200+ Sheddin' the Stuffin



  • lyyzza
    lyyzza Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning --

    Weigh-in this morning is 259.8 (a gain, but we are using a new scale now and everyone says it is 2lbs heavier than the last, so not sure how much of a true gain, but it is a new starting point none-the-less)

    I can't respond to much as I'm at the office, but...

    I had a horrible eating weekend. In fact, last week was all of track for me. So, here's to a new week of better choices, eating and moving!

    I hope to be back on tonight.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Ok, I'm new. Both to MFP and this group, but both are somthing I need. My husband and I are in the process of adopting, and I just don't want to be the "Fat mom". I want to be young and beautiful for my husband, for my future children...and for myself...and I realize I'm not getting any younger! ;) I have "staying on the wagon" issues, but accountability is really helpful for me. I also have a really hard time, getting back on track after getting off. ie this weekend I was sick....having a really hard time getting my focus back today... So that's me in a nutshell. I have over 100 pounds to lose and can't weight until I can say I only have 10 to lose...or none! :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria!!! I read this and thought of you..can't remember where you will be in Alaska, but maybe close enough?

    Next to the state's largest ski resort, just outside Anchorage, Girdwood was originally called "Glacier City" for the colossal icy peaks that surround it. Calving glaciers thunder into the Prince William Sound, and humpback whales play in nearby Kenai Fjords National Park. Set amid this idyllic valley's rugged beauty is one of Alaska's most productive and still active placer gold mines, Crow Creek Mine, where you can pan for gold.

    Do: Find adventure and great photo ops year-round on a guided glacier hike or ice-climbing trek. A trip to the top on Alyeska Resort's aerial tram nets you a splurge-worthy dinner destination: Seven Glaciers Restaurant. The town's best cinnamon rolls are at The Bake Shop near the base of the ski hill.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    i just found out i'm going to winter park, colorado in january!! best part is....my work is paying for it since i'm planning the trip for the managers!!!

    woohoo! i've never been skiing so this should be interesting.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Weighing it at 212.4!

    I've finally started losing again, phew.

    I did not make my Halloween goal, but at least I got a little closer to it. I started Ripped in 30 this morning, hopefully the change in workouts will keep me motivated and keep me losing. 30 Day Shred did wonders for me back in the summer when I got stuck in a rut and stopped losing much. Fingers crossed :)

    Sorry I was absent all weekend! Had the birthday thing going on and a Halloween party to go to as well. I was convinced I'd have a gain, but nope :)

    I'll have to catch up with everyone later, but just sending a big HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you all!!
  • KatheryneLynne
    be back to read later


  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member

  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Ughhhh, just got to work for my sixth straight shift to find I'm doing a nurse special today. That means I sit and watch every move a patient makes for the next eight hours. Boring as anything. Oh well.

    We got a counter offer for the house, so we're countering again today.

    wibs is doing great around on the surgical ward, she was up and about and giving the students grief yesterday, so she's obviously feeling much better!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks Lacey - we are planning to go to Anchorage...

    I am feeling like crude with TOM due to start in the morning. I'm pretty busy this week since I'm only working 3 days then off on vacay for 5... I will be taking a pass for weigh-in on Friday Nov 4th... I'll check-in when I can but I really seeing me not posting much for the next week... Hugs and prayers to all.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ohhh I just got that pretty shiny red dress in from ideeli in a 14. I hope it fits, it is PERFECT for our Christmas party! I definitely need some nude pumps to go with it..
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I've just phoned in our counter offer. It's midway between what we offered last time, and what he countered with. Fingers crossed!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hosanna, you got me sitting on pins and needles here waiting with you :-)

    Lacey, I'm another NON-dreamer. I used to have nightmares all the time as a child, like vivid nightmares, so I started blocking them out. Even now, if I get caught where I remember a dream, they're never happy.

    Happy Halloween, everyone! I just want to say that I am jealous of all of you with little ones...I miss my babies! :sad:
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    So im doing Sooooo good on the halloween candy tonight! What I have ate, I calculated it in so we r good to go!

    Also, don't u love the "in 5 weeks" thing when u finish? Maybe im just in love with it bc it shows numbers below 200. Lol
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So im doing Sooooo good on the halloween candy tonight! What I have ate, I calculated it in so we r good to go!

    Also, don't u love the "in 5 weeks" thing when u finish? Maybe im just in love with it bc it shows numbers below 200. Lol

    The other day mine said I would lose over 30lbs in 5 weeks. I don't mind when it's 10-15lbs, but sometimes the thing is so unrealistic because the only thing it takes into account is calories in/calories out for the day.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    All food logged and accounted for. Yeay me. Finally. Carbs are right around 125, but the fat is WAY over. Yeesh. I had one halloween candy and I'm good to go.

    Goal for next week is to lower fat and eat fish twice that week..maybe even some canned salmon onm y salad or something.

    We took miss Princess Leia trick or treating. Then came back and she ate one piece more than I said she could and she turned into an evil sith lord, so we sent her little butt packing to bed.

    Ga, I don't know WTF is going on but I'm trying to update my iphone, which requires a new version of itunes (of course) and it won't let me download the freaking program all the way. Its highly annoying. My phone is acting wonky so it NEEDS the update, but damn. Make it dificult why don't you! I will have to do it on my work computer tomorrow I guess.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    OH, and I'm like two long chapters away from finishing the latest Game of Thrones book...and its been damn good..but WOW, talk about throwing me or a side loop there. And I have to wait till the new book comes out to find out what happens, and that could be forevvvveer from now the way he writes!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I have read all, but have NO energy to respond tonight. Tomorrow. It's all about tomorrow.

    :sad: :sad: I am SO overtired, it's not even funny. :sad: :sad:
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Minor update... Have not heard back from the owner of our house today. Apparently he's not particularly motivated to sell the house, so there's no reason for him really to take our offer (Which, even now, is almost 50k lower than his starting price),
    We went and looked at another old place today. It's really cute and their asking price is what we've just offered on this house, so we could offer a great deal less. It's a deceased estate which has been on the market over a year, and no one has put in an offer yet!
    We're putting in an offer tomorrow.

    My head is starting to hurt...

    Oh and somehow i've injured my arm at work today. Poo.
  • qofsheba
    Finally started losing again. Thank you for the good advice Decided I need fewer carbs and more protein and maybe more calories. Also, of course, have doubled up on water--and still barely get to 8 glasses a day--but it makes a big difference.

    Had a few Halloween candy attacks, event though I told my husband to hide it after the first one. But I counted it all. got new pix taken for my professional shots and she made me look wonderful. Even though it is a relatively little bit of weight (13 lbs of a needed 60), it shows up in the face enough. Got the Zumba for the Wii and am trying but nothing seems to work quite right. The new motion controller only kicks in about half way though whatever I'm trying.. Amusingly I want every step measured.

    Still--am trying to do just a little of it each night until I figure out how to use it and figure every extra 10 minutes will add up to something. Have to say 10 minutes felt like 30.

    Thank you all for this group. I write about myself all the time.. but I read all that you write and respect your efforts!

    Now the Halloween candy is gone--we managed to give almost all of it out. I got rid of the treats people left at work.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi there! Check in for Monday: 2786 cals burned/ 1864 cals eaten/ 922 calorie deficit. I have gotten in all my exercise and stayed under my calories every day for the past week and yet the scale is stuck at 193. I finally sucked it up and input that weight into my MFP weigh in page. It seriously pisses me off to do "everything right" and have the damned scale continue to show an increase. I'm just so frustrated as I haven't lost any weight in over a month.

    Sheba: I have Zumba for the XBox Kinect and I LOVE it. I get way sweaty when I do it.

    Hosanna: I hope you end up finding the perfect house for you.

    Sarah: Hiya, hope you got some sleep.

    Lacey: How are you feeling since cutting your carbs? No headaches or anything? I have had crazy dreams as far back as I can remember. When I was in high school, they were all nightmares that bordered on night terrors but now they are just weird and vivid. They tend to get even weirder if I use melatonin. I've managed to not buy anything from Ideeli for about a month now. I am so addicted to that site.

    Bobbie: I hate that you'll-weigh-this-in-5-weeks-thing. It's been saying I'll weigh 177 in 5 weeks for the past couple of months but obviously that hasn't happened yet. Grr.

    Megan: I gave in to the Halloween candy too, but I logged it and stayed under my cals so I consider it a victory. I get to go skiing for the first time later this month, I'm totally psyched!

    Addi: Welcome to the group!

    Lisa: I hope you are back on track this week.

    Victoria: I hope you're feeling better today.

    Kendal: I feel ya on the dog eating the people-food when you aren't looking thing. It's amazing how quickly they can get food down when they are motivated.

    Pam: Yay for fitting into skinnier jeans right out of the dryer!!!

    rain: I count tea as water.

    Kerry: I hope you are doing ok, I definitely think a trip to the doc for tests is in order.

    Rikki: It sounds like you had a fun weekend!

    Kristina: I think that avoiding the scale might be a good thing while you are trying to get back on track. Maybe you should focus on logging and getting walks in with Emma and then weigh yourself after your clothes start feeling a bit looser. That's what I'd do.
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