P90X Support Group...



  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey team!

    Sorry I didn't check in over the weekend, I was crazy busy and oddly tired despite teh extra hour sleep. Friday night I went out with a bunch of the people from work and drank a lot of wine, beer, shots and cranberry vodkas. It wasn't sloppy but not great in terms of caloric intake :blushing: I did Yoga at the Goodlife which went well (figured since it was P90X yoga day I wouldn't skip it... that and I had about 4 hours to kill between work and going out) Danced a bit of the night away but far less than I wanted to because we didn't get out until 1:30.

    Saturday I recovered! I slept until 11 haha :laugh: the bf took great care of me. Woke up with a bit of a headache but wasn't too bad considering the amount I had to drink the night before! We then took a super long walk with my puppy and passed on P90X as we were going to the Keg with the neighbor for dinner. Got home, and instant food induced coma. It was so worth it though - the food was delish!

    Sunday - woke up early and went to the gym with the neighbor for a run and some girl time. When I got home the bf and I put up drapes, planted some flowers and took the dog for a 2 hour hike to the dog park - needless to say we skipped Kenpo and settled in for the evening with a good movie.

    Today I have hockey which should be a workout and a half with a short bench! Tomorrow it is chest and back and I am going to bring it!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team!

    Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. I got my Kenpo and X Stretch done on Saturday and Sunday to wrap up week 10, and then kicked off week 11 with Chest & Back / Ab Ripper this morning. This was my final Chest & Back of this round of P90X, and I beat most of my numbers from last time. Also had a good session of Ab Ripper X. For the first time since starting the program, I completed ALL 50 of the mason twists without stopping. Granted I then doubled over in pain and lay there quivering for a minute or so, BUT I DID IT...

    Hope everyone is doing great, and don't forget to BRING IT!!!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,164 Member
    11/05 X Stretch & 45min ellip
    11/06: Core
    11/07: Core & OoO medicine Ball core Cardio

    Jay - great abs! That means your bringing it with your nutrition - What an awesome accomplishment!
  • Hell Team X!!!

    I think a lot of us were out of commission this weekend, myself included. I did run 9 miles on Fri (YAY ME!) and then got Yoga X in later that evening.

    Saturday was a bust for me, was feeling terrible all day (Allergy season here in South Texas) and needless to say after my son's swim meet I came home and crashed on the couch. Sunday was pretty much the same.

    I did get Legs& Back and ARX in today, today is my rest day. I plan on going for a treadmill run in a few, I may get Kenpo in tomorrow.....we will see.

    Make your workout count!!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Still under the weather. Had to cut legs/back a bit short yesterday as I really wasn't feeling up to it. I only skipped the last 10 minutes or so though and I got my ARX in.

    I reckon tonight will be a nice easy Kenpo session and hopefully I'll feel up to chest/shoulders/tri's tomorrow.

    I'll upload my Day 60 comparison pics tonight. Mustn't forget!

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Groups are where it is at - Drew bud, can you please create us a group that way we stay with our original "leader". It would be nice to open it up so that when we start killing it with our second rounds, third rounds and the all new P90X2 we will be inclusive and THE BEST GROUP OUT THERE!!!

    BOOM - I said it:explode:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,164 Member
    Today: KenpoX - done! Liking Recovery week....it makes me want to lift weights next week!

    Next week I am starting Insanity and only doing the first month - Adding in the Advanced DVDs: Weight Training, Insane Abs and Max Sports. It should be fun.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Ok guys, 4 days late but here's my Day 60 update pics. Day 1 on the left, Day 60 on the right.






    Umm... It was the morning after a fake tan application... lol!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Jay that is FAB!!! Way to go buddy you are smokin this
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team, just a quick check-in for day 72... Plyo done this morning. Knees and shoulders are aching. Thinking I might need to take a few weeks off after this round to heal. We'll see...

    Hope everyone is doing great! BRING IT!!

  • Hello Team X,

    I did Chest and Back today and then I ran a couple of miles on the treadmill. My push-up numbers are improving which is great considering how much I dislike doing them, I never realized how many different ways you could do a push-up.

    Running 100 miles in Novemebr is going to be the death of me!!! :sad: What was I thinking?????

    Jay - Your pictures look awesome! You really look great, I'm so happy for you!

    It's the home stretch guys....Make it COUNT!

  • Week 2, day 2 of P90X. I had already lost over 40 pounds but was at a platuea for about 3 months so I decided to shake things up. I'm down 3 pounds in 8 days and am feeling more awesome already!
  • Team X!!!!!!!
    Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!! :explode:

    How are we all doing?
    I am so sorry that I haven't been available to get on here. I have MAJOR guilt about this. Time is so limited right now, but that is no excuse. I am here and I am pushing play every single day. I need to make time for this group... You guys freaking rock!

    I will go ahead and created that group as soon as I am done this post.

    I woke up this morning and I didn't love the mirror OR my energy. I'm tired...
    Interestingly, I did back and bis with ARX and IMMEDIATELY the mirror was more friendly and my attitude perked up! Thats the AMAZING thing about p90x. When we finish our workouts and we give them 100%, WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING.. AND WE KNOW IT! I hope none of us have lost sight on the fact that we are BEASTS for making it this far. People quit all the time... BUT NOT TEAM X. Not Jaybone.... Not Sassy.... Not Mike.... Not Ro.... Not Mocha.... Not miss p90x.... Not Wendy... NONE OF US! WE WILL NOT FAIL.... TEAM X IS THE BEST AND I AM SO FREAKING PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS GROUP! YOU GUYS ROCK! CRUSHING THIS THING LIKE ITS OUR BUSINESS... BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! :explode:

    Heres to this group... May all of us bask in the light of our incredible results...Let us soak in the kudos we receive from the people in our lives... Victory... Power... Effort.... Desire! BELIEF! Lets own this last 4 weeks yall!

    Cheers Yall...
  • Ok Yall...
    Here is our new Group!
    Invite anyone you want... Tell everyone about Team X!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    WOOO!! We have a group!

    I'll have to make a new banner for Team X Warriors! :)

    Thanks Drew!

  • Hey Yall!!!

    Check out my Week 10 update Video... BooM!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, Day 73 done, Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper X!!!

    I think Shoulders & Arms may be my favorite workout in the series. Even with aching shoulders, this workout feels great and gives a great pump to the arms. I'm really making progress in Ab Ripper too, getting through it with much better form overall.

    Hope you're all having a great day! BRING IT!!!

  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    So its been a tough past week for me. I caught a cold which put be down and I missed three workouts. I jumped back in on Sunday with Legs and Back. That workout always makes me more sore than the others. I'm feeling good and can't believe we are all going to be done in amonth. Time flies by.
  • Hello Fellow P90Xers!

    So I haven't been posting for quite a while just because I've been getting a number of tests done as I am in remission from cancer and they have to check me often. I have however continued to push play and completed day 74 of my first round so far. Today was Yoga...I HATE YOGA! I'm 5'10, well over 200 pounds and my body is curvy in every place imagineable. Im not a fan of feeling my boobs smother me in downward dog. Viyanzas are not pleasant when smashing your body into a mat and every Warrior pose feels like Im holding some sort of death pose I assume they use as torture in Guatanamo Bay. But Ive done 74 days of this and dammit Im gonna finish!

    I've even gotten proactive and preordered P90X2! I plan on doing the P90X Lean routine shortly after I finish the Classic version Im currently finishing up now. I pondered doing doubles but I see me flaking on that more often than not so I didn't want to set myself up to fail.

    Tomorrow is Legs and Back which is a killer on my knees so I'll pushing play with caution. Everyone enjoy your workouts and keep pushing play. BRING IT!!
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Hi guys!!! I miss you all!! These pass few weeks have been brutal but I love working under pressure. MFP and P90X is really changing my life. In the past, I would stress eat at times like these, but now I push play and workout my frustrations. I plan my meals ahead of time and I've learned to take time for ME. I surprised myself by sticking to the program this round, with no exceptions. Last round, I let my excuses get in the way and of course I felt horrible the next day for not doing the workout. This awesome support group is the reason I'm really sticking to it this time around. I can't wait to get to 90 days and share my results.
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