C25K Training Group: October 16 to December 4, 2011



  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    I am confident that you will manage it Lisa - I remember being equally as worried about the start of week 4 and it wasn't warranted-

    It is a great program and I think it really preps you well for each transition. Just remember to take it nice and slow and focus on completing the 5 minutes - rather than breaking speed records. It is what I read on the C25K forums as a major recommendation- and it certainly worked well for me.

    Best of luck with it tomorrow

  • 2befit1
    2befit1 Posts: 26
    I would like to goin this group. What week are you on?
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I am confident that you will manage it Lisa - I remember being equally as worried about the start of week 4 and it wasn't warranted-

    It is a great program and I think it really preps you well for each transition. Just remember to take it nice and slow and focus on completing the 5 minutes - rather than breaking speed records. It is what I read on the C25K forums as a major recommendation- and it certainly worked well for me.

    Best of luck with it tomorrow


    Rest assured I won't be breaking any speed records!!!! Hahaha!!!

    W4D1 done - I was really worried about whether I would be able to do the 5 min runs.... but actually the first 90 sec one was the hardest.... then I got into a bit of a groove.... but very very slowly.... I'm sure I could have walked quicker than I was running... but I was RUNNING :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I am running early in the morning and I find that if I have a big glass of water before I leave and a banana I cope better.... I still have a water bottle with me and take sips on the walk legs..... but I really need that banana first otherwise I get a bit light headed and feel sick.

    Good luck to everyone.... if I can do it anyone can! :drinker:
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Did W4D2 yesterday and it was suprisingly easy considering that I planned my route so the five minute runs were mostly uphill. I still do not feel like my speed is increasing any but I guess that is ok for now. I think I am going to buy some lighter sneakers. The reeboks that I am wearing now are comfy, but heavy.

    Anyway, W4D3 tomorrow then on to the dreaded week 5. I'm not scared....I did it before and I will do it again!

    Keep up the great work everyone, just think we could all be race ready by Christmas!
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    @Debs -- CONGRATS! That is awesome! I can't wait to get there!

    Did W2D1 tonight after a rest day yesterday. It was not bad at all. Seemed real short and wasn't tired at all after. I did drink a 5 hour energy about 15 min before I left, dunno if that had anything to do with it! I only took that because I didn't want to eat anything, since I had a really big (and really unhealthy, but sooooo delicious...conch fritters, a jerk chicken sandwich with bacon, and peel n eat shrimp...YUM) lunch today and I'm still full from that, but I didn't want to lose steam in the middle. I NEVER run at night (I left at about 9), I always go in the morning. I can't say I liked it better, because I live downtown and running around down there by myself at night, even though it's not that late, makes me a little nervous. But anyway the stupid energy drink was a terrible idea, I'm never going to be able to get to sleep tonight!

    Only one more day until November, which will be a huge challenge, but will probably really help my running. No-drink november, hopefully will help me quit smoking which I can't seem to kick for good no matter what I do, and will also help me stop eating burgers and pizza at 3am like a crazy person, annnd NaNoWriMo, which will also prevent me from going to bars probably.

    And on top of running, I really really want to get stretchier. Anyone know any good stretches to promote getting limber? I do the running stretches on the C25K website, but I would kind of like to do a longer, like 30 min stretch routine. I am not a huge fan of Yoga, but something along those lines maybe?

    Everyone keep up the great work :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    2befit1 we are at varied places - I am about to start week 6 tomorrow evening- however there are people throughout most of the earlier stages here- with a significant number of people being around the week 4 and 3 marks- but all in all it doesn't matter- just do it and let us know where you are.

    Yay yay yay !!!!!!! Lisa - I knew you could do it - so pleased it went well. It is funny isn't it how sometimes the first few minutes can be most challenging and then that rhythm just takes over- which is fabulous.I laughed when I read your comment about walking as fast as the running. My stats for my W5D2 actually showed that my running is actually a tiny tiny but SLOWER than my walking- but I really don't care- I was running and didn't stop!!

    I run in the early evening here as we are in the middle of spring here and it is light much later. Around sunset the temp drops enough and it is a realy great time of day for me to give it a go.

    Thanks for your ongoing support and I am thrilled that you are out there sharing this journey with me.


    Realrayne- good on you for planning to choose the hilly options. Personally at my age, I try to keep it comparatively flat with just small inclines here and there - but nothing too hilly. For me it is all part of stopping my heart rate reaching too high- because the hills just send it souring upwards.
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    Haven't been able to post for a little bit, was out of town and not next to computer. I have completed Week 2 and did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday. Those 3:00 runs weren't a joke lol.
  • wyangel
    wyangel Posts: 36
    Had a bad food weekend, but got up today and did W3D1, and I feel great! I was worried about the 3 min run, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Hallelujah! Keep up the great work everyone and keep on going!
  • Finished Week 3 over the weekend and started Week 4 last night. I couldn't believe I was able to run that much. Very proud of myself :)
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    W3D1 done. It went OK and I felt I could have done more but didn't want to push it. Quite confident about the rest of the week and I'm actually looking forward to W4!
  • Started week 2 day 1 today.

    SW= 179
  • I started week 2 day 1 today.

    SW= 179.0
    GW= 135.0
    CW= 178.2
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I wasn't due to do my next run until tomorrow morning (I always do it in the morning).... but I have to do my son's paper run tomorrow as he is sick..... sooooo.... I just went up to the gym (at 7pm!!)..... not like me at all..... and I feel fantastic!

    W4D2 done..... and I kept going.... I managed 5km in 50 mins.... so that is now my benchmark.... 5 weeks to get down to 30 minutes.

    I was also really surprised to find that I enjoyed doing it on the treadmill.

    So as the weather warms up here ... and the flies become a pest on the slower walking sections.... I might just keep going back to the gym a bit more.... finally getting back after several months of paying my fees but not going.... so all is good here.... now to try and get those scales moving downwards.

  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    Restarted W2D1 last night. Last week did not go as planned and only got 1 day of running in. This week WILL be better. Looking forward to running this week!
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing a marvelous job! I love reading about all of your milestones. Keep up the awesome work :)

    No extra running for me today...in fact, I think I'm going to cut that out. Even though 8 mins felt GREAT, I think I want to just work up to that.

    Finished W2D3 today. It felt like exactly enough, where as other days it's felt lacking. Could be the combination of Slim in 6 wearing me out, the runs getting longer, and...

    OH. I forgot that I went out last night. That is probably why it was so hard today. BUT No Drink November started today so I won't have to worry about that anymore for the next month!

    I'm hoping by Dec 1 I can say that I've ran 5k, written a 50k word novel, completed Slim in 6 (this is about the 5th or 6th time I've started it, I NEVER get very far), lost 7 lbs, AND didn't drink a sip of alcohol, all in 30 days. Dream big, right?

    Off to eat eggs and watch Glee.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    Finished week 2 on Monday, gonna do W3D1 tonight. The runs are challenging (since I haven't run since I was in elementary school and I'm 31 now) but I believe that if I follow the program I will be successful. I love feeling like I've accomplished something that was difficult at the end of each run!
  • Did Week 3 Day 1 and Day 2 on Sunday and Tuesday. Feeling great about it
  • Running has become very addicting to me. I know you are supposed to take days off, but I've just WANTED to run every day! I'm starting week 5 today.
  • dianerml
    dianerml Posts: 74 Member
    Hi all, looks like everyone is working really hard. Great job!

    I did Week 3 day 1 this morning and it was rough. I was definiely sweating buckets and feeling it. It felt much harder than the previous days. Although the other days I wasn't at the gym at 5:45 in the dark while it was 30 degrees out.

    Keep up the good work everyone!