Starting 30 Day Shred on Monday...10/24/11



  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 147 Member
    Level-1 day:10 complete off to level 2 tomorrow :)
    Looking back on these last ten days i remember on day one thinking i was going to die trying to make it through the first work out
    And now at day ten i owned the workout! :)
  • Did level 1 day 3 today. :D

    I guess its a little easier but its still really hard. I have trouble with the first strength part. The arm thing with the weights kill my arms. And the lunges those are really hard too. That when I really feel it in my butt.

    How heavy are the weights you are using?

    missed this before. 3 pound weights. Now its easier but still a challenge.
  • Today was day 9. Took Sunday off (unplanned). But I am thinking I want to move on to level 2 for a change. So not sure if I will do day 10 on level 1 or go ahead and do level 2 then add an extra day to level 2 or 3.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Level 1, Day 9.....DONE! ;)
  • Will someone please post the link for the badge. I need to change mine to say team aqua.

  • L1D10 done. Improving on the push ups that I could hardly do 2 of on Day 1. I'm a bit afraid of moving on to L2 tomorrow though... can't imagine this workout getting harder!!!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I regret having taken Sat and Sun off due to my congestion and stuff. If so I would be on day 9 today. I forgot that I cleaned all day on Friday and was too tired to do the workout on Friday so I'm a few days behind. So technically, i'm on day 8 today.

    Grrr....but I do include her JM NMTZ workout a few days a week. LOL
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    dont feel bad i took sat sun and monday off. Im going to start level 2 tomorrow, im hoping that its not so hard on my lower back. I have read a couple peoples comments that it was tough on their lower back. i spend way too much at the chiropractor to mess it all up. I do think that doing level one exercises have helped strengthen my back some though. The only thing that sort of hurts is the dumbell rows with the squatting down move. Hurts in my bones to be crouched like that. I can definately tell a difference since day one.
    the hardest move for me is the side lunge with the arm raise. my arms feel like they will fall off during that so i bet level 2 will leave me armless
  • ZCEmama
    ZCEmama Posts: 29 Member
    Moved on to Level 2 last night.... So, D8 L2 done. It felt good to work different muscle groups. Just about fell over though doing the balance one leg, lift your weights and kick exercise... LOL
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Day 11 Level 2 done. My endurance still sucks as well as my balance.
  • I did my first day of level 2 today. There was a few times I needed to stop.

    My left knee was hurting afterwards. I took some excedrin. I am thinking I may take some excedrin before I work out tomarrow.
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 147 Member
    I dif Day 1 of level 2 yesterday.. I finished it with the inly trouble being all the plank type exercises ( i will conquer those just like i conquered the butt kicks in level 1) all in all i like the exercises in level 2 and was glad to have be working on different muscles. Im feeling it in my legs today, but its a good "pain"
  • Day 11 Level 2 done. First day of Level 2 was tough, but I'm glad to try some different exercises. I'm really not coordinated enough to do those oblique twists though. :embarassed: Not a pretty sight.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    haha lisa i am in the same boat! glad no one is here to see how uncoordinated i am!
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Day 12 Level 3 done. I like alternating days. Makes Day 1 easier. I do not like mountain climbers.
  • I did day 2 of level 2 today for a total of 11 days of the shred.

    I am having troubling with those twist jump things and the walking lunge thing but this is more of a coordination thing. LOL Oh, and those plank things where you jump forwards & backwards I can only do about 10 at a time then I need a quick rest.

    Good news is my knee doesn't hurt like it did yesterday but I did take some excedrin about 1 -1 1/2 hours before my work out.
  • ZCEmama
    ZCEmama Posts: 29 Member
    I finished Day 10 L2 last night. I still can't balance very well and my right knee is starting to bother me. I may have to do the lower impact routines for a couple of days until the twinging stops.
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 147 Member
    Level 2 Day 2 complete. All the plank exercises are still getting me but i know in time i will get better at them.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Thanks to my awesome husband, he plugged in another dvd player for me so I am on to Level 2!!!

    Today was Day 11-Level 2, Day 2

    And I so struggled with this one. I made through ok, rarely doing to modification, but somehow I feel my confidence is shaken nearly to the point of tears. The old me came out when I finished this workout, the old me who used to tell myself I can't do this. Even my husband commented that I did do it, I did complete it. So why am I feeling this way??? I hate whining, it really isn't me. Especially this new me that has emerged these last several months. I hate the way I feel at this moment. I won't give up, I cannot! So why do I feel like this. Who knows. Thanks for listening to me whine. Going to finish my glass of chocolate milk and either hit the shower or treat myself to a bubble bath. Maybe one goo cry will snap me out of this! :embarassed:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Sorry about my previous whining....feel much better now. Not sure where that all came from but I am over it! =)