November Weight Loss Challenge (CLOSED)



  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member

    Spreadsheet Updated.

    If you're updating the spreadsheet yourself, that's fine! Just please still post here to let us know you're still in this challenge with us. And if you'd rather me update it for you, that is fine too... I don't mind at all. :-)
  • Starting weight for challenge - 235.6
    Today's Date - 11/6/11
    Today's weight - 233.7
    Goal weight for challenge - 220
    Your personal goal - HIIT training schedule, also including trips to the gym hoping to not overtrain.
    How you are doing on your personal goal - First day of HIIT training I thought I was gonna pass out, but I got through the first week, also made it to the gym 5 days this week for light cardio.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Posting with yesterday's info. Already posted my weight to the spreadsheet.

    Starting weight for challenge - 223
    Today's Date - 11/5/11
    Today's weight - 221.2
    Goal weight for challenge - 215
    Your personal goal - exercise burn 2500 calories per week
    How you are doing on your personal goal - 3259 calorie burned!
  • RosiG
    RosiG Posts: 46 Member
    I updated the spreadsheet. Also posting here...hope everyone is doing well and staying on track :)

    Starting weight for challenge - 219.2
    Today's Date - 11/06/2011
    Today's weight - 220.8 THANKS TOM :( grrrr
    Goal weight for challenge - 205 (or less!!)
    Your personal goal - complete 30 day shred
    How you are doing on your personal goal - completed 5 out of 6 days I'm ok with that...I needed the rest day

    Have a fab week Nov Challengers
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 318
    Today's Date - 11/6/11
    Today's weight - 315
    Goal weight for challenge - 308
    Your personal goal - Work out everyday for atleast 30 minutes
    How you are doing on your personal goal - Been hitting that treadmill everyday!! =)
  • evewtsn
    evewtsn Posts: 23 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 318
    Today's Date - 11/6/11
    Today's weight - 315
    Goal weight for challenge - 308
    Your personal goal - Work out everyday for atleast 30 minutes
    How you are doing on your personal goal - Been hitting that treadmill everyday!! =)

    good loss well done!!!
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Everyone is doing so awesome!!! :) I reallllly hope I see a loss when I weigh in on Friday. That will be two straight weeks of staying in my calorie range, so I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed!
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 153
    Today's Date - 07-Nov
    Today's weight - 152
    Goal weight for challenge - 147
    Your personal goal - exercise 5 days a week (C25k, BFBM and additional cardio) and cut out the booze during the week
    How you are doing on your personal goal - not well at all. Only exercised 2 days last week and have had drinks every night since Wednesday. I really need to learn to stop going for instant gratification and start thinking long term
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Check in time!


    I did not meet my goal of 800 minutes exercise. With only 781 mins, I was down by 19 minutes. I did well limiting my frozen meals to only 2 this week.

    I'll let you update the spreadsheet if you don't mind this time.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    Starting weight for challenge - 218
    Today's Date - 7/11
    Today's weight - 219.2
    Goal weight for challenge - 215
    Your personal goal - 150
    How you are doing on your personal goal - having done so well last week, stupid TOM, did get out for a good walk in the park yesterday though, good hills and lots of steps, here's to a better week
  • annanoel21
    annanoel21 Posts: 87 Member
    Checking In!
    starting weight for challenge: 222.4
    todays date: 11-1-11
    goal weight by end of challenge: 200
    personal goal: complete slim in 6 and do it 6 times a week

    Checking In!
    Sw: 222.4
    Cw 219.8
    Todays Date: 11-7-11
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    Checking In... Not happy w/ my weight.. but what can ya do I guess!

    Current Weight (as of this morning): 217.8 (went up .6 lbs!)
    Goal Weight (by the end of Nov): 210
    November's Goal is to keep my calories under daily - drink 8 glasses of water daily - and workout DAILY! (This 1st week I didn't have motivation to exercise at all! I'm gonna make myself work out this week!)
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    My weight is still the same. 167.4
    My goal weight is the same. 160
    My challenge is the same 1000 calorie burned a day for 5-6 days a week.

    On track with my challange. Last week I burned 6113 calories for the week.
  • mickey03babz
    mickey03babz Posts: 18 Member
    Starting weight for challenge -264.2
    Today's Date -11/04
    Today's weight -264
    Goal weight for challenge -257
    Your personal goal -Walk/Run 1/2 hour before work m-f
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I have not meet my goal at this time yet. I did however work our on Sat for the an hour. I was refreshing. I think the time change will help.
  • dlphncole
    dlphncole Posts: 19 Member
    Checking in!!

    SW as of 10/28 (my last weigh in from October): 258.6
    Goal for November: 245
    Self-Challenge: (changed since orginal post!) workout 5 days a week.
    CW 257.6
  • shebauer
    shebauer Posts: 11 Member
    Starting weight for challenge -
    Today's Date - 11/7/11
    Today's weight - 218
    Goal weight for challenge - 213
    Your personal goal - 218
    Self-Challenge: Consistancy at the gym, take my vitamins constantly
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I'm disappointed in myself, as I roll out of the McDonald's drive-thru this morning on my way to work. I've been pretty consistent with my workouts but my diet sucks. And I've been slacking on the vitamins. The leftover Halloween candy have been my Kryptonite. Looking for major INSPIRATION!! :grumble:
  • robyng1986
    robyng1986 Posts: 139 Member
    i had a horrid horrid weekend eating-wise. i am so ashamed. But I am getting back in order from today.

    sadly my results are bad.
    SW 154
    CW 156

    2 days of indulgence.. 2 lbs gained. sigh
  • KBoddu
    KBoddu Posts: 237 Member

    Starting weight for challenge - 318
    Today's Date - 11/6/11
    Today's weight - 315
    Goal weight for challenge - 308
    Your personal goal - Work out everyday for atleast 30 minutes
    How you are doing on your personal goal - Been hitting that treadmill everyday!! =)

    good loss well done!!!

    Thank you SO much eve!!! =)
  • smallaffair
    smallaffair Posts: 42 Member
    Checking in!

    Starting weight for challenge 210
    Today's Date 7/11
    Today's weight 209
    Goal weight for challenge 199
    Your personal goal - work out 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes
    How you are doing on your personal goal - I only worked out 4 days a week last week, but most days were over 30 minutes. Saturday I went to a birthday party and went a liiiittle overboard on the baked ziti and cake, but I think in the past it would have been much worse.
  • MY starting weight for November 216.4 lbs
    11/7/2011 211.0 -5.4 :love:
    MY personal goal for 210 lbs
    MY personal self-My personal challenge is to log every meal... and every bite even if I go over my calorie goal!! EVEN ON THANKSGIVING!!!!!
    I hard a hard time keeping up with my goal over the weekend... I tried to write everything... it just didn't work!!!