Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    So here it is - my progress so far (after 5 days of 30DS plus a couple of walks and some gardening!)

    Weight (lbs)__________144.25_____141.25 ~~~~ 3 lbs lost
    Fat Ratio_____________37.0%_____36.5%*
    Size (in)_____________218.00_____215.50
    Bust________________ 36.00______ 35.25 ~~~~ 0.75 inches lost
    Waist_______________ 33.00______ 32.25 ~~~~ 0.75 inches lost
    Hips________________ 42.50______ 42.00 ~~~~ 0.5 inches lost
    Thigh_______________ 24.25______ 24.00 ~~~~ 0.25 inches lost
    Knee_______________ 17.00______ 17.00
    Arm________________ 12.00______ 12.00

    * this may change as I find the fat ratio taken first thing in the morning is always a bit high due to being slightly dehydrated, so I will probably take it again about lunch time.

    Off to do my first C25K 'run' now then my 30DS for today.
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Day 6 Lev 1 done guys! :)

    Awww Nafroese I hope your shin feels better soon.
    I have been having problems with my knee so I did side stepping and the arm movements for the jumping jacks and did the punches for the rest of the cardio. Today my knee was a bit better so I could manage the jumping jacks etc but like you I will have to go easy some times.
    It's no fun when it hurts! xx
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    L1 D5 completed, still not 100% on all exercises so that is my next goal, but and I think I am actually starting to enjoy it... this is truly a new concept for me :-)
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    L1 D5 completed. Worked hard at it today and it felt good ...
  • Lowtower
    L1D8 complete and it felt like a good workout. My mind is wandering to level two...
  • elizabethdear95
    level 1 day 6 done! My shin splints are getting nasty though. But I will keep going!
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    I missed yesterday - taught Sunday School..had to go to a friend's house for a party and then my son's birthday party with 15 kids..we were running all day. I will do it today for sure, and may even get two sessions in - we shall see. I work full time and have teacher conferences and football practice so it may be tough.. will get one in for sure.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi guys yesterday i did day 8 level 2 its fab! Did not realise we were doing level one for 8 days i thought it would be for one week, so i had moved onto level 2, anyways i must say i love this level it is real hardcore my arms is dying right now !! Look out for those those walk out press ups its a killer!

    Hi guys - Just some clarification. Since there are 3 levels and we have 30 days total, that would be 10 days each. However, anyone can really do this however they want. If you want to do level 1 for 5 days, then level 2 for 15 days, etc, that's up to you. As long as we're shredding it for all 30 days, you can do it in any combination you want :)
    Proud of you guys - so happy to see everyone sticking with it. I know it's hard, but it's so worth it. Ugh...I have those aches and pains too. I got them the first round of 30 ds last month and trust me they are still there this 2nd time around, but I can't tell you what a difference I have in my body. It's worth it :) Keep up the great work guys!!!!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Update on the fat ratio - lunchtime reading (generally more stable and accurate) is 36.0% - which means I have lost a huge (compared to other results) 1.0% in just two weeks and exceeded my target by 0.7%. This is my favourite results as it means I am doing the right thing, losing fat not muscle :happy:

    Forgot to say L1D6 completed too, as well as my first C25K 'run'.
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Update on the fat ratio - lunchtime reading (generally more stable and accurate) is 36.0% - which means I have lost a huge (compared to other results) 1.0% in just two weeks and exceeded my target by 0.7%. This is my favourite results as it means I am doing the right thing, losing fat not muscle :happy:

    so awesome!! Great job! :)
  • danajotx
    Didn't log into the computer this weekend and my phone won't let me post on the board :( but I did complete L1 D5,6 & 7. My knees are bothering me a bit during the side lunges so I am doing squats instead.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Did D4L2 yesterday. I figure I'll do level 2 for 15 days and then move on to level 3. Level 2 is right where I need it to be, with 5 lb weights. However, the last strength exercise (I don't know what it's called) where you squat and do some butterfly type curls kill me, so I use my 3 lb weights. I'm feeling super sore and love it. I'm going to take my measurements today and use that as my starting point.
  • dmtaylor827
    Well I'm back and at it. I didnt do 30 DS on Sat/Sun. I just didn't make the time to do the video, Ugh. And I felt guilty everyday that I didnt work out. I told my husband that I need to take more responsibility ... this weight loss is my decision to make. So, this morning I was up at 0500 and did my L1D4. To boot, the hubby got up early and worked out w/ me. So, I'm back at it and I know that after the guilt I felt this weekend about not getting my shred on, I'll DO it this weekend.

    Also, I've decided to go 30 days w/o soda or alcohol. Both I love dearly (margaritas!), but want to take a break and see how I feel. I've been on MFP for about 4 weeks now, trying to keep up with my food diary and calories daily. I'm getting a little discorauged though because I haven't seen any results on the scale. That is another reason why I have to get serious and dedication. Grr ... sorry to hijack the thread. Just having a case of the Mondays.
  • Serialdieter
    Ok need to get up to date I am a day behind ... L1 D7 complete.

    Few things that I am noticing:

    1. My endurance have improved drastically even though I still burn I can do the advanced without feeling like I am going to die.
    2. The dvd seems to go much quicker
    3. My face is thinner
    4. My waist is starting to sculpt a little
    5. I am much more motivated (i went for a run yesterday morning and again this evening ????) The only thing that would have motivated the old me would have been if someone set fire to my backside.
    6. I know nearly all the words to the dvd haha "I want those abs and I would do just about anything to get them" haha

    Anyway I will stop boring you all now but thank you so much to help motivate me by posting on here too.

    Heres to being shredded :)
  • Serialdieter
    Well I'm back and at it. I didnt do 30 DS on Sat/Sun. I just didn't make the time to do the video, Ugh. And I felt guilty everyday that I didnt work out. I told my husband that I need to take more responsibility ... this weight loss is my decision to make. So, this morning I was up at 0500 and did my L1D4. To boot, the hubby got up early and worked out w/ me. So, I'm back at it and I know that after the guilt I felt this weekend about not getting my shred on, I'll DO it this weekend.

    Also, I've decided to go 30 days w/o soda or alcohol. Both I love dearly (margaritas!), but want to take a break and see how I feel. I've been on MFP for about 4 weeks now, trying to keep up with my food diary and calories daily. I'm getting a little discorauged though because I haven't seen any results on the scale. That is another reason why I have to get serious and dedication. Grr ... sorry to hijack the thread. Just having a case of the Mondays.

    You are not hijacking the thread this is what we are all here for to support each and listen to everyone elses experiences :)
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Ok need to get up to date I am a day behind ... L1 D7 complete.

    Few things that I am noticing:

    1. My endurance have improved drastically even though I still burn I can do the advanced without feeling like I am going to die.
    2. The dvd seems to go much quicker
    3. My face is thinner
    4. My waist is starting to sculpt a little
    5. I am much more motivated (i went for a run yesterday morning and again this evening ????) The only thing that would have motivated the old me would have been if someone set fire to my backside.
    6. I know nearly all the words to the dvd haha "I want those abs and I would do just about anything to get them" haha

    Anyway I will stop boring you all now but thank you so much to help motivate me by posting on here too.

    Heres to being shredded :)

    hahah I love this! And you're doing such a great job! I can identify with just about eveyrthing you put up there!!!! So proud of you for sticking with it!!!
  • Serialdieter
    Thanks :) I am so proud of all of us x
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 done :smile:
  • soulatomic
    Hi! I'm not doing this session (I'm seeing this a week too late), but I do want to ask: how do you do it?

    No, really.


    I've tried and stopped this program three separate times. I just don't have the strength. I've heard very good things about the program. But when it comes to doing the leg stuff, I about keel over. Do I just do modified exercises until I can do them?

    I'm frustrated because I see people here who weigh more than I do (I'm at 172 5'5") doing it! I want to be like that! I'm not completely out of shape (I'm training for a 10k), but things like squats just KILL me.

    Thanks for your feedback. And thanks for letting me threadjack!
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi! I'm not doing this session (I'm seeing this a week too late), but I do want to ask: how do you do it?

    No, really.


    I've tried and stopped this program three separate times. I just don't have the strength. I've heard very good things about the program. But when it comes to doing the leg stuff, I about keel over. Do I just do modified exercises until I can do them?

    I'm frustrated because I see people here who weigh more than I do (I'm at 172 5'5") doing it! I want to be like that! I'm not completely out of shape (I'm training for a 10k), but things like squats just KILL me.

    Thanks for your feedback. And thanks for letting me threadjack!

    Hey there, I think if any one of us responded, we'd all say that the squats killed us too. You honestly just have to work through the pain and trust me, it gets so much better. This is my 2nd round of the30 day shred. I remember that first week it hurt so bad to walk and stand up and sit down, etc, but it did eventually go away, my legs got stronger, and more shapely (whoo hoo) and this time around they haven't hurt at all. Now, I'm not a doctor, and I don't know what your body can handle, but I'd say it's just good old fashioned commitment that has gotten us to DO IT! :) Good luck to you!