Half The Man I Use To Be!!!! Next stop 300 lbs. Lost!!!



  • kcsmalley
    kcsmalley Posts: 32 Member
    What an inspiration. Thanks for sharing.
  • sm423
    sm423 Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for sharing!! Your story is such an inspiration. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing another success story from you!!
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Amazing, I LOVE the "big" weight loss stories, you are such an inspiration!
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Truly AMAZING!! Congrats on all of your success!!
  • Yellowstone1983
    Yellowstone1983 Posts: 131 Member
    What an inspiration! Congratulations on all your success!
  • My quote on my profile says "impossible is only a word and it should never have been in the dictonary" This man is a thirller and one hell of an amazing person.. All of us know how hard it is to lose a few pounds for the brides maid dress, tuxs, or for special other reasons but to lose this incridble amount of weight and still be going strong is simply and uttlery breath taking.

    We see everyday peolpe making everyday heros of themselves and you my friend are a hero! the stories you must have, the angiush always builtup inside of you and never being able to release it and now you finally did and holly moses your look awsome you have some amazing courage and more over determination to continue words cannnot describe im utterly impressed and happy iam for you. Deep down when you look back now you must really smile and have more to push for, your awsome Sir and i commend you for this.

    Good luck my friend and remeber I'm always here for a chat infact anyone on this mfp will be here for you..... incridble my friend totally breath taking.....

    god bless always and keep tearin it up!

  • Alleyna7
    Alleyna7 Posts: 212
    that was an amazing story and truly touching, keep it up! u can do it and thanks so much for sharinggg:flowerforyou:
  • Congratulations! I am a canidate for surgery but believe the same thing you do about fixing the mental part....but can't seem to identify any past trauma or why I have choosen to be large. Do you work with a therapist or do you have any words of advice about the mental journey you have gone on?
  • niciivey
    niciivey Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats! You are a true inspiration!!
  • LJ102011
    LJ102011 Posts: 110
    Very inspirational story! Thanks for sharing......and it wasn't too long! Good luck with the rest of your journey, although I don't think you will need it!:explode:
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    That's courage beyond what most of us have faced. It really is. I can't imagine facing that mountain that you climbed to get where you are at now. I guess everybody has their own mountain to climb so to speak. Good job man. Don't ever look back. Remember God loves you.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Congratulations! I am a canidate for surgery but believe the same thing you do about fixing the mental part....but can't seem to identify any past trauma or why I have choosen to be large. Do you work with a therapist or do you have any words of advice about the mental journey you have gone on?

    My weight wasn't a problem til the late 90's. In 1995ish my mother had gotten COPD and Emphysema, My father had an Aortic aneurysm and also contract Emphysema (both was on Oxygen machines, My wife mother had a stroke and was paralyzed on her right side, and Her father was dealing with heart problems too. From 1995 til 2000 we ran 3 houses (groceries, doctor appt. , cleaning, etc, etc... and worked full time jobs.) I coped with the stress with food and gradually put on weight. In 2000 we lost my wife mother, 9 months later my mother past, 6 months to the day my father past, and 7 months later we found my wife father dead of a massive heart attack. The loss of life was to much for me to deal with and I completely shut down. I figured if I stopping loving and caring then I could no longer hurt if I lost another family member. That was the beginning of my depression decade and not a year after we lost them all I had an accident at work that tore all the cartilage and meniscus in my right knee and I tried for several months to get back to work but could no longer do my job (at that time I was driving delivery truck for Budweiser throwing 700-1000 cases a beer a day... So that was the final nail in the coffin for me.. Somehow I did manage to refocus enough to go and get a 2yr. degree in IT networking but I was just existing by then, well over 400lbs. and if you have read my other post it was all downhill after that. When I finally had that Aha moment my first priority was to get therapy, and I have been in therapy ever since and will be for quite sometime. I have reread my post on here and I don't want to paint a rosy picture that this was easy and everything just worked perfectly and boom I have lost 281 lbs., etc, etc... This journey has tested every ounce of my being and it has redefined everything about me from my physical appearance but it has completely transformed the man inside. I am as I say a work in progress, You just have to admit that you have a problem (I went through the 12 step program that drug addicts and alcoholics go through my drug of choice was food) and work towards conquering those events that caused it me to feed my addiction. The 12th step in the program is about paying it forward and that is what I am most interested in doing and one of the reason I have let my guard down and posted on this site. This is WAY OUT of my comfort zone doing this but it is part of my healing process and my way of hopefully helping others realize that you can do this with a little hard work and dedication. You just have to be willing to take that first step and keep moving forward........
  • Adventuretown
    Adventuretown Posts: 120 Member
    HOLY CRAP! You look un-freaking-real! Congratulations on such an amazing loss!
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    WOW you look so good!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    after reading your stories, the comments, your responses etc...I had to wait. I couldn't comment, because I couldn't see. Because I was crying. It has all been said above and on previous pages. The change is nothing short of miraculous. The courage you have demonstrated is phenomenal. I don't know how you found the inner strength to pick yourself up and do what you have done. I am stunned.

    I am saving your story, you are paying it forward, you are inspiring so many people. thank you.
  • Wow, this is so awesome. Good luck on the rest of your journey! <3 thanks for sharing!
  • andy2797
    andy2797 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow, you're story is absolutely amazing! I have no doubt that you will reach your weight loss goal and guaranteed once you get your knee replacement surgery you will be running those 5Ks! Congratulations on your huge accomplishment! Keep up the fantastic work! : D
  • prunella1066
    prunella1066 Posts: 89 Member
    You are truly an inspiration!! You are such a strong and courageous man and have accomplished such an amazing transformation...inside and out!! What an AWESOME story...thank you so much for stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing it with us!! Wishing you lots of luck on the rest of your journey!! Please keep us updated in your progress!! :)
  • WOW! What an amazing story. Keep up the truly incredible work.
  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    AMAZING! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing. It's stories like these that give me hope. :)
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