Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    Hello Beautiful ladies.
    thanks for all your messages with all that love and good energy, the test are no great but a least is no Preclamsia (yet), my protein still high but my blood presure is good so is a good simptom. the doctor said it looks like the baby is laid down in one of my kidneys so that can be a cause too. for now i'm on high risk pregnancy, but i hope everything goes well and my little girl wait until the due day. i really don't want a premature delivery.

    the good news is that we have the name :love: "Fiona Antonia Osorio" we love it but the grandparents are no too happy lol.

    i hope everybody have a great week!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey mamas.

    Heather? Where are you? You have usually checked in by now. I hope this means good things. :)

    Rayna, cute hair. (Olson twin :wink: )

    Rosanna, lucky you and your glider! We have been looking at them online and the ones we like are $400ish. I hate to spend that but I don't like the less expensive ones with exposed wood so oh well..... We may register for one just in case someone is feeling especially generous. If nothing else, we'll get a percentage off for the chair being on our registry.

    Garcia - sorry about your GMa. Thoughts and prayers with you.

    Everyone else (is that essentially what AFM stands for by the way?) - good job on goals etc.

    I just had a huge lunch. Since bumping up for the thrid trimester I feel like I have to eat all the time. I am torn b/c it is the only time in my life I feel like I should be eating more, but I also feel like I don't necessarily need the extra calories sometimes. I have been trying to make wise decissions in how to use my calories but I still have icecream almost every day. :smile: It's got calcium!

    I got a walk in yesterday before lunch and meetings; it is gorgeous in KY! I plan on a run walk this evening. I'm going to leave early to vote and get home so I can run before it gets dark. I love waking up to the sun but hate how it leaves so quickly at night. I was planning on a swim this week but my debit card has recently been comprimised so my auto debit at the gym didn't go through and they canceled my membership. I was going to give it another month before canceling, but I think I'm just going to be done. So no more swimming for me. I have mixed emotions as swimming seems to be one of those things I always try to talk myself out of - I'm cold and don't feel like getting wet; I don't want all the chlorine in my hair; etc. - but once I was swimming, I always felt better. Oh well, I'll save $52 a month and get more use out of my home gym and stop giving myself a hard time for not using my membership. I can always rejoin later. That being said, Thursday I will most likely do strength and treadmill at home.

    Better get back to work. Have a great day ladies!
  • jennamom
    jennamom Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning ALL!

    I love reading all your inspiring updates! I was so motivated to go for a walk yesterday, but it was FREEZING, and that always makes me have to pee five minutes into the walk! So I settled with LOTS of housework and had a really sore back after it all.

    I went grocery shopping yesterday but FAILED on making a list for meals, so I might have to make another trip today after finding some great crockpot recipes on Pinterest.

    Since it is really cold again, today, I am going to do some pilates. Ready for a great sweat!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry for leaving you hanging...I had my 40 week appointment this morning and then I went to the chiro to get adjusted and do some acupuncture. After that I went to visit my friend and so I just got back home.

    Basically there has not been any progress in terms of dilation/effacement/etc.. My doctor had offered to induce me last week and this week had actually put me on the schedule for Thursday to be induced.... I turned her down again. And let me tell is REALLY hard to say no to the idea of having your baby THIS weekend....but for the sake of being patient and wanting to go natural, and knowing that first time babies don't usually come until past 41 weeks...I had to say no. We did however have to make a choice on an induction date and all that was open was the 17th. So if Miss Charlee doesn't come by then, the 17th is the big day. I'm praying she comes before then on her please keep me in your prayers/or send positive vibes my way...whatever is your belief :)

    Ashley "AFM" means "As for me" :)

    Rayna so happy you had a great time in your class and you found some peace in the whole process. I feel like that is what doing the Bradley Method did for me. As for the delayed cord clamping, there are pros and cons. Some people are VERY pro or against it. For me the pros and cons are pretty even and so I asked my doc just to wait a few minutes before clamping/cutting and she agreed. But it is something I'd research and make the choice upon what you feel is right.

    Peaches good luck at your ultrasound! Let us know how it goes!

    svgarcia your family is in my thoughts and prayers...

    Misti I'm so happy for you that your baby shower was a success :)

    Kristy your pictures are beautiful. You can just see how happy you and your hubby are. And I just love the 3d pic...such a sweet face!

    To everyone else...thank you all so much for the words of encouragement. They mean a lot, especially when I'm down and feeling defeated. I hope you all have a wonderful day and make lots of healthy choices with your nutrition and your exercise!

    And on this dreary, rainy, cold my ribs ache and I feel like a beached whale...this made my day and I just wanted to share how it could always be worse... :)
  • There is a new group!!!

    I suggest you all check it out and join! I am excited for the new group format...

    Perhaps "Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant" can move over there for December??? It will be so much easier to locate everything!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Has anyone bought a crib from Ikea?

    I looked at it long time a go for my 1st, but they don't look like very sturdy at all. I didn't go for it
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Sorry to you ladies with the bad/dreary weather moving in. We had a BEAUTIFUL day here and it's supposed to continue all week. So I got a great walk in this afternoon :happy: And I made good food choices all day and stayed away from the candy :drinker: Unfortunately, once again I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and couldn't fall back to sleep so now it's 6:30pm and I can barely keep my eyes open :yawn:

    On a side note...has anyone who suffers with back pain tried/used any of the belly bands for lower back support? I started reviewed some of the different ones out there and they all seem to get mixed reviews.

    And I don't like that we can't use our own tickers/signatures now:grumble: ...that's how I knew how far along everyone was!!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I had a successful week with exercise and nutrition goals last week. I've had to make some adjustments for this week due to traveling. I did get in two runs (four miles each) and two nice 40-45 minute walks with my four leg girls. I don't anticipate doing any more cardio for the week, but should be able to sneak in abs, arms and some yoga while away. Plan to get back to it upon our return :-)

    Rayna, glad to hear your class was so successful. It's fantastic to be your own advocate as you proceed into labor/delivery and it sounds like your husband is right there with you to support your decisions. I was definitely nervous about the whole process, but can tell you it isn't as bad as I feared!

    Heather, sending good vibes your way. Keep up with the great exercising, it should help with the mental frustration! You sound like you are in a good place and just want you to know that you are in my thoughts.

    Shellgib, I used a support band from about week 26 until I delivered when I was running only. It definitely helped to take some pressure off my low back. I think it was a Gabriella or something like that.

    svgarcia, you're in my thoughts and prayers as you deal with the funeral of your grandmother. Hugs across the miles!

    To all the other fabulous ladies - great goals for the week. I look forward to hearing about all the doctor appointments and successes with exercising and nutrition!

    Be back soon,
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Ok, way too many posts to go through them all.
    I’ve been doing bad on my weekly goals, but it was a conscious decision. My lower abdomen is killing me, I know it’s just the ligament but if I push myself too much in exercise it’ll only feel worse. So I’ve decided to give my body a rest for a couple days (well still went for a 2hr walk last night, but no zumba tonight) and focus on eating only nutritious foods and be back on the exercise when my tummy doesn’t ache so much.
    Hope everyone is doing well, wishing you all the best.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Boo....what's up with the no tickers anymore?

    Holly, that's awesome. I bet you are glad to be back to running. I think I need to invest in a band. I ran/walked 45 minutes last night (ended up being around 3.5 miles) and I was definitely feeling it all last night in my lower back. It is getting harder to run. My running intervals are getting shorter and walking more frequently. I find I feel like I have to pee pretty much the whole time, my calves kill me and I get out of breath going up hills so I walk them all. It's great. :wink: I still do enjoy the running and ultimately gives me good feelings. I hope I can keep it up till the end! (I am almost 29 weeks BTW.) Tonight I have plans for yoga so hopefully that will help stretch me out some.

    Not much else to report. It is rainy and dreary here today and I would rather be sleeping or watching movies instead of working. Have a great day all!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    So evidently MFP is changing up the groups/boards. I haven't really checked it out to see how exactly it will all work...but evidently it will be easier for us to use and find and won't bump us out of our topics each month at 500 posts. So come December maybe we can move this board over there as well as start our post-pregnancy board. They seem to already have one, but I'd like to keep a board that continues from this board with brand new mommies and losing the baby weight from women who have continued to eat good and exercise throughout their pregnancy. So...that's the plan. :) I am a little irritated by not being allowed to have our pregnancy tickers and signatures...

    Ash sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. I'd recommend to continue to do walks and focusing on your eating is awesome!

    Holly sounds like you are doing beyond awesome! How is little Miss Ellie doing? Hope you have a fun time wherever you are going :) And thanks for continuing to encourage me at the end...I know you've been here and can understand.

    Shellgib I was right with you at 430am not being able to fall back asleep....not fun. I am thinking that it is our bodies way of getting us used to being tired once baby comes. And as far as the support belts. I used mine for a while and I really liked it but now it just pushes down on my bladder really hard when I workout and makes for a miserable workout. But I'd recommend getting one.

    Well I'm 40wks1day...I have an appointment on Monday to get checked (weight/bp/etc) and to have a nonstress test. I am also getting a BFP (biophysical profile) ultrasound at some point in the next week week to make sure the amniotic fluid and placenta is still okay since I'm going past my due date. Just standard precautions. I will tell you one of the hardest obstacles that I'm facing right now is that 90% of the people around me tell me "just get induced already"...Even my doctor who knows how passionate I am about going natural has put me on her schedule twice (once before my due date) to be induced. The only people supporting me in my decision to allow nature to (try) and take its course is my family/amazingly supportive husband (thank goodness) and my closest friend. I told my doctor how passionate I am about going natural and she said she understood. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle because quite frankly the norm is to get induced these days...and most of the time not for medical reasons (which I whole heartedly support of course). People always say "I was induced and it went great"...but did they do it natural and by choice? I know at the end of the day the most important thing is that I have a healthy baby...and that is my goal, I just want to allow my body time to prepare for labor the way nature intended it is all. So I hope for my friends here that plan on going natural that you don't have to fight this same battle at the end of your pregnancy...and if you do please stick to your guns and know that you aren't alone! :)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I used a band yesterday when I ran, but I feel like it caused more pain. Maybe I had it too tight or wasn't wearing it right, which is very possible. lol I ended up having to walk most of the way because I was having some pretty bad ligament pain on my right side. I did 50 minutes of yoga afterwards though so that helped me feel better all over. The band I have is the kind that comes in 3 pieces. I didn't use the 3rd piece (it's like a strap) that goes over the top of your stomach. I'm not big enough for that yet. I'm going to try again today without using it and see how I feel.

    Thanks for the compliments about our pictures! I'm really happy with them and can't wait to get our Christmas cards done. I love pictures with natural lighting and I think she did a great job with that.

    I need to start logging my food again because I don't think I'm getting enough calories each day. I haven't been hungry, but I want to make sure I'm getting enough calories and nutrients for baby.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals!!

    Heather...hope that baby decides to make an appearance (on her own) very soon!! My thoughts and prayers are headed your way!

    AFM: Did my strength/cardio workout last night...and it felt good. Planning to do some yoga tonight. Had my appointment yesterday and baby's heartrate was 153, loud and clear!! They are making my wait until almost 22 weeks for my ultrasound (BOO!) but it is now scheduled for December 5th, so I have a date to look forward to!

    ANYways...need to get to some work. Hope you all have an excellent day!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heather - it's so unfortunate that it has to be such a struggle to not get induced these days as technically you are not overdue. As you said most first time pregnancies go to 41 weeks even 42 and sometimes due dates aren't even 100% accurate anyway, I think you are amazing for sticking to what you believe is right for you even with all of the pressure around you and how uncomfortable you must be AND how much you want to meet your beautiful baby girl. I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts hoping that Charlee will come on her own :flowerforyou:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Heather-Stay strong and it's your decision, I am 100% going natural too. My friend had told me that upon getting close to giving birth taking raspberry tea leaf should help. I am not sure, nor take this as a factual thing.

    Kristin-Great workouts! Yay for your ultrasound, it'll come up fast. I also had to wait until my 22nd week, so I know it feels like an eternity waiting. :wink:

    Holly-Great runs, you are setting an example for us! :flowerforyou:

    Kristy-Cute pix, thanks for sharing

    Ashley-Feels like a lazy day for me too, but I am working. :huh:

    Ash- Hope you feel better.

    We took a 15min walk yesterday, and my it's way colder now.
    Sad about the tickers, I had finally figured how to put mine on. :grumble:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Quick update - I have my 25 week appointment today at 2:00 and then a massage at 4:45 :bigsmile: I am SO looking forward to the massage oh MAN it will be AMAZING :happy: let the countdown begin!
  • hi guys :]
    im 11 weeks, due may 28th & my 1st baby. :]]]
    i cried when i first saw it on the superrr excited.
    i also need some motivation to stay fit since i eat everything in sight now [never did that before]. id appreciate if you guys add me and help me out <3 thnx :]
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Heather do what you feel is best. I ended up having my son at 41 weeks 2 days. I know it can be highly annoying and bothersome when people say you haven't had the a baby yet. I had a 100% natural child birth and will do the same again. The baby will come when it is ready. I think it is great that you are taking the precautions to make sure all is ok. Good luck!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    Well, Heather, You definitely have my support as well :flowerforyou: Just like all the other comments ppl like to offer to pregnant women...ignore them!

    And from what I can tell, if we can create one singular group and then there can be sub-topics within that group. Kinda like babycenter does I guess. That way we can just pick the topics that apply to us to read/post, but we can all be a part of the collective whole. Sounds like a good idea to start in Dec. Although, there is one similar that somebody already created. Not sure if we should just check that one out.

    Thinspired...congrats and good luck adopting healthy habits throughout your pregnancy

    Rayna...a massage sounds perfect!!!

    Thanks for the feedback on the support bands. I think I'm going to get the Gabrialla that I found on amazon. I'll keep ya posted on whether it helps.

    Good eating all day yesterday....not so much today!! :ohwell: Somebody brought farm-fresh apple cider donuts and peanut-brittle in to work!!! :love: Then too much sodium for lunch! I will cont' to down the water and will be getting a walk in this evening. My dinner will be a nice healthy dinner...not sure what...but it will be healthy!!

    Keep on rockin' mamas!!

    -Shelley - 17-18 weeks
  • Anyone else still really, really tired. I'm 18 weeks this week and still feeling tired and have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Still going to bed just after my kids around 8 every night. I don't remember this from my other pregnancy. 21 days until I have my ultrasound, so excited to find out what it is. I have two girls already!!!