Merry Christmas to You! new group *not closed*



  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Checking in ........................
    Wed weigh in......................

    Start weight 311 lbs

    Today's weight 304 lbs
    Down 7 lbs
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    SW = 88.6kg
    GW= 84kg
    Today 88.4

    Weighed myself later in the day than usual, so I'm hoping this is part of the reason I've only lost half a lb in 2 weeks.
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    I would love to be able to lose 4 - 5 pounds in a week! I get so frustrated trying to fnd time to work out because I am a single mom and work full time. It is usually 9:00 before I finally take a break from the day. I rely so much on just watching my calories that it is taking me so so long to lose weight. I was thinking about getting a treadmill for the house or maybe a workout video. Any suggestions? I don't mind a treadmill but I like aerobic type workouts. Which would burn more calories?

    Putting in a plug for your local library - they may have some dvd's you can check out. Mine has a pretty good selection, and they circulate for 3 weeks (free!). This way, if I don't like a video, I can just get return it before the 3 weeks are up. And if I REALLY like it, I consider buying.

    I do also have a treadmill - I second the interval training. I put mine on incline - that can be your harder interval if you don't like to jog. I watch netflix, and the time goes by pretty quickly. :happy:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    Do we have a mini challenge this week? :)
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    celebrating 2 lbs down today!! Weighed in at 165.2 this morning. Now to stay away from my kid's candy, lol!! This group has a great motivator - thanks everyone!

    I think the mini challenge is mindful eating - this will truly be a challenge for me!
  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    Wednesday weight 160.5

    SW (for this challenge) 162.5
    GW 145

    Yes, I posted in the old thread but if I don't post in here I'll never find it.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    checking in.. weigh in week #2 146!.. lost .2lbs but am happy with that!
    139 before christmas here I come!
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    Weighing in...

    SW: 168
    W1: 165.8
    W2: 166.4
    GW: 158

    Down 1.6 pounds so far overall. I did gain half a pound this week, but considering the weekend I had, I'm going to go ahead and consider that a win, lol. Ready to take on next week!

    And did we decide on a challenge yet?
  • jmb6739
    jmb6739 Posts: 225 Member
    Hello all! I hope everyone had a great week. I'm down 2.1 this week. I think adding the C25k program helped me a lot this week.

    This weeks weight 225.7
  • saphfireangel
    saphfireangel Posts: 438 Member
    alright I got in 25 girly pushups today and 5 regular ones. my weigh in info
    Xmas GW:195
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    Just checking in...I totally sucked at the push ups, I have no upper body strength at all sorry to say.


    I finally lost 2lbs this week, HOORAY!:bigsmile:
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    Evening all!

    Thanks for posting or messaging me your weight info. I will be posting the chart Friday. Again, if you see any errors, let me know asap...I'd appreciate it!

    WEEK # 3 Challenge (you don't have to participate if you wish not to, or only do whatever you like)

    one of our member's here, nisijam5 made this suggestion a week or so ago. It is about **mindful** eating choices. Many times we eat and don't even think about it. Bad habits were formed this way for some of us. It has become a lifestyle needing to be changed.

    A) Ask yourself. Am I eating because ~
    I am physically hungry?
    It is *time* to eat?
    Because I feel???

    I know I eat for any and all emotions...happy, sad, excited, bored...and even, NO reason at all! I just love to eat! Eating should occur when we need to refuel our bodies....for energy. Listen to your *body*... NOT to what your mind is telling you. Be kind to yourself. Love your body.

    Another one here...Do I eat until I am ~
    stuffed/miserable? we all know that feeling. ugh! why do we torture ourselves??

    If you can, as odd as this may seem, when in a binge, out of control episode, etc, try to step out of your body and take a real good look at yourself when this is occurring. What do you see? How do you feel? What was happening in that moment?

    I'd like to add another "mini" challenge for the weekend. Log all your food Saturday & Sunday. See if you can stick to it.

    Sure, why bout an exercise challenge? anyone? C'mon, let's take it to the next level!! How bout some squats & situps! Do as many as you want and increase if you can.

    SO, tomorrow starts this round of challenges...
    1) mindful eating
    2) Sat/Sun food log/diary
    3) squats & situps

    Good luck everyone! I think you are all amazing people and I am thrilled to have you on this thread! Let's get serious and have an awesome week with some good weight loss! We can do it! Share your struggles and success's!
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    Weighing in a little late today (sorry, just got home):

    Starting Weight (challenge): 334.5
    Goal Weight: 314.5
    Current Weight: 336.0 :( I have been sticking to my diet SO WELL except for ONE day (sunday!!) I have NO CLUE why I gained unless it's water weight or something :(
  • nybor101
    nybor101 Posts: 477 Member
    Is there a link for the spreadsheet?
  • angelon911
    angelon911 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok! The sat/sun food log is one I can embrace!! I STRuGGLE with weekends!
    I'm ready to give this challenge a go. I KNOW it will affect next weeks weigh in for me.

    Thank you to whoever came up with that one!
  • ziesergirl_66
    ziesergirl_66 Posts: 1,010 Member
    Is there a link for the spreadsheet?

    I will post the chart on Friday. still updating, adding newbies.
  • Cheri06
    Cheri06 Posts: 49 Member
    Late check in!!
    SW: 230
    Week 1: 227
    Week 2: 228

    Grrrrr. :explode: I think I may have had too much sodium last week, since I think this is water weight coming off. I logged religiously last week and exercised six days. I decided to monitor my sodium to see where I stand and to add variety to my exercise regimen (including the weekly challenge...oh I can feel the soreness already). Hopefully I'll see some improvement this week.
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Just checking in-

    Drank 11 glasses of water today! But did not do the pushups. Excited about the exercise challenge. I love squats (even if they kill my legs)!

  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    Hey, everyone who lost only a little or gained, do NOT be disheartened. Even the fact that this past weekend was Halloween, with it officially falling on Monday means temptation was everywhere. If you indulged, that great. You should! But it'll take a bit for all that extra sugar to get out of your system. Give it a bit :).

    Also, really wonderful challenge idea. I think being obese really messed with my food sensors so half the time I think I'm hungry I'm actually just thirsty :/. This will be good for me.
  • Hey all!! Checking in!!

    SW: 246.2
    Wk 1: 238.6
    Wk 2: 233.6

    5 lbs lost!!!!! 12.6 lost so far since starting this challenge!!!!! lol. I no longer have over a hundred pounds to lose!! So excited!!! And thanks to everyone so much for the encouragement!! Couldn't have done it without you. And to everyone who struggled a little this week, no sweat!! This past week was Halloween!! I think we all did pretty good considering.

    As for the new challenges this week, sounds good. Will be on it. And I'm sorry for not updating regularly throughout the week on here. I normally do MFP on my phone and I can't do the message boards on there. So as far as how I did on the last challenge, not good at all. Push-ups are definitely not my thing. lol. But will continue working on them and looking forward to the squats/sit-ups!!

    Hope everyone has a great week!!! No matter what, keep your chin up!! And good luck!!!!!!!!! :happy: