T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team~ Week 8~ March 27- April



  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hello! :happy:

    Anita, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Today was challenging for me. We had a friend's daughters birthday party so I am sure as you can imagine the food choices weren't the best. I saved calories all day and worked out. It went okay though I wish I had more will power. I did not go over my calories however I did go over my fat by 10 so I am disappointed there!

    I hope everyone is having good weekend!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Anita - Praying God's blanket of perfect peace and comfort encompasses all of you in Kole's circle. He his now whole and healed, so joy for him, but my heart breaks for your neice. ((((((((hugs)))))))))
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Anita, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family through this difficault time..

    Kristi, I hope your internet comes back soon..

    Jamie, I feel your pain, Saturdays are really hard for me because of all the running and stuff I have to do so yeah today Was horible I had stupid Taco Bell for Lunch so I almost ate all my calories in one meal... so for dinner all I ate was a chef salad with no dressing so then I put my info in the computer and along with my excersice and I still have a 1000 to eat... so I did better then what I thought.. but I was scared after eating my lunch...

    Hubby got of work so we sat in the backyard tonight by the firepit... we were enjoying an nice spring day by the fire and then it starts to rain : - { oh well many many more to come..

    Well tomorrow will be a busy day also my niece has a band concert and I have to drive 1 hour to her school so I will be gone pretty much all day... so No Gym tomorrow for the first time in 4 weeks... Well now I am going to have to make sure I go on Monday and watch what I eat tomorrow..

  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Sorry..just noticed *****Kole

    Cm - Pictures will come soon:smile:
  • healthymom2009
    Anita - Praying God's blanket of perfect peace and comfort encompasses all of you in Kole's circle. He his now whole and healed, so joy for him, but my heart breaks for your neice. ((((((((hugs)))))))))

    Well said Lulu - Anita, my prayers are with you as well.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Yes Chanty yes!!!! Must see pics of the new hair!!!

    Sheila - you must have controlled your portions well at Taco Bell - good going girl!

    For all my teamies up north - we actually had a cold front today and it got down to about 65! Brrrrr.:laugh: Sorry you guys are still pretty chilly ~ But this summer, when I'm living in my southern sauna, I will be jealous of your temps!

    I have STUNK at exercise these last few days - it's been raining non-stop. I have got to get my butt in gear! :grumble:

    Jamie ~ sorry you had a rough day, but you still had good calorie control - that's great! Good job:)
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I am eating breakfast and heading to the gym. It's been raining here so that's quite the bummer.
    Chanty can't wait to see pics of your hair. I change my haircut or color every 6weeks or so - I always like seeing other peoples hair styles.
    Sheila, good job at taco bell! I know taco bell offers fresco options. My work does lunch there sometimes. I believe the fresco is no sauces or cheese and a healthy salsa. You are one busy woman!
    Has anyone used the rowing machine at the gym before? I keep thinking I want to try it but never do.
    Well I am off to the gym. Enjoy your Sunday everyone! :happy:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hello everyone, I am still internetless! On top of that, I decided this would be a good time to set up my office, so I have torn my computer apart and am moving it into another room. So, I am still on the blackberry.

    Yesterday I decided to try drink a lot more water. Half my weight in ounces is 220 ounces which is what, 10 gallons? Seriously, its a lot. :O
    Anyway, I drank about 90 ounces of water, not even half of half my weight. So of course I got my exercise running to the bathroom!

    Yesterday was a beautiful day here, I felt bad you all were being rained on. Today, we have the rain. Oh well.

    Well, gotta get some breakfast and head to church. Take care everyone.

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Morning Team,

    well I had a very bad night thanks to the good old Taco Bell, I have have been running to the bathroom throwing up and poopin and I have had gas pains alll nite.. and I have my niece's concert today and I feel horible.. I dont even feel like eating breakfast cuz I dont want to throw up again.... so Today I will be low on calories.. I hope I feel better later.. and I hope I make it to my sisters without getting sick cuz its an hour drive....sorry for sharing my horible NIGHT... No more Taco Bell for me.... See you all tonight when I check back in..

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Well the bunco party went well last night. Everyone brought food, but adopt4 and I found out that almost everyone we play bunco with is also watching calories & fat so there were alot of good options in terms of lowfat things to eat. Not to say I didnt eat too much, I was beyond stuffed and saved a couple things for tonight because there were soooo many nummy looking options and I didnt have room to try everything. Anyway, I know I went over on my calories last night. Kinda hard to log it, but I ate so much there is no way I could have not been over. I think there was more food in my kitchen last night than there was on Thanksgiving and Im just glad all the leftovers made thier way home with thier rightful owners. :laugh:

    The good news is, after bunco was done, a few of us girls decided to go out. We went and played pool for a while then some of us decided to go check out another place for dancing. What a wild, wild, wild time that was!! We stayed out till almost 2am dancing and having a blast. My thighs and hips HURT so bad this morning. :sick: Hadnt been to that club in about 7 years and now I know why. The music is SOOOOO loud! Id still be sleepin, but the cat woke me up wanting attention this morning and once I let him in my room there was no going back to sleep. Not sure if Im gonna make the gym today or not. I think my poor little dancing legs need a day off....:wink:

    Gonna go eat some breakfast then go do some shoppin for my trip to Florida in 2 weeks! Aparently our friends that hubby is staying with in Florida got rid of thier kids for the week that Im going down there so they are taking us to the Florida Keys via thier buddy's yacht. I am soooooooo excited!!! Definitely need a new swim suit and some new cute things to wear that wont fall off.
  • indianagranny
    Good Day Everyone!!!!!!!!!!
    It is splitting snow here, windy and cold.
    Have done about an hour of aerobics and eating some lunch now. Getting ready to go to bed - I go into work tonight. Before I go I am going to try to get a couple miles on the treadmill. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Thanks everyone for your words on Kole. The funeral will be next Saturday. My nephew and neice are just amazing. I think they were prepared for this. They are coming to my grandson Christopher's 5th bday party today. They said they just want to be around family that doens't ask them tons of questions and they most importanly don't want anyone to every forget Kole and that they have a son.My daugther and I are buying baloons for each day he was alive and releasing them at the funeral.

    SO I am just pissed... Pissed Pissed Pissed.. My treadmill is not working.. Well it is but it's dangerous.. I was walking at a 3.0 and it just shut off. Thought it was just a fluke and started again. Going good for 21 mins at a 4.5 of a 4.5% incline and bam it shut off.. I went a flying backwards... My husband said he will figure it out but until then I am just pissed.. I love that thing... It is my best friend...I will be stopping at Walmart on my way home from my grandson's bday party and buy something to work out with.. I think I will look for those walk away the pounds dvd's.. I can't afford to invest in some big equipment... Dang it...

    Well I am off.. and once again everyone, thanks...

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    well hello Team, just checking in.. I am still really sick but I manage to make it to my sisters and sit through the concert but I am feeling soo achie I am cold but I feel like I am running a fever.. man I hate being sick... well I have hardly ate anything all day but 2 bananna's and 2 kellog's special k protien bars... hubby is cooking chicken breast for dinner so I am going to try and eat something... but I hate to smell food it makes my belly queeze...

    i will be heading to bed early so chat tomorrow...

  • healthymom2009
    Li4g - Have fun shopping! You deserve it.

    Anita - sorry to hear about the treadmill too. Thanks for the update on family things. It's good they are hanging out with family.

    swignal - get better soon :sick: :flowerforyou:

    indianagranny - good job on the exercise! :drinker:

    Today is a day off for me so I am trying to keep the calories low. Tried veggie hot dogs for lunch. Couldn't taste them with all the mustard and ketchup. I think I will try them on my daughter - I would rather see her eat those than the real thing. :ohwell:

    Good day all.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi gang, still coming to you via blackberry! Apparently my modem is due for an overhaul. Of course, that can only happen during business hours. :o( So I am checking in pretty minimally. Bummer.

    Sheila, no more TB for you! Yikes! I hope it passes quickly (no pun intended!).

    Anita, as others have said, thanks for keeping us posted. Sorry about the treadmill. You have now joined the elite group of THE Team members to be bucked off a piece of exercise equipment! We should get a special award.

    Healthymom, pretty good pawning those faux dogs off on your daughter! I must admit, I don't like dogs unless they wag their tails at me. But I do tend to like sausage. Go figure. I found several tasty chicken sausage types that are very low Cal.

    Li4g, wow! What a party animal you are. Adopt4, were you in on the dancefest? Sounds like you guys had a blast.

    Had pork roast and brussel sprouts for dinner. Another veggie salute to Chanty. I am now going to go and kick my modem some more. Talk to you all later.

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    I almost forgot! Lulu, you and your cold front! I went to church this am and it was windy and rainy. Came out and there were about there inches of snow on my car! So, the lovely wether yesterday is just that, yesterday's news! Granny and Jamie, good job! And how come you guys are so perky? I gotta yet that!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Well Good Morning Team..

    I am feeling much better today.... Man did I feel like I was dieing... I am still having the pain in my belly but not as bad as yesterday... but I will be going to the gym today and I am going to try and eat something small... well I am just not going to over do it at the gym I might just do the water areobics today just cuz I am not 100 %

    Hope everyone has a Great Day

  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I almost forgot! Lulu, you and your cold front! I went to church this am and it was windy and rainy. Came out and there were about there inches of snow on my car! So, the lovely wether yesterday is just that, yesterday's news! Granny and Jamie, good job! And how come you guys are so perky? I gotta yet that!

    StillKristi - Great job on the brussel sprouts! I've started to have a bit more pep all day and I am not relying on caffiene for it. It's great! Maybe its the water or the working out :wink:
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great Monday! :happy:

    Lulu - did you get to workout or still raining there?
    Li4g - Sounds like you had a blast and got a pretty good workout dancing up a storm!
    Sheila - So sorry to hear you still aren't feeling well! I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
    Anita - Hopefully the treadmill can be fixed. I am sure that is frustrating!
    Granny - Great job on the workout!

    We got a crazy storm last night! It was a tornado warning but of course we had no idea. There was a ton of rain, large hail, and wind! It last about 10 minutes but the road in front of our house was flooded about 2-3 minutes into it! :noway:
    This morning I gave into temptation...darn coworkers. Someone brought in Maple Donut holes. I caved and ate one. I am going to do kick boxing tonight so I hope it balances out.
    Hope you all have a great day! :glasses:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Morning everyone,

    Fun school work filled day for me:yawn: Papers and a midterm...oh I am excited!:noway:

    Hope everyone else has a good day!