T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team~ Week 8~ March 27- April



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    There is a new thread here somewhere that Banks (SHBoss) started and it is titled something like, "You know you're a workout nut if....."

    There are some great posts on it. And thank goodness, someone posted this:
    ~ I know I'm a workout fanatic - or nut - because ~
    "I found myself thinking " ' Running in the rain will be fun' ".
    And it made me stop using my "Cold & Rainy" excuse for not running.

    You never know who you will help, no matter what you post on MFP if it is a helpful, positive thought.

    I :heart: you guys.
    Oh-em-gee, I didn't finish my thought.....
    So it has been raining for several days straight. I have not wanted to go without my MP3 player, and didn't want it to get wet. So I started getting ready - and the wierdest thing happened....as I was almost ready, the sun came out! sun_bespectacled.gif

    The sun stayed out for exactly one hour. My run was 50 minutes. doo doo doo doo...(Twilight Zone?)

    And I had music. yesssmileyf.gif

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    CM- I did corporate business taxes for 10 years and since my divorce Ive always paid someone else to do it. I NEVER wanted to fill out another tax form as long as I lived.. LOL For the past 6 years anyways Ive had them done by someone else and this year I called around and got some quotes to get them done and decided I didnt wanna pay $229 to have them done for me. I took Adopt4's advice and used turbotax online. It was $89 to e-file our federal and oregon state income tax returns. We file 1040 and itemize deductions because we have student loan interest, mortgage interest and all that good garbage. It literally took me an hour because I had all of the papers together and ready to go. Easy easy!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    You know your a workout nut when....

    you find yourself going to the gym to swim on your gym day off just for entertainment. LOL

    Thats me!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    CM- I did corporate business taxes for 10 years and since my divorce Ive always paid someone else to do it. I NEVER wanted to fill out another tax form as long as I lived.. LOL For the past 6 years anyways Ive had them done by someone else and this year I called around and got some quotes to get them done and decided I didnt wanna pay $229 to have them done for me. I took Adopt4's advice and used turbotax online. It was $89 to e-file our federal and oregon state income tax returns. We file 1040 and itemize deductions because we have student loan interest, mortgage interest and all that good garbage. It literally took me an hour because I had all of the papers together and ready to go. Easy easy!

    Cool! I have a lot of stocks, itemize, have to list them all individually. I usually get charged $400! I refuse to take the huge loss I had this year AND pay $400. Are there tax-extension papers I can print online? I didn't work, so no money coming in - all going out. I doubt I'll owe anything - it's just tedious to type and do the cost analysis.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    You know your a workout nut when....

    you find yourself going to the gym to swim on your gym day off just for entertainment. LOL

    Thats me!

    There are some really great ones. Viviakay wrote "YKYAWNW: You have bought no new clothes in a year except workout clothes" :laugh: I love her. She writes the best blog on this site in my opinion.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I was surfing photobucket and found this for ya CM....... hehe!

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    Li4g, Love it! :laugh:

    did you see the creepy av pic on the roll 'em game thread?


    Joker kitty???
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    and here is that funny "YKYAWNI" thread I mentioned earlier....

  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    There is a new thread here somewhere that Banks (SHBoss) started and it is titled something like, "You know you're a workout nut if....."

    There are some great posts on it. And thank goodness, someone posted this:
    ~ I know I'm a workout fanatic - or nut - because ~
    "I found myself thinking " ' Running in the rain will be fun' ".
    And it made me stop using my "Cold & Rainy" excuse for not running.

    You never know who you will help, no matter what you post on MFP if it is a helpful, positive thought.

    I :heart: you guys.
    Oh-em-gee, I didn't finish my thought.....
    So it has been raining for several days straight. I have not wanted to go without my MP3 player, and didn't want it to get wet. So I started getting ready - and the wierdest thing happened....as I was almost ready, the sun came out! sun_bespectacled.gif

    The sun stayed out for exactly one hour. My run was 50 minutes. doo doo doo doo...(Twilight Zone?)

    And I had music. yesssmileyf.gif
    WHEN DID YOU GET AN HOUR OF FRIGGIN' SUN????? Li'l old Maple Valley has had NONE. I told my hubby, I think I am getting that S.A.D. disorder from lack of sun!!! Lucky you in your neck of the woods!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    WHEN DID YOU GET AN HOUR OF FRIGGIN' SUN????? Li'l old Maple Valley has had NONE. I told my hubby, I think I am getting that S.A.D. disorder from lack of sun!!! Lucky you in your neck of the woods!!!

    You must make a commitment to the Exercise Gods - - maybe tomorrow I'll plan a four hour hike! They say it will be partly sunny & no rain tomorrow.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    hey, hi everyone!! Great day, overcast, but still very nice. Saw tons of cool stuff whale watching! First whale we saw breached! I am really happy, and pretty tired, and sunburned. Sorry to everyone who is in the shade, rain, snow, etc.

    Not much time, but wanted to check in. Eating pretty healthy, and getting in some good exercise, though no strength training, which is my favorite. Love you guys.,

    Oh, hey, wanted to chip in my two cents for eating throughout the day, not allowing yourself to get hungry. For those of us that are morbidly obease. (What a nasty phrase!!) eating every few hours is not as much about the fuel (we carry around quite a bit) but about regulating hunger. If we allow ourselves to get really hungry, we are much more likely to binge, and lose control. So, Sheila, I agree, eat! When I don't eat regularly, I am much more liikely to eat tghe wrong stuff in the wrong quantities. And, I am much more likely to hit the dreaded plateau!!!

    Eat,m my friend!

    No, I don't mean we should eat our friends. I mean all us friends should eat. Again, love you all! Take care!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I think I've hit the dreaded plateau. I've been sneaking peeks at the scale this week (I know, I know) and not stressing over it this time, but I do believe I've hit it finally. After what, 2+ mos of doing this, I think I've done well at avoiding it.

    Now I need some advice. I am working 400-500 cals at the gym, that takes me 45-60 mins, plus doing weights several times a week, and the situp challenge. I really don't have the time - or energy - to increase my workouts much, 45 mins on the elliptical and treadmill pretty much does me in at this point (just upped it from 30 to 45 this past week, so I just increased it). I'm having a big struggle trying to stay within cals on days I don't work out (maybe once a week I skip a day, but i pretty much need to go every day just so I can eat!)

    I also have worked out at night mostly this week... which is supposed to be good, right, to shake it up, but I almost wonder if that's contributing to my plateau instead?

    Advice, please. :) I want to lower my cals but I don't think I can be successful if I do!

    ETA: my cals are 1580 per day, and my exercise goals are 400 cals/6 days week, 45 mins per day goal. I usually go over to close to 500 if I can every time.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    The dreaded plateau....hmm... somehow I think its a bit early to call it a plateau.
    Isnt a plateau where you go weeks without losing anything?

    My advice... borrow my hrm one of these day while we are at the gym and see exactly how many calories you are burning during your average workout. I betcha you are burning more than you think and should be eating more... $5..!!

    I gotta say tho... Im a little bit scared to get on the scale tomorrow!! Ive been eating like crazy and altho I have felt big changes in my waist this week... its just.....well....driving me nuts not knowing!!
    I cant wait to pop on the scale tomorrow and see where Im at.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Li4g, Love it! :laugh:

    did you see the creepy av pic on the roll 'em game thread?


    Joker kitty???

    OMG... That poor cat!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    You can all come visit me down in the Big Easy ~ we've got plenty-o-sunshine:glasses: In the 70's tomorrow and Saturday, then up into the 80's on Sunday. :love: Plus it's strawberry season - yummmmmm AND crawfish season! My favorite time of year!

    Dwray - oooohhhh - I will be burning extra calories running back and forth to the mailbox!!! I'm so excited! Are you all better from your fall?? Take care!:flowerforyou:

    CM - it's good having you around - thanks for sharing your knowledge and support - it means a lot to me when you and others are so willing to make this easy for the rest of us who are still learning - I think you are just the cat's meow!!:bigsmile:

    I always think of breakfast very literally - we are breaking the fast forced on us by sleep (although I do have a friend that sleepwalks/sleep eats:noway: ). It is important to refuel everything our body had to use up overnight - and if we just give it a little bit to refuel with - then our metabolism can't really heat up and get moving - we've got to put some wood in the stove to start the fire. If we just put in a little kindling, it sparks out pretty quickly - build a substantial fire in the morning and then add kindling throughout the day to keep it going..... metaphorically speaking, of course! I don't want anyone becoming a fire eater!!:bigsmile:

    Kristi - I *sure* don't want anyone becoming a friend eater! That would just be sooooo sad! And really, really harsh!!:laugh: Sounds like you are having a great time ~ my daughter went on whale watching expeditions in Alaska two summers in a row - loved loved loved it!

    adopt4 - yeah, you don't get to claim "plateau" at one week no loss:tongue: Shake it up girl! You've got this ~ and are being a great role model!

    Li4g - uggghhhh. Please do my taxes too! I do have to hire somebody this year - my dh owns two small companies, has a non-profit organization, and I also have an LLC for my transcription. It got waaay to complicated for me!

    Swignol - Congrats on the new house! What fun! Not the unpacking, but the living in it:bigsmile:

    K, see you all tomorrow for the weigh in - (ick) :heart: :heart:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,057 Member
    Li4g, Are you going to start the thread for tomorrow......I just now realized it's due..


    Hey, I'm psychic, you were just working on it.


  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member