Half Marathon training support group?



  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member

    My husband started running with me a few months ago and I am so proud of him. We work opposite shifts at work and our time is limited together. I can't tell him enough how much him running too encourgages me to keep going.

    That's awesome. I really wish my husband would run, even just a little a few times a week, He's supportive enough, but I'm sure if he knew what I'm going through, about the good runs and the bad runs, I think it'd just bring the bond to a whole new level.

    Due to time and schedule constraints I've had to juggle the schedule a bit, and ended up doing 2 long runs this week. Luckily I had my training buddy with me for both, so I'm sure they went better than they would have if done solo.

    Monday we had our 11 mile run, our longest run to date, and it was tough. At the end I'll admit I was ready for it to be over. I was tired and had to take a nap when I got home! Runs like this make me think I'm crazy to even consider a full marathon!

    Today we had a "15K" on the schedule, or 9.3 miles, felt good, but could definitely tell I'd run long only a few days before. However, I did manage to hit the fastest long run to date: 11:42 min/miles!

    Next week I'll tackle 12 miles.

    Exactly 3 weeks til my half and getting more excited by the day!
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    You know you're hooked on running when you get a hydration belt and can't wait to use it!
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    You know you're hooked on running when you get a hydration belt and can't wait to use it!

    AND when you find one CHEAP at TJMaxx and buy it even though you already have one, "in case the other wears out"... lol

    (i literally did this earlier this week! haha)
  • Hello All! I am new to MFP and passed through this topic...can I join too :)

    I love running! and decided to train for my FIRST FULL marathon. LA Marathon!

    Happy running!
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    You know you're hooked on running when you get a hydration belt and can't wait to use it!
    You are now officially a running geek! :) Welcome to the club.
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    I'd like to join this group. I don't have a half marathon planned right now, but thinking of doing the Surf City Half in Huntington Beach, CA, in February.

    Also, I've already registered for the Big Sur Full Marathon. It's been a few years since I've run a full marathon, and this time I want to qualify for Boston. A half marathon will be a good tune-up.
  • Thank you :)

    I've ran about 7 half marathons and I am ready to check off my Bucklist.....Full Marathon before I turn 3-0! :tongue:

    Question: How do I get notification when someone posts on this topic?

    PS feel free to add me fellow runners...the more support the better! Thanks!
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you :)

    I've ran about 7 half marathons and I am ready to check off my Bucklist.....Full Marathon before I turn 3-0! :tongue:

    Question: How do I get notification when someone posts on this topic?

    PS feel free to add me fellow runners...the more support the better! Thanks!
    Yes, I'd also like to know how to get notifications on this topic -- I've searched but haven't figured it out.

    I'll add you as an MFP friend.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    I haven't figured that out either, I just check back from day to day and try to figure out where I left off.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    There is nothing better then running with family. Enjoy it everyone who is. my wife and i ran together for a long time, she actually got me started running. But due to having our second child on the way she had to give up running with me. Makes for a lot of long runs by myself. Still enjoy them though.

    My husband started running with me a few months ago and I am so proud of him. We work opposite shifts at work and our time is limited together. I can't tell him enough how much him running too encourgages me to keep going.

    My started running with me in Feb and it has been just the best thing. He pushes me to run faster and I push him to run farther so it works out well.

    I also just love that we have one more thing in common and can spend more time together.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    There is nothing better then running with family. Enjoy it everyone who is. my wife and i ran together for a long time, she actually got me started running. But due to having our second child on the way she had to give up running with me. Makes for a lot of long runs by myself. Still enjoy them though.

    My husband started running with me a few months ago and I am so proud of him. We work opposite shifts at work and our time is limited together. I can't tell him enough how much him running too encourgages me to keep going.

    My husband started running with me in Feb and it has been just the best thing. He pushes me to run faster and I push him to run farther so it works out well.

    I also just love that we have one more thing in common and can spend more time together.
  • Sharon - Good luck Sunday! I bet you are so excited!

    Went running with hubby last night and he had a calf cramp at mile 1 and had to turn back. :( I got 5 miles done but it was a bit meh after I had to send my husband home but he insisted I keep going. He is a barback so can't really "take it easy" until tomorrow.

    My GPS wasn't reading my location so I went by memory and did EXACTLY 5 miles. Good thing my brain is more reliable than technology. (for now)
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Sharon - Good luck Sunday! I bet you are so excited!

    Went running with hubby last night and he had a calf cramp at mile 1 and had to turn back. :( I got 5 miles done but it was a bit meh after I had to send my husband home but he insisted I keep going. He is a barback so can't really "take it easy" until tomorrow.

    My GPS wasn't reading my location so I went by memory and did EXACTLY 5 miles. Good thing my brain is more reliable than technology. (for now)

    Yeah I'm really excited. I'm counting down the days, just 9 more days. I'll be tapering my milage down starting tomorrow. My long run tomorrow will be 6 miles then short slow runs all next week.

    Its not as much fun to run by yourself is it? But you did great and kept running!! Way to go!
  • Yeah I'm really excited. I'm counting down the days, just 9 more days. I'll be tapering my milage down starting tomorrow. My long run tomorrow will be 6 miles then short slow runs all next week.

    Its not as much fun to run by yourself is it? But you did great and kept running!! Way to go!

    Thanks. He was so sweet. He was more concerned that he was holding me back than with his own problem. At that point I felt like I had to do it more so he wouldn't feel bad.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member

    Question: How do I get notification when someone posts on this topic?

    You can get e-mail notifications, which you can manage on the "Settings" page above. What I'd like is if the topi thread remembered the last post you read, that way you don't have to scroll through to find where you left off. :)

    So, I have my longest run every planned for tomorrow. My training schedule has me running 9 miles tomorrow and I'm nervous about it. I've never run that far at once in my life!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Thank you :)

    I've ran about 7 half marathons and I am ready to check off my Bucklist.....Full Marathon before I turn 3-0! :tongue:

    Question: How do I get notification when someone posts on this topic?

    PS feel free to add me fellow runners...the more support the better! Thanks!

    I just log in and it's at the top of "My topics" on the boards. I don't know about notifications, they bother me :)

    I planned my long run this AM, but my new Asylum workout made my calves just tender enough that I put it off until tomorrow. It really worked into my schedule better anyway.

    I'm so excited to report - my weight is down 10lbs from the week prior to my half marathon. I've been working really hard on getting lean and trying to reset my body for training. I've been reading the book Racing Weight - and really find it interesting. It's good to have a different plan now and then. I was at 24% body fat this am - which for my age is "ideal" but I'm really hoping to get into the "lean" area on the scale with 20%, which means another 7 lbs. I'd really be happy with 3 more lbs off tho.

    I did Asylum strength this AM, and generally lift very heavy, because this is cardio strength, I opted for a lesser weight. I think next time I will definitely up it 5 lbs, which is still less then I'm used to, but I only got one exercise to true exhaustion, so want to work on that as well.

    Good luck to everyone running races this weekend.
  • So, I have my longest run every planned for tomorrow. My training schedule has me running 9 miles tomorrow and I'm nervous about it. I've never run that far at once in my life!

    GO ALICE! Same here. I have a 9ish mile run to do Monday. and that is the most I have EVER run. You can do it!
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    So, I have my longest run every planned for tomorrow. My training schedule has me running 9 miles tomorrow and I'm nervous about it. I've never run that far at once in my life!

    GO ALICE! Same here. I have a 9ish mile run to do Monday. and that is the most I have EVER run. You can do it!
    Correction Kristi. WE CAN DO IT!! :)
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Alice, good luck with your long run!!!!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    So, I have my longest run every planned for tomorrow. My training schedule has me running 9 miles tomorrow and I'm nervous about it. I've never run that far at once in my life!

    GO ALICE! Same here. I have a 9ish mile run to do Monday. and that is the most I have EVER run. You can do it!

    I know both of yall can do!! Good luck!!