Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hey HEETers...

    Sorry to be MIA yesterday but DH has been very sick since first thing yesterday morning, extremely painful abdomen. He thinks it might be his appendix, I'm not sure, need to do a little more reseach but with what I know about gall bladder and spleen, it could be anything. Something bad is going on and he assures me if he's not feeling better by noon today he will go see a doctor. I'm a wreck. He doesn't have insurance and just refuses to see a doctor unless he's on death's door.

    I was very busy at the office yesterday and only scanned through the posts and saw Cindy's most AWESOME weight loss this week. I am SO HAPPY and PROUD of you!! I will catch up with the rest when I can.

    I'm heading to the office for a few hours but I've got a feeling I won't be there too long today....

  • suzinpb
    suzinpb Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning,

    It's going to take me time to get caught up on all the postings and get to know everyone, but hopefully eventually I will.

    Julie, thanks for the tour of your house, I learned that we have a few things in common. My mom had a teacup collection that is now mine, and I also have my husband's family victrola and a few other antique rocking chairs from his great grandfather.

    I got Melanie back to UF yesterday and she's slowly getting better. She has a lot of swelling in her leg still. It's going to take time the dr. says.

    Be back later

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, glad you are all doing well. Welcome Sue. Julie hope DH will be okay, but should not put off getting this looked at. I suffered greatly in pain before having my gallbladder out, the pain was so intense I thought I was having a heart attack. They detected mine with an ultrasound. He could have a kidney stone (but usually that is known if they are having trouble urinating), but if appendix is pain on the left side and vomiting and fever usually persist.
    Most hospitals will work with you if you have no insurance, or can base fee on a sliding scale based from income and I know his must vary with the type of work he does, so hope this info is helpful and eases your worry some. I will keep you and DH in my prayers.
    Hazel dear, I sent you an email message here so check your mail, go to my home then to mail to receive your message about Gardening. Your climate is different than mine, but my aunt lives in albuquerque, nm and has had much luck gardening, just pay close mind to the seed packets and look at what time is best to plant in your area, or ask wherever you might purchase plants or seeds.
    Cindy, glad for your purchase of a new to you vehicle. Great job on your weight loss. My weight is up a little (too much sodium I am sure with the ham I had for Easter), but we'll survivie.
    Well talk to you all later. Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters, Julie, I hope your dh feels better soon. Get that man to the hospital. It could be something serious. They will treat him with no insurance. When my dh had kidney stones I thought he was dying. He was in so much pain. Please keep us posted when you can. Thanks to everyone for the congrats and encouragement! :smile: It looks like another beautiful day here. A tad windy though. Hazel, I was reading the previous posts and noticed you were curious about gardening. We have 6 tomato plants planted and 3 green pepper plants planted. I planted the plants in big pots. I used miracle grow soil. They are doing great. I tried last year in the ground. Let me tell you I tilled, fertalized , weeded, watered,all for not. The soil here is TERRIBLE. I also like the veggies in pots because I can control the water and how hydrated the plants stay. Breakfast today was Fiber One cereal w/1/2 cup 1% milk. Lunch , 1 cup yogurt, 1 cuke w/ 2 tbs light ranch. Snacks will be, 1 fiber one oats & peanut butter bar, 1 cup strawberries , 17 special K crackers & 2 tbs hummis- Dinner- Baked chicken breast & lots of veggies, I still feel a bit under the weather. I just don't feel like eating. I will drink my gallon of water and exercise . Make it a great day everyone! :bigsmile: Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Debbie and Cindy, I appreciate the encouragement on the gardening. Now to get to where? Walmart or Lowe's garden section? Surely, they will be able to lead me in the right direction.

    Julie, I believe the hospital cannot turn you away if you are in medical attention need. They must treat you and then after stabilizing you, may recommend you go to your own pcp. I was told at one point in my life, if it is appendix, lift your left leg and if pain subsides, most likely that is the problem. Who knows if this is true or not. But, the bottom line, get DH to the doctor or Urgent care which is less costly compared to ER. do not take his pain lightly.

    O.K. gals, didn't have the papaya this morning. There was plenty at Bible study...banana, strawberries, red grapes, pineapple, tangerine plus more. This gal made a chocolate bar so I had to try one piece. two cups of black coffee. Half way through B.S. i had to make a mad dash to the bathroom. Lost it all. Does it count? LOL. Guess I just wasn't supposed to have that chocolate bar. Feeling so much better now after two bouts. Was able to eat my celery with tuna salad with no problem.

    Julie keep us informed on DH condition. Hope he gets well soon. :sick: :cry:
  • hazelmichling
    trying to figure out how to get my ticker on. any help?
  • suzinpb
    suzinpb Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning,

    Julie, there's plenty of those urgent cares popping up all over our area. Do you think you could talk dh into going to one of those?? How's he doing this morning?
  • blackchick38
    hey guys im at wrk sneaking again,well my guest left thia am and the apt is a mess.thank god im off thur and fri to do some massive house wrk.this am im back on track with eating healthy which i have messed up a lil bit,not much to mention.i did what julie teached me a great lesson,eat while drinking.
  • blackchick38
    julie hope your hubby goes to the hospital to check his self out and take care
  • hazelmichling
    Good morning sista Heeters. Where is everyone today?

    Julie, how is DH doing? Feeling any better? Perhaps not since we have not heard from you. How are you feeling yourself? Keeping healthy by drinking your water and staying on track despite your additional stress, I pray. Pop in when you can and let us all know how things are going. We miss you.

    Missing all my sistas today. It is just too quiet.

    Had my papaya with JC breakfast scramble this morning for breakfast. Snack consisted of 1/2 apple, American cheese slices, celery stuffed with tuna. Dinner.... maybe fajita. Got in 7 glasses of water last night. How can I get that extra 8th glass in? Cindy, you are so good at drinking all your water, can you let me in on some hints?

    Cindy, where are you? You are normally so good about posting. Hope you are not sick in bed since you mentioned you were not feeling too well still. Oh, perhaps driving around in your "new" SUV, you rascal. Come on home and do some posting. Miss hearing from you.

    Yari, how are you doing. I found out yesterday what that 30 day shred is all about. Now I must look for that video. How are you doing with your spinning and learning your Italian and French languages? That must really be keeping you busy.

    Debbie, Lucy, Suzi, Toni, Steph, Bebe, Kath waiting to hear from ya'll too. Maybe I need to go and do some exercising like ya'll doing and get off this computer.:smile: TTFN
  • hazelmichling
    Oh Bebe, guess we crossed in our postings. So nice to see you back up and see your smiling face. I know you must be happy to get your house back. Well, you will have it in tip top shape in no time. You are good to keep focused on your eating habits. Hope they were good choices and you will see a loss as you continue your walk.

    Have a wonderful, blessed day.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi Heeters , How is everyone today? Julie , how is your dh? Bebe,it feels so good to get life back to normal hugh? Get back to your walking girl! Debbie, Hazel, Lucy how are you three doing? Let's not get off track with our new lifestyle gals. We must remember life happens. We must take time for ourselves. We must exercise,drink our water, eat all our fruits & veggies and love ourselves. We are strong , beautiful women ! We can do it !!!!!!!!!!! I peeked at the scale this morning and I'm down another pound. I won't log my loss until Monday. I love this new way of life! I feel so much better since losing the weight. It feels great to be pro active in your health and well being. :bigsmile: I am waving to all the new members I havent had the time to get to know. :flowerforyou: Make it a great day everyone!:drinker: Breakfast was Fiber One cereal w/ 1/2 cup 1% milk. Lunch- 1 cuke ,1 tbs light ranch, 1 cup fat free yogurt, 1 whole wheat english muffin w/ 1 turkey sausage. Dinner- 1 cup whole wheat pasta, 1/2 cup marinara, 4 oz . 96/4 ground beef. Snacks, 1 fiber one bar. 1 apple, 1/2 cup sherbert. I'll stay within 1,600 calories. I'll drink 1 gallon of h2o. I'm going to walk 4 miles today. :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there Heeters, Rainy day here today, but to be 70's this weekend so well worth the wait. Clearing out around the house and eating right. Hope Julie's hubby is getting the rest and care he needs. Waving to Julie~~~~~~~

    Hazel, once you make your ticker (cute ones at, all you do is go here on the site to my home, then to settings, and from the list pull up change signature, then copy the code in the bbl box of ticker and paste in your signature box and there you have it. Took me a time or two of trying but now its a breeze. Hope this helps.

    Lucy thanks for the personal email. Good to hear from you. Cindy I admire your enthusiasm and glad your doing well. My diabetes seems to be making it very slow going for me in losing weight, but I continue to eat well and remain hopeful. Feeling good is most important and that I do....healthier choices are much more satisfying. So hope everyone is making those same discoveries as you adjust to better eating habits. Exercise is on my agenda....and perhaps a hike at the metro park in our area, some bird watching with DD & DH and a picnic on Saturday. Kayleigh is eager to go fishing, so after we attend her program we signed up for on Saturday we are planning a very fun-filled day and take in all we can with the wonderful weather.

    have a good one everybody,
  • lucyfan2009
    Hi all,
    Sorry I've also been MIA. I haven't been feeling well and I've been working on final projects for my classes. We also adopted 2 adorable 6-mo old kitties, who are keeping me on my toes too. I have been doing ok with eating and stuff.

    Julie - keep up informed about your DH.

    Debbie - Thanks for the email. I appreciate it, really.

    Hello to everyone else. I'll try to post more later.

  • hazelmichling
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • hazelmichling
    Tada! Is this it?
  • hazelmichling
    Well let me see, do I post it each time?
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    great job Hazel! Your ticker looks awesome! :heart: Today has been a good day . I walked 2 miles in 29 minutes with dd. I burned 428 calories in those 29 minutes. I'm going to try to walk 2 more miles that fast with dh tonight. I have a correction for my dinner menu I posted. I'm making little mini meatloafs in my muffin pan. I'm taking 4 0z of lean beaf, 1/8 cup italian bread crumbs, onion,green peppers and a tad of ketchup. I'll put that mixture in a muffin tin. 1 ib. of beef will make 4 mini loaves. I'm having a 7 oz baked potato and 2/3 cup of baby peas with mushrooms seasoned with garlic. Yummy! I'm almost done with my gallon of h2o. Has anyone heard from Julie? I hope her dh is ok. Debbie, Thanks for the compliment. If you keep on with what your doing. You will see results. Have fun on that nature hike. My 10 year old dd loves fishing too. :smile: Have a great afternoon Heeters! Cindy :heart:
  • hazelmichling
    Thank you, Debbie, for your help. Now, do I need to post it on each time for it to appear?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hazel, You paste the code in your signature line. It will appear each time with no help from you. Easy peasy. Cindy :heart: