Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • MissConfidence
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. The weather is perfect and it's demanding I go enjoy it. So once I figure out what I can stomach for breakfast I'm planning on going out for a long walk.

    Heather, I'm sending you good baby vibes!

    Rayna thanks for the dog and baby article, def a good read for me since I'm wanting my dogs to respect the change in the household :)

    shellgib I'm with you on the poor sleep. For me it's having a hard time falling asleep then once asleep every little anything wakes me and I am getting up very groggy. I've been taking naps during the day which has helped catch up but it would be nice to feel a little more "normal" by getting a good nights rest. Hope your sleeping gets better and great job on pushing through the workouts. I approve of this message!!

    bribabyu It's great that you are using this time not dwelling on the past but rather figuring out how to become healthier and more active for this pregnancy. It sounds like you are motivated and you can definitely do it!

    This Thurs I'll be 9 weeks pregs. It's still strange to say out loud. I'm happy, nervous, anxious, and want to burst out crying and laughing at the same time as I break into disco dancing in the midst of it all. I'm a roller-coaster of emotions!! We still haven't told friends and rest of fam even though I keep going back and forth 'what's the big deal' to 'no, it's too soon'... How long did you ladies wait to tell people? Is there a 'generally accepted' time into pregnancy to tell? I've read after the first trimester because it's the riskiest time but even with that there's mixed reports. Kinda like peanut butter. Anyone avoiding pb like the plague? Sorry to bombard with all my questions. I am still a noob and will be for a long time!!

    Maybe I'll feel a little more confident after my first gyno app which is on the 14th. I've had an ultra sound and saw the little lentil with a heart beat so that was a bit of a reality check though I'm feeling like it won't really sink in until I start developing a bump. Or maybe not until the little creature is in the other room crying for food. Oh wow. Hahah

    Well, on the agenda this week is going 25 briskly walked miles, 120 minutes on the bike, 80 minutes of pilates, 60 minutes of yoga, and 45 minutes of free weights. This is my commitment to myself and my kidney bean between today and Saturday. I can do it! Right?!?!

    Have a great rest of the weekend and healthy week ahead everyone!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    MissConfidence ~ Everyone feels comfortable telling at different times. My family new from the very beginning (but they kept quiet) & we told my husband's family just after 9 weeks (we also had an ultrasound just prior to that). I always looked at it as "if a miscarriage happens & people know, you'll have to go back & tell all those people that it didn't happen" - of course you don't want to think that way.......but I think you know what I mean. And even when you do get a bump - it still doesn't feel real sometimes (to me anyways). I have to tell myself "I'm gonna have a baby!!!" Crazy.

    Welcome Bridget! Congrats on the new pregnancy (I think :wink: ). Sounds like you're already off to a great start - health wise. Just keep it up. We all fall off the wagon (I have!). And feel free to add if you're looking for more support!

    Heather ~ I keep thinking that (that we all gain differently & maybe I won't gain much 3rd trimester). It's just a crazy feeling to see a number higher than you've ever seen on the scale!! :wink: I thought yesterday was going to be a new "healthy" wanted carbs & crap. Lovely. I've been fairly decent w/ working out, it's just the food I need to get on board with again. Prior to pregnancy, I loved veggies & now I could take them or leave them. Think I'll just have to start force feeding :laugh:

    AFM ~ I painted the baby's room yesterday. It did NOT turn out right. So back to the paint store I go. I think they might have screwed up the 2nd color (I'm doing a glazed effect)...
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope you are all having a great weekend!

    Still pregnant...(my new motto lol). As long as my ribs aren't killing me I'm not as anxious as I was before. With the looming possibility of my doctor not being the one to deliver her I do truly hope she decides to come this week. I am also a little nervous about the possibility of having to get induced anyways in the next 2 weeks ( my doc will only allow me to go until the 20th before inducing). The unknown is hard and when it comes down to it...that is all you have with the labor and delivery of your little one. Part of me really wants to just go in and set a date for induction but the bigger part of me knows that isn't the answer. Most first time babies are born on average 41wks1 it isn't fair of me to force her out before she is ready for my own selfish reasons. Sorry I'm ranting...just my latest thoughts on this whole process. I really am a lot more patient to people in "real life", I just feel like I can put out my frustrations and thoughts to you ladies. :)
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    heather....good for you for being so patient at the end!! Yep, I'm an RN in a NICU and also an IBCLC :happy: Just yesterday at work there was a 36 5/7 weeker that came in thinking she was in labor and was really upset about the thought of having the baby early. Then after they decided nothing was happening, and she could go home, she all of a sudden decides she wants to have this baby and starts walking the halls and bouncing on the ball!! I was like "WHAT!!!":noway: Seriously!!?? LOL (She did end up going home after a while) need to avoid peanut butter while pregnant!!

    well, I am up a pound this week. total gain +3 at week 17. not bad, although I have been SUPER hungry this past week and hope I don't gain to much to fast from all my in-between snacking!!

    feeling the baby move a whole lot more these days too!! love that feeling!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Shellgib that's awesome you are a fellow RN :) and lactation consultant to boot! So if we have questions you are our "go to" girl! YAY! I worked at a Children's hospital and am passionate about Ped's nursing. I moved to a small town and all we have is a small hospital with no ped's services within a 50 mile radius. I worked at an eye surgery center for a while but was totally not my thing. I knew once I had a baby the plan was to stay at home so I'm lucky enough to be able to do so now. And I so wish that "walking the halls" or "bouncing on the ball" did ANYTHING for me! lol! I walk on average 4-6 miles most days at a pretty fast pace and all I get is sore feet! And trust me...I wish I wasn't as passionate about having a natural birth, it would be so much "easier" to schedule when I'm going to have her. But I feel in the long run it is so worth me putting my selfishness aside and doing what is right for her. She/my body isn't ready and I'm not even 40wks yet so...I wait. :)
  • bribabyu
    Thank you very much H one of my main problems is my son is a huge mommy boy and hes going to be one angry boy when the baby comes lol he doesnt like to share mommy :(
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Heather, I'm glad you are a mommy that knows that your body will deliver this baby girl eventually. :) I was also late with my first and he came when he was ready. I had a natural, no meds birth and only 6 hours of labor. we are all different and you watch, baby will be here soon. I think alot if ppl tend to forget that no one stays preggos forever! HA!
    Shellgib that's awesome you are a fellow RN :) and lactation consultant to boot! So if we have questions you are our "go to" girl! YAY! I worked at a Children's hospital and am passionate about Ped's nursing. I moved to a small town and all we have is a small hospital with no ped's services within a 50 mile radius. I worked at an eye surgery center for a while but was totally not my thing. I knew once I had a baby the plan was to stay at home so I'm lucky enough to be able to do so now. And I so wish that "walking the halls" or "bouncing on the ball" did ANYTHING for me! lol! I walk on average 4-6 miles most days at a pretty fast pace and all I get is sore feet! And trust me...I wish I wasn't as passionate about having a natural birth, it would be so much "easier" to schedule when I'm going to have her. But I feel in the long run it is so worth me putting my selfishness aside and doing what is right for her. She/my body isn't ready and I'm not even 40wks yet so...I wait. :)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Welcome Stellcorb & Bribayu!

    Misti- Yay for your furniture! Sorry to hear you are still having pains and not feeling good. Take it easy and hope you get better soon.

    Paulandrea-Best wishes for your bloodwork adn ultrasound. My lil girl is 4 oz less than yours, so cute!

    Atomdraco-How cool a freebie, you were able to see the baby.

    Babeed-I am considering 3 gates for our rooms because our "Mama's" are spoiled and think it's ok to be in the rooms. I am planning on washing the carpets too as we get closer to bringing the baby home.

    Atynk-Heather: We will patiently wait for your baby's too! Best wishes.

    Aimeeclaire-Great runs, keep up the good workouts.

    Shellgib-Good to hear you had a good appointment!

    H82-Lol on the poop story. :laugh:

    AndreaMichelle-Yay for your ultrasound.

    MissC-I eat PB sporadically (love PB) didn't cut it out of my eating at all, I just don't eat it as often.
    Hope you met your exercise goals!

    AFM: Mom left Sat and it was a good weeekend. We walked last night for 20 mins and whoa it was cold. I bundled up with gloves & all.

    The baby's room wil get painted next saturday, so exciting. We bought the paint on sat & I hope it turns out otherwise I will end up going back to the store like H-82. :wink:

    I had to work today for 4 hrs, and have a mild headache. :sick:
  • jennamom
    jennamom Posts: 12 Member
    Hi All! I took a break from MFP to keep my pregnancy on the down-low, but I am officially back!

    I am almost 30 weeks along with my second.

    I have a 2 1/2 year old son, and I had 3 doctors confirm that this one is a girl, and we plan to name her Jewel :-)

    This pregnancy has been pretty breezy because I am at home with my little one and have much more time to exercise. I was pretty ill the first semester, but kept up the workouts, and actually lost weight...putting me back in my pre-marriage jeans for a glorious month or so.

    The last month has been hard. I quit my dance studio because the workouts were making me dizzy and nauseous, and it's been hard to motivate myself off the couch. I was having a rough time with cravings, too. This baby LOVES taquitos.

    I gained 5 lbs in the last month, so I am determined to try and only gain a bit more the rest of the pregnancy. My doc said I could safely gain 1 lb a week the remainder of my pregnancy, but it took me over two years to lose weight the last time, so I am too scared to gain more than 35 lbs total.

    My goals are to drink more water, eat healthier calories, and get a 40 min workout in 5 times a week.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Welcome Jenna! Don't you love that we can blame the baby for the foods we crave...okay, sometimes just plain want... :wink:

    Luna ~ Good luck painting! After going back to the store, they confirmed that it was right (I still think they screwed up). So I had to improvise. I didn't want to buy anymore paint (it's expensive!) & ended up w/ a faux finish that's a tan base & dark chocolate top - not at all what I was going for, but I'm sick of painting now. Did I mention that I had a complete meltdown this weekend!? Paint spilled ALL over the carpet, so I was a crying MESS. After 3 hours of cleaning it yesterday, luckily it all came out!!

    AFM ~ I think I'm back on the poop train. The hostage was let go! :laugh: Planning on working out every day this week *hopefully* & eating more healthy. Didn't exercise this weekend - cleaned & painted ALL day yesterday & sure paid for body was sore this morning. Oh, and can't wait to now get the furniture put together! :)
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    stellcorb...congrats on the pregnancy and on the weight loss success!!! that's awesome!! what have you done besides the food changes to lose weight? what exercise have you been doing? It was hard to keep up my routines in the second part of my 1st trimester, but I'm starting to get back into it. And I, too, had a very hard time with veggies in the first trimester. I did better than my 1st pregnancy, though, when I just ate pasta all the time (including spaghetti-o's!! :noway: ) I bought some V-8 to make up some of the lack of whole veggies. Good news though...into my 2nd trimester and I am back to eating veggies!!! yay!! so much better than V-8!! :tongue:
    welcome and good luck!!

    When I first started to loose, I would just speed walk a few times a week... as I ramped up, I did the elliptical and once I got down to 160, I started jogging again (which I loved!) and this past summer I did Insanity (took me 3 months for the 2 month program, but I finished!) then started training for a half marathon... Unfortunately, about a month before my half (middle of September) I pulled or tore something in my hip and I'm still not able to run. Also, I got an x-ray to rule out dislocation and found out that I have osteo arthritis in that same hip... So I'm not sure if marathon training is ever going to happen again. The doctors and Physical Therapists have been useless and my health insurance sucks (and is going to be worse this next year) so I'm sorta stuck... Elliptical is really my only option right now b/c my gym doesn't really offer any classes and I'm afraid to do anything medium to high impact.
    Sorry for the unload! I'm so happy to be pregnant, but I miss running and I wish I could get that MRI and take the anti-inflamitories so I could find out what's exactly wrong and recover faster!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies. So this week will be a very cautious week, I didn’t do too well food wise this weekend but was hoping all my exercise made up for it, it didn’t! I gained 1.5lbs this weekend alone! What’s even crazier about that is that I hiked a total of 5.5hours this weekend and yet I still gained (pictures of the mountains peak to come). I’m a little discouraged I must admit. So this week’s goals are:

    Log my food everyday!
    Drink min of 8 glasses of water a day.
    Monday- Yoga DVD
    Tuesday- Body toning class & walk with friend
    Wednesday- Zumba
    Thursday-Yoga DVD
    Saturday & Sunday-Walking both days

    I’m not giving myself any days off this week, I can’t keep gaining like this, if I do I’ll be at 50lbs gain by 9months. I know I shouldn’t focus on the number but I cant help the little freak outs sometime.
    On another note the chiropractor’s appointment went well, I didn’t start getting my back pains till late in the evening all weekend, but then today I sit at my desk and an hour later they’re back. I have another appointment this Friday so we’ll see what happens then.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning!

    H82 - your poop hostage cracked me up! I even read it to my husband and he referred to poop being held hostage this weekend. :smile: I am glad it is no longer hostage. If you continue to have issues, you may consider a stool softener. I had issues prior to pregnancy and take 3 at night before I go to bed and that paired with drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day seems to do the trick for me! Also, sucks about painting. I feel like I have been painting for months between the nursery and basement so I am glad to have that done.

    Heather - I hope she comes soon and admire you for sticking to what you believe in. I can't imagine how anxious you must be; I am already getting anxious and still have about 2.5 months to go.

    Welcome to all the new people and good job and hello to everyone else!

    I had a productive weekend spent studying, cleaning, and some relaxing. I got a couple walks in but no yoga as I had hoped. I felt like I was on my feet for half the day Saturday running around so decided to mostly take it easy Sunday. We also picked up a changing table Friday. I found it on Craigslist from a "reliquidation" store. They get "damaged" boxes of furniture for cheap, put them together, check for no damages and sell them. Ours supposedly retailed for $250 and we got it for $100. We're not crazy abou the finish so think I'll paint and distress it. So now we just need a crib and glider. I am glad the nursery is making progress.

    This week these are my workout goals:
    Monday - try to walk at some point during the work day (night meeting so none after work)
    Tuesday - run/walk 45 minutes
    Wednesay - yoga
    Thursday - swim
    Friday - walk
    Saturday - walk
    Sunday - yoga

    Have a great week mamas!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Quick good morning to everyone-

    Monday time change and everyone is on full blast already!! Whew!! :noway:

    Got lots of walking in this weekend, hoping I can get off early and go walking tonight. So far it's not looking good so we'll see.
    My nephews peewee football team lost, and it broke my heart to see him cry. But, on another note the coach is still determined to recruit my baby and told me they are starting an age 2-3 this next spring/fall....WOW! Start them young, don't they? Got more baby clothes from my SIL. It's times like this that I'm grateful for friends/family. They are what keep us strong.

    Water intake has been great!! Keeping up on it this week and more veggies/protien. This baby is GROWING!

    Hope everyone else is doing well, catch up laters!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! We had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday (crazy to have it on a Sunday!) and they did 2D and 3D so we got some cool 3D pictures of her face. :) (profile picture) I'm surprised the doctor ordered 3D ones, but I was totally surprised and happy with it! :) She was moving around a LOT and kicking the ultrasound tech. Haha! She even stuck her tongue out at us a couple times. So cute! Seeing her face on the 3D made everything even THAT much more real. I can't describe how I felt after seeing her little face. The difference between the 2D and 3D is amazing.

    We also had some family photos (Eric, me, and the pups) taken this weekend and the photographer, a friend of ours, took a few maternity ones. Even though I'm not that big yet, they turned out really cute. I posted some on my profile for anyone who's interested. :)

    Glad everyong is doing well.

    C'mon Charlee!!!!! We're all rootin' for ya Heather. :)
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Quick check in - I'll post/reply more later. We saw a heartbeat! Yay! That is supposed to reduce our chances of miscarriage from 50% (Since I was spotting) to 20%!!! Prayers answered there! Making it to 10 weeks brings me to only 4%!

    Hope you ladies are having a wonderful day so far!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Quick check in...Al took off today since he worked all weekend so we are spending the day together. Still no signs of baby coming. We are going to the gym and he is playing a basketball game and I'm gonna do some cardio for an hour and then do some arm workouts.

    Also, just wanted to say how happy I am for you Andrea. Makes my heart happy for you that you saw the heartbeat! Keeping you in my prayers! :)

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. :)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    It's the first November Monday!

    Andrea- Wonderful news with hearing your lil one's heartbeat.

    Kristy-how cute, it's awesome your dr ordered the 2d & 3d.

    Babeed- Nice to hear your lil champ is all set in his sports!! 2-3 yr olds in any sport are just cute to watch.

    Heather-Enjoy your hubby and workout day!

    Ashley-Good buy on your changing table! Wow busy weekend for you.

    Stellcorb-Sorry to hear you have osteoarthritis, my mom suffers the same in her knees & her hands. Hope you can get your tests done after you have your baby and get back to running.

    H-82: I'll be working Sat so I am a lil worried about the painting, the friend of ours does painting for a living but it's the colors that worry me. We'll see. Oh sucky, on your paint spill.

    jennamom-Sounds like you are doing good, and don't stress much on the classes. I also did not renew my gym membership therefore missing (Zumba, body pump, spin), but I know we will figure out our work out when babies arrive.

    Last night, my headache wouldn't go away so I did the free online prenatal yoga for 20 mins & after that we walked the dogs for another 20 mins. The hubby says to me " I didn't think you would want to walk in this cold, I said, "I need to walk, I sit all day at work."

    I will try to walk 20 mins at lunch at least 3-4 days a week now.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    :ohwell: First of all I wasnt trying to push anyone into doing something they are against such as being induced, it was merly a suggestion. I didnt mean to ruffle everyones feathers. I was induced because my water broke and I tested postive for srep B, It honestly wasnt that bad. That being said and speaking from experience I really dont hink it is that terrible. But if you dont have to I definately wouldnt want to push anything unnatural either.

    Hopfully Charlee decides to break free soon, Free Charlie!

    I had a great start to my monday with my car not starting... :grumble: better just be the battery. Made to work anyways. Had a pretty relaxing weekend. Did the ring test and it definately says boy! But who knows.Hubby and I are stressing out a bit about our daughters day home, there are some issues that exist that are not being resolved and are looking for alternate care.

    Food and excercise, well i did 2x 5kms runs this weekend good, but ate chips (BBQ lays dipped in sour cream yum!) and ate too many cookies. My scae also hates me. I think its alot of water retention though. Im 6'1 and my weight can fluctuate a couple lbs in water. Husbands working out of toen again so working out will be a challenge. Where do you find the time!?

    I also heard that is you eat a chocolate bar before your ultrasound you can actually see your lil one lick the inside of your uterus, This girl I work with is pregnant and her ultrasound tech told her,hey doesnt hurt to try?

    Goals this week and lets be realistic cause I havent been hitting them

    eat out once
    walk on lunch breaks
    cardio 2x
    weights once

    sounds resonable... 15 weeks!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Quick check in - I'll post/reply more later. We saw a heartbeat! Yay! That is supposed to reduce our chances of miscarriage from 50% (Since I was spotting) to 20%!!! Prayers answered there! Making it to 10 weeks brings me to only 4%!

    Hope you ladies are having a wonderful day so far!

    Andrea - yay! That is great news! :)