Not that much to lose group *LOSE 15lbs in 12 Weeks*



  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I have had a low-cal week, much due to stress. I'm hoping that at least it pays off on the scale, because this chick could really use some good news!
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    Heyy I'm in a similar boat so liking this challenge - feel free to add me if I haven't already bugged you! I've just skim read this, and will have a proper read when I get home.
  • 30 day shred is GREAT! It's a very quick workout and you feel the pain! Try her yoga DVD as well. You wouldn't think it'd be anything good but it's amazing as well. I saw great results in my weight and over all body tone when I was doing these. I'm going to start back soon now that my shoulder is healed!
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 208 Member
    I downloaded just the first DVD for 30 day shred off the exercise tv website. So I stream it on my laptop. It seemed like a nice noncommittal way to try the 1st one without getting all 3.

    I need to find a place to get a tape measurer though. I've moved carless into a new city (which has been great because I walk so much more now).
  • Sure! I'm 108.6 as of yesterday. Weigh in's on Fridays?
  • Count me in. I have the last 8lbs to loose.
  • damzie
    damzie Posts: 6 Member
    Ooh, I'm joining in just the nick of time! I'm 5'7" and very small boned. Like, I wear a size 3 ring. Bird bones. I started at 141 and as of a week ago I was 136.4. I'm trying to get to 125 by the end of the year. I do some Jillian MIchaels video as part of my mix. I'm doing ChaLean Extreme and running 3 to 4 days a week, and sometimes I swap in the Jillian Michaels videos on my cardio or intervals days.

    Good luck everyone! Looking forward to losing these last 10 pounds with you!

  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    Ok I'm weighing in now in case I don't get a chance tomorrow. Plus I'm in the UK so it's almost Friday here anyway ;-)

    Overall stats:
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'9" or 175cm

    CW (this morning): 164lbs
    Hips: 35"
    Waist: 30"
    Thighs: 25"
    Arms: 12"
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    HECK YES!!!! LOST A POUND!!! that makes 1.5 already this week I guess changing up my eating habbits worked! Just need .5 for the rest of the week to make me happy! hope the pizza tonght doesnt set me back....just ONE slice I'm sticking to it!

    You're doing great!!! I don't see any weight loss for me this week, since I will only get to have 1 gym session due to being over booked at work. But I have been eating healthy so that may help....Congrats!!!! What did you switch up, we all love tips!!

    Sorry I didnt have a chance to explain this yesterday but it was suuuchh a busy day! I'm doing the six week body make over. It's an eating plan whree you take this quiz and it calculates what kind of body type you are in what foods your body needs to boost your metabalisim. I took the test and it said i was a "C" so i ate on the c for 3 weeks and i lost big the first week and good the second week but then it felt like i was slowing down. I read some articles about the differnt body types on the plan and i decided i sounded more like a "B" so i changed from breakfast - 2 oz protien half cup of carbs and half cup of fruit, morning snack half cup of carbs 2 oz protien, lunch - 2oz protien half cup of carbs 1 cup of veggies, afternoon snack - half cup of cabs 2 oz protien, and dinner 2 oz protien half cup of carbs one cup of veggies and evening snack of half cup of fruit to ....breakfast 2 oz protien half cup of fruit, morning snack 2 oz of protien half cup of fruit, lunch 2 oz protien half cup of carbs one cup of veggie afternoon snack 2 oz protien half cup of carbs, dinner 2 oz protien half cup of carbs and one cup of veggies, evening snack half cup of dairy, no salt and no sugar. and it seems to be doing well for me i'm down a total of 13 pounds and i have 13 more to go so half way yay!!! Sorry this is so long and involved haha Can't wait for weight in tomorrow!!
  • krackertw
    krackertw Posts: 21 Member
    I'm off this weekend so I guess I'll weight-in right now.

    height: 5'7
    current weight: 125.05
    (I guess my CW would 't be accurate this time because I'm busy wrapping up my work and luggage I don't have time for breakfast, and I should be having a lot of food when eating with friends in the weekend)

    measurements: I'm not using them, but maybe I should be able to get one next time when we weight-in.

    Let's get this started!!
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    hieght: 5'2"
    weight: 152
    bust: 33
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Morning all....

    CW: 153.2

    No measurements, still need to get a tape.
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    Well I was right, I didn't lose much. I came back from vacation gaining 1lb, so I was 136.
    This morning I weighed in at 135lbs.
    Height 5'3
    Waist 27
    Hips 33.5
    Thigh 22 (I don't see my losing here as this is where most of my muscle is, and I have already gained an inch here)
    Arm 10.3

    Hoping to get my Jillian Michaels DVD's this weekend in the mail!!!
  • Amara15
    Amara15 Posts: 211 Member
    I havent done my measurements yet, i"ll try to on sunday. As far as weigh in, i tend to fluctuate alot when I'm in this range so it seems i had a great couple weeks but I wont be shocked to see it go up before next weigh in.

    SW: 129lbs
    10/28/11 weight: 123.5 lbs
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    I havent done my measurements yet, i"ll try to on sunday. As far as weigh in, i tend to fluctuate alot when I'm in this range so it seems i had a great couple weeks but I wont be shocked to see it go up before next weigh in.

    SW: 129lbs
    10/28/11 weight: 123.5 lbs

    You're right around my goal weight! What are you wanting to get down to?
  • coqui2010
    coqui2010 Posts: 25 Member
    SW: 153
    CW: 152

    Started the 30 day shred Monday and hoping to get an extra workout in this weekend. I have to stick to my calorie goals this weekend which is what gets me in trouble!!! Hopefully I'll see more weight loss next week =)

    I'll get my measurements at home I have them written down =)
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I have the Ripped in 30 / Banish fat boost metabolism / no more trouble zones/ and 6 week 6 pack. My favourite one is the banish fat boost metabolism but ripped in 30 is also good. I heard ripped in 30 is more challenging than 30 day shred so that's why I got it as I wasn't new to exercise. I try to do 1 video a week as I take fitness classes most other days. I weighed in at 130 today, I'm gonna blame my period for no loss :) I am getting a fitness appraisal at lunch today, I'm not sure what exactly they do if they will weigh and measure me but if not I will take my measurements tonight or tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    count me in! i'm starting my nursing program next fall :) and i need to be in tip top shape by the end of february so i can fit into a bomb *kitten* dress for the mardi gras zulu ball i'm attending

    well shucks...had to edit i didn't realize the first weigh-in was TODAY lmao
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    count me in! i'm starting my nursing program next fall :) and i need to be in tip top shape by the end of february so i can fit into a bomb *kitten* dress for the mardi gras zulu ball i'm attending

    well shucks...had to edit i didn't realize the first weigh-in was TODAY lmao

    You can still join! Weigh ins are on Fridays!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    count me in! i'm starting my nursing program next fall :) and i need to be in tip top shape by the end of february so i can fit into a bomb *kitten* dress for the mardi gras zulu ball i'm attending

    well shucks...had to edit i didn't realize the first weigh-in was TODAY lmao

    You can still join! Weigh ins are on Fridays!

    okay, i'll weigh in next friday. i like to weigh myself first thing in the morning, and i'm at work and already started my intake :( but i'd still LOVE to participate!