TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I did fire 45 today and fire 45EZ yesterday. Love both:) I had issues getting through them since my stomach has been tossing and turning. Because of that I haven't done much else either. Hopefully after a good nights sleep I can hit up the gym in the a.m. and turbo it up early afternoon!

    I know I asked this last time but do you all log cals burned for the stretch workouts?

    Do you use a HRM? I usually just keep mine running until Im done with the stretch then just log it all. I really dont burn a lot in the stretch alone. But my HR is usually still pretty high from the workout and it usually stays in the low 120's during the stretch
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I did fire 45 today and fire 45EZ yesterday. Love both:) I had issues getting through them since my stomach has been tossing and turning. Because of that I haven't done much else either. Hopefully after a good nights sleep I can hit up the gym in the a.m. and turbo it up early afternoon!

    I know I asked this last time but do you all log cals burned for the stretch workouts?

    Do you use a HRM? I usually just keep mine running until Im done with the stretch then just log it all. I really dont burn a lot in the stretch alone. But my HR is usually still pretty high from the workout and it usually stays in the low 120's during the stretch

    Yes, I use a hrm. I guess the reason I asked is because the other day I did Core 20 and burned roughly 88 cals, then I did the stretch 40 and by the time I was done it was up to 222! That just seems crazy that I burned more stretching than I did doing a core workout!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Stretch 40 always burns around 100 for me, I think it is a pretty active stretching session so your total burn doesn't seem so improbable. Question guysngals, can I do core 20 with free weights or will I have to find something else to do? Any recommendations?
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Good morning!

    Beckkotsch- I do log my calories burned from stretching! It's usually around 100 calories maybe 120 for me during the Stretch40. Keep in mind EVERYONE will be different. How you burn calories stretching has to do with how hard you are conecentrating on your breath (how much your stomach/core is engaged with everything) and how low you are getting in the beginning yoga part. That can be quite a workout, so depending your size and how hard you are pushing it, I can see you burning 200 calories! Try it with your HRM again and see what you get! Keep in mind you could have had an elevated heart rate for whatever reason before you started, so keep that in mind! :D

    1a- I totally agree that active stretching burns more calories! Plus it really does depend on how hard you push yourself during the yoga etc@ :D I think you could do core 20 with free weights! Or youtube ab workouts there are plenty! Or create your own routine! :) I actually find other core workouts better than hers! I like to "feel it" the next day! LOL oh and I also LOVE the Charlean Extreme abs! There is a 15 or 10 minute version! :) Just do something with your core : )

    @jataijah! Oh I hope you feel better!: ) Get some garlic and onions kale and chicken broth! Make some garlic greens oup and ad some curry! I did that and what I THOUGHT was going to be a head cold has vanished! It's been three years since I've been sick! hope you are feelig better! way to get your workout in t! :D
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Woohoo--- just finished up HIIT 20 and Tone 30. Wow! Tone 30 is a doozy!! But, I hadn't done that one in a long time!
    It feels good to be back on track! With a few adjustments to my food intake I should be in very good shape throughout the whole season. Usually by this time of the year, I would have thrown the workouts out of the window thinking "Oh,w ell, it doesn't matter, I'll get back on track after Christmas". Nope. Nothing wrong with a little sweet potato pie on Thanksgiving--- but not 2 slices a day (a la 2008! hmph!) :)

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend thus far! LOL!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Tone 30 with free weights successfulish - still want to try with resistance bands but at least a good half of that routine doesn't even use them, still loving the stretch 40, it was a kinda warm day and I found myself panting/sweating during the stretching. Combined burn of 300 and I'm taking it :-D

    I shall explore the viability of doing other core workouts. This whole thing of targetting specific parts of the body for a prolonged period seems strange to me, something I preferred about the 30ds, in 20 minutes, you target a whole bunch of body parts. Eh well, I have my whole life ahead of me to play with every exercise/circuit/strength DVD ever made :-) and for this I hope my body will love me.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Having a day off TF, still feeling really congested, so hopefully spending the morning doing a few household chores and then some gardening in the afternoon. Will try and get back on my schedule tomorrow, but if not, I plan to do fire 30 all week (as I seemed to be able to cope with that one!)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Gooooood morning all! I am feeling so good and hoping you all are too! For those of you in your earlier weeks of Tfire know that it only gets easier and better and that you will have LOADS of energy! I don't know where it's all coming from but I turned the corner in the past couple weeks! I'm getting up earlier, eating less, moving more and well just feeling fab!

    Hoya- GOOOOOD FOR YOU! I know what you mean! I typically give up at this time too! Hence why I would gain the 10 pounds like most people! However, I am happy to be losing and just "doing" something different than I usually do at this time! It feels really good an well maybe next year we can inspire even more people to lose/maintain as opposed to gain! i am so glad you are on this journey with me! :)

    1a- Yup, you will figure something out with abs! I really realy really like Tracy Anderson standing abs and also her floorwork from her post preg workout! it's NUTS! LOL And really if you search youtube enough you will find a bunch of moves and you can just create your own workout! You are right, you have the rest of you life to find what is perfect for you! LOL

    Becka- i can't bleive you are still congested! :( I really hope you are feeling better soon and that you can get back to full strength! Sending you my energy! Oh and for being so sick or congested, I gotta say, "you are doing FABULOUS darling!"

    May you all have a great rest of your weekend and A NEW START TO YET ANOTHER WEEK! ON TO WEEK 12! I can't believe it!

    OH and p.s. I passed up FREE pizza, FREE wetzels prezels and FREE nachos yesterday! While my friend and I were out shopping she wanted to buy all that stuff and I kept saying no! I am so proud of myself! Also, my friend has about 100 pounds to lose and I think and hope that by saying no, I can set a good example for her without being naggy! HOORAY FOR NSV!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member




  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I took my rest day yesterday instead of Monday. So today I did fire 30 and sculpt 30. Tomorrow I'll do fire 55 which I should have done yesterday. My cold is doing better. Thanks Kim for the soup recipe. My plan this week is to work harder on eating clean. I went to the store today and bought plenty of veggies and fruit. Im already stocked up with fish and chicken breast. Just gotta fight this sweet tooth i have. Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Woe, fire 45 EZ Kicked My Butt!!!!!! Had to stop 30 minutes in :-( then drank too much water and couldn't do any more jumping around without feeling sick. Did any of you feel the need to repeat a week?
  • hhawes
    Where can I get the Turbo Fire program?
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Woe, fire 45 EZ Kicked My Butt!!!!!! Had to stop 30 minutes in :-( then drank too much water and couldn't do any more jumping around without feeling sick. Did any of you feel the need to repeat a week?

    I just did that workout today and yep, my butt was kicked!! I felt last week I should repeat because I was feeling so lousy, but I've decided to push on through to week 8. Partly I did this because weeks 5-7 are identical and I was getting a little bored with it!

    Good news though- I got back onto my C25K routine, week 4 day 1 done! Was a cold, damp, drizzly, miserable day too, so I'm even more proud I pushed through with it!

    Hhawes, not sure where you can get a schedule from, have u looked on the beach body site?
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Hey everyone can I join you on this thread? I am doing Turbofire I started 10/3/11. I have never liked doing dancy type workouts. Never liked Turbo Jam but what attracted me to TurboFire is the HIIT workouts I love that kind of thing. I've done Insanity and P90X and I also need variety.
    So I do like doing Turbofire however there is one that I just hate (Fire45) and I don't get a good workout. I did it yesterday and had to run on the Treadmill after just to feel like I got in a good workout. I think I'm going to sub for rthis one in tthe future. Today was Fire 30 and Sculpt 30 which I LOVED. I think Fire 30 is so much easier to follow and it's fast so you get a good burn.

    So about me I'm a mom of 3, work full time and I am trying to lose all the weight I gained over 3 pregnancies. I loste 111 lbs doing weight watchers before having kids but I gained almost all of that back. I've lose almost 40 since my baby was born in January just want to keep losing!

  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Where can I get the Turbo Fire program?

    sent you a message
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    GOOOOOOD MORNING! I am feeling soo sooo sooo sooooooo great this morning! It's technically my rest day, but since I'm having friends in this week I am kinda moving things around! You know me, I will get it all done!

    Today I am subbing in a crazy 55 minute tae bo workout for Tfire 55! :) ALso tonight I have barre and yoga from 5:15-8! SUPER PUMPED! I just love love love it! :) Also, the candlelight yoga is a great way to start out the week! :)

    1a- Do whatever you need to do to keep moving forward. If you missed a couple days I say keep going to the next week! The program is long and I'm big on the mental side of things of working out, such as "pushing through our boundaries and limits." I have missed workouts here and there and well, I have still lost 18 pounds in 11 weeks! :) So it's overall consistency, not perfection! :) And great job for getting through 30 minutes, you will only get better! :) Try drinking water an hour before your workout. Water takes about 45 minutes to enter /hydrate our system. Little sips of water here and there during the workout are really for "the mind" to take a break.

    Mary- welcome! :)

    Becka- yay for you on your road to successes! Glad to have you back! Even if your butt is kicked! Hey, we all need that once in awhile! :)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I did Turbo 45 on Saturday, yesterday was my rest day and I'm getting ready to do hiit 15 and tone 30 once I get my 2 year old down for a nap. I've also already been to the gym this a.m. and I walked my oldest to dance and school. Good start to the week!
  • Tarafaith13
    I am back in the swing of things after that awful stomach flu my kids and I had two weeks ago. Last week was a bust too, had so many nail clients (which is great) I couldn't find a free moment to get some TF in.

    Today, I started with week one. I know that I should have started where I left off, but seriously, TF30 kicked my *kitten*. I have lost so much in the last few weeks of not being consistant with my workouts that physically and mentally I needed to start at the beginning. But none the less it felt great!! I have 2 and a half months till I go to Mexico and I want to look smokin in a bikini, haven't really been able to do that before.

    Tomorrow will be HIIT 15 and Slim in 6 Ramp it up, I am looking forward to that.

    Sorry I have been out of it for awhile, but I am here now and I am so glad you all are rockin the Turbo Fire and any other workout you are doing!!

    Talk to you later!! :smile:
  • Jenhoover86
    Jenhoover86 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started TF today. I am using it as a wedding workout. I am so glad to find other people doing the program also. Maybe it will help me stick with it having some other awesome ladies to get some motivation from!!
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Hey, all! Today was my rest day, but I took it yesterday (that HIIT 20 and Tone 30 combo was WOW! I needed an extra day). So, today was regular Fire 45 (my least favorite, but I'm warming up to it). I went at it a little harder than usual, burned a good 40 more calories than usual, so that's good! The only thing is that the muscles in between the shoulder blades hurt just a bit but I'm sure with some stretching, I should be fine.

    I'm getting revved up for HIIT 25 tomorrow and Sculpt 30--- only did that HIIT once a while ago so I imagine I'll have similar results as the other day--- which is good since I'm mentally prepared! :)

    @Kim--- as far as ramping up before Thanksgiving--- I hadn't thought of what to do in addition to what I am doing now, but I'm glad you brought that up! I was considering a dance class around here but wasn't too serious, but might just take that class or even a nearby TurboKick class! :)

    Hope everyone's having a great beginning of the week!