Autumn Leaves November '11 Challenge



  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    I'm in. I've also invited my friend Cheryl. I love the idea of a Tuesday morning weigh-in. My WW weigh-in is on Tuesday nights. I'm going to start doing friend requests to the other challenge members. Good luck, everyone!
  • wren176
    wren176 Posts: 148 Member
    OK I'm in! Banner posted and signed in on the spreadsheet. Now Nov. 1 here I come!
  • MySonsRMarines
    MySonsRMarines Posts: 13 Member
    YES, YES, YES!!!

    I wanna do this challenge! I did my first challenge in September and lost my first 10 pounds, so I know I can do it. I haven't been able to make the scale move this month and I'm afraid with the holidays and all the goodies and the comfort foods with the cold weather (EVERYTHING you said) I will put this 10 pounds back on! I say NO to that! Apparently accountability really motivates me!


    I will try to figure out all this cut and paste and such as soon as possible, so bare with me!

  • MySonsRMarines
    MySonsRMarines Posts: 13 Member
    Oh, and thanks Bonnie for inviting me to this challenge! You are such an inspiration. . . 31 pounds lost so far! WAY TO GO GIRL!

  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    Oh, and thanks Bonnie for inviting me to this challenge! You are such an inspiration. . . 31 pounds lost so far! WAY TO GO GIRL!


    Yea! Glad you're doing this too!!
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    IS IT TUESDAY YET???? I wanna start!!! welcome to everyone!!!
  • aljamom
    aljamom Posts: 54 Member
    I'd like to join also.

  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
    okay ?? I don't have a mac. How do I do the check mark for Microsoft base??
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 301
    I'm so excited to be meeting everyone on this challenge. I have decided that I really need challenges to keep me motivated and accountable. I especially need them for these coming months with the holidays. I'm petrified of them and need to be accountable to stay on a healthy eating plan. I know I can do it!! I've enjoyed making friends with all of you here and if I haven't sent you a friend request yet please friend me here on MFP. Good luck to everybody!! :smile:
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    One day til we begin! I've just completed my first challenge here on MFP, Costume Changers. It was started by Elana, and I thank her for all the encouraging words. Good job! I based some of the Autumn Leaves ideas on her challenge. It's the first time I've ever done anything like it and it was definitely worth it! I was able to achieve the mileage part of the challenge. We were to try for 100 miles and I made it to 101.69. The weight loss goal was to lose 5%. I didn't quite make that, but the fact that I didn't quit is my victory. It's not about the number so much as just keeping going. I started at 241.8 lbs and ended today 235.6 lbs. I had a loss of 6.2 lbs, in six weeks. I celebrate that! To have gotten to goal, 229 lbs, I admit would have been nice, but I'm still feeling good about what I did do. I've been too hard on myself in the past and I'm starting to absorb the fact that it's really about consistency, keeping going, pushing, trying, struggling, enduring. I am trying to embrace these thoughts. This past challenge helped me do that. That's a victory. Now, I'm excited for all of us to start a fresh tomorrow.

    How will y'all be getting in your strength training? At home? A gym? Videos? I'd love to hear. I'll be doing a combination of a local community college gym, (joining tomorrow), and some work on my TRX....which I am committed to figuring out!

    I'm just learning the advantages of "High Intensity Interval Training"....and am beginning to incorporate this concept into my exercise. If I understand it correctly, you just mix up your cardio with low interval and fast intervals to help boost your metabolism. So, for me I can get it one of two ways. My recumbent bike in my garage is one great tool. I've had that old Schwinn bike for over 10 years and its still going strong. The other is by using my iPhone app for a C25K walk/run.

    On the recumbent, I warm up for 5 minutes, then push super fast for a minute, slow down for a minute, then go super fast again....It's not nearly as hard as it sounds and from what I'm hearing it's supposed to help rev up your metabolism. I do 30 minutes total with a cooldown at the end of 5 minutes of slower pedalling. It's kind of fun pretending I'm speeding down some trail like a mad woman!

    The idea of C25K is very similar...especially the "Week 1" routine. Warmup by walking for 5 minutes, run/jog for 1 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes, then alternate runs with walks til you get through 8 runs total then cool down with a 5 minute walk. The app on my phone tells you when to run and when to her very proper British voice!

    Anyhoo, I'm so jazzed that we now have 33 team members! Power to the people and yer muscles! I love that you're starting to use colors to define your row too!

    Tomorrow, here we come!!!!!
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    I will be doing my strength training thru DVD's, books (Bob & Jiliian), magazine (Oxygen - an absolutely GREAT one! I literally read it from cover to cover) and I have a Body by Jake Tower 2000 that I can incorporate into the Bob & Jillian exercises. I almost have too much and it could get confusing! I am going to sit down tonight and decide what my routine will be. I am going to make Tues & Thurs my strength days. I am going out of town Veteran's Day weekend and am thinking of investing in a pedometer so I can keep up with how far I'm walking. I have a treadmill at home that helps me regularly. I have just started doing the interval traning on my treadmill...I guess that's what you would call it. I warm up for 5 min then walk for a total of .5 miles, then run at 5 mph for another .5 miles until I have completed 2 miles...running for a total of one! Then I cool down for another 5 mins. This whole routine takes about 35-38 min and I burn around 310 calories. I hope to be able to sustain a longer running time eventually (maybe, not sure running is for me yet) or I will start an incline walk. I have a bad knee right now that I have to be very mindful of or I won't be able to walk at all!

    I am so totally stoked about this! 3% of my weight is 5.5 lbs and I pray that I can reach that! I haven't lost that much in a month in a while! This challenge came along at the perfect time. My dr. wanted me to just walk for 1 mo and then work into strength training and this week is the 1 mo mark! Lets roll!!!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    If anyone would like a copy of the background leaves photo I used, feel free to message me with your email address. I'll send you an email with the pic. It was taken a few years ago when I was staying with friends on Long Island. It was Fall and it was beautiful. I'd walk from their home to the train station at Copaigue to ride into the city for rehearsals. I remember walking home one day after rehearsing and seeing this tree just full of color. The pic has lots of detail, thank you mother nature! I've put it on my desktop for this month so I see it everytime I open up my laptop. It'll be inspiring me every day of this challenge.

    I'd be glad to share!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Glad to see you all in this challenge!

    I see a lot of us Costume Changers in here... and that is super! I am going to hurry up and get my 100miles in so i can take a couple days off before this challenge starts.

    I's great to see so many of us from that challenge go into this one. We can all keep the motivation going.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    How will y'all be getting in your strength training? At home? A gym? Videos? I'd love to hear.

    I will be doing Videos at home. I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I am sure I will find some new ways to put it in there.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I am going through and adding some of the people that I don't have as friends so we can keep the motivation and support going through this challenge.

    If I haven't added you, please feel free to add me. I want ALL OF US to make this happen.:flowerforyou:
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    okay ?? I don't have a mac. How do I do the check mark for Microsoft base??

    You could try using a slash instead, like a hash mark ///
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I am going through and adding some of the people that I don't have as friends so we can keep the motivation and support going through this challenge.

    If I haven't added you, please feel free to add me. I want ALL OF US to make this happen.:flowerforyou:

    I LOVE IT!
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! :happy:
  • vanb0052
    vanb0052 Posts: 50 Member
    Who's ready for tomorrow?!?!

    My typical gym schedule is 3 days on and 1 day off:
    1 mile warm up on the elliptical or treadmill
    15-20 min weights
    Day 1: Chest/Shoulders/Abs
    Day 2: Legs
    Day 3: Biceps/Triceps/Back/Abs
    20 min on the bike- typically 5-7 miles

    Wish me luck for actually getting up at 5 am to get to the gym!
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    I feel so stupid! I thought we were supposed to do strength just 2 days/wk! I am going to do those 3 days/wk...just have finally sat down after a night of trick or treating! Gonna go over and figure out a strategy! I'm so excited...I hope I can get to sleep tonight!