Lose 10lbs by Thanksgiving (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Ang_37
    Ang_37 Posts: 58
    I have tired strawberries with honey for a salad dressing and it is so delicious. Try it and let me know what you think.. There's no wrong way of preparing it.
  • Ang_37
    Ang_37 Posts: 58
    I think I am going to try that too. I need a cleansing my self.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I have tired strawberries with honey for a salad dressing and it is so delicious. Try it and let me know what you think.. There's no wrong way of preparing it.

    Don't like honey, it makes me gag. But I will keep experimenting. All I need is a little bit of moisture and flavor. Sometimes I just use gravy off whatever else I might be eating. If I make some yummy ones, I will post.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I have tired strawberries with honey for a salad dressing and it is so delicious. Try it and let me know what you think.. There's no wrong way of preparing it.

    Don't like honey, it makes me gag. But I will keep experimenting. All I need is a little bit of moisture and flavor. Sometimes I just use gravy off whatever else I might be eating. If I make some yummy ones, I will post.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Don't know if I can call what I do cooking, but I have definately cut down on going out on my own. I grab and go, so I have to have things on hand to grab and go. Fruits are always easy, so I buy a variety. Also, grab a bag of sald or prewash and prepackage. I also use Cedar's Edamame salad or Chickpea Salad. I eat those with my leafy salad that way I don't have to add salad dressing, If I don't want. I am not a big fan of salad dressing. (I also use avocados and tomoates, etc with salad when available.) My goal this week, is to make some homemade salad dressing. Trying not to use the oil. I have learned that if I don't have things prepared to grab, I will eat what is available and ready, ususally junk. I think a great challenge would be to eat 80% or 90% raw, but I am biased. Would be interesting to see how difficult it would be for others. I'm good now, but tried it before and seemed impossible.

    SN: I have a scale that measure body fat, water, muscle, and bone density. I don't know how accurate it really is, butthey reccomend watching the trend as an indicator. I started using it again after gaining the weight this past week. I did notice a change in the percentage. My muscle is up, water is up, and fat is down. So that also encourages me that even though my weight is not cooperating, I am still headed inthe right direction.

    Good luck all this week. Oh, will probably eat out this weekend, going wine tasting and such, but has been awhile. Eating out gets expensive, but then again so is shopping "healthly" (word? ;-)

    Enjoy the wine tasting girly!! I want to try that one week!! But not this week. I am gonna stick with homecooked meals. BUT Starting Sunday I wont be eating RAW food but I am going on a 7 day detox with only FRUITS AND VEGGIE no meat, no bread no pasta.

    SN: I need to get me one of those scales!!! I know that def made you feel a lot better!!

    Definitely feel better. Yeah, I already had it planned. It sounds like you will be eating 100% raw unless you are cooking the veggies. Enjoy your fast, try a variety of fruits and veggies to mix it up. I am not that creative, but let me know if you need ideas or help. Good luck. Check out the book, Eat toLive. Below is a link to scale.

  • I can not believe how quickly the first week flew by!! I had trouble getting all of my exercise in, but the journaling made me realize I do way better with my diet and water on days I exercise. I am only down .4, but down is down! Everyone did amazing. There were some major losses! GREAT JOB LADIES!!
  • Gm ladies just cking in with u all. My granddad in the hospital so yall prob wont see much postings from me this weekend. I did do my squats and mtn climbers this morn. Didnt do any last night so I am doubling up today and do the other half tonight. Hope yall enjoy ur weekend. I will update spreadsheet on monday for those that send me weigh ins last night, today and/or tomorrow.
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    not a bad start for me :) 8 lbs!!

    That's amazing! Great job!!!
  • sassieatl
    sassieatl Posts: 120 Member
    Hope everyone is having and continue to have a terrific healthy weekend. We are truly working this challenge. Congrats to everyone. We are all off to a great start. Keep pressing toward the mark! Ttyl
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Another interesting article... This one about belly fat.

  • Rebroland
    Rebroland Posts: 92 Member
    Well... I failed this challenge this week :( I live in nh and due to this crazy snowstorm in nh I lost power :( our electric company currently has 300,000 customers out and it's expected to be a week until everyone is restored :( my whole family is out too so we'll be eating out every meal :( I'm going to try and do my best to stay within my calorie goal. I probably won't be logging or on here since my phone is my only Internet use and this drains my battery - but I wanted to let you know why I was being so quiet. I'll be on as soon as I can. Hope everyone else is succeeding at this challenge!
  • I will start the Mini Challenge on Monday! I went shopping so that I will have everything I need. I've been on shift for my 24 hr shifts this weekend and that makes it way too difficult to not eat out. I am excited to do the home cooking this week though. Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  • Well... I failed this challenge this week :( I live in nh and due to this crazy snowstorm in nh I lost power :( our electric company currently has 300,000 customers out and it's expected to be a week until everyone is restored :( my whole family is out too so we'll be eating out every meal :( I'm going to try and do my best to stay within my calorie goal. I probably won't be logging or on here since my phone is my only Internet use and this drains my battery - but I wanted to let you know why I was being so quiet. I'll be on as soon as I can. Hope everyone else is succeeding at this challenge!
    Thats completely understandable. Yall be careful up there!
  • Another interesting article... This one about belly fat.


    This is very interesting. I struggle with belly fat. I'm a smaller frame and short and many people would look at me and not think I'm overweight, but I have horrible fat around my waist. I have had people ask me if I was pregnant before and now I mostly wear baggy shirts because it bothers me so much. I did notice a small change by just doing the crunches each day. I need to make sure to keep it up! Thanks ladies :)
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    ok. Where can I get the signature?
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    congrats Sassieatl on throwing away the gummi's. I hate wasting too so I know that was big.
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    I have completed the 50 squats and mountain climbers. I still have to do my workout and the prior days mini challenge. My Friday, Saturday and Sunday was hectic.

    Family visiting, Homecoming weekend and 10 year college reunion.

    But, I'm bringing my A game this week. I'm back on track.
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    I'm really hoping my derriere is looking good by Thanksgiving with all these squats, fire hydrants, and mountain climbers! ;)
  • scottberrydsm
    scottberrydsm Posts: 74 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • Hello ladies I hope you all are enjoying your Monday!! Here is the up to date spreadsheet: LOSE 10lbs BY THANKSGIVING UPDATED SPREADSHEET: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvUZ_X8QS1V8dDFiS2F6VlowUFV0OEVaVjMtYUtLbWc&hl=en_US#gid=0

    If you have any questions or see any error that I need to correct please inbox me and let me know!! Also for this upcoming challenge we gonna have some FUN!!!! If you dont already have an acct with Photobucket can yall create one?? Its simple and free to set up. This is how ppl post pics on threads!! Some ppl have other ways of doing it but Photobucket is very easy to me!! I will go more into details when Thurs come!!