xmas challenge



  • Please everybody - it's LOSE weight, not loose weight!!!!
  • I have been on the site now for a week and would love to have a goal to work towards with other people. I don't know about losing 20 lbs by Christmas but I am game to try :) I am in! I lost 2 lbs last week, so i am counting it towards my goal. 18 lbs to go :D
  • Leobaby
    Leobaby Posts: 97 Member
    Wohoo 9 pounds so far!

    Just 11 more to go :D
  • litcha
    litcha Posts: 11
    Go ahead and Add me!!
  • Count Me In! My SW was 188 and my CW is 183. I would love to lose 20 pounds by X-Mas!
  • melaniehills
    melaniehills Posts: 3 Member
    Can I please join in? Although not really sure I do as I'm new.
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    ugh lost 1/2 pound . . . .SULKING hugely :(
  • colgosling
    colgosling Posts: 104 Member
    I'm game - lets do it!
  • I'm in. I really want this!
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Count me in too!!
  • bfrier
    bfrier Posts: 4
    sounds great! I'm at a pause in my losing, but I'm not giving up.:bigsmile:
  • shesgrand
    shesgrand Posts: 27 Member
    Yes! Today is my fifth day and I have a big transition in my life on January 31st, so this is perfect for me! :)
  • Count me in! I am ready to push myself some more and I am up for a good challenge!
  • I love it! I could really use the support! Great idea!!
  • I'm in!! I've lost 14lbs, in less then 2 months, so in another 2 months I think I could lose at least 20 more!! This will definitly give me incentive to stay on track!!
  • adezeray
    adezeray Posts: 72 Member
    I am in! I would actually like to lose 30lbs by then but twenty would be fantastic!
  • theresababe
    theresababe Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in, I could use motivation and a great challenge like this to get me going thanks :)
  • I don't seem to be going the right way either. I'm exercising more and eating less yet the scale refuses to go below 170. I'm trying not to give up. I could still be 150 by Christmas so that would be wonderful. I don't really understand the problem except I've just recently be diagnosed with either RA, Lupus, or Chrohns--they aren't sure yet. And I wonder if Plaquenil, the med I am on, is part of the problem? At least I feel like I am getting a wee bit stronger with the exercising.

    out of curiousity, are you eating enough with all the excercising? I know my biggest problem was cause I wasnt eating enough, so when I ate my body would hold the calories (making me gain weight) cause it thought I was starving myself...maybe yours is thinking the same? Obviously I'm not sure..I just know thats what happened to me, I started eating more and around the same time every day and I've had really good results (most weeks, few weeks I soo cheated on and gained weight...but I knew before I stepped on the scale and it was 100% my own fault)
  • Count me in. I could use a challenge!
  • jodis319
    jodis319 Posts: 21 Member
    Count me in. I want to try and lose 30 lbs by then but 20 would be great!!!!!