November - 30 Day Shred Challenge!!



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Mine had no mention of the diet - I'm guessing you are supposed to pay more money for that!

    L1D3 completed and it's harder than I though, but progressing well. I'm still not liking the pressups though! I can nearly do it all at the top level so I'm really pleased with my progress from day 1 as I could barely do the beginners level.

    It's really hard work and I ache, especially in my arms, but I feel so good afterwards.

    Keep up the good work guys :-)

    So glad its not just "my" arms. I went to zumba last night and reallt struggled. Not sure if my body is just tired from JM30DS or it was a hot humid night and I may have over heated. I had to stop half way during the last routine. I was dizzy and the instructor was blurry. All good now except for the sore throat I have. hope I'm not coming down with something I have big exercise plans for this month.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Me Again. Time Zone Lonelyness.

    Level 1 Day 8 ... So proud of myself. I'm getting stronger and working it harder. My HRM recorded my start as burns around the 175 calorie range now I'm burning on average 190 calories. Arms held up a bit better, shoulder still a bit niggilly. But now thighs are hurting.
  • MommyMiles
    MommyMiles Posts: 34 Member
    Can I join late? I have done the 30 Daay shred as part of my work out reoutine last year (I lost 25 LBS last year and gained it all bacl plus some in 2011), but I have yet to do it EVERY day for 30 straight days. I need to do it though, if I don't put myself through the ringer before the holidays, I will lose ALL motivation and momentum.

    I will start Level 1 Day 1 today, I think I will do 10 days on each level. What is everyone else's plan?

    I will post EVERY day when I am done with my workout. I am in CA, so I should be posting every evening. Good Luck, Y'all!!
  • MommyMiles
    MommyMiles Posts: 34 Member
    Can I join late? I have done the 30 Daay shred as part of my work out reoutine last year (I lost 25 LBS last year and gained it all bacl plus some in 2011), but I have yet to do it EVERY day for 30 straight days. I need to do it though, if I don't put myself through the ringer before the holidays, I will lose ALL motivation and momentum.

    I will start Level 1 Day 1 today, I think I will do 10 days on each level. What is everyone else's plan?

    I will post EVERY day when I am done with my workout. I am in CA, so I should be posting every evening. Good Luck, Y'all!!
  • Laineegrrl
    Laineegrrl Posts: 80 Member
    started day 1 level 1 today. feel free to add me!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    L1D6 done. Noticeable improvement tonight! Not hating Jillian as much today :laugh:
  • DawnJanette
    DawnJanette Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome newbies......

    I have a problem today as I work away and share a house. Last night was fine 'cause I was there on my own, but tonight, my boss is coming to stay so I'm not going to be able to do the shred.

    Thinking about trying 1 x L1 and 1 x L2 tomorrow as the L1 is feeling like its not challenging me anymore (except for the push ups which I still cant do properly).

    What does everyone else think, has anyone else done 2 sessions in one go?
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member
    Last night I did my Zumba class -- crazy good workout burned 725 calories. Started my day with my technical day 4 of the 30 day shred! Yeah me for getting and working out at 5 am. (Happy Dance!) Got to work 30 minutes early and am having a fran-tastic start to my day. Good luck everyone!
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    Thinking about trying 1 x L1 and 1 x L2 tomorrow as the L1 is feeling like its not challenging me anymore (except for the push ups which I still cant do properly).

    What does everyone else think, has anyone else done 2 sessions in one go?

    I say go for it if you don't feel like L1 is doing anything for you anymore. I thought about doing L1 twice a day since I'm no longer sore but my arms could use the extra strength training.
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    L1D6 done! Over 1/2 way done with L1 and I'm excited!
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    L1D3 done today. I don't know why but today was a little hard to do. I added 3 lb weights so my arms are really feeling it. I found when I first started this I had to upper arm strength at all but it is getting better as I do each day. Glad to see everyone is doing good.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    L1D9 Really feeling good. Which scares me as that usually means something is about to fall apart. Worked it harder today and broke the 200 calorie burn barrrier. Calorie burn 201.
  • tavia28
    tavia28 Posts: 60 Member
    L1D5 completed!!! Things are most definitely easier.. Keep it up ladies we can push through this together.. Everyone is doing great!!!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    L1D7 complete. Whew
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Well did 6 days of 30 DS (has some breaks and combined with P90X and bike) and started lv 2 today. It really worked me hard and I love the planks! I wasnt feeling at all challanged by lv1 as I think all my other workouts made it seem easier compared. But I really worked out today! Loved it and cant wait for tomorow :D
  • franniek34
    franniek34 Posts: 77 Member
    Did 60 minutes of Zumba last night and had to have sweat out a least 3 pounds! :D Didn't wake up in enough time to hit the 30DS dvd, so will need to do tonight when i get home. Will probably couple with another workout as well. Maybe I'll just to the P90X stretching video. It's a great stretch and I have been working a lot of muscles so far this week.
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    Did Level 2 today for the first time. I'm on day 13 and it felt pretty good. I did have to take a couple of breaks but did pretty well. I had wrist surgery last year and so the plank jacks had me a bit worried, but I was careful and it seemed fine.

    Looking forward to hitting that 2 week mark tomorrow, feeling good, wishing it would translate to the scale. I am probably putting too much empasis on the darn scale, but I can't help it . . .

    have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • just finished L1D6, took yesterday as a rest day and am feeling much much stronger today!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Level 1 Day 10. Whew now for level 2. Although I might take a days rest. I have an extremely sore left arm /shoulder. Think its from housework. Darn it. I will use linament and see how it goes. Hopefully fine in a day or so. I had to modify today but was determined to do DAY 10. I did jumping jacks with one arm, and used lighter weights and did it all a bit slower and carefully.

    Wow some of you found Level 1 too easy. I can't wait till I'm that fit and strong. Although I managed it better this time around it is all still challenging and a good work out for me.

    Those of you who may not be finding it quite so easy. Stick with it. We will get there. The first time I did this I did level 1 for the 30 days. I tried level 2 and knew I was not ready for it.

    Listen to your body and work to your level. Well done to everyone.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Well, I think I'm going to have to take today as a rest day :frown: I washed my vehicle (over enthusiastically?) this afternoon, and my forearms are now useless (I am still trying to get over being sick, but it's making me really clumsy/weak today). Here's looking to a fabulous workout tomorrow :happy: