Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • L2D4 complete. Is it wierd to say I am really enjoying level 2 and like the walk out push ups!
  • sanrdj
    sanrdj Posts: 18 Member
    D3L2 completed, but only just, I could not give it 100% as my back is really starting to hurt. I may take a days rest tomorrow :-( I had really hoped to do the 30 days straight, I will see how it goes today..... Anyone else suffering with their back?

    I'm the same - I did D9L1 on friday and my back started bugging me saturday morning. I've been in pain since then but not sure if I've pulled somehting or if it's just a new muscle I was working. I did move to a heavier weight that night. I'm a bit scared to start up again but at the same time I really want to. I don't want to fall too far behind and I want to get started on L2.

    Seems like most ppl have knee pain so the back pain worries me.
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    (Day 14) Day 4 Level 2 done!

    I'm not taking as long to recover but still having a couple of 5 second breathers which I'm annoyed about as I feel like I'm letting myself down and should be making every second count!

    Am feeling a bit bloated because it's ovulation time for me, does anyone else find they get bloated around this time too?

    Yes, I definitely am bloated this week and I also have weight gain during this time as well, which is why I'm trying not to get too freaked out that I've gained 4 lbs. since I started the shred. I also feel pretty lethargic during this time, But I'm determined to stick with it, because I do notice a difference in how my body feels, even if it's not reflecting any changes on the outside yet.
  • vixxy83
    vixxy83 Posts: 59
    level 2 day 5 done im findin it hard to get back into it tho
  • quizzer
    quizzer Posts: 17
    L2 D5 done. One day I may be able to do double jump rope, but I can't see it happening in the next 5 days!
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    level 2 day 5 done im findin it hard to get back into it tho

    You can do it!! Look how far you've come, 15 days down that's already half way there!! :) You'll be so proud of yourself and the results when it's all said and done :) I know how it is, I don't want to do mine sometimes either, but once I get going and get it done I feel so much better. Hopefully things will work out for you ;)
  • Yesssss!!! Day 1, level 2 completed (in a hotel room) I feel alive (Natalie makes it look so easy, and it is tough!!!) I had a few 5 sec breaks, but I couldn't have moved around like this a fortnight ago - and all you ladies inspire me to not miss a day!!!
    What do we do when the 30 days is over - I am loving this! And I feel we are all on the same road together. Have a great day everyone!

    shreddin' it in the hotel room!?! now thats some killer motivation! :) keep up the awesome work. you just inspired me to shred it up when i go out of town this weekend!
  • D5L2 - 20 days complete!! :) (i've set up a calendar so i can actually keep track.. ive been messing up my days completed on some of the other posts.)

    wooooooo! i cant believe ive already been shredding it for 20 days straight! (15 of them with all of my lovely group members of course and the other 5 before hand...)

    Ive noticed that today was much easier (BUT NOT EASY!) than yesterday. I was almost tempted to do some Natalie moves..

    My boyfriend says he can already start to see a change in my body.. which is awesome because i dont see it.. oh well if he says its working then it is because he always tells me how it is..

    :) pumped for day 6 tomorrow!! i might even throw in a Natalie move or two ;)
  • D5L2 - 20 days complete!! :) (i've set up a calendar so i can actually keep track.. ive been messing up my days completed on some of the other posts.)

    wooooooo! i cant believe ive already been shredding it for 20 days straight! (15 of them with all of my lovely group members of course and the other 5 before hand...)

    Ive noticed that today was much easier (BUT NOT EASY!) than yesterday. I was almost tempted to do some Natalie moves..

    My boyfriend says he can already start to see a change in my body.. which is awesome because i dont see it.. oh well if he says its working then it is because he always tells me how it is..

    :) pumped for day 6 tomorrow!! i might even throw in a Natalie move or two ;)

    I feel exactly the same as you I am so pround of myself and the other group member we are all doing so well :)

    D5 L2 Completed :)
  • About to do level 2 day 4! Gotta wait for my mom to let me have to TV for a bit haha. I tried to do it on my computer but when I lie down for abs I can't see the screen ):
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    D3L2 completed, but only just, I could not give it 100% as my back is really starting to hurt. I may take a days rest tomorrow :-( I had really hoped to do the 30 days straight, I will see how it goes today..... Anyone else suffering with their back?

    I'm the same - I did D9L1 on friday and my back started bugging me saturday morning. I've been in pain since then but not sure if I've pulled somehting or if it's just a new muscle I was working. I did move to a heavier weight that night. I'm a bit scared to start up again but at the same time I really want to. I don't want to fall too far behind and I want to get started on L2.

    Seems like most ppl have knee pain so the back pain worries me.

    Glad I am not the only one with back pain, it is a bit easier today so think I will go for it tomorrow but without any weights. In really don't want to miss a day, as the 30 day shred was a mini goal for me and tomorrow will be Day 14 if I manage it. It is nearly time to cross the half way line.

    Come on ladies we can do this !!! :-)
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi guys!! Ok, so I decided it's 15 days in (from the offical start date - I know some of you started early and some joined late) and it's time to see who's still with us!!! I've updated the list here, if you're highlighted in yellow, you have completed a log on the thread in the last week. Great job guys!! Keep up the great work! Thought we all deserved a pat on the back ;)

  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi guys!! Ok, so I decided it's 15 days in (from the offical start date - I know some of you started early and some joined late) and it's time to see who's still with us!!! I've updated the list here, if you're highlighted in yellow, you have completed a log on the thread in the last week. Great job guys!! Keep up the great work!


    That's 27 of us still kickin' !!!!!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    way to go everyone! day 2 level 2 done for me! had to take a few short breaks again, but hopefully i will need that less as i get stronger. that first circuit kills me!
  • I just wanted to mention that I love this group and all the people in it. I wouldn't have been able to go this far without you guys! And a thank you to our fabulous leader Faery7!! And all you guys keep it going! We are almost there!! WOOHOOOO!!! Oh, and day 4 level 2 finished (;
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    D5L2 complete :) 15 days down in the books!!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    L2 D3 completed.
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Anderia - I bought something called "Disc Genie" from Walgreens, or maybe Duane reed, I think....... - it claims to repair any disc in seconds - not tried it yet - its just a square of fibre - like suede - maybe check web site www.thediscgenie.com good luck! How is level 3???

    Level 3 gives you a good burn. I'm really sweating on this one. Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. :happy:
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Almost didn't work out today. I was giving myself all the excuses in the world not to work out. I came on here for some motivation and got the work out done! Motivation goes a long way.

    L3 Day 16 DONE!
  • sanrdj
    sanrdj Posts: 18 Member
    D3L2 completed, but only just, I could not give it 100% as my back is really starting to hurt. I may take a days rest tomorrow :-( I had really hoped to do the 30 days straight, I will see how it goes today..... Anyone else suffering with their back?

    I'm the same - I did D9L1 on friday and my back started bugging me saturday morning. I've been in pain since then but not sure if I've pulled somehting or if it's just a new muscle I was working. I did move to a heavier weight that night. I'm a bit scared to start up again but at the same time I really want to. I don't want to fall too far behind and I want to get started on L2.

    Seems like most ppl have knee pain so the back pain worries me.

    Glad I am not the only one with back pain, it is a bit easier today so think I will go for it tomorrow but without any weights. In really don't want to miss a day, as the 30 day shred was a mini goal for me and tomorrow will be Day 14 if I manage it. It is nearly time to cross the half way line.

    Come on ladies we can do this !!! :-)

    My back feels much better tonight. I'm back at it tomorrow but will also take it easy with the weights.

    good luck!