Autumn Leaves November '11 Challenge



  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Also, I did half an hour of strength training each day I worked out, rather than the 15 minutes. I really want to jump-start my personal fitness program, so I'm hitting it hard, at least these first two weeks. Good luck everyone! Let's DO this!

    I'm with you. I did 6/7 days strength training for 20 minutes 3 days and 30 minutes the other 3. I needed to get back on track. I have been drinking a ton of water and I think that is helping as well. I got in 49 miles first week (perhaps 51 if the dog and I do our usual 2 miles after dinner tonight) but my goal for myself is 200 miles for the month. Keep positive everyone and keep moving. :love:
  • I have succeeded in the 15 miles and 3 days a week strength training. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in. Good Luck to everyone!

  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Weigh in this week at 147.3, a loss of 2.2 :happy:

    I managed 36 miles, started C25K last week and also went to the gym 4 days. Oh and walked for hours at the zoo on Sunday :smile:

    Still struggle a little with snacking, especially on the weekends although I am still staying under my calories (with the extra exercise calories) but I know I could be doing better. Going to try and work on that this week!!
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    Good luck to everyone at tomorrow's weigh in! I've been lucky enough to get in 18 miles this week (the most I've ever done in a week!) and did my 3rd day of strength training today. I'm nervous, but also excited to weigh in...we shall see. I'm going to WV on Thurs for the Veteran's Day Holiday and trying to make sure that I get my miles in. Gonna get a pedometer and make sure I get my miles. Good luck to everyone!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Ready for tomorrow? I'm excited to see how everyone did! I really appreciate all the dialogue that's going on here. Y'all help keep me motivated.

    Today, 2 walks. One a 1.4 mile hike with the dog, the other was 2.75 miles at the park. Wouldn't you know that my total for the week is 14.99!!! I couldn't do that again if I tried, argggghhhhhh!!!!!

    Wishing you all the best as we check-in in the AM. And remember, it's not really the numbers that's that you're doing something good for yourselves.

    In case you're wondering where our banner went, I've just done some reading and they've decided to take our signatures away on MFP. I'm sorry about this team members...if it would help, I can email you the photo that I took that made up our banner. You could either make it your desktop or put it in your MFP ticker as a personal photo. Just message me here with your email address if you want the jpeg. It'd just be the photo of the leaves without the team name on it.

    You might also note that there is a new thing on MFP called "Groups". It's pretty neat. A 'group' could form and have a number of threads about it within the group. I'm thinking of doing a December Challenge too and will let you know if I'm able to start this group. To make things easy, Autumn Leaves will stay here so everyone can find us.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Well, weight was up a little, by .4 lb. I don't know if I did enough strength training to be able to say I actually gained any muscle. Just seem to be stuck hovering around 234. I am not giving up. In fact after I return from a visit to my folks (this Saturday) I plan on joining 24 Hour Fitness. Costco has a 2 year membership to 24 Hour for about $13 month. It's time I did some heftier weight training than what I did this past week. (I'm reminding myself it's my TOM...sigh)

    Strength training- 3 days worth, 15 minutes sessions
    Walked 14.99 miles (including a 5K race)
    Weight up .4 lbs

    I also think I need to be getting in foods with higher nutrition. I started out doing that and have slipped a little. Nothing drastic, in fact I enjoy nutrient rich food.

    I see lots of success on the spredsheet so far, great job ladies! How did everyone else do? I'm really excited to hear! Let me hear the good news...and even the bad. We're here for each other and that is a big big big deal.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Well, I was down 5 pounds this week. I had gained 2 over October, so it was actually only 3 from my lowest, but it was still great. I have been logging lots of miles using swimming, stationary bike and walking which is great. I can't believe how great I feel about doing something for me. Yesterday, my neighbour from a couple houses down saw me in my new jeans that actually fit and couldn't believe it. Her comment was "you look great" to which I smiled broadly and said thanks. That makes it all worthwhile. I try to get some strength training in each day either using free weights that I have at home or the machines at the gym and that seems to be helping too, I can actually feel the muscles in my arms. Thanks for all the great news, stories and encouragement from all of you. Together, we can all be successful. Carla :love:
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Well, I was down 5 pounds this week. I had gained 2 over October, so it was actually only 3 from my lowest, but it was still great. I have been logging lots of miles using swimming, stationary bike and walking which is great. I can't believe how great I feel about doing something for me. Yesterday, my neighbour from a couple houses down saw me in my new jeans that actually fit and couldn't believe it. Her comment was "you look great" to which I smiled broadly and said thanks. That makes it all worthwhile. I try to get some strength training in each day either using free weights that I have at home or the machines at the gym and that seems to be helping too, I can actually feel the muscles in my arms. Thanks for all the great news, stories and encouragement from all of you. Together, we can all be successful. Carla :love:

    You worked very hard for those 5 lbs, and I am super proud of you!!!
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Had a great week one, loss 3lbs so excited about the weeks to come. You guys hav:love: e been so encouraging and I appreciate your support. :love:
  • vanb0052
    vanb0052 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all you lovely people!!! I'm a week behind, and still healing. Still get some pretty bad headaches, but going to get back to the gym tomorrow and take it easy.

    I'm glad to see that everyone else has made some awesome progress!!!!
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey everybody! Had a good week, but my weight fluctuated like crazy, which made me crazy :explode: ! It wasn't even just a pound or two, I was going back and forth between five pounds and increased on weigh in day, of course! But I still had a 2.7 pound loss, so I'll take it! And remind myself that the number on the scale is NOT the most important thing!! And that I should NOT be weighing myself everyday ( but it's sooo tempting)... Anyways, got in 38 miles this week between the treadmill, the elliptical, and the bike, gonna try to beat that this week! Also, got in my three days of strength training which was rough because that's usually where I skip out, but I'm glad this challenge is forcing me to get the weights in! Hope everyone else had a good weigh in and has an even better week this week!! Stay strong everyone :smile:
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Wow...1st week wasn't too bad. Got my miles in and found myself doing more strength than I thought. I somehow hurt my foot yesterday so no walking today but we are supposed to get some rain today anyway. I didn't have as much of a lb loss as I wanted but I hope that changes this week. I am gonna amp it up a little.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Holy moley! How is it that some of you are already at 6, 11, even 19 miles for this week (which just started today)?? I am not worthy!!! :happy:
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Holy moley! How is it that some of you are already at 6, 11, even 19 miles for this week (which just started today)?? I am not worthy!!! :happy:

    I started yesterday as the first day this week. Tuesday to Monday week 1 and so on. Carla
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Had a great day at the gym yesterday, managed to burn over 500 calories in the hour and a bit I get while my kids are in the childcare there - the only bad thing about improved fitness is it becomes so much harder to burn those calories :grumble:

    A lady on the elliptical next to me commented on how great I am looking and on how hard I train with my personal trainer - she even said it motivates her to try harder, awww it was so nice to hear that from someone I don't even know, made my day :happy:

    I was planning on doing my C25K run last night but about and hour before I was due to go we had a huge storm hit and had massive amount of rain and winds, I should have done it on the treadmill but to be honest I just did'nt feel like it, I was really looking forward to doing it outside for a change. So now I have to try and fit it in today.

    So I got on the scale this morning and I am now just under 146 pounds, I set my goal for the end of this challenge at 145 so I have less than a pound to go to reach that :smile: I think I may have to revise my goal weight!!

    Thanks to eveyone who is doing this challenge, you are all helping keep me motivated :happy:
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Had a great day at the gym yesterday, managed to burn over 500 calories in the hour and a bit I get while my kids are in the childcare there - the only bad thing about improved fitness is it becomes so much harder to burn those calories :grumble:

    A lady on the elliptical next to me commented on how great I am looking and on how hard I train with my personal trainer - she even said it motivates her to try harder, awww it was so nice to hear that from someone I don't even know, made my day :happy:

    So I got on the scale this morning and I am now just under 146 pounds, I set my goal for the end of this challenge at 145 so I have less than a pound to go to reach that :smile: I think I may have to revise my goal weight!!

    Thanks to eveyone who is doing this challenge, you are all helping keep me motivated :happy:
    Wow, lots of good news here. Isn't it great to hear those comments from others. It is motivating that others notice all the hard work that we know we are doing. You are doing fantastic so far. Keep it up.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Hi Members,

    I wanted to direct your attention to this post about migrating your group thread into a Group using our newly debuted Group feature.

    If you have questions, feel free to PM me. I think you'll find that transitioning your thread to an official Group is a major upgrade in terms of your ability to interact with each other.

    If you've already posted an invitation to your followers to join a Group you've formed, forgive me for not seeing it in the thread!

    MyFitnessPal Staff
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Slow start this week, I've only done 4.23mi so far but proud of myself cause I pushed myself to jog a little today. Will try to do it little longer each day!
  • Hey everyone!

    No miles yesterday or today, but yesterday I did Zumba and today I did my cardio kickboxing class. I love it so much I convinced the instructor to have it on Friday as well. WOOO HOOO!!

    I'm so close to Onederland I can feel it and I am determined to get there by Thanksgiving!!

    NSV: I took tags off a skirt I bought 5 years ago but could never wear and got so many compliments on it today!
    I'm so EXCITED!!!

  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 184 Member
    I haven't been able to do challenges this week. My husbands Grandmother had a stroke Monday. She is in the hospital.