Starting 30 Day Shred on Monday...10/24/11



  • MaterMama
    I did day 3 of level 2 today.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    I skipped today on purpose. Will resume tomorrow. will be my day 2 level 2.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Day 12-Level 2, Day 2....feeling shaky again, but feeling more confident.
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks to my awesome husband, he plugged in another dvd player for me so I am on to Level 2!!!

    Today was Day 11-Level 2, Day 2

    And I so struggled with this one. I made through ok, rarely doing to modification, but somehow I feel my confidence is shaken nearly to the point of tears. The old me came out when I finished this workout, the old me who used to tell myself I can't do this. Even my husband commented that I did do it, I did complete it. So why am I feeling this way??? I hate whining, it really isn't me. Especially this new me that has emerged these last several months. I hate the way I feel at this moment. I won't give up, I cannot! So why do I feel like this. Who knows. Thanks for listening to me whine. Going to finish my glass of chocolate milk and either hit the shower or treat myself to a bubble bath. Maybe one goo cry will snap me out of this! :embarassed:

    I had a day like this last monday and was almost crying during the workout...but you know what we both DID DO IT even though we weren't really feeling it that day.

    So cheer up! You're doing better than me I'm behind a little

    Today I will be doing Level 1 day 9 - I know last week i took a day because my body really needed a break and the other day I flaked cuz I was having a bad day. I would like to say that I'm also teaming up my 30DS with NMTZ and TF HIIT workouts so I have to take a break.
  • MaterMama
    Did level 2 day 4 today.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Got Level 2 day 3 done today! for a total of 13 days. Can you believe we are almost halfway through this???
  • ZydecoBeauty
    Day 1 Level 2 on yesterday

    I made it almost through....OMGosh those Plank Jacks almost took me out...I felt like I was about to pass out after getting up from them...the first set I was able to push past the feeling and do the next exercise but after that second set...I couldn't move past feeling like I was about to pass out! I will see how it goes on tomorrow.

    Today is Day 2 Level 2....
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ok Day 4 of Level 2 done, for a total of 14 days. Got to keep reminding myself that we are halfway through!!!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I got Lv1 day 9 done and today is my last day of level 1 :drinker: Woo hoo!

    Today's workout is TF HIIT 15, 30DSLv1D10 and hopefully JM's NMTZ for some extra toning, if not I'll be doing RevAbs or something I'm really wanting to tone my core and I really want my triceps to get better.
  • ZCEmama
    ZCEmama Posts: 29 Member
    I did L2 D3 for 13 days total.. I also added the first level of Yoga Meltdown last night... That was pretty rough on the wrists. And, I found out that I have ZERO balance! LOL
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I did L2 D3 for 13 days total.. I also added the first level of Yoga Meltdown last night... That was pretty rough on the wrists. And, I found out that I have ZERO balance! LOL

    So don't do this workout for just a nice stretch, huh?

    WOO HOO I'm done with Level 1! And I finished really strong today. I didn't include my HIIT workout today because I really wanted to focus on toning. I think adding my protein/meal shake before helped me power through and i finished JM's NMTZ for calorie burn of 1339. I'm going to drop this *bleep* weight!
  • MaterMama
    Whoo hooo finished level 2 day 5 today.

    How is everyone doing? Is anyone seeing weight loss or inches loss?

    So far I am not seeing a weight loss at all. In fact I haven't lost any weight since we started. I checked my measurements today and no inches lost either. Which is a real bummer. Although I know the work out is good for me. Hopefully by the end of level 3 there will be some good news.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    Mater, i did not take my inches before we started. However, i have lost 10 pounds since i started. This may be because i just started my diet the same day that i started 30DS. i can definately tell a difference in my perfcormance on the video though. I spent the first few days feing very nauseated after the workout. Today i actually did all of the leg lifts while balancing move on the level 2 workout. Small accomplishments are awesome too lol. I did take before pictures and i'm anxious to see what the results will be after i am finished with the video. No way i'm posting them on here though, i almost made myself sick looking at them lol. Im glad for the motivation to finish this video. i have tried a few times before, and always given up after about three days. Well tomorriow i am on day 3 of level 2 so i'm going all the way!
  • ZydecoBeauty
    Whoo hooo finished level 2 day 5 today.

    How is everyone doing? Is anyone seeing weight loss or inches loss?

    So far I am not seeing a weight loss at all. In fact I haven't lost any weight since we started. I checked my measurements today and no inches lost either. Which is a real bummer. Although I know the work out is good for me. Hopefully by the end of level 3 there will be some good news.

    I've not weighed myself since the last weeks weigh in but I am starting to feel my arms firm up and seeing a difference in my waist..also my pants are feeling better in the thigh area. I am starting day 3 of level 2 today..and I say it is intense and my balancing with the leg lifts isn't that great but it's getting better..I'm able now to do all the plank jacks and ab work...I'm getting stronger and know that the hard work is paying off...even if I don't see the RESULTS I would like to see right away...I know that getting rid of the stubborn weight is going to take time...Stay Encouraged You are working towards a New You!!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Day 15 is in the books!!! Level 2, Day 5 is done! ;)
  • ZCEmama
    ZCEmama Posts: 29 Member
    L2 D5 DONE! 15 days in!!! Half way there ladies! I'm noticing that I have more stamina. I don't have to take breaks during the cardio anymore! YAY :happy:
  • MrsFusion
    MrsFusion Posts: 156 Member
    You guys are doing so AWESOME!!!
  • MaterMama
    level 2 day 6 completed. YAY!!!!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    30DS Level 2 Day 1 Complete and can I say I was grunting and groaning and cursing JM while doing this one. I did like the switch up though and I'm getting stronger. :D
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Day 16 done!!! Level 2, Day 6 is done! ;)