The Diamond Challenge Round 6 DITR



  • KeeleySue
    KeeleySue Posts: 158
    Sorry I haven't kept up with this thread, going to try to catch up now.

    My accomplishments I'm proud of:

    I have 2 girls (5 and 2) that are my biggest accomplishments ever.
    My husband and I have paid off 35k of debt since 03/2010.

    What I'd like to achieve before the end of the year:

    Pay off the remaining 3k debt.
    Lose another 10 lbs.
    Get pregnant.

    How old do I feel?

    I've never felt my age. I've always felt much younger. I'm 30 now, but feel more like 24 or so. Even in my twenties, I still felt like a teenager most of the time. I think a lot of this has to do with that fact that I look younger and everyone I work with is older than me. I'm the youngest in my office by at least 10 years and I've been working there since I was 19. Everybody calls me kid. :explode:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thanks all for the birthday wishes! And Happy Birthday Lustris!!

    I am retaining water like CRAZY this week... it's got me up 3lbs! Whew!

    Has anyone else joined Fitocracy? I just joined. It's like MFP and xBox rolled into one, lol. It has "quests" for workouts where you unlock achievements and earn badges (similar to xBox achievements). If you have joined (or if you join after reading this, lol), message me your username so we can follow each other!

    Irish does it still require a facebook account or can you just register however? I looked at it before but I'm not on facebook soooo

    if it doesn't I will join you!

    speaking of xbox does anyone else use the kinect for exercise
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA, I'll catch up with ya'll tomorrow :)
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    TOO... MUCH...WATER...!!!!
    I am retaining water as well. I drank so much water yesterday, 13 glasses, and I feel sloshy. I know you should drink a lot of water to flush it out, but I feel lke my flusher is broken :grumble: I am up 1 pound also. Well, here's to hoping I can get rid of it by Sunday at noon. Uncle TOM is here as well, so it's doubtful :cry:
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    onehecticmom - I know how you feel about the flusher being broken! Drinking loads of water just gives me an aqua baby belly :P And its not terribly attractive!!!!

    I haven't tried a new entire recipe this week, but I did discover that I really like hummus. As the queen of no-mushy-foods I am terribly surprised.
  • Today I feel 100 years, this week has flown by and has been VERY crazy! I hope to feel 16 in the morning after a peaceful nights sleep with no alarm clock in the am!!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    This week I would like to continue with our walking and water but turn it up! Walk for 30minutes/day, and start drowning yourself with 88ounces of H2O ladies! I want you to be swimming to the toilets! To add to this I would like you ladies to all try something new this week ~FOOD WISE. Try a new recipe, or just a new snack. Scour the market for something you have yet to try, but that you might find interesting...Look up a new recipe to try for dinner this week~ my personal favorite website is When you have completed this mini challenge come use this forum and give us all the deets on how you did! I look forward to hearing all about it!

    OK - so I just tried 3 NEW food items for lunch!!! Well, yogurt I have had but not Stoneyfield french vanilla organic 0% fat. With that I had 2 organic garrett county chicken apple sausage links and an Ines Rosales Seville orange sweet olive oil torta. Also for mid morning snack I tried a natures path organic pumpkin -n- spice plus flax chewy granola bar. Can you tell I finally got my owners card at Outpost Natural Foods?? I have always loved that place since Mark pointed it out to me 3 years ago when I moved to West Allis. I bought a container of a fresh salad think it is like "protien plus salad", organic grapes . . .

    OK girlies Im done blabbing - since home by myself, thinking bout baking for the jerks (men) in my office at work - cake pops and maybe something halloween fun - they love it when I bring them food!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    we need to kick up our challenge, our thread is so sad and unposty!

    I did pretty good with water this week - NOT 88 ounces every day but much better than Ihad been doing and that's good. I'd really fallen off the water wago.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    I've been ok on water, not hit 88 oz every day, but have gotten at least 8 glasses

    not done so well on trying new foods - between a couple of work project, several meetings after work and some props requests for the marching band, it's been mostly a "find what you can" and carry out week. hoping this next week will settle after the props are done!

    One thing that made me really proud this week is that my daughter had a semi formal dance this week and it was so obvious that she's lost significant weight since I've started this change as well when we went dress shopping. she did not have a lot to lose, but she's looking fantastic!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I am really pushing on the water. I think I have hit goal a few times this week. I it sooooo hard for me. I don't know why.

    I will work on finding a new recipe. I do have one for a vergetable lasagna for this week. Does that count? I have had lasagna before, but not with this recipe.

    I think I will post a QOTD, because I haven't seen a new one in a bit.

    What is the one thing you can do today, that you could not or would not even try last year at this time?

    I went on a hike with my husband today. I was thinking about it. Last year at this time, I wouldn't have even suggested it. This year, I suggested it, pushed through it and was able to keep up and even push my husband along a little bit.

    What about you ladies? Even if it is as small as tracking the water you are drinking, what are you doing today, that you never thought about last year?

  • The big thing for me this year that's different is a few things. 1) We stopped eating out so much 2) I watch what I eat and my caloric and sodium intake. and 3) my water intake is different, I used to drink diet soda a lot and I just changed fully to crystal light and water. I still get a diet soda every now and again if we are out but other then that I barely drink soda.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    HA! today I tried a rambutan fruit!
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    New food/recipe? I have recently tried raw chocolate- and I love it! Plus it's sweetened with nectar instead of sugar. nom nom.

    Yesterday was my first 10K. It was something I never dreamed I could do in June 2011. :D
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I have a few new foods I am trying this week. Love Will stick with the water as well. Did really good last week, but the weekend was another story. Looking forward to a new week :wink:

    I never thought I would be able to track my calories. I always thought it was a silly thing to do, but now it's easy. I also never thought I could drink so much water. I was a pepsi drinker through & through. I dropped the pepsi & went to crystal light, still thiking I could never drink water :sick: But now I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day most days & don't drink crystal light anymore. I only drink Coke Zero if we are out & IF they have it, even then I still prefer water most of the time.

    I was always active before & never felt like I COULDN'T do something, more that I didn't WANT to do it. Well, I still don't WANT to do it, at least now. It's getting cold here so I am reaching my hibernation stage. Will really have to work hard at keeping active
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    I never thought I would be running, for fun, for the hell of it, on a weekend, on a weekday... Me and running were never friends, now we're more like acquaintances, slowly building the friendship. :laugh:

    I'm looking forward to our vegetable lasagne! :flowerforyou: I try to eat new foods all the time though, quinoa has been another newbie for me recently. Oh, and bread and butter pudding on the weekend :blushing: Not the "healthiest" new food to try, but mighty tasty. :laugh: Fish curry, cumin chicken, parmesan pork chops have been a few of our recent trial recipes and it has been nice to try foods we wouldn't normally eat, or cook them in ways we wouldn't normally.
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    I always had troubles drinking enough! Most of the time I'm drinking 8 glasses a day now! :-)
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I never thought in a million years I would ever say this but I LOVE running.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    What is the one thing you can do today, that you could not or would not even try last year at this time?

    Run. I am up to a little over two miles and my ultimate goal is to run a 5K next spring.

    Drink water. I drank diet Pepsi morning until night. Then I switched to Propel zero. Now it is plain water. Baby steps got me there.

    Eat my veggies. I thought I hated veggies. I have found many that I actually like.

    Happy Monday everyone! Hope you are all doing well.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    So far behind....

    I made a butternut squash soup last week for the first time - it was awesome!!! And very filling!

    As far as age goes - hmmm....depends on the day....I am 41, but most days I feel like I am in my 30's. I feel much younger than I did last year at this time - losing weight has lost some of my aches as well!
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I never thought I would be able to fit some size 12 clothes or be able to run upstairs without the need for a ambulance