Hufflepuff Common Room



  • daddylion87
    Monday- 150 reverse crunches, under fat, 12 glasses of water, 248 exercise points
    Tuesday- 100 reverse crunches under fat 8 glasses of water 186 exercise points
    Wednesday- 0 reverse crunches , under fat 9 glasses of water 278 exercise points.
    Thursday-100 reverse crunches. I am under fat plus 10 glasses of water, and 212 exercise points for today.

    I exercise a ton on the weekend. I have 2 races this weekend and some boot camp classes so I should be able to put up some good exercise points for the team this weekend.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    So Griffyndor House selects Prefects each week. I was thinking maybe we could select Prefects every 2 weeks so that each person would have a chance to choose the exercise and the food challenge. If we can pick every 2 weeks I would have less to keep up with, but this is a democracy so let's vote. Let me know what you want to do by Sunday please! I will announce the new Prefects on Friday and they can start posting the challenges Saturday. Thanks Hufflepuffs!
  • Molly_Louise
    So Griffyndor House selects Prefects each week. I was thinking maybe we could select Prefects every 2 weeks so that each person would have a chance to choose the exercise and the food challenge. If we can pick every 2 weeks I would have less to keep up with, but this is a democracy so let's vote. Let me know what you want to do by Sunday please! I will announce the new Prefects on Friday and they can start posting the challenges Saturday. Thanks Hufflepuffs!

    I'm definitely up for this, so this idea gets my vote! :)
  • daddylion87
    So Griffyndor House selects Prefects each week. I was thinking maybe we could select Prefects every 2 weeks so that each person would have a chance to choose the exercise and the food challenge. If we can pick every 2 weeks I would have less to keep up with, but this is a democracy so let's vote. Let me know what you want to do by Sunday please! I will announce the new Prefects on Friday and they can start posting the challenges Saturday. Thanks Hufflepuffs!

    This sounds like a good idea. I vote for changing Prefects every 2 weeks.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am going to go ahead and announce the next batch of Prefects. Unless someone did 5,000 reverse crunches or drank 25 cups of water today the Prefects won't change. If that happened I apologize and I will correct the mistake. I am not sure if the Prefects will be for 2 weeks or a month. I will know by Monday when everyone votes. The Prefects are Molly_Louise and Jenn_W !!! Congratulations ladies. Amazing job in October! Here is your badge ...


  • msrobinson77
    Hey ladies (and gent) I'm fine with whatever is easiest for you Queeda!

    For Today:
    4 glasses of water but, I ended up slightly over my fat goal -booo!!
    60 house points
    0 crunches

    Glad tomorrow is Friday-I need SLEEP!!!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Hi guys! Just started tonight so I'm not sure what all Im supposed to be doing :) My starting weight is 276. (ugh). Hope to get to know everyone well!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I am ok with whatever works for you Queeda... There is so much too keep up with!!

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - (5+15) 20
    House Points - 191

    It was cold and yucky misty/rain.... but I pulled through and rode my bike to work. Gotta love the extra calories burned and the House Points earned for doing something I have to anyway.... Work! Yuck! TGIF! I am ready for the weekend!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    this is my check in. today was my first work out this week and i started 30DS level 2.

    10/24 10 c H20 over fat
    10/25 12 c H20 over fat
    10/26 12 c H20 over fat
    10/27 12 c H20 over fat 81 mins

    this saturday i'm doing my 2nd 5k of the month. i drove the route yesterday and the first half is uphill it's gradual hopefully i beat my time from last week.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hi guys! Just started tonight so I'm not sure what all Im supposed to be doing :) My starting weight is 276. (ugh). Hope to get to know everyone well!

    Yay so glad you decided to join! We have weekly challenges and we check in with our weight between Friday and Monday. You can check in with your weight any day during that time. We also have an exercise challenge and a food challenge each week. This week we are doing reverse crunches and monitoring our fat intake. So for 1 set of 10 reverse crunches you earn 1 OWL and if you stay under your fat goal for the day you earn 5 NEWTs. You also earn 1 NEWT for each glass of water you drink. The OWLs and NEWTs are used to determine the "Prefects" who choose the weekly challenges. You can post your OWLs and NEWTS daily or every other day or whatever works for you really. We also report our exercise minutes as house points for a inter-house competition we compete in. You can also just have conversation here ... Complain, report NSVs ... anything. We are here to support each other. We did something where we said 5 interesting things about ourselves so feel free to do that. If I have confused you I am sorry lol ask me any questions you need to. For clarification on the OWLs and Newts here is an example:

    OWLs- 3 (3 sets of 10 reverse crunches)
    NEWTs- 13 ( under fat= 5 NEWTs + 8 glasses of water)
    HP- 60 ( 1 point for each minute of exercise)

    Hope this helps! We are so happy to have you! :happy:
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome! I am new too, this is my first week as a Hufflepuff, although I have been doing MyFitnessPal off and on for over a year. Glad to have you as part of our group.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    TGIF: Here are my stats for yesterday


    Owls: 2
    Newts: 7
    House pts.: 22

    I just wanted to share something I read yesterday. This was in Fitness magazine:

    "The best routine is one that's flexible; all-or-nothing thinking leads to stress and burnout" --Mark Aoyagi, Ph.D., director of Sport & Performance Psychology at the University of Denver.

    This is something I have had to change my way of thinking about, I know we are all busy folks, so if you can only do 15 or 20 minutes of exercise, go ahead and do it. By the end of the week , this 15 or 20 minutes adds up. I have in the past just skipped exercise all together if I didn't have at least 45 minutes or so to devote to it. Anyway, I liked this quote so thought I would share.
  • Molly_Louise
    Ahh, I've lost another 2lbs! That means I've lost 4lbs since last Friday which I know, is a lot. I've set my goal to 1lb a week, which is the recommended amount, so how I've lost 4 I don't know! I have done a lot of walking during the week, which is probably a huge contributing factor but still, 4lbs!! I won't lie, I cried when I stepped on the scales this morning and saw I was 2lb down. 5lb to go until I reach my target of 154lbs, woooo! I'm then setting a new target, but I haven't worked it out what it'll be yet, so I'll review the ultimate figure as I go along.

    Thanks for making me a prefect Queeda, I feel honoured! When do we start our prefect duties?

    And finally, it's friday (friday, gotta get down on friday. Grr, Rebecca Black! :laugh: ) What has everyone got planned for the weekend?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Ahh, I've lost another 2lbs! That means I've lost 4lbs since last Friday which I know, is a lot. I've set my goal to 1lb a week, which is the recommended amount, so how I've lost 4 I don't know! I have done a lot of walking during the week, which is probably a huge contributing factor but still, 4lbs!! I won't lie, I cried when I stepped on the scales this morning and saw I was 2lb down. 5lb to go until I reach my target of 154lbs, woooo! I'm then setting a new target, but I haven't worked it out what it'll be yet, so I'll review the ultimate figure as I go along.

    Thanks for making me a prefect Queeda, I feel honoured! When do we start our prefect duties?

    And finally, it's friday (friday, gotta get down on friday. Grr, Rebecca Black! :laugh: ) What has everyone got planned for the weekend?

    Yay congratulations. You start your Prefect duties tomorrow! I am not sure if I said it before, but you can post the exercise challenge this Saturday and Jenn_W can post the food challenge this Saturday. Also you earned the Prefect title for sure!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I weigh in tomorrow and it has been a rough week, but I do my measurements once a month and yesterday was measure day! I lost anouther 7 inches all over! I really have a defined waistline now I am so happy about this! My birthday is in November so I plan on hitting the food choices and exercise hard so that I can look awesome for my special birthday dinner. I am so excited! Hope you all are having a happy Friday! I know I am! Love my hufflepuffs! :love:
  • Molly_Louise
    Ahh, I've lost another 2lbs! That means I've lost 4lbs since last Friday which I know, is a lot. I've set my goal to 1lb a week, which is the recommended amount, so how I've lost 4 I don't know! I have done a lot of walking during the week, which is probably a huge contributing factor but still, 4lbs!! I won't lie, I cried when I stepped on the scales this morning and saw I was 2lb down. 5lb to go until I reach my target of 154lbs, woooo! I'm then setting a new target, but I haven't worked it out what it'll be yet, so I'll review the ultimate figure as I go along.

    Thanks for making me a prefect Queeda, I feel honoured! When do we start our prefect duties?

    And finally, it's friday (friday, gotta get down on friday. Grr, Rebecca Black! :laugh: ) What has everyone got planned for the weekend?

    Yay congratulations. You start your Prefect duties tomorrow! I am not sure if I said it before, but you can post the exercise challenge this Saturday and Jenn_W can post the food challenge this Saturday. Also you earned the Prefect title for sure!

    Thanks so much, I'm so happy to be a prefect! :) I'll have the exercise challenge up tomorrow evening (my time).

    Stats for 29/10

    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 13
    House Points - 35

    Weight is at 159!! Woo! I've lost 4lbs since last Friday as I said in a previous post, I'm so happy!
  • msrobinson77
    Good evening Huffles,
    It is with a very full belly that I am checking in tonight. My school had a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and boy do I know how to put back some pasta! Anyway, still managed a good weigh in:

    141lbs ( This morning before I ate all that scrumptious pasta)
    Newts 7
    House points0

    Good night!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good evening Huffles,
    It is with a very full belly that I am checking in tonight. My school had a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and boy do I know how to put back some pasta! Anyway, still managed a good weigh in:

    141lbs ( This morning before I ate all that scrumptious pasta)
    Newts 7
    House points0

    Good night!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Yayyy!!! Greeeat job!! Keep up the good work!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    well done jen and molly-louise! I vote change prefects every 2 weeks

    Owls - 15
    newts - 39
    house points - 212

    Weighed in; I'm 134 pounds again which means I've gained some pounds...I suppose this is likely to have happened while I was living on a tour bus for a week - not a lot of scope for doing much exercise on a bus!