Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    D10 L1 completed this morning, took a look at L2 ready for tomorrow, not as bad as I had feared along with the comments already posted I am now quiet looking forward to the new routine of L2....
  • cwglosin4vaca
    cwglosin4vaca Posts: 63 Member
    Day4level1 done!
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    D10L1 done this morning - level 2 starts tomorrow :o)

    level 1 results - 4 pound loss, 8.5 inches lost :o)
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    L2D1 done, and not so bad as last time. I didn't fall on my face and managed a respectable attempt. Having to modify some of the high impact though as I have been getting shin splints from running (just started C25K and running on pavements is causing a problem)
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    So this morning I was half way through my work out annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the dvd started acting up. OMG! So after I've tried everything I know to fix the DVD I turn to my son's father and ask him if he knew what happen to the DVD. He tells me that our son was playing with the DVD. The DVD has scratches all over. I'm so disappointed because I really want to finish this DVD. I'm going to have to order a new one. If you ladies know any tricks about fixing DVDs please let me know.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    completed L2D2 - 12 days down!
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    So this morning I was half way through my work out annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the dvd started acting up. OMG! So after I've tried everything I know to fix the DVD I turn to my son's father and ask him if he knew what happen to the DVD. He tells me that our son was playing with the DVD. The DVD has scratches all over. I'm so disappointed because I really want to finish this DVD. I'm going to have to order a new one. If you ladies know any tricks about fixing DVDs please let me know.

    Awe :( I'm sorry!!! I don't know any tricks :(
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    completed level one day 10...went back to level one b/c having back issues!!
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    D1L2 done - 11 days down and I'm really enjoying this! I got up early this morning to do this and its Sunday!
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Just to say I,m loving this shred - I joined late so I'm lagging behind - but I'm getting there - and feeling fitter and stronger - and loving it! I'm glad level 2 hasn't killed anyone - I'm looking forward to doing it in a couple of days! Well done everyone - it's great to read everyone's motivational comments!! (and it's making the long journey of weight loss more interesting!!!) By the way - I still cant do the middle cardio bit - I keep stopping for 5 secs - I hope that I can get through it all without stopping today - my poor knees could really do without all this extra weight, lol! :laugh:
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    PS - Day 9 level one! Great work everyone! I love this group support!!!
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    L2 D1 done.... And I have survived..... Not so bad after all!!
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    So this morning I was half way through my work out annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the dvd started acting up. OMG! So after I've tried everything I know to fix the DVD I turn to my son's father and ask him if he knew what happen to the DVD. He tells me that our son was playing with the DVD. The DVD has scratches all over. I'm so disappointed because I really want to finish this DVD. I'm going to have to order a new one. If you ladies know any tricks about fixing DVDs please let me know.

    In the UK if you take a scratched DVD to a Blockbuster video shop they have a machine that fixes the scratches so it's like new. It only costs a couple of pounds. My son is forever scratching his XBOx games and Blockbuster have fixed them a few times.
    I bet they have something like that in the States too (if you are the States)
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    (day 12) Day 2 Lev 2
    I think I am going to be sick and my head is pounding after finishing my workout today.
    Everyone on here keeps saying they are enjoying level 2, I think I must be doing something wrong because I am finding level 2 really hard going and am sweating like mad. I have to keep taking about 3 X 5 second breaks.
    Am I alone in this?
  • L2 D2 Wow this level is hard but I like it so much better than L1 feeling a huge difference not just in endurance but in myself can even see shadows of my abs and believe me that is a miracle. Can imagine what I did before this????
  • (day 12) Day 2 Lev 2
    I think I am going to be sick and my head is pounding after finishing my workout today.
    Everyone on here keeps saying they are enjoying level 2, I think I must be doing something wrong because I am finding level 2 really hard going and am sweating like mad. I have to keep taking about 3 X 5 second breaks.
    Am I alone in this?

    I feel physically ill whilst doing it but I enjoy more because it is really pushing me and even though I hate it whilst doing it after my workout I feel great. Plus I sweat a lot which is a good thing and yes I take a couple of breathers :)
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you for that! :)
    I am still purple in the face an hour after my workout and only just stopped feeling sick! My other half has been laughing at me all morning but I know for definite level 1 would end him!
    I am definitely seeing changes in my body and I always feel good after I've done it but can't wait until I enjoy level 2 (took me about 5 days with level 1 to enjoy it)
  • Alrighht so yesterday my internet was out but I DID do level 2 day 1! Today after church I will do level 2 day 2 (: Keep pushing shredders!! :wink:
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 67 Member
    Day3 Level2 done. Man I have been sweating like crazy this level. Oh the other day I got a stitch in my side during the cardio. Not a bad stitch the kind that we get when we know weve been running fast and working good! It sucked but I knew I was giving it my all:happy:

  • nici94
    nici94 Posts: 28 Member
    L2D2 done. I'm so happy I'm in this group since I don't think I would have made it this far without you guys. On days I really want to skip it I make myself because I don't want to let you guys down. On a side note. My daughter started walking yesterday so now I really am going to be kept on my toes.