What is the rudest thing someone has ever said about your we



  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    I was 12 and my mom was fitting me for dress she was sewing. She saw stretch marks on my breasts and said I had them because I was so damn fat. I was 5'3.5" same height I am now and weighed 120 lbs. I wore a "C" cup by 5th grade so no wonder I had stretch marks.That still makes me cry. My mom and I are not best friends.

    I can relate to this one a bit (not the mom part - I had a great mom), but when I was in 5th grade they marched all of the kids thru the nurses office to me weighed. Most of the 5th graders weighed in the 70s. The nurse made a huge deal about moving the weigh bar to 100 on the scale and said very loudly to the person writing down the weights "WOW, she's 105" all of the kids laughed and called me fatty from that day on. I was 5'6". How on earth is 105 lbs FAT for 5'6"? That's when the emotional eating kicked in and it became a self-fulfilling prophesy.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    i don't like it haha - too much attention.
    conversely though, guys...how great is it to have someone point out that you've lost weight?
  • A few weeks ago I was at a bar and some rude, drunk Army guy was making comments while I was talking to a friend. Specifically, he said "Your fat *kitten* is blocking the exit. You're a fat f*ckin fire hazard, Shamu."

    Needless to say, he was singing a different tune when I introduced my mug of beer into his crotch with more force than I've ever manage to muster before or after that situation while he was in the fetal position on the floor.
    You are my hero!!
  • lkmisztela
    These are making me sad for all of us. :( I have had a few, but none in recent years. I may give off a don't eff with me vibe now, idk. Lol

    I remember being stopped by a guy on a busy street in downtown Osaka, and a guy started chatting me up, some German guy (accent) - foreigners often just talked to each other, so I didn't think anything of it, he was asking me what I was doing that night, etc. As soon as I answered, "oh, I'm meeting my FIANCE (now dh) and we're going for a drink.. ", he said, "oh, is he also very fat?". I told him to go eff himself, and he replied, "oh, you F#*'?". And I walked away. It's funny, because at the time I didn't GET that he was insulting my weight *because* I was taken. He resorted to that because I wasn't going home with him, so he had to bring me down. Up until that moment? Classic pickup. :-P

    I was also teased mercilessly through all of Jr High by this group of boys - they called me a fat cow. Funny thing, I wasn't fat at the time. I was *maybe* a sz 12, clumsy, hadn't grown into my body.. But yep, every fat insult in the book. And I took it all in, believed every word, ate and ate. Silver lining to that story - earlier this year I got an *email* out of the blue from the main offender out of those boys. A sincere, heartfelt apology for making my life hell all of those years ago. I wasn't expecting it, I full on wept in reading it. I forgave him and I had some closure. I was so grateful to get that, I know that not everyone does. :)
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    "...I mean she's even BIGGER than you!!"
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    Most of my friends have been gamer geeks, so remarks about fat just didn't exist. The worst i've ever gotten has been from my family, but there were so many nothing in particular stood out except my aunt's 'Shamu' jokes about my black and white striped bikini (I was 9) and my sister's 'innocuous' comment about "Yeah, I don't know where all your weight comes from...everyone else in the family is Thin..." (last week...and utter bull****).
  • dashnigma
    dashnigma Posts: 35 Member
    When I was in High School and was the 6'-5, 150lb nerdy guy and the Marine Recruiter called me up on the stage to talk to me about doing so well on the ASVAB, then started laughing when I walked up and just said "Come on kid, you obviously do not have what it takes to be a Marine." While not the worst thing ever, bothered me a good bit at the time.
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    My dad was always horrible about my weight...

    "You should lose weight, I'm getting sick of watching you waddle around the house."
    "Aren't you embarrassed with yourself when you look like THAT?"
    "-grabbing love handles after my boyfriend dumped me- You see this? This is why nobody wants to date you."
    "(after I lost my first 20lbs at age 12) That's it? I thought you were trying."
    "You have the potential of being really attractive if your face wasn't so chubby."
    "If I had a dime for the amount of times you opened the fridge we could pay off the house."

    I dealt with this from when i was about 10 years old to age 17, when my dad had his stroke.
    I had to go to therapy over it, and it really messed me up, but I'm trying to view myself more positively.
    I know my dad was sincerely trying to help me... He thought because I was so stubborn (like him), if he told me I couldn't do something I'd work hard to do it. Which in a way worked because I lost 60lbs when I was 12 because of his comments.

    Now that he's not at home (he's in a long-term nursing facility), it's actually hard for me to lose the weight I gained once he had his stroke (from depression and not watching, since nobody made comments to me). I'm not excusing the rude comments he made though, not one bit.
  • lhanks89
    lhanks89 Posts: 90 Member
    My dad used to call me "thunder thighs" and always tell me "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" which was ironic because he was 300+ lbs.

    In middle school this one kid kept calling me piggy. And according to an ex-friend of mine, one of my co-workers at the pool refered to me as a "whale" when I would swim.
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    Oh I forgot to add my dad was overweight as well. He was heavy-set and acted like he was thin.
    Yeah, sure, dad.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My mother-in-law offered to take me dress shopping because I'm so big that they didn't sell my size in many stores. You know, I can't think of a store that doesn't sell a size 14, but that's just me...
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Mine were the "when's the baby due?!" comments that i used to get (at least three seperate times) when i was frist in recovery for anorexia and had gone from being at least thirty pounds underweight to pretty normal. my belly was still distended from refeeding so i looked bloated.

    this is terrible. i respect dancers very much. However, the whole industry is so f**ked up. How could anyone say things like that to a young girl? To ANYONE, but especially young women who are still growing! and we wonder why our society is plagued by eating disorders of all kinds. (i'm not implying it's only in dancing that this happens but that i have seen a HUGE increase in the amount of girls who are dancers and are having things like this said to them)

    What will you do to fight these things next time you hear or see something that is just so blatantly wrong? Will you step up and defend the person (including if it's yourself)? How can we be agents for change in our own lives, every day? THAT is the only way it can change. If people who care and are sensitive to eating disorders and simply the fragile nature of self-esteem stand up and say "NO MORE" to bullying, teasing, judging others based on weight and appearance.

    Sorry- I was so sick for so long and to know that there are so many others who are facing awful situations like this makes me really effin mad. I hate our shallow, self-centered global society. I appreciate meeting others who recognize that it has to change unless we want another generation of young people killing themselves in the name of food and weight.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    My teacher has said to my face:

    "your thighs and butt are getting bigger/you need to lose weight in your legs and butt."
    "you look like a fat cow."

    Has anyone ever been insulted like this...this is why I began dieting.

    And you, my friend, are not any of the things they have ever told you. you are a lovely young woman with obvious talent (just from your pictures you can see that!) who is just fine the way she is. I can understand wanting to be fitter and have more muscle but DO NOT hurt yourself over what shallow, ignorant, and ultimately insignificant people say. It's easy to fall into the rabbit-hole of an eating disorder and much, much harder to figure out your way back. :heart:
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    Never had anything like the above said to me, but my dad said something like "So you're finally doing something" when he found out I had started running.
    He honestly thought that was the best way to show his support, though, and I must say it stings a lot less now.

    my dad said something kinda similar once which one day we were all supposed to go out to dinner, but I had to stay late at work so they went without me (although my mom said they would wait) when i got home I was crushed they didn't wait, and when they got home I told them that it upset me that they didn't wait. My dad said "well you could stand to miss a few meals anyway."

    I don't know why he said it like that, I just assumed he felt guilty and kinda lashed out.
  • emily2tx
    I was like 125lbs or less in high school (I am 5'7.5" tall) and my dad said that I needed to firm up my thunder thighs. Nice.
  • inammorata
    Ironically, my former stalker (long story) said that I "was fat and looked more pregnant than she did."
    I don't understand how that's possible since I am 5'7 and (at that time) weighed 173-75, yet she's 5'3 and 220+.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    My teacher has said to my face:

    "your thighs and butt are getting bigger/you need to lose weight in your legs and butt."
    "you look like a fat cow."

    Has anyone ever been insulted like this...this is why I began dieting.

    No one has ever said anything to my face. They're probably all saying it behind my back! :-/
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    This teen asked his girlfriend to guess how much I weighed and laughed when she said no. ._. Even though they didn't say much, it hurt.
  • Leanne_fat2fab
    Leanne_fat2fab Posts: 73 Member
    Hmmm. My middle school/high school bully was walking behind me. I was 12 at the time and he threw a breadstick at my face and said "eat it I know you want it" he walked off and I started crying. I found it in my heart to forgive him then one day we were on the bus years later in high school, and it was Halloween, he said to me "take off that mask. It's not night time yet" so I cussed him out. He got in my face and called me a "*****" and all the fat names in the book.. This dude was 6'3 in the face was a 5'4 girl.. He had a history of hitting girls so i backed off.. I knew if he would have hit me my dad would have killed him.I started balling crying. Me and him have had many run ins in my life and most of them were him calling me fat. Sadly he has a child now and I fear for that generation because of the terrible person he is.. It's funny because he tried to befriend me after that. HA.I've had many bullies but this one is the one who helped desinagrate my self-esteem.

    People have told me I look like a man, talk like a man, (when I really don't) my mom used every fat name in the book.. Living in California is hard because people go by what the stars look like and if you don't look like them then your ugly n all that.. All of that has made me so much stronger!!!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Nobody has ever been deliberately That's what makes this comment hurt worse, because it was innocent, from a child.

    While hugging (and referring to) my fat stomach: "Does it keep you warm at night while you sleep, like a polar bear?"

    It made me cry. But it also made me angry that I had gotten to that point. And that's what prompted me to seek out MFP.