Myfitnesspal vs Weight Watchers



  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    I have both, this seems to work better for me. I did well on WW too though. I use WW for recipe ideas and more support. Figure it doesn't hurt to have and use both!
  • I am doing both ww and mfp. I lost 18lbs with ww last year and gained almost all of it back once the ww plus program started. I like how ww gave us weekly points to take from does mfp do something like that as well? I'm only allowed 1200 cal a day and I always go over on the days I don't work out. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I'm always starving.
  • This was really informative .. I have always wondered about what people thought of other weight programs.. I am glad my aunt suggested this site to me .. Its free and im loosing wieght! And Im doing this in the comfort of my own home.. No meetings and i have exercising equipment at home so no need to go to the gym ... Loving it ..
  • I have done WW five times in the last decade. when I tracked by hand and went to meetings I was very successful. Then i switched to the online version, and it is VERY hard to use and takes a long time. i lost interest but still tried to do it for over a year. I have been on myfitnesspal for only five days now, and already dumped Weight Watchers. I LOVE THIS APP, especially on my iPad. I am down 5.7 in the first week and only have 94.3 pounds more to lose!
  • I'm running both simultaneously as well!

    Just had my first weigh-in today...think I need the regular weigh-ins to keep me motivated but I like this for monitoring my calorie intake and the support better. Good luck with it :)
  • nickykf201
    nickykf201 Posts: 10 Member
    i tried weight watchers and found it all a bit confusing and therefore didnt get on with it. im finding this sooooo much easier to follow and its so simple to add foods on...
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    I did the WW thing as well. Made it to Goal, and LIfetime I also worked for them for a while... then things happened and it all came back. I tried following again, and I found that the new Points Plus system doesn't really work. they changed alot of the food values, and it seems alot harder to get the weight off, and a lot more work to get your "points" each day (figuring them out and eating them all.)

    I find MFP a way better way to go. The people, the community, the tracking system and the motivation from friends Is all 10x better than anything I got from WW

    Save your Money,
    Devote time and effort to MFP
    and you WILL be successful :)
  • abc2003family
    abc2003family Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks to everyone who posted, I also had been thinking of trying Weight Watchers and then I heard of this site and app this week. I think this is an awesome program and has some definite benefits over anything else I've seen. I'm definitely staying with MFP! :happy:
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 308 Member
    I did Weight Watchers last February and at first I liked it. However I did the online version and I noticed it was hard to keep myself accountable. I got busier with work and gained a little weight back and became discouraged. I stopped tracking like I should have and overall, I wasn't seeing very good results. So I decided not re re-new my subscription. I had been thinking about getting back into WW and giving it another try and seeing if maybe I would have different results this time. I stumbled upon MFP last Friday while on Facebook and decided to check it out. From last Friday to this past Monday, I had already dropped 3 pounds! I feel like MFP is so much more user friendly and I love the fact that it's free! I feel like this is a much more welcoming group of people and that everyone is there to motivate and help one another.

    You guys are awesome, and I'm VERY happy to be here! :-)
  • Classic65Mustang
    Classic65Mustang Posts: 12 Member
    I started on WW last year after the roll out of the new points plus program and I lost about 20 lbs. I did online only and was doing well but had to drop it due to cost. After dropping WW I did well at first and still managed to lose another 5 pounds only to start gaining it back due to no tracking or accountability. I tried using for a while and it was ok but a bit more confusing and I don't think the database of foods was as large. This is my 3rd day on MFP and already down 2 lbs :smile:
  • I agree. I started WW almost two weeks ago. Have been doing MFP for over a year (tracking only), but not involved with the community. Today's my first day. :) MFP is great. I love the tracking options. It's very user friendly and free. I'm planning to cancel cancel the WW online subscription, but continue with the meetings. Good luck!
  • kirstysnan
    kirstysnan Posts: 47 Member
    I've always avoided weight watchers, lighter-life etc as primarily their goal is to make money not to help you lose weight. They stop earning money when you have lost the weight you require so i have always been a little dubious regarding their methods which appear to change every 6-12 months or so

    I have just been thinking that about Scottish Slimmers which I've been with for a couple of years. I just joined MFP last week having got the app after Christmas. MFP is so easy to use and also gave me I thought less calories. I've just looked today and realise I have been using too many 'checks' (as SS calls them) - 1 check = 25 calories. So I have been allowing myself 10 more checks a day for months, which is 250 calories a day - no wonder I was struggling.
    However, although I was wrong about the allowance, it has made me think. SS counts a lot of things as 'no check ', only realised a few weeks ago when the class leader let it drop that that just means it's under 100 calories. So I could be eating no check stuff all day and rack up a whole load of calories! Also you're allowed a daily amount of milk or cheese and other items - all add up. I had come to the conclusion that it is in SS interest to add in those hidden calories as the more you struggle, the more you will go to class/sign up online.
  • nov1951
    nov1951 Posts: 8 Member
    I did ww for 21/2 years. I lost 54 lbs. but we some family stress - my 25 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer and the only way I could cope was to eat. Gained the weight back. Left ww - too expensive. Just stumbled on this site last week. I think so far I like this better - FREE is so good. I am just the accountability factor works me - weighing in once a week. We'll see.
  • olperkins
    olperkins Posts: 1 Member
    I've had great success with weight watchers, but if the money get's tight as it sometimes does for me since my husband lost his job - this site is exactly what I was looking for and I don't have to worry about missing a meeting because I either don't have time that week or I'm running short on cash. Good luck to you.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi! I did WW last year and lost weight then I got bored with it.......I hit a plateau and could not lose. A friend told me about MFP and I absolutely LOVE it.....
  • hiya! i did weight watchers online a few years ago and it worked pretty well. however, mfp is doing the trick a bit better, and it's free. i don't miss ww at all, and i actually think the community is much more active and supportive than ww.

    I totally agree with the fact that the community is WAY better with MFP...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I did Flex and Momentum with WW. The PointsPlus system, to me, is very flawed, though. Free fruit was a BAD idea!

    But, I mean, there isn't much difference between WW and MFP -- just different ways to count. If you don't want to pay WW anymore and just do this, keep the Good Health Guidelines in mind and count calories.
  • Have done ww online before and did lose weight. But mfp to me is just as good if not better because its FREE!!! And who doesn't like free stuff? What I also like about mfp is its like a fitness version of facebook. I have mfp buddies and we see each others posts and can comment. It's like an everyday meeting!
  • I am doing both WW and MFP right now just to help keep myself accountable and not pay extra for the WW online. I've lost about 2-3 in the first week. I'm not giving up either way, I am going to lose my weight! If WW gets too expensive, I will keep on MFP. :)
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    When I see a company like Weight Watchers putting their 'weight' behind a fast food company like McDonalds then you know their way of thinking is flawed!

    Yes, there are success stories like every weight loss / workout program but their philosophy is along the lines of eat small meals and reward yourself with a huge piece of chocolate cake then the majority of subscribers are on the wrong losing track.

    Weight loss is all about education otherwise the weight will be put back on just as quickly.

    If you drop your calories by 300 - 500 calories a day below what you use through the day you will lose weight (for the majority of people) and this site and the apps takes some of the headache out of the whole process.

    Stick with MFP and be strong and you will reach your goals in the end! :-)