alright just checking in....under calories today but, over carbs (just a little). No exercise today other than bicep curls. did 2 sets of 15 reps and some triceps too since that's the part of my body I hate the most. I've been pulling some long hours at work and tomorrow is shaping up to be another long day. Two jobs=one tired chick. I know, I'm full of excuses. Can we just say that we will not apologize for what we can't do and just celebrate what we can!?!

    Absolutely celebrate what you can do! You don't need to apologize to us or feel guilty for what you don't do. You're weight loss journey is personal and some days/weeks you will be motivated, energized, and have more time :wink: When you don't, that's ok. Accepting those times for what they are instead of beating yourself up over them takes the pressure off and makes the journey much more enjoyable. That's not to say you shouldn't change your attitude if you find yourself just making excuses, but that's not the same thing as having reasons. And remember, not having enough rest is also detrimental to weight loss so make sure you get the rest you need too or you'll just be even more frustrated when you don't see results.

    Today's stats for me
    Owls 40
    Newts 5 (I was only just under my carbs!)
    HP 10

    Wednesdays are my rest day. Still, I would have run if I hadn't already made plans to have dinner with friends. Did well with dinner though, a cup of vegetable soup with pesto at Panera Bread (just 100 calories and soooooo good). I only have any excercise time because I did some bicep curls and threw in some crunches and tricep excercises for good measure.

    My confession for today...I want to get my belly button pierced, but I'm a serious wimp when it comes to pain so I keep chickening out!
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I think we need to recruit some more people. I am hoping to be back in full speed this next week as my Tom will be over and it is seriously kicking my butt this month. I have been feeling so sick to my stomach. I have been a total B to be around too. I will be working out on lunch and that always makes me feel better. It is hard to get my dvd in with rangers in the race for the world series though.
  • Molly_Louise
    Sorry for no posts in here today, I've been really busy doing uni and UCAS things. It's all completed now so that's a huge relief.

    Thanks for my award Queeda, I really like and appreciate it!

    Stats for 13/10

    OWLs - 20
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 35
    Weight - 164

    Well done for everyone's weight loss so far, keep up the good work!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Ladies I am so stressed out right now! AHHHHHHHHHHH. I need a vacation or something because I am ready to drive my car off the nearest bridge! I hate and I mean HATE parent-teacher conferences!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Ladies I am so stressed out right now! AHHHHHHHHHHH. I need a vacation or something because I am ready to drive my car off the nearest bridge! I hate and I mean HATE parent-teacher conferences!

    Oh.. You poor thing!! All us non-teachers b*tch and moan about how teacher have it easy... Psst! I think I am happy just being the parent and appreciate teachers even more now that my mom is one, in an inter-city, poverty level around 95%... You are all angels!!

    On to my stats....
    OWLs - 0
    NEWTS - 5

    OWLS - 3 sets of 10, both arms at same time **Still confused on points...
    NEWTS - 5
    HOUSE POINTS - 101

    I am loving doing strength training. Can't wait till I am more confident to go into the free weight room... (Still waiting for that male gym buddy - Tall, dark, handsome, well-educated, and has a job.) I was getting some crazy looks from the guys because I would do my set and then find the TV with the Cardinals game on... LOL!! I love my Birds!!