"Ripped" in October



  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    TARA!!!! Luckily you aren't hurt worse and your daughter is fine! Take it easy and we'll "beat" on you tomorrow!
  • LaMaMiK77
    Well i did week 1 it was great...I didn't get to start week 2 to many things I needed to get done and got off track so I'm starting again this week but I did start working out last week@ the gym and I love it! But I also love Jillian's DVDs so I'm starting ripped in 30 tomorow again before I go to the gym :) great job ladies!!! :)
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    D1L4 done. I didn't enjoy the scissor jumps but apart from that, I found it easier than Level 3. I'm going to give it my all this week but feel a bit disappointed! And what's with the sermon at the end? Will definately be skipping it tomorrow!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    YEA!!! Last week, HERE WE ARE!!!!! :happy:

    I kind of liked this! :laugh: LOVED the walking planks, but mainly because I could "rock" those during "Shredding" I could actual "click" my heals when doing the scissor jumps! Good day!

    ROCK ON!!!! :tongue:
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Good Day Rippers!! :wink:

    Well Week4, Day 1 went down! I still sweated buckets this morning.- took a few breaks to catch the breath. Still getting a heck of a workout! What's with those weighted Superman flies??:grumble: :grumble: I so don't care for those- AT ALL! The return of the dumbell plank -push up:noway: geesh, although at least I could wrap my head around them. The ab workouts -are tolerable.:indifferent:

    Let's see, however, if Jillian keeps reminding me that I brought her DVD, and she got my money one more time!!!:grumble: :grumble: I'm going to throw the remote at the screen:laugh: . HOWEVER, my favorite part of week 4, is the resting on the floor at the END:bigsmile: :bigsmile: . See you all tomorrow! Happy Ripping!!!
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    Hi everyone. I've been off the radar as I welcomed my new nephew into the world this past Tuesday. We live a few states away and I was happy with my workouts but not so much with eating. I am really struggling today. Here's my recap:

    I started week 3 last Monday and injured my neck on the "rock-n-roll" move. It really hurt. I completed the workout but needed to ice and take ibuprofen all day. The next day I was a bit gun-shy to do week 3 again, so I opted to do week 2 again. Then I ended up never moving on last week. Despite doing 5 days of Ripped while on vacation (followed by a good run each day), I am still feeling disappointed in myself. I worked out today, but didn't Rip.

    So, bring on the motivation! I am now home, but 10 hours away from my sister and new nephew. I'm feeling pretty sad and I eat when I am sad! Ahhhh! I don't want to loose all that I have done over the past few months.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'll start week 4 with you tomorrow, I'm exhausted from too much fun, sun, friends and family over the last 3 days. :sick: I fell slightly behind last week as I finished week 2 on Monday, and then did week 3 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks Katia and Daffy. We were very lucky. I am still amazed that we fell down an entire flight of spiral stairs with nothing broken and not even a bump on my baby.

    I was back at getting Ripped today. :happy: I do like week 4. I had to do a lot of the modified stuff when it came to anything with impact. Every jump hurt my ribs. And that laying on the floor at the end was really just odd. I'm with Katia and skipping that part. I'm really hoping to see some more progress on the scale this week too, so far I'm only down 2 pounds for the month. :grumble:
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Wish I saw this sooner. Starting up today :)
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been off the radar as I welcomed my new nephew into the world this past Tuesday. We live a few states away and I was happy with my workouts but not so much with eating. I am really struggling today. Here's my recap:

    I started week 3 last Monday and injured my neck on the "rock-n-roll" move. It really hurt. I completed the workout but needed to ice and take ibuprofen all day. The next day I was a bit gun-shy to do week 3 again, so I opted to do week 2 again. Then I ended up never moving on last week. Despite doing 5 days of Ripped while on vacation (followed by a good run each day), I am still feeling disappointed in myself. I worked out today, but didn't Rip.

    So, bring on the motivation! I am now home, but 10 hours away from my sister and new nephew. I'm feeling pretty sad and I eat when I am sad! Ahhhh! I don't want to loose all that I have done over the past few months.

    Sorry about your neck! Take it easy! As far as the motivation....

    You are so damn close to being where you want to be, you're at one of your lowest weights in a long time. You CAN and WILL do this!!!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I've got to wonder, am I the only one?:ohwell:

    Did the first round of SHRED.... In my own personal opinion, I knocked it out of the park. Lost about 5 inches, my arms looked great, and I was happy.

    Next round of Shred.... not such dramatic results, even though I pushed myself HARDER. I think I lost a pound during all of that.

    So onto Ripped. I sweat like a pig. :wink: I'm able to do soooo much more that I ever thought I could. I even now do planks for the fun of it! I'll be honest, I LIKE when people watch me do those GREAT plank moves, (plank jacks, walking planks, plank rows, plank twist) and generally, I do them back to back to back.

    BUT, I'm seeing very little changes. I haven't done my final measurements, but I'm not seeing it.... maybe pics will tell...

    ROCK ON!!!! :tongue:
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Week 4...hmmm..not sure about this one yet
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    I spoke too soon yesterday, was really feeling those weighted supermans when I woke up this morning but nothing too bad. Found L4 harder this morning.

    Only 3 more days to go for me, I'm going to be out of it this weekend. While I have enjoyed it, especially the social side of it, I can't wait to be done with Jillian! I definitely need a break from her after this!

    Enjoy day 2 everyone, only a few more to go until we're there!
  • pakks
    pakks Posts: 30
    didnt post here for 45 days I think. just busy with day's work

    Completed 6 days of level 3. it was alright
    yesterday did day one of Level 4, actually liked some of the routines.

    However today quite lazy to do the second day...need some motivation please...
    i dont want to miss a single day this week
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Rippers!! Do you all know what today is????:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    TODAY is WEEK 4!! ( Day 2) Which means that for most of us, we have LESS than FOUR days!! Yes, that's right less than FOUR Days to becoming ...

    "Jillian Michaels, RIPPED in 30 GRADUATES!"" WOW:drinker: :drinker: Just think you can brag to all your friends, neighbors, kids, and pets....(okay just me:laugh: )....but point is YOURE SOOO Close!

    Now go ahead and get 'er done!! ...future graduate!!

    Week 4, Day 2 is done for me, still kickin my *kitten*, let me tell you my thighs were KILLIN me from yesterdays workout -all day. Still sweating buckets. I'm modifying the heck out of most exercises along with Shelly....but I, like all of you, am pushin through:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    See you Rippers tomorrow...Now get it in!!:wink::wink: :wink:
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I think I just found muscles I didn't know I had!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Seriously, is there such a thing as a inner hamstring? :noway: If there is, they are definitely letting me know that they are NOT fantasy.

    Nice workout. I was able to click my heals on most of the scissor jumps, my goal tomorrow is to click on every single one. I'm not getting those Ashtanga pushups, but I'm drawing on my inner "Silverkitty" and imagine that I'm doing them PERFECTLY!!! :laugh:

    I griped yesterday about the lack of seeing changes, but I'm noticing changes in daily activity. I don't get winded at work going up and down stairs between wings (the floors don't connect anywhere but in the middle so there are a lot of stairs to climb since I see students every 20-30 minutes). I can get kids out of wheelchairs easier. :happy:

    At home, I willing to break out into spontaneous running with my dog, and suddenly chase a kid down the street because I LIKE being the goofy neighbor lady. I like hauling 44# of dog food and cases of water like it's 'nothin'" So even if I'm not seeing "Physical" changes, I'm seeing a lot of other benefits...

    ROCK ON!!!! :tongue:
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    those scissor jumps are crazy...it took me a minute to figure them out
  • taralee2001
    taralee2001 Posts: 45 Member
    Day 2 of week 4 done here!! So close to being finished I can taste it!

    I haven't been seeing much changes either so I took some unofficial progress pictures today. And when I put them side by side with the ones from the end of the 30 Day Shred/beginning of Ripped in 30 I can see very very slight changes. So that's something. I guess I'll take it.

    Way to go everyone. We are almost through this. :flowerforyou:
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone! I have been off the radar for the last few days. I was getting mental stressed with working full time, cooking, grocery shopping, meal planning, and working out. So I took a few days off for a mental break. My apartment was a disaster, the laundry basket was overflowing, I have a grad school application staring me down, and I had both a dentist and eye appt yesterday. But I'm back now and just finished Day 1 of Level 4!

    Like you cmDaffy I'm not seeing too many major changes. I can tell that I am stronger and certain things are alot easier for me to do. This morning I noticed that instead of using my arms to help me sit up and get out of bed, I just sat up. Only used my abs! I was pretty stoked about the the ab workout in the 3rd circuit. I totally rocked that move!

    I agree about the motivational speech at the end, ugh I just want to get the cool down over with! I have things to do :) I skipped it and just started my cool down with out her.

    Happy Ripping all! I will see you tomorrow!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Day 1 of week 4 done.

    The latest version of superman was...fun. :angry:
    Skipped the heel kick thingy completely. :tongue:
    I was all over the place with the forward/back/side lunges. :indifferent:

    Maybe I'll like it better tomorrow. :smile:

    Her motivational speech at the end is probably the stupidest thing she says in Ripped. Who writes this stuff?! :laugh:

    cmDaffy, I hear you on the dog food. Showed my boyfriend how strong I was by lifting the 42 lb. bag cat litter. As he smiled I realized I had just showboated my way to kitty litter duty. :explode: